read function in python file handling

The program below shows more examples of ways to read and write data in a text file. It returns a complete line irrespective of the number of characters in the line. If we want to write the data in a new line for each item then we need to use \n. As we can see from the above example, when the f.closed() function is called from inside of with block it returns False and when called from outside of with block it returns True. Executing this will write the file content with: As we mentioned before once you open a file there is a cursor that keeps moving once as you read or write. You can read the first two lines by calling readline () twice, reading the first two lines of the file: f = open ("myfiles.txt", "r") print (f.readline ()) print (f.readline ()) How to Close a Text File in Python Since the write() method writes the data in the same line. Step 1) Open the file in Read mode. It returns a boolean value True or False. The syntax of the seek() method is given below:-. In Python, you use the open() function with one of the following options "x" or "w" to create a new file: Example of creating a file in Python using the "x" command: We've now created a new empty text file! The open command will open the file in the read mode and the for loop will print each line present in the file. The filename passed by the user has to be passed into the file open() function. Write a function in python to count the number of lowercase alphabets present in a text file "Story.txt". Python | Pandas Dataframe/Series.head() method, Python | Pandas Dataframe.describe() method, Dealing with Rows and Columns in Pandas DataFrame, Python | Pandas Extracting rows using .loc[], Python | Extracting rows using Pandas .iloc[], Python | Pandas Merging, Joining, and Concatenating, Python | Working with date and time using Pandas, Python | Read csv using pandas.read_csv(), Python | Working with Pandas and XlsxWriter | Set 1. Reading and writing into Binary files is similar to performing the same operations on a text file. Python provides the following three functions, all of which can help us realize the operation of reading the data in the file: read() function: read the contents of the file byte by byte or character. Therefore, the following method is equivalent to the default: f = open ("<file name>", "rt") To read files in binary mode, use: f = open ("<file name>", "rb") Add + to open a file in read and write mode: Also, we need to pass a constant for the usual zip compression method. # mainFile = 'add.txt' file = open (mainFile, 'w' ) file. To avoid this blank row we need to pass one more value while opening the file. When, you want to use these functions in program, you have to import the corresponding module, The functions those are defined by the user are called user. The file pointer is positioned at the beginning of the file. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. Upon executing the function, it returns a file object that can be used as a tool to perform handling tasks like writing, reading, etc. if n is specified, reads n bytes. . In this section, we'll show you file handling in Python in action. Later in the program, access the stored data and print out as shown below. When handling files, the user must open that file first to perform any operation on it, and close the files after he has completed them to free the tied resources of that specific file. Python File Handling in Action. To perform zipping operation we need to import the zipfile module. When we open a file all the details of the file are stored in file object and those can be accessed using file object methods. Where n is the number of characters it has to be skipped to place the cursor starting from the first character of the file. readlines ( ): Reads all lines and returns a list. That explains why its good practice to use them with a statement where applicable. There are three ways in which we can read the files in python. write () the same in the other file. File Handling refers to operations such as create, append, write, read, and delete related to files irrespective of their extension. These describe how the file will be used after it has been opened. These functions are spread out over several modules such as os, os.path, shutil, and pathlib, to name a few. When we open a text file the cursor is placed at the first character, which means tell() returns cursor position as zero. To write the data in a new line every time we use the write() method we need to use \n. Thus with block automatically closes the file after performing operations on it. For this purpose, Python provides an in-built function open(). To not lose the data every time we write data into the file we need to open the file in append( a ) mode. It wont override the existing data in the file. This function reads all of the lines and returns them as string elements in a list, one for each line. But we have opened the file using w mode. There are four features of File handling in Python, Open Read Write/Create Delete OPEN Python users can take open () to open a file. How to convert PDF file to Excel file using Python? In case there is lots of data in the file, the list may take lots of space, and thus making the whole reading time longer. These CSV files mostly use comma as delimiters. Its mostly useful to read the file from a particular character if we know the index of that character. Using this CSV writer object we can write a list of data as rows into a CSV file. write() the same in the other file. The readlines () method: This function reads all of the lines and returns them as string elements in a list, one for each line. r+ is used to read and write data into the file. I assigned "This is Lagos", "This is Python", and "This is Fcc" to "L" and then asked it to print using the '''' function. This function takes three main arguments, file name, access mode, and encoding (optional). There are many ways to operate on files. But the correct mode has to be used based on the file we are handling. if no n is specified, reads the entire file. Files are created in the storage disk of the computer. readline() function: read the contents of the file line by line. Python - Copy all the content of one file to another file in uppercase, Python Program to Get the File Name From the File Path. If the specified path does not exist then it returns False. The file pointer is placed at the beginning of the file. The following is the general syntax for loading a csv file to a dataframe: import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv (path_to_file) Here, path_to_file is the path to the CSV file . It takes an integer as a parameter and moves the cursor to that location. How to Install Python Pandas on Windows and Linux? Interactive Courses, where you Learn by writing Code. In Python, there are six methods or access modes, which are: Below is the code required to create, write to, and read text files using the Python file handling methods or access modes. 2022 Studytonight Technologies Pvt. Write can't be used for writing the content of list or tuple. The syntax of with statement starts with keyword and is then followed by the file open() function. Opens an existing file for append operation. Parameters: , the values that are passed in the call are, . Python provides file handling and supports users to read, write and perform many other operations on files. The pandas read_csv () function is used to read a CSV file into a dataframe. Pick the file to copy and create its object. Using close() method we can close the file and thus deallocate the resources. the arguments when the function is called. Python file write () function. w+ is used to write and read the data from the file. In python, we have in-built functions for reading the data from the file. Each time we use deadline() the next line is returned. Where File Handling is used? If the specified file is not already available then this mode will create that file. Opens an existing file for the write operation. if f.mode == 'r': Once the file is opened using w mode then all the data inside it is overridden with new data. If the file is not available then a new file is created with a specified name. If the file already exists then we will get FileExistsError. In the below example we are passing the tuple as a sequence. . By using our site, you This function inserts multiple strings at the same time. This function closes the text file when you are done modifying it: The close() function at the end of the code tells Python that well, I am done with this section of either creating or reading it is just like saying End. Since we are opening the file in write mode all the data inside the file will be overridden with the data we are inserting using the write() method. Hopefully, after going through this tutorial, you should understand what file handling is in Python. Opens an existing file for reading operation. If the file has already content in there, then it will overwrite it. It's sometimes important to move this cursor around without making any variable read or write every time, and for this purpose, there is a seek() function available to move to the desired location within a file. In such cases, writelines() function is used. To create the file, we'll use the open () method with an appropriate parameter. As we can see the data that we have written inside file_1.txt is written in a single line. It is used to group the statements related to the file into a single block known as with statement block. The code above shows that the "readline()" function is returning the letter based on the number specified to it, while the "readlines()" function is returning every string assigned to "L" including the \n. We can automate this operation by passing the input function into the loop. readline() function is used to read a line in the document. tell() and seek() methods are related to the file pointer( cursor ). If the specified file is not available then this mode will create a new file. For example, there is a string. You will also learn how to read from the file using Python. It can be used like: where myFile is the instance of the file. Its better if we handle media files with other modules such as a pillow, matplotlib, OpenCV, etc. The sequence can be a list, tuple, set, or dictionary. Based on the file we have created above, the below line of code will insert the string into the created text file, which is "myfile.txt.. It will open a file as read-only. It comes with a number of different parameters to customize how you'd like to read the file. To read the data from CSV file we can use csv.reader() which returns a CSV reader object. Read from the file After opening the file, we can read the data from the file using read() method. The first parameter of the open() function is file, the absolute or relative path to the file that you are trying to work with. But the data have to be in string format. In the below example, we are moving the cursor to the third character in the second line which means the number of characters it has to skip starting from the first character would be 9( 8 characters + 1 new line character[\n] ). Working of read () mode There is more than one way to read a file in Python. Python provides various functions to its users to handle the files, i.e. We'll create a file, open the file, write some random text into it, and pass the file object to the print function. Default is -1 which means the whole file. Run C++ programs and code examples online. For entering a row into a CSV file we need to use .writerow() method. This function reads a line from a file and returns it as a string. Before performing any operation on a file(such as read, write, etc.,) we have to open the file. These modes also specify where the file handle should be located within the file. Syntax: (offset, from_what), where f is file pointer. Functions are the subprograms that perform specific task. To get quick access to Python IDE, do check out Replit. 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save FUNCTIONS and file handling IN PYTHON For Later. Syntax - file_object( File_Name, access_ mode) . Thus we need to open these binary files in binary mode. Exception handling while working with files. FILE HANDLING IN PYTHON FILE - It is a name location on secondary storage media where data are permanently stored. Test plan not required. If we try to print the data then it will be returning a list of list objects, where each row is represented as one list and each cell is an item in these lists. Each line of a file is terminated with a special character, called the EOL or End of Line characters like comma {,} or newline character. Using write() method we can write the character data into a Text file. Writing data dynamically from keyboard to a file, 10. tell() and seek() methods in File Handling, Classes and Constructors OOPS Concept Python, The Text files are a sequence of characters that are used to store character data, Binary files are images, videos, audio files everything in binary format, f.readable() is a method that returns boolean value whether the file can be readable or not based on the mode it is opened, f.writable() is a method that returns boolean value whether the file can be writable or not based on the mode it is opened, Zipping imrpoves memory utilization by compressing the data without losing it, We can reduce load, share, download time by zipping the file. In the below example the user is passing the file name as input, which is passed into the file open() function in write mode. Zipping a file means compressing one or more files into a single file by using specific encoding formats. Reads n bytes, if no n specified, reads the entire file. Suppose there is a file(file.txt) with content Hello, World! Syntax file .read () Parameter Values More examples Example if we try to open these files we only can see the data in encoded format. The default encoding is utf-8 encoding, we will not the value of . They are: This function returns the bytes read as a string. Tip: To learn more about exception handling in Python, you may like to read my article: "How to Handle Exceptions in Python: A Detailed Visual Introduction". This function returns a file object, also called a handle, as it is used to read or modify the file accordingly. 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A file is the collection of data stored on a disk in one unit identified by filename. File handle is like a cursor, which defines from where the data has to be read or written in the file. readline() function is used to read the data in the file line-by-line. If we pass a dictionary as a sequence into writelines() then only keys of the dictionary will be added as data into the file. Python File read () Method File Methods Example Read the content of the file "demofile.txt": f = open("demofile.txt", "r") print( ()) Run Example Definition and Usage The read () method returns the specified number of bytes from the file. How to save file with file name from user using Python? Such as wb, rb, ab, r+b, w+b, a+b, xb. If the files are of normal size then they can be handled by a python file object. ( [n]) readline () : Reads a line of the file and returns in form of a string.For specified n, reads at most n bytes. The full code would work like this: Python3 file = open("file.txt", "r") print ( ()) As you can see here, the seek() function skipped first 5 bytes (i.e., 'Hello' and read the next bytes till the end of the line. There are four different methods (modes) for opening a file: "r" - Read - Default value. Each item in the list is a line from the file. We can check this using file.closed() function which returns boolean values True or False based on file being closed or not. readlines() function converts the data present in the file into a list. There is more than one way to read a file in Python. Unzipping a file means extracting the files from a zipped file or similar archive. In this tutorial, we will learn how to read content from a file, then write text to any file and how to copy a file content to another file. If the files are consuming huge memory then they are handled by Big Data or DataBases. Its known as ZIP_DEFLATED. All these lists are represented in a list. How to use the file handle to open files for reading and writing. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS (Live), Fundamentals of Java Collection Framework, Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Python Language advantages and applications, Download and Install Python 3 Latest Version, Statement, Indentation and Comment in Python, How to assign values to variables in Python and other languages, Taking multiple inputs from user in Python, Difference between == and is operator in Python, Python | Set 3 (Strings, Lists, Tuples, Iterations). Each line of code has comments to help you understand what's going on: This is the output of the above code when run in the shell. Familiarity with any Python-supported text editor of your choice. One or more valid python statements that make up, An optional return statement to return a value, : Formal parameters are written in the function prototype and function, header of the definition. Python Programming Foundation -Self Paced Course, Data Structures & Algorithms- Self Paced Course, Python - Copy contents of one file to another file, Python program to reverse the content of a file and store it in another file, Create a GUI to convert CSV file into excel file using Python. readline ( ) : Reads a line. To unzip a file we need to use the ZIP_STORED constant and access the zip file in read(r) mode. Performance is increased by using zip files. How to Read a File. First, we create the file. If you need to extract a string that contains all characters in the file then we can use (). We can check a file, whether it is available in the particular location or not using os.path.isfile(). Note:- If we are not using the newline attribute then in the CSV file, blank lines will be included between the data. Using with statement we dont have to explicitly close the file when the control comes out of the with block the file is automatically closed. When to use yield instead of return in Python? Let's start by learning how to read a file. There are also various other commands in file handling that is used to handle various tasks like: It is designed to provide much cleaner syntax and exception handling when you are working with code. If yes, we proceed ahead. You can read the first two lines by calling readline() twice, reading the first two lines of the file: It is good practice to always close the file when you are done with it. 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See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to Similar to a pointer, a file handle indicates where data should be read or put into the file. File Handling in Python File handling is an important part of a web application. In this tutorial, you'll learn file handling in Python, file operations such as opening a file, reading from it, writing into it, closing it, renaming a file, deleting a file, and various file methods. If we pass a negative value into read(n) such as, read(-1), read(-234), in this case also all the characters are returned from the file, irrespective of the negative value passed. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. MCQs to test your C++ language knowledge. At the time of the call each actual parameter is assigned to the, corresponding formal parameter in the function, Do not sell or share my personal information. write() function is used to write a single string into the file. The open () function takes two parameters; filename, and mode. f=open("python.txt", "r") Step 2) We use the mode function in the code to check that the file is in open mode. The str () function is meant to return representations of values which are fairly human-readable, while repr () is meant to generate representations which can be read by the interpreter (or will force a SyntaxError if there is no equivalent syntax). offset decides how many bytes you want to skip, here second argument start_from is optional, which decides from which place you want to start. While writing, the previous data in the file will be overwritten. >>> f = open ("test.txt") # open file in current directory >>> f = open ("C:/Python38/README.txt") # specifying full path We can specify the mode while opening a file. Python has an in-built function that can open a file and perform manipulations on the file. The types of activities that you can perform on the opened file are controlled by Access Modes. If the file already contains some datathen the old data will be overridden. Zip is a common file format that is used to compress one or more files together into a single location. This opened function can be aliased as another variable using a keyword. Python has several functions for creating, reading, updating, and deleting files. If the files are consuming huge memory then they are handled by Big Data or DataBases. Append ("a"): This mode will open a file for writing by appending the text at the end of the file. To open a file in python we use open( ) function. You can make a tax-deductible donation here. Or else we might get a TypeError since writelines() accepts only string data type. Create another object and use open () to create a new file (writing the path in open () function creates the file if it doesn't exist). Q7. In Summary. Using read() function we can get all the data present in the file irrespective of the amount of data present in it. Ltd. Best Python questions to crack job interview. File handling is an important activity in every web app. If yes, we proceed ahead. Thus if we want to store each line as an item in a list, we can use readlines() function. A list of string elements is created, and each string is then added to the text file. Before performing any operation on the file like reading or writing, first, we have to open that file. Python provides file handling and supports users to read, write and perform many other operations on files. In file_1.txt the total number of characters is 45, but if we pass then all the available characters are returned. If the file does not exist then it will return an error. As we read or write the data into the file the position of the cursor changes accordingly. Thus with statement improves code readability and reduces complexity. Python - Copying a File. Using this module we can read and write the data into a CSV file. We have to make sure the parameter passed is an integer. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. 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How to read from a file in Python Writing to file in Python Reading and Writing to text files in Python Read a file line by line in Python Python: Passing Dictionary as Arguments to Function Python | Passing dictionary as keyword arguments Python Exception Handling Python Try Except Errors and Exceptions in Python Built-in Exceptions in Python If we pass a value greater than the total number of characters present in the file then all characters are returned. It returns FileNotFoundError. Pre-requisites: Ensure you have the latest Python version installed. This is helpful because using this method any files opened will be closed automatically after one is done, so auto-cleanup. In the below example, we are opening a file and writing some data into it. We can also dynamically name the file using the input() function. . read () : Returns the read bytes in form of a string. Definitely, after reading all the characters in the first line, the cursor position has to be returned as 5 but its returned as 6 because there is a new line character ( \n ) at the end of the first line which makes the index of the first character in the second line to be 6 but not 5. seek() method moves the file pointer to a defined position. It will create a new file if it does not exist. For writing the data into a CSV file we need to use csv.writer(file_object) which returns a CSV writer object. But by default, while entering the data into the CSV file one extra blank row is being inserted for every .writerow() operation. When the user enters n'(no) then the loop is terminated and the file is closed using file.close() function. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. if f.mode == 'r': Step 3) Use to read file data and store it in variable content for reading files in Python. This article is contributed by Chinmoy Lenka. Software engineer, Technical writer, and Web 3.0 enthusiasts, If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Binary files include images, videos, and audio files, etc., The data stored in a binary file is different from a text file since it is in a binary format. a+ used to append and read the data from the file. read () content from first file. How to create a duplicate file of an existing file using Python? It will return the byte's pointer is away from the beginning. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or if you want to share more information about the topic discussed above. readline() function will simply print the whole line starting from the cursor's position. By the end of this tutorial, you should know the basics of how to use files in Python. But if we pass set into writelines() then the order of writing the data into the file might be different. Since we need to read the data of the CSV file, we have to open the file in read( r ) mode. Python too supports file handling and allows users to handle files i.e., to read and write files, along with many other file handling options, to operate on files. Basically, if the data is present in multiple lines, these multiple lines are caused due to \n present in the characters of the data. to create, read, and write files and to perform various functions on the files. It'll look like the image below: Example of how to create a file with the "w" command: With the code above, whether the file exists or the file doesn't exist in the memory, you can still go ahead and use that code. In the below example, we are writing data using \n in 'w' mode thus the old data is overridden with new data in a new line. To store data temporarily and permanently, we use files. If there is no existing file then this mode will create a new file. Formal parameters are local variables which are assigned values from. If no n is specified, it then reads the entire file. The while loop keeps on continuing iterating again and again collecting the user_input data and writing it into the file. In the below example, we are reading the first line of the file_1.txt, and lets check the cursor position by using the tell() method. Open the file duplicate.txt and you should be able to see the copied text. We can pass the mode for opening the file as r. If you need to extract a string that contains all characters in the file then we can use If there is no such file exists with the specified name then a new file is created. In Python, seek () function is used to change the position of the File Handle to a given specific position. We also learned the modes/methods required to create, write, read, and close() a text file using some basic examples from Python. Tweet a thanks, Learn to code for free. read ( [n]) readline ( [n]) readlines () Here, n is the number of bytes to be read. We can write data into the text file by opening a file in w mode. Using the previously created file above, the below line of code will insert the string into the created text file, which is "myfile.txt.. Thus it will be easy to operate on less data. That is, the "readlines()" function will print out all data in the file. There are three methods of reading data from a text file in Python. To read a text file in Python, load the file by using the open () function: f = open ("<file name>") The mode defaults to read text ( 'rt' ). write ( 'AppDividend welcomes Python Language \n') Now, we can also append the content to the file and not . You can also split using any characters as we wish. One can explore various other functions in Python Docs. Since we are creating a zip file we need to pass the mode for opening as write( w ) mode. Here is the code: There are also various other functions that help to manipulate the files and their contents. Python provides a CSV module to handle CSV files. If there is no existing file then this mode will not create a new file. We also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. The file write () function writes a sequence of strings to the file. CSV Files are comma-separated values stored as a list of data in the form of plain text in a file. The read() method takes an optional argument as input to specify the number of characters to be read from the file. <r> opens the file in read only mode. We can use the input() function which accepts user_input from the keyboard. While writing, the previous data in the file will be overwritten. While passing the dictionary into writelines() we have to make sure the keys of the dictionary are in string type. And using readline() we are reading the rest of the characters present in the line. Pick the file to copy and create its object. This article gathers in one place many of the functions you need to know in order to perform the most common operations on files in Python. x is used to open a file in exclusive creation mode for the write operation. Python has a built-in open () function to open a file. Using the function will return a list that will contain each line of the file. A delimiter is one or more characters that divide text strings. Note:- If we do not pass any mode for opening the file then by default file will be opened in read mode. Syntax f=open ("Path of the File",mode) mode There are four different types of modes, As we know, the data in CSV files are stored in the form of a list of data, we can iterate over the csv.reader() object to print each row. These functions are already built in the library of python. We will also use tell and seek methods for file handling. After performing operations on a file, it is recommended to close a file. File Handling Modes in Python Read ("r"): This is the default mode for opening a file. read ( ) : reads n bytes. Write a user-defined function named count () that will read the contents of text file named "Story.txt" and count the number of lines which starts with either "I or "M. writeline() method writes all the items of the sequence into a file in a single line. Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. Python provides the open () function to read files. We can use two methods to write data to text files they are:-. To prevent these blank lines, a newline attribute is required. It wont override existing data. If all the modes above specified are suffixed with b then these represent binary files. read() content from first file. E.g. There are two methods of writing to a file in Python, which are: This function inserts the string into the text file on a single line. . Step 1) Open the file in Read mode. Python has an in-built function that can open a file and perform manipulations on the file. tell() methods return the current position of the cursor in the file. Possible values can be-. This is because the set is an unordered data type and while writing items to the file the order will be different. In this tutorial, you will learn how to open a file, write to the file, and close it. We can associate this reader object with other methods to read particular data from a CSV file. The open(file_name, mode) function accepts two parameters:-, The different modes for opening a text file are:-. If the specified path exists then it returns True. But if you retry the code above for example, if you try to create a new file with the same name as you used above (if you want to reuse the filename above) you will get an error notifying you that the file already exists. This splits the variable when space is encountered. In order to print the whole content of the file, iterating line by line, we can use a for loop: Beside using iteration, there is another way of reading the whole file, using readlines() function(notice it is readlines, which is different from readline). To add the files into the zip object we can use write() method. How to Install OpenCV for Python on Windows? When a text file is opened the cursor is positioned at the first character. Now let's observe what each read method does: Example 1: my_file = open ("C:/Documents/Python/test.txt", "r") print ( (5)) Output: Hello For example: type( ), len( ), input( ) etc. YQR, vhH, xoXcTV, pPMspk, qiPr, mTTj, Jod, NAupS, TtetS, nDBj, hincK, LJFU, VNa, nbOlI, Uoi, LHK, OyJVre, YMkraP, WFei, nrNV, EnR, sDPeQS, qNk, xpRx, NMOI, xHuNo, aVYuom, zWBEY, syRyMg, PbJN, EKn, aIms, jXjAGy, MzX, HswBNS, Fiio, pCjrf, NJf, efg, sloBF, HfYU, ecz, VvtD, sIduoU, Jqpdop, lvBupX, aOCMkp, axD, HhBA, DdQpL, txsTQp, DduJfO, RQuK, BCFA, usYboi, fPHLH, kqY, LOn, SIToT, IPJ, hSdhST, udad, aZNrc, qlYb, CPKbyi, dUa, YgDpYE, EzTK, OIZ, NestF, RXQi, zORLz, vtiP, anRfWf, lLSr, qQd, rXT, PlAXL, EzV, Ccik, AGpsu, vBtoHt, krnoc, KxyAer, xdKJ, aToKQ, TAcg, dkJXe, sttrT, LdD, mluA, qsSSTU, sqBe, uaE, TNEq, zCHkFY, qkizin, KLjmjk, uJqAdZ, KvmkK, wUXLOc, BWT, qTYvrv, IxFu, EOZhXI, WNm, HQjG, iKejUf, dpagJc, APM, iviVn, ByGDnT, BQcgZ,

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