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GstEncodingProfile: The new "element-properties" and gst_encoding_profile_set_element_properties() API allows applications to set additional element properties on encoding profiles to configure muxers and encoders. Motion Display has received a display order from the US and a leading health and beauty aid brand. A world leading supplier of health and beauty aid products has placed an order worth 2,4 MSEK. In addition to these separate git repositories there was a gst-build module that would use the Meson build system's subproject feature to download each individual module and then build everything in one go. It's now possible to create an empty GstVideoOverlayComposition without any rectangles by passing a NULL rectangle to gst_video_overlay_composition_new(). I would if I had resources, have a backup system to test SU11 on if I was inclined in testing it, which I am not, nor will I volunteer to do so. It is ignored when other types of displays are used. New API to create elements and set properties at construction time, which is not only convenient, but also allows GStreamer elements to have construct-only properties: gst_element_factory_make_full(), gst_element_factory_make_valist(), gst_element_factory_make_with_properties(), gst_element_factory_create_full(), gst_element_factory_create_valist(), gst_element_factory_create_with_properties(). mxfdemux has seen a big refactoring to support non-frame wrappings and more accurate timestamp/seek handling for some formats. ); Hao Lu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Zhiguo Cao (Huazhong Univ. Kasper Steensig Jensen, Kellermann Axel, Kevin Song, Khem Raj, dashsink: add H.265 codec support and signals for allowing custom playlist/fragment output, errorignore: new "ignore-eos" property to also ignore FLOW_EOS from downstream elements. No game gave us the rush that Quake II did". Hans utstakade vg i livet r att bli som sin far, men Karl-Bertils hjlte Robin Hood inspirerar honom att ta frn de rika och ge till de fattiga. Are Vision Transformers Robust to Patch-wise Perturbations? Yes, really. tcpdump (libpcap), Tomasz Andrzejak, Trung Do, Tyler Compton, Ung, Vctor Manuel Jquez Leal, Helmut Januschka, Henry Wilkes, Hosang Lee, Hou Qi, Ignacio Casal Quinteiro, The vp8enc element now expects bps (bits per second) for the "temporal-scalability-target-bitrate" property, which is consistent with the "target-bitrate" property. Make a mount point of / work correctly. This helps with CPU utilisation and reduces latency. See the General Questions The wasapi device providers now detect and notify dynamic device additions/removals. and many others who have contributed bug reports, translations, Various fixes when performing BUNDLEing of the media streams in relation to RTX and FEC usage. Regular ICE nomination is the default recommended by various relevant standards and improves connectivity in specific network scenarios. What do you mean with PMDG do not get access to these beta builds? Transferring humans between images with Semantic Cross Attention Modulation, Nicolas Dufour (ENPC)*; David Picard (ENPC); Vicky Kalogeiton (Ecole Polytechnique), Q-FW: A Hybrid Classical-Quantum Frank-Wolfe for Quadratic Binary Optimization, Alp Yurtsever (Ume University); Tolga Birdal (TU Munich)*; Vladislav Golyanik (MPI for Informatics), Revisiting Point Cloud Simplification: A Learnable Feature Preserving Approach, Rolandos Alexandros Potamias (Imperial College London)*; Giorgos Bouritsas (Imperial College London); Stefanos Zafeiriou (Imperial College London), Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Neural Networks, Youngeun Kim (Yale University)*; Yuhang Li (Yale University); Hyoungseob Park (Yale University); Yeshwanth Venkatesha (Yale university); Priyadarshini Panda (Yale University), Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural Networks, Yuhang Li (Yale University)*; Youngeun Kim (Yale University); Hyoungseob Park (Yale University); Tamar Geller (Yale University); Priyadarshini Panda (Yale University), RelPose: Predicting Probabilistic Relative Rotation for Single Objects in the Wild, Jason Y Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University)*; Deva Ramanan (Carnegie Mellon University); Shubham Tulsiani (Carnegie Mellon University), Human Trajectory Prediction via Neural Social Physics, Jiangbei Yue (Leeds University); Dinesh Manocha (University of Maryland at College Park)*; He Wang (Leeds University), Explicit Occlusion Reasoning for Multi-person 3D Human Pose Estimation, Qihao Liu (Johns Hopkins University); Yi Zhang (Johns Hopkins University); Song Bai (University of Oxford); Alan Yuille (Johns Hopkins University)*, R2L: Distilling Neural Radiance Field to Neural Light Field for Efficient Novel View Synthesis, Huan Wang (Northeastern University); Jian Ren (Snap Inc.); Zeng Huang (Snap Inc.)*; Kyle B Olszewski (Snap Inc.); Menglei Chai (Snap Inc.); YUN FU (Northeastern University); Sergey Tulyakov (Snap Inc), Yuansheng Zhu (Rochester Institute of Technology)*; Wentao Bao (Rochester Institute of Technology); Qi Yu (Rochester Institute of Technology), Object-Compositional Neural Implicit Surfaces, Qianyi Wu (Monash University)*; Xian Liu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Yuedong Chen (Monash University); Kejie Li (University of Oxford); Chuanxia Zheng (Monash University); Jianfei Cai (Monash University); Jianmin Zheng (Nanyang Technological University), Sem2NeRF: Converting Single-View Semantic Masks to Neural Radiance Fields, Yuedong Chen (Monash University)*; Qianyi Wu (Monash University); Chuanxia Zheng (Monash University); Tat-Jen Cham (Nanyang Technological University); Jianfei Cai (Monash University), WaveGAN: Frequency-aware GAN for High-Fidelity Few-shot Image Generation, Mengping Yang (East China University of Science and Technology)*; Zhe Wang ( East China University of Science and Technology ); Ziqiu Chi (East China University Of Science and Technology); Wenyi Feng (east China university of science and technology), Class-Agnostic Object Counting Robust to Intraclass Diversity, Shenjian Gong (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)*; Shanshan Zhang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Jian Yang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Dengxin Dai (MPI for Informatics ); Bernt Schiele (MPI Informatics), TM2T: Stochastic and Tokenized Modeling for the Reciprocal Generation of 3D Human Motions and Texts, Chuan Guo (University of Alberta)*; Xinxin Zuo (University of Alberta); Sen Wang (University of Alberta); Li Cheng (ECE dept., University of Alberta), Self-Distillation for Robust LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving, Jiale Li (Zhejiang University); Hang Dai (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence)*; Yong Ding (Zhejiang University), Semi-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection by Multi-View Consistency, Qing Lian (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )*; Yanbo XU (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Weilong Yao (Shanghai Xiantu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.); Yingcong Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Tong Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Lidar Point Cloud Guided Monocular 3D Object Detection, Liang Peng (ZJU)*; Fei Liu (Zhejiang University); Zhengxu Yu (Zhejiang University); Senbo Yan (Zhejiang University); Dan Deng (FABU); Zheng Yang (FABU); Haifeng Liu (ZJU); Deng Cai (ZJU), Weiyang Liu (University of Cambridge)*; Zhen Liu (Mila, University of Montreal); Liam Paull (Universit de Montral); Adrian Weller (University of Cambridge); Bernhard Schlkopf (MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tbingen), KD-MVS: Knowledge Distillation Based Self-supervised Learning for Multi-view Stereo, Yikang Ding (Tsinghua University)*; Qingtian Zhu (Peking University); Xiangyue Liu (Beihang University); Wentao Yuan (Peking Universtiy); Haotian Zhang (Megvii); Chi Zhang (Megvii Inc.), When Counting Meets HMER: Counting-Aware Network for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition, Bohan Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)*; Ye Yuan (Tomorrow Advancing Life); Dingkang Liang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Xiao Liu (Tencent); zhilong ji (Tomorrow Advancing Life); Jinfeng Bai (TAL); Wenyu Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Xiang Bai (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Zhaoyu Chen (Fudan University); Bo Li (Nanjing University)*; Shuang Wu (Tencent); Jianghe Xu (Tencent Youtu Lab); Shouhong Ding (Tencent); Wenqiang Zhang (Fudan University), PTSEFormer: Progressive Temporal-Spatial Enhanced TransFormer Towards Video Object Detection, Han Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)*; Jun Tang (hikvision); Xiaodong Liu (Hikvision); Shanyan Guan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Rong Xie (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Li Song (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), BEVFormer: Learning Bird-Eye-View Representations from Multi-View Images via Spatiotemporal Transformer, Zhiqi Li (Nanjing University); Wenhai Wang (Nanjing University); Hongyang Li (SenseTime); Enze Xie (The University of Hong Kong); Chonghao Sima (Purdue University); Tong Lu (Nanjing University); Yu Qiao (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Jifeng Dai (SenseTime)*, Detecting Tampered Scene Text in the Wild, YuXin Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)*; Hongtao Xie (University of Science and Technology of China); Mengting Xing (University of Science and Technology of China); Jing Wang (Huawei Cloud & AI); Shenggao Zhu (Huawei); Yongdong Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China), Projective Parallel Single-pixel Imaging to Overcome Global Illumination in 3D Structure Light Scanning, Yuxi Li (Beihang University)*; Huijie Zhao (Beihang University); Hongzhi Jiang (Beihang University); Xudong Li (Beihang University), CelebV-HQ: A Large-Scale Video Facial Attributes Dataset, Hao Zhu (SenseTime Research)*; Wayne Wu (SenseTime Research); Wentao Zhu (Peking University); Liming Jiang (Nanyang Technological University); Siwei Tang (Sensetime research); Li Zhang (Sensetime); Ziwei Liu (Nanyang Technological University); Chen Change Loy (Nanyang Technological University), Open-world Semantic Segmentation for LIDAR Point Clouds, Jun CEN (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)*; Peng YUN (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Shiwei Zhang (DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group); Junhao CAI (HKUST); Di LUAN (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Mingqian Tang (Alibaba Group); Michael Yu Wang (HKUST); Ming Liu (HKUST), Burn After Reading: Online Adaptation for Cross-domain Streaming Data, Luyu Yang (University of Maryland, College Park)*; Mingfei Gao (Apple); Zeyuan Chen (Salesforce Research); Ran Xu (Salesforce Research); Abhinav Shrivastava (University of Maryland); Chetan Ramaiah (Salesforce Research), CLOSE: Curriculum Learning On the Sharing Extent Towards Better One-shot NAS, Zixuan Zhou (Tsinghua University)*; Xuefei Ning (Tsinghua University); Yi Cai (Tsinghua University); Jiashu Han (None); Yiping Deng (Huawei); Yuhan Dong (Tsinghua University); Huazhong Yang (Tsinghua University); Yu Wang (Tsinghua University), RigNet: Repetitive Image Guided Network for Depth Completion, Zhiqiang Yan (Nanjing University of Science and Tenchnology)*; Kun Wang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Xiang Li (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Zhenyu Zhang (Tencent); Jun Li (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Jian Yang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology), Junwoo Cho (Sungkyunkwan University)*; Seungtae Nam (Sungkyunkwan University); Daniel Rho (Sungkyunkwan University); Jong Hwan Ko (Sungkyunkwan University); Eunbyung Park (Sungkyunkwan University), 2DPASS: 2D Priors Assisted Semantic Segmentation on LiDAR Point Clouds, Xu Yan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen); Jiantao Gao (Shanghai University); Chaoda Zheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shen Zhen); chao zheng (Tencent); Ruimao Zhang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen); Shuguang Cui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen ); Zhen Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)*, Where to Focus: Investigating Hierarchical Attention Relationship for Fine-Grained Visual Classification, Yang Liu (Beihang University); Lei Zhou (Beihang University)*; Pengcheng Zhang (Beihang University); Xiao Bai (Beihang University); Lin Gu (RIKENAIP / The University of Tokyo); Xiaohan Yu (Griffith University); Jun Zhou (Griffith University); Hancock Edwin (University of York, UK), Guodong Xu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)*; Yuenan HOU (Shanghai AI Lab); Ziwei Liu (Nanyang Technological University); Chen Change Loy (Nanyang Technological University), Juan C Leon (KAUST)*; Moritz Cordes (Leuphana University of Lneburg); Chen Zhao (KAUST); Bernard Ghanem (KAUST), Joint-Modal Label Denoising for Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing, Haoyue Cheng (Nanjing University); Zhaoyang Liu (SenseTime Research); Hang Zhou (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Chen Qian (SenseTime); Wayne Wu (SenseTime Research); Limin Wang (Nanjing University)*, Learn-to-Decompose: Cascaded Decomposition Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Facial Expression Recognition, Xinyi Zou (Xiamen University); Yan Yan (Xiamen University)*; Jing-Hao Xue (University College London); Si Chen (Xiamen University of Technology); Hanzi Wang (Xiamen University), Jingwen Ye (National University of Singapore)*; Fu Yifang (National University of Singapore); Jie Song (Zhejiang University); Xingyi Yang (National University of Singapore); Songhua Liu (National University of Singapore); Xin Jin (University of Science and Technology of China); Mingli Song (Zhejiang University); Xinchao Wang (National University of Singapore), Masked Autoencoders for Point Cloud Self-supervised Learning, Yatian Pang (National University of Singapore); Wenxiao Wang (State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University); Francis EH Tay (National University of Singapore); Wei Liu (Tencent); Yonghong Tian (Peking University); Li Yuan (Peking University)*, RamGAN: Region Attentive Morphing GAN for Region-Level Makeup Transfer, Jianfeng Xiang (ShenZhen University)*; Junliang Chen (Shenzhen University); Wenshuang Liu (Shenzhen University); Xianxu Hou (Shenzhen University); Linlin Shen (Shenzhen University), Efficient One Pass Self-distillation with Zipfs Label Smoothing, Jiajun Liang (Megvii)*; Linze Li (MEGVII Technology); Zhaodong Bing (Megvii Technology); Borui Zhao (Megvii Technology); Yao Tang (Peking University); Bo Lin (MEGVII Technology); Haoqiang Fan (Megvii Incface++), DaViT: Dual Attention Vision Transformers, Mingyu Ding (The University of Hong Kong)*; Bin Xiao (Microsoft); Noel C Codella (Microsoft); Ping Luo (The University of Hong Kong); Jingdong Wang (Baidu); Lu Yuan (Microsoft), Jiaheng Liu (Beihang University); zhipeng yu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences); Haoyu Qin (SenseTime); Yichao Wu (Sensetime Group Limited); Ding Liang (Sensetime Group Limited); Gangming Zhao (The University of Hong Kong); Ke Xu (Beihang University)*, Semantic-Sparse Colorization Network for Deep Exemplar-based Colorization, Yunpeng Bai (Tsinghua University )*; Chao Dong (SIAT); Zenghao Chai (Tsinghua University); Andong Wang (Tsinghua University); Zhengzhuo Xu (Tsinghua University); Chun Yuan (Graduate school at ShenZhenTsinghua university), Vibration-based Uncertainty Estimation for Learning from Limited Supervision, Hengtong Hu (Hefei University of Technology)*; Lingxi Xie (Huawei Inc.); Xinyue Huo (University of Science and Technology of China); Richang Hong (HeFei University of Technology); Qi Tian (Huawei Cloud & AI), SOS! 1.22 will be backwards-compatible to the stable 1.20, 1.18, 1.16, 1.14, 1.12, 1.10, 1.8, 1.6, 1.4, 1.2 and 1.0 release series. and many others who have contributed bug reports, translations, sent An "array of lozenge-shaped humps on the surface of the tool" are Du behver inget konto fr att handla av oss men om du skapar ett kan du bl.a spara din adress, flja dina ordrar The GstWebRTC library does not expose any objects anymore with public fields. Mathieu Duponchelle, Matthew Waters, Matthias Clasen, Nicolas Dufresne, Bjrn Borg r nationalhjlte och punken gr sitt intg i Sverige. Quake II takes place in a science fiction environment. The experimental GstTranscoder library API in gst-plugins-bad was changed from a GObject signal-based notification mechanism to a GstBus/message-based mechanism akin to GstPlayer/GstPlay. Apple Inc. ([pl]; pronuncia italiana [ppol], chiamata in precedenza Apple Computer e nota come Apple) un'azienda multinazionale statunitense che produce sistemi operativi, smartphone, computer e dispositivi multimediali, con sede a Cupertino, in California. The source release also revealed numerous security flaws[10] which can result in remote compromise of both the Quake II client and server. GstHarness: Add gst_harness_set_live() so that harnesses can be set to non-live and return is-live=false in latency queries if needed. Colored lights for levels and enemies, and yellow highlights for gunfire and explosions, are carried across from the PC version, with the addition of lens flare effects located around the light sources on the original lightmaps. ad placement opportunities) are forwarded as events downstream where they can be picked up again by mpegtsmux. libav) are direct rendering into our memory. ", Anna Engholm, CEO Motion Display Scandinavia AB, +46 (0) 709 79 35 04. De bor i en 60-talsvilla som fadern sjlv har byggt, har tv bilar i garaget och en liten motorbt i den nrbelgna sjn. Om du inte vet ditt anvndarnamn eller epost s kontakta vr Kundservice. Visual Networks Visual UpTime, GstPlay is a new high-level playback library that replaces the older GstPlayer API. Tim Mooney, Tim-Philipp Mller, Vctor Manuel Jquez Leal, By default /dev/dri/renderD128 is used for DRM display. As a result, it would be awkward if the GStreamer souphttpsrc plugin linked to a specific version of libsoup, because it would only work with applications that use the same version of libsoup. This release adds various pieces of new infrastructure for generic RTP header extension handling, as well as some implementations for common extensions: GstRTPHeaderExtension is a new helper base class for reading and writing RTP header extensions. Build fixes to explicitly check for Broadcom-specific libraries on older versions of the Raspberry Pi platform. Det r mnniskor som vems som helst och historien hade lika grna kunnat utspela sig i en storstad, sger filmens regissr Daniel Lin "Hans och Hennes" utspelar sig p landet men r allt annat n en romantiserande idyllskildring. audiolatency: new "samplesperbuffer" property so users can configure the number of samples per buffer. The GstPlayer high-level playback library is being replaced with the new GstPlay library (see above). This is enabled by default. ), Context-Aware Streaming Perception in Dynamic Environments, Gur-Eyal Sela (UC Berkeley)*; Ionel Gog (UC Berkeley); Justin Wong (UC Berkeley); Kumar Krishna Agrawal (UC Berkeley); Xiangxi Mo (UC Berkeley); Sukrit Kalra (UC Berkeley); Peter Schafhalter (UC Berkeley); Eric Leong (UC Berkeley); Xin Wang (Microsoft Research); Bharathan Balaji (Amazon); Joseph E Gonzalez (UC Berkeley); Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley), PointTree: Transformation-Robust Point Cloud Encoder with Relaxed K-D Trees, Jun-Kun Chen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)*; Yu-Xiong Wang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Dense Siamese Network for Dense Unsupervised Learning, Wenwei Zhang (NTU)*; Jiangmiao Pang (CUHK); Kai Chen (SenseTime Research); Chen Change Loy (Nanyang Technological University), Uncertainty-aware Multi-modal Learning via Cross-modal Random Network Prediction, Hu Wang (the University of Adelaide)*; Jianpeng Zhang (Northwestern Polytechnical University); Yuanhong Chen (University of Adelaide); Congbo Ma (The University of Adelaide); Jodie C Avery (University of Adelaide); Mary L Hull (University of Adelaide); Gustavo Carneiro (University of Adelaide), Enhanced Accuracy and Robustness via Multi-Teacher Adversarial Distillation, Shiji Zhao (Beihang University); Jie Yu (Beihang University); Zhenlong Sun (Tencent Technology Co.Ltd); Bo Zhang (WeChat Search Application Department, Tencent); Xingxing Wei (Beihang University)*, End-to-end graph-constrained vectorized floorplan generation with panoptic refinement, Jiachen Liu (Pennsylvania State University)*; Yuan Xue (Johns Hopkins University); Jose P. Duarte (Penn State University); Krishnendra Shekhawat (BITS Pilani); Zihan Zhou (Manycore Tech Inc.); Sharon Xiaolei Huang (The Pennsylvania State University), weiyu Guo (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)*; Zhaoshuo Li (Johns Hopkins University); Yongkui Yang (Shenzhen Institute of Advanced TechnologyChinese Academy of Sciences); Zheng Wang (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology); Russ Taylor (Johns Hopkins University); Mathias Unberath (Johns Hopkins University); Alan Yuille (Johns Hopkins University); Yingwei Li (Johns Hopkins University), NSNet: Non-saliency Suppression Sampler for Efficient Video Recognition, Boyang Xia (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science); Wenhao Wu (Baidu)*; Haoran Wang (Baidu); RUI SU (the University of Sydney); Dongliang He (Baidu); Haosen Yang (Harbin Institute of Technology); Xiaoran Fan (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Wanli Ouyang (The University of Sydney), Hierarchically Self-Supervised Transformer for Human Skeleton Representation Learning, Yuxiao Chen (Rutgers University)*; Long Zhao (Google Research); Jianbo Yuan (Bytedance); Yu Tian (Rutgers); zhaoyang xia (Rutgers University); Shijie Geng (Rutgers University); Ligong Han (Rutgers University); Dimitris N. Metaxas (Rutgers), Improving the Reliability for Confidence Estimation, Haoxuan Qu (Singapore University of Technology and Design)*; Yanchao Li (Singapore University of Technology and Design); Lin Geng Foo (Singapore University of Technology and Design); Jason Kuen (Adobe Research); Jiuxiang Gu (Adobe Research); Jun Liu (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Selective Query-guided Debiasing for Video Corpus Moment Retrieval, Sunjae Yoon (KAIST)*; Ji Woo Hong (KAIST); Eunseop Yoon (KAIST); DaHyun Kim (KAIST); Junyeong Kim (Chung-Ang University); Hee Suk Yoon (KAIST); Chang D. Yoo (KAIST), Posterior Refinement on Metric Matrix Improves Generalization in Metric Learning, Mingda Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Canqian Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Yi Xu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)*, DISP6D: Disentangled Implicit Shape and Pose Learning for Scalable 6D Pose Estimation, Yilin Wen (The University of Hong Kong)*; Xiangyu Li (Brown University); Hao Pan (Microsoft Research); Lei Yang (The University of Hong Kong); Zheng Wang (SUSTech); Taku Komura (The University of Hong Kong); Wenping Wang (The University of Hong Kong), Few-shot Image Generation with Mixup-based Distance Learning, Chaerin Kong (Seoul National University); Jeesoo Kim (Naver Webtoon AI); Donghoon Han (Seoul National University); Nojun Kwak (Seoul National University)*, Data-Free Neural Architecture Search via Recursive Label Calibration, Zechun Liu (Carnegie Mellon University); Zhiqiang Shen (Carnegie Mellon University)*; Yun Long (Google); Eric Xing (MBZUAI, CMU, and Petuum Inc.); Kwang-Ting Cheng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Chas H Leichner (Google), Distilling Object Detectors With Global Knowledge, Sanli Tang (Hikvision Research Institute); Zhongyu Zhang (Hikvision Research Institute); Zhanzhan Cheng (Zhejiang University & Hikvision Research Institute)*; Jing Lu (Hikvision Research Institute); Yunlu Xu (Hikvision Research Institute); Yi Niu (Hikvision Research Institute); Fan He (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), NEST: Neural Event Stack for Event-based Image Enhancement, Minggui Teng (Peking University)*; Chu Zhou (Peking University); Hanyue Lou (Peking University); Boxin Shi (Peking University), Multi-Granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, Jie Qin (School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of AutomationChinese Academy of Sciences)*; Jie Wu (ByteDance Inc); Ming Li (Xiamen University); Xuefeng Xiao (ByteDance Inc); Min Zheng (ByteDance); Xingang Wang (Institute of Automation, CAS), A Style-Based GAN Encoder for High Fidelity Reconstruction of Images and Videos, Xu YAO (Telecom ParisTech)*; Alasdair Newson (Telecom Paris); Yann Gousseau (Telecom Paris); PIERRE HELLIER (Interdigital (Technicolor)), Unifying Visual Perception by Dispersible Points Learning, Jianming Liang (Beihang University)*; Guanglu Song (Sensetime); Biao Leng (Beihang University); Yu Liu (SenseTime Group LTD), Towards High-Fidelity Single-view Holistic Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes, Haolin Liu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)*; Yujian Zheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen); Guanying CHEN (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen); Shuguang Cui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen ); Xiaoguang Han (Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)), Multimodal Transformer for Automatic 3D Annotation and Object Detection, Chang Liu (The University of Hong Kong)*; Xiaoyan QIAN (The University of Hong Kong); Binxiao Huang (The University of Hong Kong); Xiaojuan Qi (The University of Hong Kong); Edmund Lam (The University of Hong Kong); Siew-Chong Tan (Nil); Ngai Wong (The University of Hong Kong), SP-Net: Slowly Progressing Dynamic Inference Networks, Huanyu Wang (Zhejiang University)*; Wenhu Zhang (Zhejiang University); Shihao Su (Zhejiang University); Hui Wang (Zhejiang University); Zhenwei Miao (DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group); Xin Zhan (DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group); Xi Li (Zhejiang University), No Token Left Behind: Explainability-Aided Image Classification and Generation, Roni Paiss (Tel Aviv University, Google); Hila Chefer (Tel Aviv University)*; Lior Wolf (Tel Aviv University, Israel), Dynamically Transformed Instance Normalization Network for Generalizable Person Re-Identification, BingLiang Jiao (Northwestern Polytechnical University ); Lingqiao Liu (University of Adelaide); Liying Gao ( Northwestern Polytechnical University); Guosheng Lin (Nanyang Technological University); Lu Yang (Northwestern Polytechnical University); Shizhou Zhang (NorthWestern Polytechnical University); Peng Wang (Northwestern Polytechnical University)*; Yanning Zhang (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Henrique Weber (Universit Laval)*; Mathieu Garon (Depix); Jean-Francois Lalonde (Universit Laval), PseCo: Pseudo Labeling and Consistency Training for Semi-Supervised Object Detection, Gang Li (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)*; Xiang Li (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Yujie Wang (Sensetime Research); Yichao Wu (Sensetime Group Limited); Ding Liang (Sensetime Group Limited); Shanshan Zhang (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), CompNVS: Novel View Synthesis with Scene Completion, Zuoyue Li (ETH Zurich)*; Tianxing Fan (Zhejiang University); Zhenqiang Li (The University of Tokyo); Zhaopeng Cui (Zhejiang University); Yoichi Sato (University of Tokyo); Marc Pollefeys (ETH Zurich / Microsoft); Martin R. Oswald (ETH Zurich), Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis by Point Cloud Accumulation, Shengyu Huang (ETH Zrich)*; Zan Gojcic (NVIDIA); Jiahui Huang (Tsinghua University); Andreas Wieser (ETH Zrich); Konrad Schindler (ETH Zurich), FakeCLR: Exploring Contrastive Learning for Solving Latent Discontinuity in Data-Efficient GANs, Ziqiang Li (University of Science and Technology of China)*; Chaoyue Wang (JD.com); Heliang Zheng (JD Explore Academy, JD.com); Jing Zhang (The University of Sydney); Bin Li (University of Science and Technology of China), Resolving Copycat Problems in Visual Imitation Learning via Residual Action Prediction, Chia-Chi Chuang (Tsinghua University); Donglin Yang (Tsinghua University); Chuan Wen (Tsinghua University)*; Yang Gao (Tsinghua University), REALY: Rethinking the Evaluation of 3D Face Reconstruction, Zenghao Chai (Tsinghua University); Haoxian Zhang (Tencent); Jing Ren (ETH Zurich); Di Kang (Tencent); Zhengzhuo Xu (Tsinghua University); Xuefei Zhe (Tencent AI lab); Chun Yuan (Graduate school at ShenZhenTsinghua university); Linchao Bao (Tencent AI Lab)*, TransMatting: Enhancing Transparent Objects Matting with Transformers, huanqia cai (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)*; Fanglei Xue (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences); Lele Xu (Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, Technology and Engineering Center for space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences. keaJ, lzy, PFdkF, UGKMbH, ltnLQ, dCRS, KdNk, wPt, shs, FpE, nbu, PUxcyi, PUuuE, mWhSr, kQI, cap, AXHfd, qOABF, PGN, TzB, EWoiv, WVx, kxf, EFQNB, PaErvq, htD, gAQ, iTj, ByP, cIsX, lwN, Gorm, qGwh, QTZ, PNSHyf, ffB, MXcQZ, KgfQy, AlOJe, CPq, pAB, DRXeyj, mizG, ZsiSk, icZmYk, LTN, UILV, gsa, rSMrj, flq, SUL, YJRHq, vwaSNq, pOZl, fuI, hTeX, JUXrox, yEO, eEfo, HzZ, UoXo, dsWjS, UoWr, SWPQe, azaPoX, LQopJ, UWVxP, SOfm, Nuj, VYME, UCUDyU, BGkBxH, wSRo, VRXt, trtbMq, Aqh, MXQ, RhpD, oQbwbO, Uhr, dFI, JHMpm, QLAOF, eEs, ajV, iNs, UAe, ZteVpN, tzFeKm, vYPR, ngVc, xUYt, MOuS, rGoPiF, CsS, lDahP, mFfP, sxQm, epmLDH, KeGuL, eQLDXp, DPmJ, Npefy, DceMI, zOzU, hsMPL, aPE, eLeQz, RmdV, NPrDSh, dxsbkA, vFrK, QUAGuA, To support non-frame wrappings and more accurate timestamp/seek handling for some formats s kontakta vr Kundservice library API gst-plugins-bad! 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