sentence of flock for class 2

2022 LoveToKnow Media. While watching his flocks, he spent much of his time in reading. In the religious system of Numa, Quirinus and Mars were both recognized as divine beings, distinct but of similar attributes and functions; thus, like Mars, Quirinus was at once a god of war and a nature god, the protector of fields and flocks. Next we found a small flock of red crossbills but they remained too mobile for good views. Access answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 2 Teamwork. The latter, often also called Ox-bird, Plover's Page, Purre and Stint, - names which it shares with some other species, - not only breeds commonly on many of the elevated moors of Britain, but in autumn resorts in countless flocks to the shores. Flocks of geese and other birds come to the islands from the north (Bunge and Toll), as also the gull Lestris pomarina, which feeds chiefly on the lemming. Just as many people abroad travel to the states for professional services, many women and men flock to fashion capitals such as London to receive runway worthy tresses and hair color. According to Blyth, it is a favourite amusement among the natives to let loose a couple of tame caracals among a flock of pigeons feeding on the ground, when each will strike down a number of birds before the flock can escape. When that door was opened and the prisoners, crowding against one another like a flock of sheep, squeezed into the exit, Pierre pushed his way forward and approached that very captain who as the corporal had assured him was ready to do anything for him. English Grammar For Class 2 Sentences and Phrases Download Free PDF In this article, we will study sentences and phrases. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together. The shepherds of the flock were now killing their sheep. Complex sentences are introduced. Yes! The police's arrest warrant for Kay Flock stated that he was armed and dangerous. When Mom describes us, she says, "Birds of a feather flock together." What does "Birds of a feather flock together" mean?, Read this sentence from the passage. A group of sheep. When celebrities bare their bellies in crop tops, many girls will flock to do the same, but just because a super-short shirt or skirt is available in a junior size doesn't mean a parent has to cave in and buy it. It tests what you learned on our basic grammar rules page. A shrill monotone scream, which is often uttered by tight flocks flying round buildings at roof-top height. He was credited with having shown moderation at Milan, but it is certain that he came into sharp collision with the archbishop, Saint Charles Borromeo, who took up the cause of his flock. Police reports indicate that Kay Flock opened the barbershop's door to inquire about what Hernandez was looking at. Another reason families flock to Alaska is that an increasing number of cruise lines are catering to pint-sized passengers. You click again to spread the feed in front of them so that your flock doesn't have to go hungry. Large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep are raised in Futa Jallon; these are sent in considerable numbers to Sierra Leone, Liberia and French Congo. We had lunch at the Research Station and after a short siesta we walked back up the track searching for feeding flocks. Just before the camp we came upon a sizeable flock of Helmeted Guineafowl. Today's is " Anglicans pick trailblazer to lead flock " in the same paper. Henry Tompkins Paige Comstock (1820-1870) was aflamboyant American gold prospector whose name is attached to one of the world's most productive mining districts, the Comstock Lode. The mountains maintain large flocks of sheep, of which two kinds are distinguished - with a fine short-stapled and a coarse long-stapled wool respectively. "Tourists flock to the skies from around the globe." This sentence emphasises the vastness of . This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. (6) The frogs jumped into the well. The celebration at the Des Plaines shrine is the largest gathering of pilgrims honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe in the United States. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. These worksheets focus on the structure of proper sentences and compare fragments, simple sentences and compound sentences. covered the murder story, providing intricate details. He doubled his money on a flock of sheep. Park goers flock to Alton Towers to ride the Oblivion, the first vertical drop coaster in the world, Nemesis, the first inverted coaster in Europe, and much more. There they grew peaceful and prosperous, acquiring large flocks of sheep and gaining a reputation as makers of blankets. So, what did Kay do? Arrange the jumbled words in proper order and make a meaningful sentences. Rappers like Kay Flock have gained such traction and have earned an excellent reputation while young. False 4. Large flocks of northern fulmar fulmar Fulmarus glacialis and gulls feed among the grounded icebergs. Mail order brides, find them online Russian Mail Order Brides flock to online matchmaking. Millions of readers flock to Toni's site each day. Very few of these nocturnal carnivores are now alive to trouble flocks. A Latin hierarchy was set up in 1196 (an archbishop at Nicosia with suffragans at Limasol, Paphos and Famagusta), and the Greek bishops were made to minister to their flocks in subjection to it. Any dishonest use of the flock had to be repaid ten-fold, but loss by disease or wild beasts fell on the owner. Flock definition, a number of animals of one kind, especially sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together. Dorset Horn rams are terminal sires in flocks using natural ' frequent lambing ' to achieve year-round production of top quality fattened lambs. They counted them and were surprised to find that not one lamb of the great flock of seven hundred was missing. 662 186 All four, like a flock of scared birds, got up and left the room. 30 17 From the Cambridge English Corpus However, if probation is not part of the sentence, a sentence of prison would occur. , When the dog ran through the field, the flock of birds immediately dispersed in every direction. 5. Liguria is not much adapted for sheep-farming on a large scale; but a number of small flocks come down to thc plain of Tuscany in the winter. driving he very is fast is a holiday today brother her pilot is a story a me please tell Answer He is driving very fast. Domesticated animals such as dogs, cattle, and mink are affected by botulism C toxin, which also affects birds and has caused massive die-offs in domestic bird flocks and wild waterfowl. There are 2 kinds of Collective Noun, namely : 1. Subscribe to our newsletter and stand a chance to win TUKO branded gifts! Privacy Policy. Writing sentences worksheets for grade 2. The great wealth of the Arabs is in their flocks of sheep and goats; they are led out to pasture soon after sunrise, and in the hotter months drink every second day. Collective Nouns that use prepositions as groupings 1. Usage of flock in real sentences. In the pines we had a small flock of 5 common crossbills. Herodotus continues that in his own day the Egyptians were unwilling to name these oppressors and preferred to call the pyramids after a shepherd named Philition, who pastured his flocks in their neighbourhood. Preventing a DUI from being upgraded to a Felony DUI. 5. egg. Near the top of a hill he saw a little shepherd boy who was lying on the ground while a flock of sheep and lambs were grazing around him. Sentence 2: Bats are usually seen at night. With these partners we have issued leaflets and posters to poultry keepers on how they can protect their flocks. What was Kay charged with during his arrest? Group/Collection. In IBD vaccinated broiler flocks, the effect of conventional IBD virus on carcase condemnation rate can be assumed to be neglible. They do not represent the opinions of For more than three centuries after the appearance of the Seljuks, Armenia was traversed by a long succession of nomad tribes whose one aim was to secure good pasturage for their flocks on their way to the g p g y richer lands of Asia Minor. (7) The girl was thrilled to see her new bicycle. Mosquitoes naturally flock to things that resemble nectar or flesh. Egyptian and Spur-winged Geese were fairly numerous, but we only found one flock of White-faced Ducks. 4. Everyone was left wondering how a father and husband could do such a terrible thing. Few other species involved in the movement - just 1 Tree Pipit - but a flock of c100 linnets in the rape field. How is the shepherd smitten, and the flock scattered ! Become ambassador get a branded T-shirt, hoodie or water bottle at our TUKO Shop! Just past an army camp we had a flock of 26 Cream-coloured coursers on a field with very short grass. Collective Nouns that use prepositions as groupings, such as a flock of , a herd of , etc. You can also visit the most accurate and elaborate NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English. Tonie Perensky biography: career, movies, family, net worth. At last James Hogg said, "It's of no use; all we can do is to go home and tell the master that we have lost his whole flock.". He is believed to have died from gout and rheumatism. The herd moved towards his fields. Not less fascinating is a flock of these sociable birds when at rest, standing on one or both legs, with their long necks twisted or coiled upon the body in any conceivable position. Its ready response to the king's heavy demands for the purpose of the national defence points to the existence of a healthy and self-sacrificing public spirit, and the eagerness with which the youth of all classes now began to flock to the foreign universities is another satisfactory feature of the age. 3. ant. This may be feasible in small backyard flocks only. I saw a shepherd down the hill with a flock of sheep. Visitors continued to flock to him, and his correspondence, as always, took a wide range. Fragments and full sentences. Sheppey is for the most part treeless but very fertile, bearing much grain and fruit; its name, meaning the "island of sheep," is still appropriate, as great flocks are bred. His real name is Kay Perez. 2. a large number of people; crowd. Wolves are more numerous, though only in the mountainous districts; the flocks are protected against them by large white sheep-dogs, who have some wolf blood in them. Then, out of the blue came a flock of very noisy austral parakeets. 2. Small puffs of cloud lay low in the east, like a flock of sheep at daybreak, waiting for the gate of the fold to open. The wise old bird wanted the creeper to be destroyed. Their general purport is shown in many cases by pictorial figures relating to various objects which appear on them - such as chariots and horses, ingots and metal vases, arms and implements, stores of corn, &c., flocks and herds. It gives insights into word order, statements, and questions. Little Turtle, a well known Indian leader, died on July 14, 1812 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Kay Flock was arrested for allegedly killing a man during a dispute outside Harlem, N. Y barbershop. Everyone was shocked when a mother and her child were murdered and their bodies badly mutilated in what came to be referred to as the Hendricks family murders. The most valuable part of his property still consisted of flocks and herds, or the products of the labours of his serfs, a large proportion of whom were bee-keepers, hunters and fishers employed in and around the interminable virgin-forests of the rough-hewn young monarchy. The survey was carried out in sheep flocks with 30 or more breeding ewes. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Severe as were the losses in flocks and herds from these imported diseases, they were eclipsed by the ravages of the mysterious potato blight, which, first appearing in 1845, pervaded the whole of Europe, and in Ireland especially proved the precursor of famine and pestilence. 4. A flock of sheep 30 miles away was killed by the disease. A museum has now been built to contain the antiquities found in the excavations; otherwise Delos is now uninhabited, though during the summer months a few shepherds cross over with their flocks from Myconus or Rheneia. Flock sizes in agricultural landscapes are mostly small but reach flocks of over 50 birds. At the same time the hill districts and neighbouring deserts afforded pasturage for numerous flocks and herds, and thus admitted of the benefits of a mixed husbandry. Every flock of birds flies in a V-formation overhead flapping its wings together to reach its destination. It consists not in the possession of wealth or flocks and herds, but in good humour, in the just disposition and constant tranquillity of the soul. Clover and lucerne are the other leading crops, and large flocks of sheep are kept in the region. Henry Tompkins Paige Comstock (1820-1870) was aflamboyant American gold prospector whose name is attached to one of the world's most productive mining districts, the Comstock Lode. The principle of liberty of worship and of the press, which it laid down, was so offensive to the Catholics that the bishops condemned it publicly, and in the Doctrinal Judgment actually forbade their flocks to take the oath. He destroys " the three shepherds " in one month, but is soon weary of his flock and the flock of him. Had excellent views of large hawk cuckoo here and the casuarinas around our bungalow often held a noisy flock of Oriental pied hornbill. Descendents of Mr. Vanderbilt still summer at the mansion, hidden above the flocks of visitors. In the south and south-west provinces placer gold mines by the banks of watercourses are worked by Gallas as an industry subsidiary to tending their flocks and fields. A flock of sheep were straying all over the road causing confusion in the traffic. Team Work. Wesley saw that here was the very means he needed to watch over his flock. 5. Birds flock to them in great numbers; in consequence they are completely covered with guano, which gives them a snow-white appearance. Has Kay Flock been sentenced for the shooting of Hernandez? In the autumn, flocks of sparrows feed on ripening split corn. 2. Sentences are made up of different grammar units and these units are broken up and deliberately jumbled up in order to create a 'rearrangement or reordering of sentences' exercise. Who is Dale Brisby's wife? When the broods leave the nest they move into the more open country, and frequenting pastures, commons, heaths and downs, assemble in large flocks towards the end of summer. The list of grievances presented by Wesley's enemies to the Grand Jury at Savannah gives abundant evidence of his unwearying labours for his flock. A flock of small geese was approaching. The 21st century has been great for the music industry. Collective Nouns of People an army of soldiers a bevy of beauties / girls a band of musicians Sitting beside her in the car, I describe what I see from the window--hills and valleys and the rivers; cotton-fields and gardens in which strawberries, peaches, pears, melons, and vegetables are growing; herds of cows and horses feeding in broad meadows, and flocks of sheep on the hillside; the cities with their churches and schools, hotels and warehouses, and the occupations of the busy people. Then, he filled the blue bowl with waterand filled the red bowl with kibble. True 3. Today it houses just one cow and a flock of sheep. Also present was a nice duck flock of 76 common scoters 2 velvet scoters and a lovely male scaup. He was essentially a rustic god,"a wood-spirit conceived in the form of a goat," living in woods and caves, and traversing the tops of the mountains; he protected and gave fertility to flocks; he hunted and fished; and sported and danced with the mountain nymphs. In the case of centripetal migrations people flock to some particula place where exceptionally favourable conditions have been found to exist. Each flock consists of about 10,000 sheep, under the command of a mayoral, and is divided into sections containing about 1000 each, each section tinder the charge of an overseer (capataz), who is assisted by a number of shepherds (pastores) attended by dogs. 152 106 He is succeeded by a foolish shepherd, who neglects his flock and lets it go to ruin. 5 examples of collective nouns in sentences The chamber orchestra, which plays Mozart music, received high marks from the audience. Hearing of his cure, people flock to Tommy to hear his story, and he becomes a spiritual leader. In winter the flocks are driven from the highlands to the plains. There; try again, " said Ujarak, pointing to a flock of birds which came sweeping toward them. She bought a loaf of bread at the market. It was also reported that the rapper hired El Chapo's former lawyer, Jeffrey Lichtman. The Olive Tanagers stayed around and I could always hear this noisy flock. Year after year, women and men flock to these movies out of love of the genre. Still, fans flock to the Internet for photos and news of the latest celebrity wardrobe fails. All a consumer has to do is insert his desired width and shoe size into a search bar before a flock of results appear. A sentence is a collection of two or more words that conveys a thought but do not fully express its meaning. In summer the country appears as one waving field of wheat, millet and mealies; whilst on the mountain slopes and on their flat tops are large flocks of sheep, cattle and goats, and troops of ponies. Prison time would be from 2 to 7 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections. What do the zebras do? Immense flocks of gulls were probably attracted to it then as now by its insect life, and its lagoons and streams teemed with aquatic birds. Professionals will flock to the smart Trevor loafer, a modern slip-on style that appears much more costly than its under $50 price suggests it would be. Cattle-rearing is not so well developed as agriculture, but great flocks of geese are reared, especially in the south, and bee-cultivation constitutes another important industry. At that season it may, however, be found in large flocks in the low-lying countries, and as regards England even on the seashore. ; A bunch of flowers is lying on the table. The flocks were committed to a shepherd who gave receipt for them and took them out to pasture. Band. Figure 2 illustrates a typical serology profile of a broiler breeder flock at 23 and 29 weeks. Sheep-farming and cattle-raising are carried on very generally, and, with the fisheries, provide the main occupation of the inhabitants, though they profit not a little from the tourists who flock to many of the islands throughout the summer. So a whole flock of them landed on this planet. Oxford Collocations Dictionary Word Origin Two more shearling gimmers from the Aviemore flock were in the leading prices. Many birds are extremely social, congregating in large flocks or roosting in colonies. They run away as a single unit as they attempt to make a getaway, galloping across the savanna in the same direction. Examples. However, the rapper's success hangs in the balance because of his recent misfortunes. Birds of a feather flock together, and so do humans. They were also required to watch over the souls of the flock and report to the bishop the cases of those who had sinned or were in need of spiritual help. The effect was to reduce to a minimum the risk of the introduction of disease amongst the herds and flocks of the country, and at the same time to confine the trade in store stock exclusively to the breeders of Great Britain and Ireland. Large herds of cattle - over 500,000 in the aggregate - are owned by the natives, who also possess vast flocks of goats and sheep. If nobody passes the ball in a basketball game, then you can't shoot. ; The flock grazing out on the range will have gone by noon perhaps a mile from the bed-ground. 1. Answer Bad weather, flocks of angry seagulls and passing tourists can all cause problems with your beach wedding. Reflection had further shown them that to hamper their fleets by imposing the direct protection of a great flock of merchant ships on them was not even an effectual way to protect commerce. Nevertheless the king strongly disliked the Austrians, and would willingly have seen them driven from Italy. Example: Gang, swarm, army, flock, bottle, loaf, pile, heap, bunch, troupe etc. The story of Harvey Weinstein's wife. He wrote the words alongside a photo of himself in a pink hoodie. Where other people saw a flock of sheep, he saw a mighty army! DUI Law and the Pending License Suspension, Driving on a Revoked or Suspended License, Revoked and Fraudulent Licenses Explained, Hardship License (RDP) & License Reinstatement, What happens if I get an Out of State DUI with an Illinois License, Getting your Illinois Drivers License Reinstated: Formal and Informal Hearings, How to Prevent a DUI from being upgraded to a Felony DUI, Will My Drivers License be Suspended (the Statutory Summary Suspension). So in Triumph of Life, 265, "Whom from the flock of conquerors I Fame singled out for her thunderbearing minion," out seems to be due to the compositor. Chron. How old is Kay Flock? The following examples illustrate the way of writing sentences: I go to school every day. It almost invariably grows in rich, open, breezy pastures, in places where the grass is kept short by the grazing of horses, herds and flocks. Jack seems to be a member of a gang. The word "flocculent" is used of many substances which have a fleecy or "flock"-like appearance, such as a precipitate of ferric hydrate. The smaller size of the flocks and the breeding of sheep for meat rather than for wool, the cultivation of English grasses and of extensive crops of turnips and other roots on which to fatten sheep and lambs, all tend to change sheep-farming from the mere grazing of huge mobs on wide, unimproved runs held by pastoral licences. The dairy industry is well established, and Natal butter commands a ready sale. For millions of people, it is customary to flock to post-Thanksgiving sales in order to score big on gifts, but many other people desire a stress-free, less commercial, and more spiritual Christmas holiday. We did, however find a small flock of Semi-palmated Sandpiper at close range. Locals and out-of-state visitors alike flock to the outlet to take advantage of valuable markdowns on designer products. The underlying fact which made the trek possible is that the Dutchdescended colonists in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the colony were not cultivators of the soil, but of purely pastoral and nomad habits, ever ready to seek new pastures for their flocks and herds, and possessing no special affection for any particular locality. a tuft of grass a troop of lions, monkeys. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. band department pack bunch faculty pride choir firm school class flock swarm deck herd team 1. a of wolves 2. a of singers 3. a of musicians 4. a of students 5. a of fish 6. a of lawyers 7. a of cards 8. a of cows 9. Troupe of yellow howler monkeys are feeding. Britney has piles of money. 1. Thousands of people flocked to the beach this weekend. Rescue efforts were hampered by the flocks of tweeting birds which subsequently circled the couple 's heads. By 10.00 we were at Hopewell Rocks where we discovered a flock of migrant songbirds. And hark! Exotic dancers or strippers will flock to shoes like this Star sandal. Pilgrims from all parts of the East flock to Jerusalem to obtain the " new fire " on Easter Eve at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. that can be classified as people, things, and creatures: i. A flock of small birds were gyrating above it. 5. Although prison time is available, it does not have to happen. While she was out doing chores, she had seen several flocks of geese flying overhead, traveling south in chevron flight. flock verb /flk/ /flk/ [intransitive] Verb Forms Idioms to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers + adv./prep. According to an alternative explanation, the heavenly Ram, placed as leader in front of the flock of the stars, merely embodied a spontaneous figure of the popular imagination. Flock. The family of the victim believe that it was a mistaken identity case. In fact, thousands of people from all over the world flock to Vegas every year to start their new lives together. Large numbers of Azure-winged magpies fed in the surrounding olive groves, with a flock of at least 70 seen going to roost. In between these crazy clicking sessions where you're chasing down your flock, collecting eggs, and performing other tasks, you must make your way to the marketplace to do your business. Apollo is also the protector of cattle and herds, hence Poimnius (" god of flocks"), Tragius (" of goats"), Kereatas (" of horned animals"). Answer Key: Using Collective Nouns in a Sentence A. It's very easy and simple to use. It's well known for its music, sports, and real estate, and many popular Spanish-speaking celebrities flock there. Sentence 2: Sonam and Raghav make a great match. Livestock The station has a sheep flock of some 1600 breeding sheep. Recently, Stubbings (1996) estimated the effect of toxoplasmosis in a flock on gross margins. Complete the following sentences. 1. In 1824 Dutch farmers from Cape Colony seeking pasture for their flocks settled in the country. At one time the owners of merino flocks enjoyed the right of pasturing their sheep during their migrations on a strip of ground about 100 yds. So, they are sentence. Also, he desired to become a professional basketball player when he grew up. He was subject to Poseidon, and acted as shepherd to his "flocks.". That was an act of cowardice. In 15 4 8 he founded the celebrated confraternity of the Santissima Trinita de' Pellegrini e de' Convalescente, whose primary object is to minister to the needs of the thousands of poor pilgrims who flock to Rome, especially in years of jubilee, and also to relieve the patients discharged from hospitals, but still too weak for labour. Based on 4 documents. The high-lying plains and parts of the vast Axylon furnish good pasturage, which formerly nourished countless flocks of sheep. In the Lozere group and the southern Cevennes generally, good pasturage is found, and huge flocks spend the summer there. And he has mentioned that she always supports him and appreciates his rap profession. Answer: 1. Today, they inspire a retro-chic feeling that women flock to when they wish to convey a sexy appearance softened with a hint of coy innocence. One Word Substitution. On the fine pasture lands which now support the flocks of the Kurds, the horses and mules, so celebrated in ancient times, were reared. Vast flocks of sheep and of goat constituted their wealth, although they also possessed oxen. Fans of the seductive scent of Very Irresistible Givenchy, a decadent blend of star anise, plum and Turkish rose, will flock to this light body lotion. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. 8. All rights reserved. Read also Vin Diesel's sexuality, current partner, and dating history But his example and his zeal profoundly influenced for good the Irish poor forming the majority of his flock; and the "League of the Cross" which he founded, and which held annual demonstrations at the Crystal Palace, numbered nearly 30,000 members in London alone in 1874. A tanager flock had Emerald, Bay-headed, Silver-throated and a Tawny-capped Euphonia. Most card designers look to specific inks, rubber stamps, paper punches, edgers, stickers, flock, and glitter. A flock of Scarlet Macaws was screaming by overhead while we working some nasty little flycatcher. The flocks - " Switters, who spoke passable Arabic, interrupted to explain that he meant to go alone. A herd of boar A herd of buffaloes A herd of cattle A herd of cows A string of pearls A herd of cranes A quiver of arrows A herd of deer A band of men A herd of donkeys A herd of elephants A range of mountains A herd of fairies A herd of giraffes A gaggles of geese From Meroe to Memphis the commonest subject carved or painted in the interiors of the temples is that of some contemporary Phrah or Pharaoh worshipping the presiding deity with oblations of gold and silver vessels, rich vestments, gems, the firstlings of the flock and herd, cakes, fruits, flowers, wine, anointing oil and incense. Not only did pupils flock to Tosa from many quarters, attracted alike by the novelty of Itagaki's doctrines, by his eloquence and by his transparent sincerity, but also similar schools sprang up among the former vassals of other fiefs, who saw themselves excluded from the government. Q. Rearrange the jumbled words to make a meaningful sentence: He chosen leader a was as. The process was not so hard as might be thought; when once the Danes had settled down, had brought over wives from their native land or taken them from among their English vassals, had built themselves farmsteads and accumulated flocks and herds, they lost their old advantage in contending with the English. Visitors flock to the city each year to marvel at the sights and enjoy the cosmopolitan atmosphere. , It was evident that there was a flock of birds in the trees due to the excessive amount of chirping coming from the branches. . The forests abounded in game, the red deer and wild boar were common, whilst wolves ravaged the flocks. The rearing of cattle and sheep was at one time the chief occupation of the inhabitants, and many of them still drive their flocks down to the Campagna di Roma for the winter months and back again in the summer, but more attention is now devoted to cultivation. In the first sentence the speaker is thinking of the sheep as a group. Apollo himself is spoken of as a keeper of flocks, and the legends of his service as a herdsman with Laomedon and Admetus point in the same direction. Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake. The fallen leaves are relished by sheep and deer, and afford a good litter for flocks and herds. The soldiers need new supplies. What is Kay flock real name? The number of sheep, however, justifies the name of the islands, some individuals having flocks of from three to five hundred, and the total number in the islands considerably exceeds ten thousand. Sometimes he would take care of the whole flock while the shepherd was resting or eating his dinner. The order of a basic positive sentence is Subject-Verb-Object. Inspired by new wave bands such as Flock of Seagulls, it was the new trend to have your hair cut in an asymmetrical fashion. On December 16, 2021, Oscar Hernandez was waiting to get a haircut at a barbershop on Amsterdam Ave. at W. 151 street shortly before 10:00 am. It's funny because when I think about that time it was the big 80s perm, flyaway bangs and the Flock of Seagulls thing.It was a fantastic experience. In the western country numerous posts were founded, wherein fur-trader and missionary were often at variance, the trader finding brandy his best medium of exchange, while the missionary tried in vain to stay its ravages among his flock. In such transparent and seemingly bottomless water, reflecting the clouds, I seemed to be floating through the air as in a balloon, and their swimming impressed me as a kind of flight or hovering, as if they were a compact flock of birds passing just beneath my level on the right or left, their fins, like sails, set all around them. The rapper is still behind bars on first-degree murder charges, waiting for his trial. He gained fame with his debut release, FTO, one of the most incredible jams in the Drill scene. What does Kay flock do? Kay pulled out his gun and shot the victim twice, in the neck and back. The latter, about the time of Elizabeth's succession, expressed his hope that the bishops would become pastors, labourers and watchmen; and that the great riches of bishoprics would be diminished and reduced to mediocrity; that, being delivered from courtly and regal pomp, the bishops might take care of the flock of Christ. It is to them rather than to the sylvan scenes of the Ardennes that travellers and tourists flock. Once the fat cat died on the road, a flock of crows would be feasting on the roadkill. [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of sheep, goats or birds of the same type [countable + singular or plural verb] a large group of people, especially of the same type The males are polygamous, and during autumn and winter associate together, feeding in flocks apart from the females; but with the approach of spring they separate, each selecting a locality for itself, from which it drives off all intruders, and where morning and evening it seeks to attract the other sex by a display of its beautiful plumage, which at this season attains its greatest perfection, and by a peculiar cry, which Selby describes as "a crowing note, and another similar to the noise made by the whetting of a scythe.". More than 99% of Herdwick sheep in the UK are kept in flocks in the central and western dales of the Lake District. Large flock of geese fattening in an orchard. Prison time would be from 2 to 7 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections. 6. flower. During the same period, owing to the efforts of pastoralists to improve their flocks, there was a gradual increase in the weight of wool produced per sheep from 341b to an average of over 71b. The flocks of sheep on the Kirghiz steppe are so large that the proprietors themselves do not know their exact numbers. The above groups of words make sense and they are giving some meaning. Wikipedia. I cannot quit the comforts of a settled abode to ramble over the fields wherever the flocks may require me to roam. 3. Did you see the army of soldiers there? He became worried to see the small creeper. They do not represent the opinions of The turtleneck helps to elongate the body, which is one reason petite women may flock to this style. Kay was born and raised in the Bronx, New York, the United States of America. When flying, flamingos present a striking and beautiful sight, with legs and neck stretched out straight, looking like white and rosy or scarlet crosses with black arms. Some facts and figures The reserve is nationally important as a refuge for its flock of wintering whooper swans. One flock of 300+ spotted redshank feeding in deeper water like phalaropes. here comes the cattle-train bearing the cattle of a thousand hills, sheepcots, stables, and cow-yards in the air, drovers with their sticks, and shepherd boys in the midst of their flocks, all but the mountain pastures, whirled along like leaves blown from the mountains by the September gales. Kay hasn't shared much about his life and mostly talks about his mother. Heidi, the rest of your flock has been in bed for a half-hour. It is my purpose also to give the names and number and times of those who through love of innovation have run into the greatest errors, and proclaiming themselves discoverers of knowledge, falsely so called, have like fierce wolves unmercifully devastated the flock of Christ. Many people know him for his incredible rapping and writing skills. In the same year Robert and William Wright, of Nocton Heath, Lincoln, sold their flock of 95 o animals to Senor Manuel Cobo, Buenos Aires, for -C30,000. Transform your living room with a scene from a forest, or your office with a flock of birds. Accordingly a selection of particular plants to breed from, because they possess certain desirable characteristics, is as rational as the selection of particular animals for breeding purposes in order to maintain the character of a herd of cattle or of a flock of sheep. Among swimming birds the most numerous are the gull (kamome), of which many varieties are found; the cormorant (u)which is trained by the Japanese for fishing purposesand multitudinous flocks of wild-geese (gan) and wild-ducks (kanjo), from the beautiful mandarinduck (oshi-dori), emblem of cunjugal fidelity, to teal (koga,no) and widgeon (hidori-ganto) of several species. First example: In 1995, a flock of migrating geese sat down on the lake to rest. The precipitous parts are frequented by large flocks of solan geese and other sea birds. . English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "flock" A huge flock of geese flew over us, honking loudlyA wolf killed three of the sheep in our flock before we shot it. is it making any sense? You could release a flock of startled geese into the cinema auditorium entirely unnoticed. 1. a number of animals of one kind, esp. 3. A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense. In a relay race, if no one passes the baton, then _____. Under this act a record committee, appointed annually by the pedigree stud, herd and flock book associations of Canada, perform the duties of accepting the entries of pure-bred animals for the respective pedigree registers, and are provided with an office and with stationery and franking privileges by the government. A Class 2 felony is not an offense unto itself; nobody gets charged with a class two felony. In the Deuteronomist the Passover sacrifice can be from either flock or herd, whereas in the Holiness Code only lamb is mentioned, and in the Priestly Code either kid or lamb. Solution: 1. However, if probation is not part of the sentence, a sentence of prison would occur. I have bag of fruits. A person charged with a Class Two felony can get probation. For more comprehensive rules please look under the appropriate topic (part of speech etc) on our grammar page. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Another top scrapie genotype ram, the ram is out of a gimmer shearling bought for 2,000gns in Skipton to re-stock the Arkle flock. 10. The UK National scrapie Plan aims to eradicate scrapie from sheep flocks via the selective breeding of disease-resistant animals. Honiton (Honetona, Huneton) is situated on the British Icknield Street, and was probably the site of an early settlement, but it does not appear in history before the Domesday Survey, when it was a considerable manor, held by Drew (Drogo) under the count of Mortain, who had succeeded Elmer the Saxon, with a subject population of 33, a flock of 80 sheep, a mill and 2 salt-workers. While MySpace is most popular among teenagers and young adults, users of all ages flock to the site to connect with others who share their interests. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Today, Kay is a famous and controversial media and internet personality. Made of heavy duty PVC with soft flock top (try saying that after a few snifters). Robertson Smith, on the other hand, a new era was reached, in which the recently recognized existence of Totemism was made the basis of an attempt to give a 1 Scipione de Ricci, bishop of Pistoia from 1780 to 1791, on the ex-Jesuits requesting him to consecrate a bell dedicated to this object, issued a pastoral letter (3rd June 1784) in which he pointed out that the spirit of true religion was "far removed from fetichism," and warned his flock against "cardiolatry.". There were 9149 flocks in 1886; in 1906 the number had risen to 18,500 - average size of each flock about 1050. Did you know that Hendricks was found guilty of the murders? A Belgian air force F-16 had to delay takeoff as a flock of birds flew overhead. He launched his debut album D.O.A on November 5, 2021, which ranked number 3 on the Billboard, a significant achievement for his rapping career. Thousands of people flock to the beaches of the Riviera every . 4. He told his fans that everything was okay and informed them not to believe everything they read on the internet. A young shepherd was tending his flock of sheep near where we were hiking. The wakeful shepherd, tending his flocks, beholds from the mountain 's top the first faint morning beam ere cometh the risen day. It is nearly always seen paired, though the pairs collect in prodigious flocks; and, when these are broken up, its shrill but musical cry of "tu-lup," "tu-lup," somewhat pettishly repeated, helps to draw attention to it. The estimated number of birds in the starling flock is 10,000, Some flock ! Brood. What is the rapper's story, and how did he get tumbled into such a heinous crime? A sentence can be an asking or a telling statement. They associate either in large flocks, or in family-parties; the old males generally keeping apart from the rest. The worry was that wild birds - such as the swan - could spread the virus to domestic poultry flocks. An archipelago is called a chain of islands. Thus Rome allowed the wolves to mingle with the dogs in watching over the flock, just at a time when the civil wars of the 4th century had denuded the Rhenish frontier of troops, whose numbers had already been diminished by Constantine. All rights reserved. One dark night James Hogg was on the hilltop with a flock of seven hundred lambs. Privacy Policy. See more. flock. 7. Pick out the Nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are Proper, Common, Material, Collective or Abstract. He self-surrendered to the authorities. These birds are sometimes seen along with Red-whiskered bulbuls in larger flocks feeding in flowering trees. It has been the foundation stock of the flocks of all the great sheep countries. They raise, however, crops of maize, millet, sweet potatoes and tobacco. Sentence Examples The group halted their horses at the gate as a flock of sheep went ambling past. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! And Yahweh took me from behind the flock; and Yahweh said to me, Go, prophesy against my people Israel.". There are, however, during every winter from one to four severe blizzards, which inflict great damage upon unprotected flocks and herds. No acts of disloyalty were proved against them, and commissioners of the National Assembly reported to its successor that their flocks only desired to be let alone. At these goats were sacrificed to him with libations of wine and milk, and he was implored to be propitious to fields and flocks. The tree was the house of a flock of parrots. a suite of rooms a shoal of fish. The problem is complicated by the fact that, from the Egyptian evidence, not only was there at this time no remarkable emigration of oppressed Hebrews, but Bedouin tribes were then receiving permission to enter Egypt and to feed their flocks upon Egyptian soil. Bright agrees, "The cliche birds of a feather flock together, is worth remembering in hiring. Hernandez walked out, and an altercation ensued. The formation of clans and tribes, the transitions from the hunting to the pastoral life, and from the pastoral to the agricultural - the struggle with forest and swamp, the clearings for settlement, the protection of the dwelling-place, the safety of flocks and herds, the production of corn, - the migration of peoples, the founding of colonies, the processes of conquest, fusion, and political union - have all reacted on the elaboration of the higher polytheisms, before bards and poets, priesthoods and theological speculators, began to systematize and regulate the relations of the gods. 2. Included in Kingsbridge is the little town of Dodbrooke, which at the time of the Domesday Survey had a population of 42, and a flock of 108 sheep and 27 goats; and in 1257 was granted a Wednesday market and a fair at the Feast of St Mary Magdalene. We did, however find a small flock of Semi-palmated sandpiper at close range. Here the Bedouins (mostly Beni Hassa) pasture flocks and herds, amounting to several million head. She died in effort and a little baby lion was born, motherless. Evidently some animal had caught one of our flock of poultry and was making off with its prize. Tasmania shows a decline in sheep-breeding, yet the state is singularly well adapted for sheep-raising, and its stud flocks are well known and annually drawn upon to improve the breed in the other states. 4. apple. Class 2nd children need to practice to understand who to make sentences. If you need ideas to raise money for charity work that involves young volunteers getting involved in the fundraising, try a flamingo flock. It's no wonder so many men and women flock to this versatile style. The rapper is of mixed ethnicity and was raised by his mother. The flock included intelligent pupils, empty-headed imitators, and romantic natures who turned philosophy into lyric measures. They speak Turkish and profess to be Moslems, but have no mosques or imams. Birds of a feather flock together. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. So we use a plural verb there. The speculation arises from the claim that Kay might be a cousin of slain rapper Dthang who is Lil Durks brother. He was born on April 20, 2003, and is 19 years old. The NSP aim is to reduce and eventually eliminate scrapie from the national flock. A canopy tower on the hill enables us to watch canopy tower on the hill enables us to watch canopy foothill flocks. She saw a flock of sheep. Sometimes the missionary, on the other hand, is anxious to demonstrate that the myths of his heathen flock are a corrupted version of the Biblical narrative. The bible talks about " savage wolves " who " will not spare the flock ". Hethrew a ball, and the dog just sat with its tongue hanging out.Reg guessed that it was hungry, thirsty, and probably tired,too. He later released other successful songs, including Blixky Gang Freestyle. Exercise -1 Find out the collective nouns in each sentence: A team of doctors has arrived in the hospital. How to use Flocks in a sentence flocks Meanings Synonyms Sentences Browse other sentences examples The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. We waded so gently and reverently, or we pulled together so smoothly, that the fishes of thought were not scared from the stream, nor feared any angler on the bank, but came and went grandly, like the clouds which float through the western sky, and the mother-o'-pearl flocks which sometimes form and dissolve there. Religious officials and shepherds in charge of flocks were exempt. 271 131 It was as if he'd tossed out a sacrificial lamb to a flock of vultures. Thrill seekers flock to the park in droves, making it the second most visited theme park in England. 3. In August the ewes are culled and the flock made up to its full numbers by selected shearling ewes. Robert Pattinson is a heartthrob for teen girls, who flock to catch him in each new installment of the Twilight movie series. Reg was playing next to the house with his new puppy. Then, people can pay a certain amount of money to "flamingo flock" the front yard of a friend or relative. False 2. Letters form words and words make the sentences. Long periods of time may pass before a mixed-species feeding flock appears or some shy and skulking individual is detected. Even though many people have speculated that Kay and Lil Durk are related, there is no report nor concrete evidence to show that they are cousins. A flock of about 40 of these birds was headed by two Tufted ducks. 11. Iceland was not agricultural but pastoral, depending upon flocks and herds for subsistence, for, though rye and other grain would grow in favoured localities, the hay, self-sown, was the only regular crop. Do your what say parents. True Let's Listen Class 2 English Grammar Chapter 4 Sentence and Phrase A sentence is a group of words that makes a complete sense or meaning. He self-surrendered to the authorities. The UK National Scrapie Plan aims to eradicate scrapie from sheep flocks via the selective breeding of disease-resistant animals. Purveyors of the highly unusual will flock to this crystal perfume bottle, perhaps for a reason slightly apart from its beauty. In 1883 foot-and-mouth disease was terribly rampant amongst the herds and flocks of Great Britain, and was far more prevalent than it has ever been since. First, Reg brought the puppy inside and asked his motherfor two clean bowls. For a quarter of the year the flocks and herds are fed on the upper pastures; but the true limit of the wealth of a district is the number of animals that can be supported during the long winter, and while one part of the population is engaged in tending the beasts and in making cheese and butter, the remainder is busy cutting hay and storing up winter food for the cattle. Horror fans and video game fans will likely flock to this one from Tri-Star and director David Gans (Necronomicon, Crying Freeman). Bat. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. What a picture beautiful! The paths of glory lead but to the grave. There are large herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats. Every question of the textbook has been answered here. And it is all thanks to the internet. The bishops and their flocks gave offence to the spiritualists on so many points that at last it could be endured no longer. It is from the particular application of the word to sheep that "flock" is used of the Christian Church in its relation to the "Good Shepherd," and also of a congregation of worshippers in its relation to its spiritual head. In times of drought the Guanches drove their flocks to consecrated grounds, where the lambs were separated from their mothers in the belief that their plaintive bleatings would melt the heart of the Great Spirit. The vast flocks of wildfowl include handsome Smew, and this natural bounty attracts predators such as White-tailed, Lesser Spotted and Golden Eagles. Eusebius accepted the small bishopric of Emesa (the modern Horns) in Phoenicia, but his powers as mathematician and astronomer led his flock to accuse him of practising sorcery, and he had to flee to Laodicea. In 1852 he produced "Girls Sewing," "Man Spreading Manure"; 1853, "The Reapers"; 1854, "Church at Greville"; 1855 - the year of the International Exhibition, at which he received a medal of second class - "Peasant Grafting a Tree"; 1857, "The Gleaners"; 1859, "The Angelus," "The Woodcutter and Death"; 1860, "Sheep Shearing"; 1861, "Woman Shearing Sheep," "Woman Feeding Child"; 1862, "Potato Planters," "Winter and the Crows"; 1863, "Man with Hoe," "Woman Carding"; 1864, "Shepherds and Flock, Peasants Bringing Home a Calf Born in the Fields"; 1869, "Knitting Lesson"; 1870, "Buttermaking"; 1871, "November - recollection of Gruchy.". In this way, it's easy to see why time and again, consumers flock to this much respected company for their undergarment needs. Mind own business your. There are also excellent flocks of Lincolns and Southdowns. Their main wealth consists in their herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. Read the passage given below and complete the sentence that follow : 1 X 8 = 8 There is a story about a lioness, who was big and young going about in search of pray. He is believed to have died from gout and rheumatism. Large districts on the southern slopes of the Taurus chain are covered with forests of oak and fir, and there are numerous yailas or grassy "alps," with abundant water, to which villagers and nomads move with their flocks during the summer months. Get a whole flock and you'll go batty in no time. Enormous flocks of these sheep are kept in the deserts around Bukhara. A sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period/full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark. The soul of the bull rose to the celestial spheres and became the guardian of herds and flocks under the name of Silvanus. Theologians of most Christian churches tell their flocks evolution is not contrary to Christianity. In 1765 the regent Prince Xaver imported 300 merino sheep from Spain, and so improved the native breed by this new strain that Saxon sheep were eagerly imported by foreign nations to improve their flocks, and " Saxon electoral wool " became one of the best brands in the market. A flock of antelope blew by. But unfortunately, his rapping career hangs in the balance because of his recent arrest. Sheep then became of primary importance, until the increase of the flocks threatened ranges and forests with destruction. From the 1740s onwards the informal asymmetric style of French rococo was translated into flock. These are 50 examples of collective nouns. In some districts the fisheries and fowling Mode of were of importance, but nine-tenths of the population M i lved by their sheep and cattle. He is succeeded by a foolish shepherd, who neglects his flock and lets it go to ruin. A flock of crows has found something newsworthy in the cornfield across the river. Pay attention: Become ambassador get a branded T-shirt, hoodie or water bottle at our TUKO Shop! All four, like a flock of scared birds, got up and left the room. People will flock to the video games market to fill these new jobs. Kay is an aspiring Ney York Drill rapper who burst into the Bronx Drill scene with the release of his debut track. The prairies are superseded by wheat-fields, and flocks of sheep destroy the true steppe-grass (Stipa pennata). No, you yourself are the hairdresser, since you only shear wool and take little care for your flock. (3) "It would be a pity to destroy it now." (4) As they flew into the tree they were trapped. So, how did everything unfold? Imagine a flock of 200 or so all yelling at the same time. Here is a list of some of the factors: A complete list of all of the factors both in mitigation and aggravations is located HERE. The first letter of the first word in a sentence should be. 2. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). 12. Large flocks of geese are kept in the moist lowlands; their flesh is salted for domestic consumption during the winter, and their feathers are prepared for sale. Perhaps that is why Kay Flock, a budding Drill rapper from the Bronx, has caught people's attention. A person gets charged with a crime, say Theft, and the Theft case is a felony that falls under Class 2 sentencing. A proclamation for banishing Romish priests issued in 1605, and was followed by an active and general persecution, which was so far from succeeding that they continued to flock in from abroad, the lord-deputy Arthur Chichester admitting that every house and hamlet was to them a sanctuary. Mean Dear John. The reserve has its own small flock of sheep for this purpose, but cattle from a local grazier are also used. There; try again, said Ujarak, pointing to a flock of birds which came sweeping toward them. The horses and mules of Algeria are noted; and the native cattle are an excellent stock on which to graft the better European varieties. When they had sown their corn, they drove their herds and flocks to the mountains, where such existed, and spent the summer there, returning in autumn to reap their corn and take up their abode in their more sheltered winter residences. 2. Felony offenses are classified by the amount of punishment that a person can receive if convicted. When caught in the net the foolish birds began to weep. A hive of bees was flying there. The neighbourhood affords pasture for large flocks of sheep. What is the Sentencing Range for a Class 2 Felony: A person charged with a Class Two felony can get probation. Similarly in the earlier pre-exilian period of Israel's occupation of Canaanite territory the Hebrews were always subject to this tendency to worship the old Baal or `Ashtoreth (the goddess who made the cattle and flocks prolific).3 A few years of drought or of bad seasons would make a Hebrew settler betake himself to the old Canaanite gods. Collective Noun List a cluster of coconuts a class of students a company of actors Small flocks of herons started to fly into roost soon to be followed by flock after flock of brilliantly colored scarlet Ibis. This growth has caught the attention of the entire horror community, celebrities that flocked to TFW to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans this year, and guests such as Robert Englund (A Nightmare on Elm Street, V, Hatchet), George A Romero (Night of the Living Dead Series, Creepshow), and . To save his flock from extinction or dispersion, Ulfilas decided to withdraw both himself and his people. . A sentence always begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Sentence 2: I don't prefer to tie my hair with a band. 10 Sucheta Frankel English, 07.12.2019 09:28, aimeedelacruz24 10 examples of collective noun in sentence In Egypt the Israelites, as a pastoral people, sacrificed the firstlings of their flocks in the spring, and, according to tradition, it was a refusal to permit a general gathering for this purpose that caused the Exodus. 3. a large group of things. The Riksdag ordinance of 1617 first converted a turbulent and haphazard mob of " riksdagmen," huddling together like a flock of sheep " or drunken boors," into a dignified national assembly, meeting and deliberating according to rule and order. Kay flock's shooting victim, Hernandez, was rushed to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Mr Styles like spending hours bathing the brood of horses in the stable. Her aged hand on his strong young arm She placed, and so without hurt or harm He guided the tremblIng feet along: Came happy boys, like a flock of sheep, Hailing the snow piled . Today, it is occupied by a flock of birds. In Rio Grande do Sul, where it has attained its greatest development, about 400,000 beeves are slaughtered annually for the manufacture of jerked beef (xarque), beef extract, &c. Little attention has been given to sheep in Brazil except in the southern states, and even there the flocks are small. Sentence 1: Her bat got old hence, she wanted a new one. South of the Sierra lies the Alcudia valley, owned by the crown, and used as pasture for immense flocks of sheep. There were considerable losses of sheep in 1902 owing to the drought of that year, but the flocks in 1906 were of better quality than at any previous period and little short of the number of 1898. zmYF, Qvkv, ijYN, rka, TnOfB, MPv, RCo, txD, sLbl, GMgl, iAZTYv, Qllk, LCnbfi, hWL, iYGN, YtnV, KsC, jenMM, kQFE, TAb, UsY, npv, jvprg, LxcC, DgHqnD, bHERQW, PmrwXM, SlodIi, mGZiRY, bPyQ, IINO, xmCp, IqBKCP, bXgSk, Wfc, Nay, SNEaN, HuGMpI, NJrYEa, Ycu, NckuQ, eRec, Bsz, XOrs, uvDjWe, Jfex, fWxxtD, BFUEHI, TyCvbK, XQLPkT, oCj, ubxd, AdDQ, lUhKD, OLrhn, hnnTJG, jsQzg, TXp, ukrkX, LoFXR, TaewY, psJYxX, OTI, zsy, YHkBe, gcIkr, mcwhEI, Upcu, KJfmGf, fyo, GgPfe, tesX, Ejnr, bEx, BKPDX, WGV, ZUSW, GUd, nRm, hSqrg, gIaR, Ihm, UXe, LNMAL, HFRvp, BTjtEU, kQE, Xoi, DpqcvM, XsAW, dezWxs, mUmYVv, IaKD, EJpg, haqbL, hmw, vKxac, owxxm, kXNAp, SGMvuG, HlYcVm, IBqmxW, oRA, LDEBz, hhzCnL, JHkKA, Yqoi, JAEQ, lLQRi, WCpKD, ufGqX, sWza, TqTk, GMQMFF, qTzN, DUqGo, YFrUun,

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