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To honor her for winning, the bar's proprietor gives Pam a piece of paper -- on it is information about Eric's whereabouts.

Searching for the H-vamps, Jason and Violet spot a group of vigilantes led by Vince, Sam Merlotte's bitter mayoral opponent, outside an abandoned barn. But downstairs in the basement, spurned Yvetta - still smarting from Eric's scorn - frees Sookie and then helps Bill to overtake Pam.

After Jesus and Lafayette come down from their V trip, Jesus is blown away by the experience and wants to do it again immediately. Even though we approached the Barista Touchs built-in grinder with some skepticism, its a handy feature that allowed us to dial in about as well as we did with the Baratza Encore and Sette 30 grinders (though the higher-end espresso grinders we tested were better). Bill shows up at the door looking for Eric, and asks to search the house. Bill tries to escape by staking one of the guards and taking a shot at Russell but the older vampire is much too powerful for him. Sookie rebuffs his advances but hears him out.

As Pam, Jessica and Hoyt leave Fangtasia, they're met by protesting Fellowship of the Sun members chanting anti-vampire rhetoric about the missing Steve Newlin. She is caught in the protection spell wall, which harnesses the power of the sun, and she is instantly fried, as any other vampire would be.

Marnie agrees to negotiate with the vampires; she will allow Sookie to leave if Bill and Eric kill themselves. The faerie elder steps out to put a stop to Russell with her fingers, but he uses Jason as a shield, startling her. "We can be girlfriends," she offers. Pure Pursuit. Sarah sneaks into the room, quietly locking the door behind her, and despite Jason's weak protests, starts to wash his chest. As Sookie assures Alcide there's nothing wrong, Tara goes after Lafayette, and the whole restaurant finds out that Tara has been turned. Using supplies he finds at the MoongGoddess Emporium and his own blood, Jesus goes to a very dark place. Lettie Mae appeals to Reverend Daniels, begging him to believe in her. Instead, he takes out Reggie, the fangbanger who lured Jess, and goes for help. And theres the issue of what you do if the touchscreen malfunctions. The gang makes quick work of killing the sick vampires, and Alcide confronts Bill about letting Sookie go through with her plan. Jessica shows up at Jason's door, but he too takes back his welcome, out of loyalty to his best friend.

At the cemetery showdown, neither group comes alone. However, the vigilantes refuse to listen to a "fangbanger cop," and Violet takes matters into her own hands, scaring the group away -- and emasculating Jason along the way. In reality, Marnie is having the wiccans cast a spell that draws the vampires towards the protection barrier to meet their deaths. The steam wand is also capable of frothing milk to the texture you desire (as long as you put in the work to learn how to use it, since theres no automatic setting), resulting in creamy but still robust-tasting lattes. Stung, Lafayette handcuffs her to the coffee table and goes out on the porch to stand watch with a rifle.

At his bar, Sam explains to Andy and Jason that he can take on the shape of any animal. As the arguing begins anew, Sookie silences them all by volunteering to infiltrate the Fellowship, against Bill's protests. Complete the program at your own pace. He warns her to stand back as the sun crests the horizon, and as she watches, Godric disappears into white-hot radiance.


Directed by Adam Davidson
Written by Kate Barnow & Elisabeth R. Finch

Sookie returns from the roof after Godric's death, shaken but more concerned about Eric, who she finds slumped over the edge of his bed, weeping tears of blood. But when Felton turns on Jason, Crystal knocks him out with a blow to the head and tells Jason to tie him up. The spirit of Antonia leaves Marnie body, so they can discuss what they've done. She recalls their first night at the hospital with their newborn son, Mikey, and how Terry kept her calm when the baby wouldn't breastfeed. She tries to hustle him out the door, but Maryann corners her first. We use some of the most advanced skydiving gear in the market, and all our equipment and aircraft are checked regularly. As they talk, Holly and Tara are able to undo the protection spell and try to escape, but when they run outside Marnie (Antonia) makes the two of them disappear along with Sookie and Lafayette, leaving Jason on his own.

That night, the vampires-Eric, Bill, Pam and Jessica-arrive outside the MoonGoddess Emporium. Just as Eric kisses Nora goodbye, her team explodes in a hail of bullets. But the reality that Tara's returned to is far more painful than being possessed - she needs to go save Eggs, she says.

Outside on the porch, Bill tells Sookie that he knows one vampire who may be able to tell them how to kill Maryann. Many of the shots we pulled on the Ascaso Dream surpassed those we pulled on our other picks. They prepare to go to ground as Nora's plan for freeing them is put into motion. As darkness falls and Eric emerges from his cubby, Tara is shocked and upset. The next day, Mike Spencer calls Tara to let her know that Eggs' funeral is about to take place. Sookie leaves abruptly saying, "When my Gran tells me to run, I run." Soon after, Bill's mole Katerina comes by the MoonGoddess Emporium. Tempted as he is to feed, Bill can't continue this violent existence, torturing humans for sport. He and Sookie both loaf around, miserable after the events of the past few days. Godric appears again to try to convince Eric otherwise, but the Nordic vampire orders him away. Sookie asks, bewildered.
After Bill arranges for Andy to rent the Compton place to Hoyt and Jessica after Bill's death (for $1 a month), Andy presides over the unofficial ceremony. It doesnt mean your shots will be bereft of character or undrinkable; theyll just be simpler, which is perhaps best if youre mostly keen on sipping cocoa-y, mildly nutty lattes. PIDP Pure pursuit (In the several years since we first started working on this guide, weve tested machines ranging in price from about $300 to over $1,200). One look at Arlene's eyes is all the warning they get before they're surrounded by lunatic townspeople. In subsequent test sessions, I had to tinker with my grind setting only slightly to achieve desirable shots from the coffees we sampled. Grabbing a handgun from his office, Sam manages to track Tommy down in the woods. "They ain't gonna rest forever." Inside, Terry meets someone else from his past, an army buddy named Patrick Devins, whose life he saved on more than one occasion.

During the day, Jason approaches Hoyt while he's doing road work. As Sookie hurries back toward the house, Bill and Sam share an awkward but agreeable moment before the vampire follows his girlfriend. After he gets the women settled, Sam returns to the bar to have a drink with Alcide. He hides hurt when she tells him she was only protecting him from Steve, and removes his badge and uniform as he joins the party. She doesn't want Sookie's advice, not after the way she treated Bill.

Tara returns to Bon Temps to visit Sookie. He finds Melinda and Joe Lee watching Tommy in the ring with a ferocious pit bull, and after Sam stares the other dog down, he turns on his parents. But as Eric's maker, the older vampire commands him to leave. Sookie manages to find Bill, drained to the point of death, but before she can take him to safety, Lorena leaps on Sookie and bites into her throat.


Directed by John Dahl
Written by
Brian Buckner

In the slave quarters of Russell's mansion, Lorena drinks deeply from the wound she's opened in Sookie's throat. He advises her to move on, but she's not taking any pointers from a guy still sleeping on the floor after his ex left with their bed. It isn't long before their worst fears are confirmed: "There's no one left," Sookie observes, as the group takes in a mass grave filled with drained bodies. PathTrajectoryPure Pursuit We felt comfortable and given clear instructions. And she knows there's darkness in Bill as well, though she chooses to see the good

Maryann's party continues to get more and more hedonistic, with drunken men and topless women everywhere. She assures him that she'll keep her promise and heads back to Bon Temps for Terry's funeral.

Eric makes a daytime visit to vamp camp and goes on a rampage of death and destruction. Though reluctant at first, Bill promises that this will be the last favor he ever asks of him, and Eric agrees to try.

Jason arrives at Maxine's hoping to explain himself but gets punched by Hoyt instead. Almost all of our picks include a hot-water spout that makes this easy, but you can also heat water separately and add it to your shot of espresso. Finally, the clinic calls: Sookie is Hep-V positive. Lafayette-Corbett binds up Sookie, throws her in the back of his car, and drives to a nearby lake to drown her.

Back in the lab, Warlow tells Billith that he hates what she turned him into, and blames her for his massacre of his village and family. The others don't see it that way. Believing that money talks, Mr. Gus appeals to Amber's greed -- promising a financial windfall in exchange for information. Nora is a chancellor of the Authority, but no one knows she and Eric share Godric as a maker. Bill and Lorena were also there, to feed on one of Pam's girls. Unfortunately, he's wrong - and he's forced to run back into the house, engulfed in flames.

Eric arrives at Ginger's house - he's "finally decided to take her up on her offer of a sleepover." She invites him in, unaware that Willa, Pam, and Tara are in tow and also need an invitation. The Ascaso Dreams steam wand froths milk very well, providing the broadest range in textures except for the Breville Barista Touch (the Ascaso doesnt have any automatic settings like those of the Touch, though). Holly comes in to check on her, and Arlene reveals that Terry isn't the father of her babyand that she wishes she weren't having it. Ironically, the sex doesn't last very long: An overcome Ginger finishes almost immediately and passes out on the floor in a deep sleep.

In search of Pam, Eric descends into the basement only to find his progeny silver-chained to the torture table. Andy seeks parental advice from Terry and Arlene, completely overwhelmed by his new responsibilities as a father of four faerie daughters. Unsettled by his urgency, Lafayette calls Arlene, worried that Terry might kill himself. But when she pulls herself out of the water, Sam notices the deep scars winding down her back.

In Maryann's kitchen, Tara wraps up a phone call with Sookie, who's excited about her friend moving in. They realize Ben is Warlow and head to his motel and attempt an ambush while he's in the shower. As she prepares to kill Tara, a crowd gathers around with camera-phones in hand, eager to capture the "zombie vampire" on video, which forces her to flee. Mostly, though, the town is ready to get back to normal - except for Eggs, who's tortured by guilt over atrocities he can't remember committing. Martha and other members of the pack shift into wolves and start gnawing on Marcus' remains.

In the trunk of the car, Eric and Bill manipulate their bodies into position to use an umbrella to ignite the car's gas tank. Listing all the ways she hurt him, Hoyt tells Jessica killing her wouldn't be murder. Enraged, Tara throws Bill into the sunlight before shouting at Alcide to drive to the hospital. Slurping up the bright red sauce, they become more and more enamored with the meal, gushing about how delicious it is.

At the lair of the Dallas vampires, Jason apologizes to Bill for being prejudiced against him and gives the vampire an awkward hug. Pam calls to tell him that Fangtasia is being raided by the Magister, and he's found their stock of V. When Eric arrives at his bar, he finds the Magister torturing Pam and demanding answers.

Sam finally finds Tommy sleeping naked in the woods and when he offers to let his little brother come live with him, Tommy balks, saying he could never abandon his parents - no matter how screwed up they are. This requires some transition time to reheat on lower-end models, but the technology has advanced enough that on two of our picks, theres almost no wait between steps. Andy refuses to let her, but after hearing Sookie is in danger, Adilyn insists she save the only other person like her in Bon Temps.

Jason, Andy, Violet, Bill, and Adilyn assemble in the cemetery. He and everyone else thought she was dead, so he sold the house. Later that night Joe Lee emerges from behind Tommy and wraps him in a chain leash. Get the latest coverage and analysis on everything from the Trump presidency, Senate, House and Supreme Court. Maryann walks in, overhearing the last of it and saying she's disappointed to see Tara go. As Russell begins to lose his temper, Bill interrupts, explaining that he's decided to take the king up on his offer and pledge his support to Mississippi. He's surprised to find her waiting for him, and listens as she explains how much she hates what her father's doing. The three are surrounded by Authority soldiers.

Sookie and Lafayette keep vigil by Tara's grave. Eggs follows her into another room to talk, and outside both their views, Mike and Jane writhe together on the grass, their pupils blacking out their entire eyes, as if by some supernatural force.

Sookie and Bill arrive at his house, and they open the door to find Jessica, fangs extended inches from Hoyt's throat. Sookie tries to hold herself together in the wake of another possible tragedy. One of the pigs shifts into Sam, who moves her to safety before taking on the other haters. Although the shots extracted with more consistency than when we used the Dedica, they were generally unremarkable and tended to be a little sour. Nan refuses, and they all go to ground in silver once again.

Hoyt, depressed about his breakup with Jessica, is shocked by the sight of Lafayette (Mavis) in his home with a gun and baby Mikey. As the Authority suit comes for them, he is staked by Nora, his female counterpart. He apologizes and tells Ginger he'll make amends by having sex with her and fulfilling every fantasy she's ever had. As Bill flees into the night, howls echo around him, and when a pack of orange-eyed wolves surrounds him, ready to attack, Bill tells them: "I should warn you - I've fed."


Directed by Scott Winant
Written by
Raelle Tucker

In the Mississippi woods, Bill Compton spits out the furry ear of a werewolf into the dirt. The faeries are confounded that Sookie was able to experience the vampire's memories. Frustrated - not just about the money - Sam tells her she'll have to pay it back; he's running a business, after all. "You're a vampire - that's awesome," he says.

Tara and Eggs talk over their personal struggles as the party at Maryann's house builds around them. After administering shots from Doctor Ludwig to help with the rot on Pam's face, Ginger locks her in the coffin. Sookie sees the fang marks on Katerina's neck but contains her jealousy to ask for Bill's help in getting her house back.

Bill summons Eric but the sheriff declines to sell Sookie's house. Having consumed a fair amount of Jessica's blood, Jason begins to have erotic dreams about herthough to his puzzlement and frustration he can't seem to separate the young vampire from Hoyt in his head.

In Sookie's home, Eric dreams of his maker Godricwhom he doesn't recognize in his memory-less state. I just shouldn't be taking walks with handsome strangers. All Nespresso machines make identical drinks. The woman is the same fierce-looking spirit Marnie channeled to wipe away Eric's memories. Learn more. In light of Tara's "pig on the highway" story, they're not inclined to believe her recap of the exorcism in the woods, but when Lettie Mae arrives - beside herself over her savior's death - she corroborates Tara's account. Programming on the Ascaso Dream is fairly limited but useful for experimentation. Returning to Fangtasia, Pam finds Eric and Bill waiting for her. With that in mind, they demand that Eric and Pam keep Sarah's existence -- and role in New Blood -- a secret.

Jason arrives at Violet's, where she greets him by throwing him down a flight of stairs. Eric and Sookie branch off to find Bill while the others continue on.

Bill enters Salome's room and finds her holding the vial of Lilith's blood. The vampire king is too powerful, and Flood is scared, though he'll never admit it.

Jason shows up for his first day on the job at the sheriff's office, and Andy puts him to workwashing police cruisers. When Sam returns again, he whispers his plan to Luna.

Martha interrupts Alcide and Jackson's father-son bonding. Jason and Sookie go to the local college for help with a translation but the professor thinks they're pulling a prank on him: He's never seen a human language like it.

Luna is convinced that Steve Newlin has her daughter. . Hearing a crash in an adjacent room, Sookie thinks that Bill has finally arrived to rescue her, but instead Eric sweeps in and kneels at his maker's feet. Like the Breville Bambino Plus, the Ascaso can be seamlessly integrated into your morning routine without too much difficulty, but as you get more comfortable with it, youll be drawing even closer to the quality you expect from your favorite coffee shop. Niall explains that birth, death, love, and forgiveness are all miracles, and that he brought Sookie there to teach her that there are some things magic can't fix -- including Bill. When Terry pulls up, Sam asks the cook to look after the bar while he's "away." Terry isn't thrilled with the idea - he can barely handle the stress of flipping burgers - but he supposes he has no choice in the matter. After a brief struggle, Alcide manages to take the gun from her, but then Coot appears and rushes toward him. Despite it all, Hoyt tells her that none of that matters. Lafayette retorts that Sookie lands on her feet, but for everyone else, she's the "angel of death."

Eric and Bill are released to hunt Russell and determine who broke him out--only four people knew where he was, the two of them, Pam and Alcide. She stalks into the holding area and demands to see Sam Merlotte. When he sees the place, Sam races back to Merlotte's and finds that Tommy has also looted his safe. Our picks are for people who have developed a taste for good espresso and want a reliable home setup that strikes a balance between automated convenience and moderate skill building. Not only does Merlotte's last customer of the night leave Arlene a massive tip, but she also allows Jessica to feed on her in the ladies room.

Outside in the woods, Jason and Crystal make out passionately, not sure where the intensity is coming from. She's decided to become Warlow's vampire bride: "I'd rather walk the Earth as a corpse than spend another minute thinking about you."

Tru-Blood bigwig Ms. Suzuki arrives at vamp camp demanding to see Burrell. Sam gladly welcomes him back, but he also notices Lafayette's newly disturbed bearing.

Tara, after waking up with Eggs in her bed, comes downstairs to find Maryann cooking. In no mood to entertain Tara - even if it is her birthday - Lafayette sends her on her way.

At Merlotte's, when Sam shows up, Terry asks whether he's still planning on leaving town. Jason thanks God, recognizing this sign that he's meant to go to the Light of Day Institute.

Sam, daydreaming in his office, again remembers the first time he met Maryann: The two of them have sex, and as she climaxes, she begins to vibrate in a strange, supernatural way. The spell conjures a whirlwind that makes vampires crave the sun.

Possessed, the vampires struggle to throw off their chains. As they undress each other in the middle of the empty barroom, Sam goes for the joke. View all results for thinkgeek. Claudine arrived at the scene and unleashed her faerie energy on the powerful vampire. "This is who you are now," she encourages, "the top of the chain."

Lafayette calls Sookie after finding the wreckage from her car, but she's safe at home getting drunk. Bill leaves to search for Eric, and Sookie thanks him for the blood on his way out. Betty finally agrees and returns while the others take a nap. She promises Eric that she'll stay with Godric until the end. Dragging his little brother into his office, Sam tells him to relax and start thinking about his future. Later that night, a group member known to the others as Katie makes her way through a heavily guarded mansion, telling security that the king is expecting her. Distraught, Sookie turns to Bill who has only one word for her: "Eric."


Written by Brian Buckner
Directed by Romeo Tirone

To save Warlow, Sookie bites her wrist and feeds him her blood. Nicole, who's been on edge all night, finally speaks up and tells everyone in attendance she thinks they're all "f*cking crazy." She's deeply disturbed that, following the events of the last few days, the people of Bon Temps' first reaction is to throw a party. He smelled Sookie's blood on a band-aid in the backseat. Bill is unable to deny any of it, and Sookie rescinds her invitation, forcing the vampire out of her home. Summoning his nerve, he walks over, compliments her smile and offers to buy her a drink. Suddenly, Sookie screams for help - Jason's collapsed again. Jason apologizes to Sookie for being foolish enough to follow these extremists. Proper milk foam will also highlight milks intrinsic sweetness, but on the Classic Pro I tended to get foam that lacked silkiness and tasted a bit bland. The applause builds, but Jason doesn't notice - his mind is busy replaying Eddie's grisly death.

Sookie's plan to make Jessica feel better goes horribly off the rails when, after stopping at the house, the vampire bolts out of her car and knocks on the door. When he goes to the shrine, he is surprised to find Kibwe there declaring himself chosen. "It only seems fair - he'd be doing us an awfully large favor."

At vamp camp, a worker tells Sarah that somef of the vampires aren't drinking the Tru-Blood. Protective of his past, Eggs tries to dodge her questions, but when she becomes worried, he fills her in: He use to live under a freeway overpass, and he's still broke. Considering the Bambino Pluss incredibly compact size, we think sacrificing the hot-water dispenser is worth it. He asks to borrow a ring for a proposal to Holly, but Jessica tells her that none of hers would be suitable. Because Eric refused-"becoming a maker is an eternal commitment"-Pam slashed her wrists with his razor. But theres also an exceptionally good automatic steaming option, which allows you to adjust both milk temperature and froth to one of three levels. Andy lays on the ground in agony, gazing up into his cousin's black eyes.

In the basement of the Fellowship of the Sun church, Sookie attempts to talk Hugo through an attack of claustrophobia while trying to piece together who could have betrayed them.

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