warcraft 3 rifleman quotes

Bill Nevins is the head of that group Possible exception is OTSN where Ric Braccomontes shows up with foreign figures for sale. Mark. I got a red ship with yellow sails of that type in a bag sometime between the ages of 5 and 8, which would have been very late 1960s-early 1970s. I found I like figures for their poses. The interesting items were 1/72 Atlantic, they came in two boxes Round Up Cowboys and Buffalo Hunt, but inside the boxes aside from the advertised sets which were included we must have gotten 50 buffalos and a mostly intact sprue of the Outlaws they were all there just that a couple came off the sprue and most if not all of the Sioux Camp set. Stevens Hobby a wholesaler has Russian Napoleonic in stock. Also, thanks for all the macro info very helpful indeed. Any ideas? Michaels and other craft stores sale then for$9.99 or less.They often carry all Safari line too.Also school supply stores usually carry Safari products as well. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), Also i want to thank you for the gun show macro, i just cant stop playing with it at random places hahah just lots of fun!!! I think I got the name right. About 3D system and my research so far. If your description is right, the macro should look like this Is sellss1 Thanks for the reminder Kazador. Doing a lot of Rebel poses as well. /cast Disengage. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 They did Bakelite figures before transition to soft and hard plastic .. I just saw a good deal on the CTS recasts and went from there. Is that too optimistic? We have to wait until Peter Evans or Brian Carrick let us know if they have any information. Kent After growing up in the town of Blackwood, Garithos joined Lordaeron's army as a knight during the Second War. What do you do then, cry I guess. Gary. sigh. Rare enough they copied the K& C Sherman m4 but they copied the barrel wrong as two pieces 75mm cannon-odd and cover machine gun front.I never understood why so simple things were done when they had the permit to copy it. /petattack Their short stature and general appearance are common throughout mythology as well as fiction. Mark, could the frying pan basher be the little known twin brother Bop Sing? Anyhow, thanks again for looking into it. Ive been using the mount macro and loving it, but I discovered a problem I never had when I had one for flying and one for ground; in Wintergrasp, during battle, it wont let me mount! can some1 help so i could use all the time tranquil shot all the time on my focused target or to target i just atack, ty. [16][36][70] Dwarves have a strong work ethic and are highly skilled craftsmen, especially metalworkers. Otherwise they will keep it. Yes, Strombecker made an AWI artillery set, a WWI set with a prisoner interrogation at Liege, Belgium and a ACW set as well as this WWII set. These last three are the harder to get as less produced done in last year of Atlantic company. If you are able to stand and fire, you are better off doing so in AotH. Regards The set had not been released in soft plastic as new series edition yet!.. There are no restraining orders in Azeroth, are there . Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. We discuss reworking plastic figures and making unique poses to go along with our stock figures. I hope these really are something new, and not the Sad looking Airfix, Matchbox, PP/Timmee copies they have had for the last year. Never knew monogram did metal.Intersting Some of the conversions look pretty good. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Toy-Soldiers-Unknown-Maker-American-Infantry-WW2-lot-of-5-/131831895272?hash=item1eb1cb14e8:g:OccAAOSwQaJXS191. And in some circles, its considered bad form to paint original, vintage Marx. Andrew. Looks like these were sold more as miniature models for hobbyists rather than being aimed at the kids toy market. Have the Cpt. /cast Bestial Wrath A simple mouse turn of 180 degrees the instant you use it will get you facing the rogue so deterrence is effective. The package design is very similar to that of Red Box / Alliance 1/72 boxes. There is not Sherman made as far I know from any us maker till CTS. Is it really that much more expensive to put a round base on these figures? Ive planned to do it like, a sequencecast aith a reset gimer on 1-2 sec. I have never heard of them ,thats why I was asking if anybody else had any info . /targetlastenemy, there are a few others that use this same general format for targeting, so i dont have to have separate macros for when in a group and soloing, Best thing that i have ever read for helping me PvP and just get a huge increase in damage out and just overall gameplay in general is much better. I have enjoyed as much a figure I bought for dime as one at $20.00. this year I wanted the noise. First time I heard off . This is a handy all-in-one macro for placing bombs in battlegrounds. About others Yup, it was definitely not one of them. Any other suggestions for someone I could pay to do the figure conversions? It's assumed that dwarves have better eyesight in the dark than most races, due to living in the dark mountains ever since their awakening from the titan ruins. For some reason Conte still seen to be quite abundant around sellers/retailers or whoever sale then at shows/ebay/else.I had not see much of increase in price except on those special figures made x playset only. Nice finding /cast Wing Clip [mod:shift], [mod:ctrl], [mod:alt] Modifiers allow you to add more decision making abilities to macros. Back in WotLK I grew tired of having to rummage through my inventory each time I needed to use an item for a daily quest, so I created a macro that would cover all of the quest items Id need to use on a daily basis. on internet I found this web page as a most excellent site for newest updates. Priced less than the CTS tanks, and a better fit to 1/32. /showtooltip Rapid Fire Mark. One press will hurl a Freezing Trap at your cursors location. Information recovered is carefully analyzed and stored in the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge. /cast Widow Venom Hope that helps make some sense of things. I think I have all the poses, though. just my thoughts.. To clarify, my Italians are originals which is why I got only a figure here and there and not a full set. /cast Trap Launcher Arcane Shot and Concussive Shot are both on the GCD, and Steady Shot is a 2 second cast shot. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRtYWp69Q4o/TnFCQ67p4WI/AAAAAAAAAUk/EdFAjAwSTog/s1600/100_3505.JPG, Head of TSSD Marine with shovel and knife 2nd from left When the gates go up and a target is called and a CC target is called you have ready to go buttons for your targets. Burst Macro For Marksmanship. Best. There was even a Willie and Joe movie from the 1950s. Yes many battles were fought in not harsh winter condition and no cold too, I agree Don .And you can see then in pictures and documentary.But now we need the summer REDS x it them. I will be working on the report and be showing a rare Marx prototype Captain Kidd and the Pirates that Francis Turner was gracious to allow us to photograph. Today you would have to go to a non-Spanish toy solder show to get them at a reasonable price. http://www.briancollinsenterprises.ie/ I notices same plastic exess mold problem in all former rubber mold figures from Aurburn once done in plastic.In GIs I preffer the rubber. Each set would have two of the policeman and criminal + a newsboy carrying a folded newspaper. Dwarves are an ancient, bold, and courageous race descended from the earthen.[1] The race is split into various different clans, with the three most predominant being led by the Council of Three Hammers. In fact I still have a lot of my GIs from when I was a kid. Hello Brian, 2 poses of the 8 figures I have on my website will be in my next set of Marines along with 4 more new poses. Im always wondering how many he has,!? The best way to do this is to add the following lines to a burst ability or execute macro: Use this macro to heal your mouseover target, or yourself if no target is selected. Any ideas?? http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/life_and_entertainment/2014/11/06/1106-Little-green-army-men-Rubiks-Cube-make-toy-HOF.html. I realize, of course, that toy soldier companies have marketing and financial considerations which have to be taken into account. I have a buff frame I put above my unit frame which shows my current aspect(s). Erwin, your buddy has one for sale on eBay NMIB!! Few initiatives in modern American history have the potential to touch the lives of so many people as powerfully as Opportunity Zones, which are home to approximately 31.3 million Americans across all 50 States, District of Columbia, and the five U.S. territories. Hi there, Jim + Tim Mc Gough and Dave Payne I found these 80mm knight puzzle kits on eBay. Production of holland was x few and then not more.Is indeed a mistery. [98] Some dwarves use "Gods"[99] or "By the gods"[100] as exclamations. I guess if you want them bad enough, you pay the price. The figure poses are: Been a long time. The Marx German vehicle mold was still with Horowitz when Bill Murphy bought it. Also, Gar, for aspect macros, Ive tried the two line style ones you have listed, before, I find that the tend to cancel the primary one or not cast the secondary one at all, whereas the /castsequence !, ! & Here is a link of last seen on ebay sold out. I think it was all part of the Marshall Plan, as Thomas Toys work closely with Poplar Playthings and Kleeware to set up plastic moulding plants in the UK. But permit me to comment on the question of whether its safe to deal with Rick Berrys shop: Rick Berry, in a period a few years back, gave in to a temptation to overcharge a wealthy persons credit card. Also, aside from getting rid of the insane lag that Comcast has been so kind as to provide, and using Quartz to get the shots in as soon as they are really castable, what can I do (and this is a more general question) to increase dps? I use to research prices and how toys were pack and sold. I got all minus box as I mentioned before ,I will send picture this Monday or Tuesday or get direct email fro me to Mark with it I see it many place on this page but dont understand what it really does. One is going to be his set of Japanese and the other two are a mystery right now, but I think it may be another set of WW2 Marines. Tonys always accessible always willing to discuss and consider things. Both were sold in lime green and silver tracks,later in orange and D.O .they have overthick cannon barrel and shoot shells as I described above. I guess at this point its safe to assume there is no show again this year. I remember reading and re-reading this book as a kid. Good for knocking Elitest Healers down a peg or two too lmfao, /cast [target=focus, help] Misdirection Slaves were imported to work the fields alongside the remaining Tainos. Ill let you know when I have an ETA. Great information on these figures, which I will take pictures today. It was still about 45 bucks, but for anyone interested in toy forts and castles, its a must have. Now im on to spirit beasts in NR. This Macro is pretty good in arenas (if you have glyph of Raptor strike its even better!) I also got a Waterloo Custer and that had four sprues in it. #showtooltip Rapid Fire Also it definitely came new from the store (Zellers, a Canadian Woolworths type place) in a bag with the smaller MPC ship with the Moorish looking sails. Either way, its nice to have them available. It looks like it will be next week before I can go and pick up your item from Mike. And in terms of buying a companys plastic or metal which they have painted, the price is usually a little too expensive for me. http://www.ebay.es/sch/dragosteia/m.html?item=331844851052&hash=item4d437e956c%3Ag%3AY%7EwAAOSw9N1VuqXn&rt=nc&_dmd=2, What time period were the adventures of Captain Gallant supposed to take place in? Thanks verry much ! As far I can recall, MPC did 3 different ship only.I don not know if last yeloow link boat is MPC. The plastic wraping has about a 4 inch slit in the window part and a 3 inch slit on the right side. Mark. Also, I bought 2 of the smaller Lone Star Zulus. /cast Hunters Mark But it depend on seller if want get it x u and sale to you. Welcome, if you are not going to keep the figures, the best thing is to sell them now. YOull have to setup your Equipment Manager first with your PVP set then you can use the handy macro command /equipset . You can add charge in there, but I dont think its necessary. my thoughts and tips. My tboughts. Mark, is very close base in a naval cannon used in the crimea war.I will google later if any direct link.I know I saw in one of my book and was used in war. Wonder if u could suggest me something thnx a lot, I actually started replying to this comment a few days ago when you posted it, but at the time decided it needed a more thorough answer (or more info from you). Later plastic PH brand were redone with round or oval more flat base. I hope so, I have 2 of them. . that is great to hear let me know when you have photos to share, MPC Fire Wagon on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-MPC-plastic-steam-fire-engine-with-figures-/361508408413?hash=item542b948c5d:g:YXQAAOSwZQxW4caO. Another question I have was about BMC. Hey, I am on Hexos in brawlers guild, and was looking for a one shot macro to blow the cooldowns. Jecsan did a Sherman and US Mack WW2 truck as well two cannon in 1.32 scale as WW2 Jecsan are 1.32 and not big as other figures sets. Modimus Anvilmar depicted by the great statue at the Gates of Ironforge. The figures are solid, painted, but do not have set bases. This is not counting designing program and scanners needed x perfection finish test and testing. i am using mods but I wouldnt think that would matter. they cover France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal and few others. Admin I ,sorry I was not referring to metal, I was talking about the plastic eldon poses being copied by aurora and monogram or wherever they did first. Sadly agree, Don and TOO BAD, because he has produced some great figures. So was terminated out of the set and never released with other poses again. Coffee pot Any tips/tricks? If Dash is needed to get them out of harms way quickly, then press the alt key as well. I could not possibly display every set that I have. I have been buying a lot of the soft sets cheaply on eBay lately but they did not include the Wolfs Hounds in this release. /cast Snake Trap(Nature). Yes, I do cabin conversions for my Western Towns!! . Hello, Oh well another mystery!! Is there a way to put a pause into a macro, to overcome cool down issues? The battom part look like a train in this toy. Warlocks, shamans, hunters are very rare. i have bought the four mounted knights they are realy nice and go well with many of the other knights in my collection inoticed pictures of foot knights on the blister card also does anyone know where i can find the foot knights. or Never seen the large in that format. The following is my Misdirect macro in the new style of macro commands. !.Best regards. to date all the time. Only 4 pirates poses and 4 bandits poses were reissue by BUM and still around here by few sellers ,you can still get them . Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. What they are worth and how hard to find they are, depend upon whether you are talking about the figures themselves, or whether you are interested in the box. Need AIP WW1 Turks,Serbs, Austro-Hungarians,Belgians,Italians,Slouch hat Australians.Need Pre Helmet troops of all nations.French tanks and other series of British tanks.And lets go crazy gas mask wearing troops of all nations. Btw, is there really any reason (I have seen it in a lot of other macros) to include the rank of the spell. and calls a PVP pet. I apologize. /startattack After the winner Steve Connel was announced he then auctioned it off and was won by Craig Remmington for a bid of $500.00, Steve then handed over the proceeds to the same charity. For most recent news you have to pay a quick visit world-wide-web and I mentioned about too in the nice 40 mm castle done by Mike posted here too. Dwarves' appearances differ depending on the type of dwarf and where they are from. Snow shoes This will cast hawk if it isnt on. I am happy to identify figures for people. However, Kael would have surely been defeated had he not accepted another offer from Vashj and her naga to aid in the destruction of the western Scourge forces. I clicked on the link and created a Yahoo email address, but cant seem to access or join the group. The rifle had a Scope. And there was a plastic pith helmet. Conversely, anyone know of another source for Replicants figures? Many survivors retreated to find the aid of Archaedas, Tyr, and Ironaya, who had evaded Loken's wrath unlike the other keepers. /castsequence [mod:ctrl] reset=3 Trap Launcher,!Snake Trap. You can only get 1 GCD skill into a macro, so if youre trying to combine multiple abilities that all share the 1.5 second global cooldown, only the first one will fire. I checked Google and Jakks Pacific is making 2.5 inch mini figures for the upcoming World of Warcraft movie. Back to macros! Could you not just use my thoughts.. Hi, I know this may be off-topic but I am moving in two weeks and I need to know how to pack toy soldiers. /use Potion of the Tolvir This macro will Wing Clip everything in melee range when you Disengage, Feign Death, Detterance and my favorite Masters Call, after you trinket Kidney Shot and leave crying rogue. I manage to order at discounted business price 20 sets (10 each) back them and clean off all exes non like poses sold rest off. Grind the flaxseeds into very fine flour. Im not affirming neither confirming ,just passing what I found please You can mark either first option that it will notifying u of any reply to yours or choose the one below that will send u an email with any new post that Paul do any day. Earlier in the day we went to a friend to buy some items for resell and find a figure for me. I think there was a leak in the indian letrine teepe that create a flood. As they say, the eye of the beholder. I always figured if a person is happy with his purchase then he got a bargain. There not any new figures news that I can see on the site just some great information and collections that people have. admin,i got exact with out rider in reverse color ,the horse in white. Can you walk me through the process? Maybe you could just cut off the torso of an Airfix German officer and swap his head for a helmeted head and stick the torso into the hatch of the tank. If you have a Tazik Shocker attached to your gloves, youre going to want to fire that sucker off as much as possible. It is the fast food restaurant I would be on the look out for on a trip. I agree with you Ed. /castsequence Cobra Shot I thought Id add this macro to your list. No I did not buy a Susy Goose Playset. But I cant seem to find any of them online. Not military but western,knights,INCAS and others I took a couple of pictures of the soldiers when I got home and wanted to share them with everyone here since I have not seen them pop up anyplace yet. This year we went to one of those places where the staff sings you Happy Birthday. Thank you very much for looking into this! One of my students found it on Amazon and thought I might be interested. There is something similar; stairs for army barracks which might work. Unless you have never been in Korea you won;t realize what Im talking about. Death Pact can be cast on invulnerable undead units, like those raised by Animate Dead. For purists you may want to add to the paint jobs. /cast [mod:ctrl] Shot 3 Aimed shot http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Good-The-Bad-and-the-Ugly-Customized-3-Piece-set-/201601397830?hash=item2ef0613446:g:fF0AAOSwOVpXWuVB. , One (probably stupid) question, though Ive been using this macro to start fights: I have handle literally thousands of these figures for a cilent over the years and I do not get the kneeling pose that often. You get 8 figures for 3! I made my own Aspect Macro, but havent had the chance to test it since my hunters not high enough for most of the aspects. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rOib7Ktph5g/Wm-4T2hbNUI/AAAAAAAAOWE/yjCpUS61cKMq3kh8CA0PJajrYxyds0GvgCKgBGAs/s1600/DSC_0011.JPG. Sorry I have no information to help you on shops in Ireland. The person is also selling a Sun brand tank. Ive got reservations for Friday night and Saturday night, but I always check in on Friday morning. I would like to set up the hunters mark/pet attack macro to involve two pushes of the button allowing me to mark the nearest target on the first press of the button and send my pet in on the second. Just as well, you need a mansion to set up just the seven. Steve Weston was alive and well at the London Toy Soldier Show today (Dec 2nd), perhaps he was busy preparing for it? When using the shots from the Spellbook, the icon shows the clock timer or dims when on cooldown, or not available, but my macro icons do not. Also by late 70s AIRFIX were having issues and transfer ownership and production .Both the British and Italian sets come too late for a good army related toy figure market and more for the modelers hobby market reducing interest and production level probably /cast kill shot 11 = finger 1 I love the scatter shot macro. Can someone tell me, is there mayby a way to cast this following shots in a row, one after one?! At toy soldier shows i see then(vintage) abundant in piles x low price ,bulk lots are sold of original in used condition and or damaged too x lower price often. Your source for news on new figure releases and old figures. In the future I will have a device that I can do the web site when I am away from home health or otherwise. We have no idea if the molds exist or not. The molds for resin figures would only be good for producing a limited number of figures before the mold begins to degrade through wear and tear. Just for nostalgia reasons. Best. I got used to that a long time ago, along with all the Marx undersize tin litho buildings. [25], Ironforge, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron dwarves, Some dwarves aided the humans during the First War, such as Thargas Anvilmar. [14] This left the Mechagnomes as the final caretakers of Uldaman, and over time, many began to leave or break down until there was a final mechagnome left. Third the molds are lost or destroyed as they were shipped to Iraq. Erwin If a blister pack is found by then.Im.sure they will tell me Ive found bits and pieces but mostly its one or two for specific situations & only for the PREFERED spec. I have tried and it does not refresh at the same rate as Steady Shot. Ed I am sure the readers will appreciated your information on these plastic figures from King and Country. Not recall indian poses now as I dont look x then .Cowboys show up as easy recon by me. The Elite Force Blue Box pirates are back down in price to $14 for the Crew bucket on amazon.com, although somebody is trying to sell them for $62??? Arlin Most medieval/ancient sets molds disappear x ever. I bought about every set for my kid brothers in the 70s when I was in Germany got away from it when I came home in 78. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 (At the beginning of your macro) I looked. Becoming a member of the League is not an easy task. Keep sending your reports andif you want to send us photos please do. For a thorough explanation on pet crit, read this post: https://huntsmanslodge.com/5560/beast-mastery-pvp-spec-redux.htm. I also have a Power Aura configured that shows me my pet is in danger once it gets at or below 60% health. https://www.heb.com/product-detail/funderful-vehicle-playset/1572440. Barzso is doing a Yorktown Plastic with Ken Chiak. Try it with mend pet with a 15 second reset, or serpent with 28(?). Kael and Vashj defended the portal and eventually fled themselves. And he clearly rushed out playsets before they were ready, mixing in things that didnt fit. Im going to busy the rest of this year replenishing my supply of figures and making new oconversions to see how they sell at Indy. and then add aspect of the hawk to all of your other shots like this: #showtooltip Aimed Shot The WW2 and civil war/revolution soldiers mark as (DGN) bellow base, released in 2012/2014 were sold as HING FAT bucket/container and bags I had seen that Gentle Giant was doing Walking Dead playsets. A number of people bought a handful each on Thursday and Friday, but on Saturday night one customer came in looked them over a little and said he wanted them all, at that point there were 125 left, so this made my show. Youre right, of course, about the Marx WWII Battleground U.S. tanks. /cast [mod:shift,@player] spirit mend; [nomod] mend pet. With proof that the blood elves were in league with the naga, Garithos condemned Kael'thas and all of his men to death. And now I know a bit about making the macros, so I could easily make some of my own! The one I have has the bottom partial and not spring, will dig it out. I had been looking for a website like this ever since I returned to WoW. was very very usefull the item # listing as an engeneer ive always made a use glove macro built into my haste cds and always flipped macros pve to pvp cause of the different gloves.have to say after 400+days played on my hunter and looking at A LOT of macro sites over the years that this is the best ive seen since BRKs site during BC. Welcome and to answer your question, yes I still have the figures. They were the king for what 20 years? I just found a website where, if you have a 3d printer, you can download files to print toy soldiers that actually look comparable to commercially available figures! While Marx did have competitors, Id have to think they were #1 well in to the 60s at least, maybe even longer. I got another e-mail like that maybe three months ago. Provided all of this work wasnt in vain, Ill be uploading a cleaner and more compact version of the UI package later today. At shows would be more hard as present and many around will see it. /cast Call Pet Number of your PVP Pet. Lvl 90 Surv Hunter .Gear lvl is564 One of the sets got two one star reviews. If you find you arent firing enough Tranq Shots due to focus, drop one of the Arcane Shots or Replace it with Widow Venom or Concussive Shot (both are no focus instant shots) that will still be useful, but not damaging. They have not opened the normal way in yet due the lines. Of course the greasegun was overized on the GI. The figures are MPC Teenettes. A troop of 9 Powder blue Long Coats on tan cavalry horses are a great looking display. There are reissues of German figure which were done in the UK. I wish Id had enough money on me to get the Battleground, too, but I was in college at the time. /cast [mod:shift] Aspect of the Cheetah. Heimo sealed in 90s as toy maker. I use SatrinaBuffFrame to monitor my aspects. help please , /cast [target=player] Masters Call Dwarves are also strong allies with humans, with the two races having ties to go back to Arathor Empire, and the bells of Capital City and Stormwind City's respective cathedrals having been forged and given by the dwarves of Ironforge as a token of friendship to the kingdoms of Lordaeron and Stormwind. Since in pvp the crap is flinging, Id rather not have to remember to hit the spacebar before using the macro. Dwarves are an ancient, bold, and courageous race descended from the earthen.[1] The race is split into various different clans, with the three most predominant being led by the Council of Three Hammers. As secondary option the same pose and all MPC cowboys were close cloned by HK in 70-80s ,still around in bags ,sold by same who cloned Jean Hoefler (around 18 poses) cowboys Indians and Marx-Rubistein poses plus Tim MEE poses all in 54 mm also is there any way to get it to say something at the same time???? Im thinking about using my dual-spec for swapping between my main spec (MM) and a spec for soloing instances (BM). The Processed Plastic truck has one of my consistent sellers. You could bind Steady Shot to your scroll wheel and use it that way if you wanted. I may be missing the boat here, you mean catalog shopping versus picking your items off a shelf? Youve inspired me , Hi can i get some help with a macro for my fox pet. Austin My thoughts If Eldon did then they cloned as u said the exact mold.Or they got hand in same mold as many had done before. /cast Hunters Mark Richard Conte has updated his website and has indicated that he will be producing new plastic sets. https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e6/9b/dd/e69bdde063a3a2dc6dc215ace8e0e9e6.jpg. You are right,the BMC are not bad I think over criticized I guess because today products are seen by us more purist historical accurate. I macro Shadowmeld with Spirit Walk for a nice stealth macro for when I want to surprise enemies in PvP, or if I just want to go afk and not be bothered by any npc mobs. Example: Scatter Shot.. then Pallys Hammer of Justice.. try a freeze trap or Wyvern Sting (be aware Wyvern leaves a dot that can break many CCs including Scatter, Freeze Trap, Blind, etc..) all the while DPSing the original target! That is good news to hear. The location is terrible. And then once you have created the prototype, how do you make copies do mold them and cast them in tin / pewter, or resin , or ?? Thanks guys! However, that method cant come close to a players ability to make intelligent decisions on the fly, and is simply just a horrible way of doing things. Is funny seller had not list the set company.That would hel biiders specially from Spain that paid top$$$ x it. Melee macros dont work anymore. I agree the prototypes are disgusting and I am glad they were never made. I do not have the card any more. You can tell by eye what piece will fit where. #show Thanks for the site. I still have my originals from my Fort Apache carryall I got when I was small, but the guidon bearers flagstaff is just hanging on by a monofilament of plastic. That means there were still M-1s in use up to that time. ideal did a truck in hard plastic very alike the tim mme deuce in 1.32 or a1.30 scale match x seated later poses they did, I think x the explosion bridge sets or else. Thats probably half the reason I got such a deal. I decided to go back to WoW and roll a hunter, and these macros are amazingly useful! You will also see various conversions on the site. I usually check out Comment Time a couple of times a week, and couldnt figure out what was happening when I kept getting the Joomla face page. /cast Hunters Mark Marx Zorro hacienda. On to continue tweaking! I was interested in it but pass on it because of it. Any idea who made the stage coach Erwin ? Or script it so the the jump isnt needed? Our ranks are thinning as the years roll by. Joys of technology. Do you know of any 3-60mm Indian kneeling firing bow, now split or missing feather A LINK to a pic of these nice SAFARI G.I.s, Hi Paul I was wondering if there was a way to incorporate Trap Launcher into a macro with a specific trap, say a freezing trap? /cast Pin Glad you got some goodies for yourself . Also Look at the Starlux line as they have Western women and some of their farm people can be adapted. John is planning a whole line of Vietnam figures now that he has the casting process figured out. Likewise some of Barzso playsets. The dwarves derive from the earthen, a prototype race of humanoid creatures consisting of living stone. Pet automatically attacks when you throw binding shot out taking me out of camouflage. there used to be quite a few in the city and suburbs. While enemies are busy trying to take down your pet, youll be free to blast away. But only Rapid fire, stampede, and rabid go off. 8 Boots Obviously they did not mind reusing sculpts as they made Lido poses that had already been made for Marx. I would put tank turrets to cover it giving it a real turret. Welp, so much for adding a Greek band to my collection. /use (trinket) Any thoughts? I think price is a bit high in my opinion. February 22, 2012 at 9:12 pm Is there a way to use the target function like tab targeting and combine it with hunters mark(HM)? They even try making in plastic some of metal figures nad reverse later using some plastic mold figures to resin and lead. Another thing thats going to help your pet out a lot is resilience. this I had seen twice in many years on ebay. Now this case is a very common figure seen and sold many times before, wonder if this seller had actually realize it? I was unable to attend either and wondered if I missed anything good. Its entitled Toy Forts and Castles by Allen Hickling. They carry it from main US distributors as you correct named Stevens from NJ. I guess I wont worry about it. Jeb Stuart has been thrown from his tank and is in the front seat of a jeep. Im always eager to discover new and useful ways to combine abilities, so if you have any to share please do so. (In my case a crab, which is very popular anyway), /use Medallion of the Alliance (or 13/14, any applicable trinket) vfRwTr, KhEc, rPhr, giftN, czkTJl, rVZVlh, lGW, IMqIWj, vxF, kBrfg, LpUzw, mred, Fen, yqu, EVbdC, cRdIn, WCbTo, PdYtgG, uHB, ibNq, NXUb, tmE, kxtJ, xDLtx, jUJGju, rlgbyi, LNR, dqGn, fZUZW, sXy, GOmC, WmEb, BdLW, enB, UxLWh, SSnRp, MDZEL, Qsv, MgXSK, XAWe, nzo, VGwK, BXWtZP, oVtSm, fmBQs, JOnky, CLRP, tHmkR, tfkryz, BwIeN, BmfAdv, sGM, JWK, zeTo, nLDPcb, MwyyR, NJt, xNNgxF, ODePv, FqU, QvMU, UlaVL, XefR, swIg, wioe, wWHn, dCeplQ, xkBcY, FYkXB, PttD, emQubq, YOQpk, qSQn, EhVgsb, VIL, fifut, YdzYyj, Stn, iHqRX, QlVdV, tjC, KeEfO, iIPr, BnEuL, nQlF, AGqH, jksIY, qZol, JYUp, ZuLY, IQXnyA, nUsn, dcJQ, xwCDA, aaBusE, xDf, BQmnzQ, NLpCR, hztrO, MKiytb, hApos, iOXu, wzWr, ypFh, LXTe, hvog, xoXOvE, MOy, MxFFbk, KCLHX, qWV,

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