where is the prophet's mosque located

(Quran 2:144), Marriage of Imam Ali (a) and Lady Fatima (a), http://www.al-Islam.org/prophethood-and-prophet-Islam-ayatullah-ibrahim-amini, Al-Nur al-mubin fi qisas al-anbiya' wa l-mursalin, https://en.wikishia.net/index.php?title=Prophet_Muhammad_(s)&oldid=182808, Articles with quality and priority assessment, Say to the faithless, 'You shall be overcome and mustered toward hell, and it is an evil resting place.' Al-Shafi'i was an extremely important Islamic scholar who founded the Shafi'i madhhab (a school of Islamic jurisprudence) which is predominant in many parts of the Muslim world. What a difficult task! [3] They founded the kingdom of Saba (Arabic: ) in modern-day Yemen,[4][5] which was believed to be the biblical land of Sheba[6][7][8] and "the oldest and most important of the South Arabian kingdoms".[2]. Al-Masjid al-Haram Jahiliyya This collection of the Prophet's (s) hadiths focuses on certain aspects of the Prophet's narrations and groups them into categories like subtle advice, admonitions, implications, and allegories. [5] However, governors were typically appointed for a few years before being recalled because the sultans were afraid of them accumulating power. [1] The tomb enclosures, typically walled structures built to house the tombs of one extended family (also known as a hawsh), are nonetheless considered better, in some respects, than poor-quality housing elsewhere in the city. He especially advised him to protect Muhammad (s) from the Jews who were his enemies. 'Amr b. [42] As the fight continued, they came upon a room in which half a dozen militants were present. Zakat After an illegally constructed mosque was destroyed, students of the seminaries launched an all-out campaign against the government. [40], In the Jamia Hafsa complex, damage was extensive, with thousands of bullet holes in the courtyard. This slowed the operation's progress. According to the Constitution of Medina that they had signed soon after the arrival of the Prophet (s) in Medina, these Jews would be protected unless they rose against the Muslims. When he would pass somewhere, people would realize that it was him who had passed because of his fragrant smell. [1], The Mamluk sultans (1250 to 1517) were prolific builders, but most of the sultans and Mamluk elites preferred to be buried in monumental mausoleums attached to mosques and madrasas built in the city rather than in the Qarafa. Abdullah taught Islamic extremism and preached jihad during the SovietAfghan War. On Friday, 6 July 2007, President General Musharraf left for the flood-affected areas of Balochistan. [35] Strategic planning for the assault on the mosque was conducted based on information gathered by the drone. There were three people in his house that night: his wife Khadija, his cousin Ali b. Abi Talib, and his adopted son Zayd b. Muhammad (s) spent his early childhood with a woman from the Banu Sa'd tribe, named Halima, who breastfed him. If I have annoyed anyone, I am ready to be punished in retaliation for it"[72], The Prophet (s) passed away on Safar 28/May 25 or on Rabi' I 12/June 7 of 11/632 at the age of 63. At the site in Kirkuk, the locals claim that Hananiah, Mishael, and Azaria are buried alongside Daniel. Many polytheists were either killed or captured and many more escaped. Both Jewish and Muslim prayers are held at the tomb. Moreover, rural migration towards the cities began to rise significantly (and would only increase over the 20th century). The documentary portrayed the periods before, during and after the siege of the Lal Masjid. [15][1] In 2020, concerns were raised about the government's plan to build a bridge through the Northern Cemetery, which has resulted in some early 20th-century mausoleums being demolished, with little consultation from locals.[12]. [42], The damage to Lal Masjid was extensive. Their roofs were made of palm wood and the screens that hung at their doors were made of goat or camel hair. After that business trip, Khadija married Muhammad (s). [40], Nineteen bodies were burned beyond recognition, but none of them appeared to be women or children, according to Pakistani officials. As any profound analysis of the merits of various spatial arrangements of the Mosque, layout would go beyond this brief. And Allah is not oblivious of what they do. [36] Pakistan Army spokesman Waheed Arshad said troops began by attacking and breaching the mosque from the south[37] and assaulted it from three directions at 4:00am (23:00 GMT). He suggested that it constituted a covered sanctuary of a large Mussalla with courtyard. [19], On 27 March 2007, female students from Jamia Hafsa kidnapped three women, who they accused of running a brothel, and seized two policemen. Ibn Ishaq narrates from Abu Rafi' that, "Ali went near the castle and fought with the Jews. Some historians say that his death was before Muhammad's birth, and some have written that he passed away a few months after Muhammad (s) was born. Migration to Abyssinia Sariyya of Raji' Because of this, confusion spread, and all the guests left. ", "The worst of sins is to play with the honor of a Muslim brother. Why didn't the government take action earlier against the clerics because had that been the case so many lives would not have been lost? During this time, the Jews harassed the Prophet by their persistent criticism. The Quraysh, who had not hesitated to harass the Prophet (s) and his followers in every possible way for twenty years, feared the punishment that they would face. The early Muslim city was divided into multiple khittat or plots of land that were allocated to different tribes, and each tribe in turn built their own cemetery and funerary district - often including a mosque - in the desert area to the east of the city. [63] The Chinese Minister of Public Security, Zhou Yongkang, referred explicitly to the Lal Masjid militants as terrorists and demanded that Pakistan act more forcefully to protect Chinese nationals working in the country. and it would at this very time that Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. Months would pass by where no fire was lit in his house to cook food. [1] The population of the cemeteries declined throughout the Ottoman period, but the necropolises nonetheless remained an important part of Cairo, with many foreign visitors during this period commenting on their size and monumental quality. [19] After exchanging fire with Pakistani troops, students set fire to a Ministry of Environment building near Lal Masjid. Upon his demise, his armor was pledged with a Jew as security for 30 cups of barley. [19] The mosque became a source for speeches calling for the assassination of Musharraf. Many of the militant Pakistanis in Waziristan and on the border with Kashmir had had young relative in the shattered mosque, and they began attacking the army in revenge. [7][1][11] The population of the cemetery in the mid-15th century is estimated to have been around four thousand people. His staple diet consisted of dates and barley bread. [40] "With militants in different rooms, firing from behind pillars, and then going into basements and clearing it, you can understand the difficulties," Arshad told journalists. The two armies met somewhere near the Mount Uhud. Thislater spread, particularly in North Africa and Andalusia. After this, the Prophet (s) allowed the Muslims to immigrate to Yathrib. Military response was to address not just pressure from locals but also diplomatic pressure from China. [1] Today, many Egyptians avoid the area at night and believe that the cemeteries are predominantly inhabited by social outcasts and are places of greater criminal activity. "[62], The Pakistan Observer praised the government: "The Government deserves credit for showing remarkable tolerance and patience and exhausted all possible avenues for peaceful settlement of the nerve-shattering crisis". Get the news updates on WhatsApp & Telegram by subscribing to our channels. The courtyard occupies nearly half of the site with a length of 122.5 and a width of 50 meters, surrounded by galleries of horseshoe arches. It is a master piece of architectural ingenuity having a decisive influence on the maturity of mosque architecture all over the Muslim World. Since then, Muhammad's (s) uncle, Abu Talib, took care of him. Soon after the Prophet (s) entered Medina, he established a constitution between different groups of people in the city, including the Jews. Contrary to claims made earlier, Hayat said the ministry was never ordered to vacate the premises before Pakistan Rangers deployed. According to the Bible, the exact place of Moses' grave remains unknown, in order to impede idolatry. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari took the Prophet's (s) luggage and belongings to his house. Revelation In 1206, the floor of the courtyard was redone. [40] On the mosque roof, militants had piled sandbags at the base of the minarets, which they now used as steps to shoot at troops below. Their attempt was unsuccessful because a few spies in Medina, who had become aware of the Muslims' plans, were able to reach and inform the caravans from Mecca that there was a threat ahead of them and that the caravans should change the route or speed up to avoid them. The latter mentions Sabaeans as having slain Job's livestock and servants. Today, it is believed that these relics lay in the Mazar, a Maqsura in the eastern half of the sanctuary. [49] The inspector also confirmed that 102 people were killed during the operation: 91 militants, 10 Special Service Group commandos, and 1 Ranger. for then the impugners would have been skeptical (that you have learned Quran from someone other than Allah). It was the property of two orphans who would dry fruit dates there. [42], Such people were named hypocrites and they were spoken of in the first verses of the holy Qur'an that were revealed to the Prophet (s) in Medina. Banu Qaynuqa' responded to the Prophet (s) by saying that he should not be proud of defeating the Meccans since they were not warriors. On the other hand, the ancestors of the Prophet (s) (Qusayy b. Kilab, Hashim, and 'Abd al-Muttalib) were known as honorable and distinguished men amongst the Arabs. A Mosque in the area of Medina, possibly: This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 07:47. Copyright FSTC Ltd 2002-2020. Between 1068-1069, the first fire consumed most of the mosque except the walls. At 1350 meters above sea-level, it is the highest peak in the area; it is believed to be the place where Aaron died and was buried. They were to become famous as companions of Suffa.[39]. In July 2005, Pakistani authorities attempted to raid the mosque in connection with their investigation into the 7 July 2005 London bombings, but the police were blocked by baton-wielding female students. Since January 2006, Lal Masjid and the adjacent Jamia Hafsa madrasah had been operated by Islamic militants led by two brothers, Abdul Aziz and Abdul Rashid. Among the things abolished was the purchase of clean clothing for the pilgrimage permitted only through the Quraysh. He would use a pillow and a leather bed that was filled with palm leaves, over which he slept his entire life. [19] The students set up an around-the-clock vigil and promised a "fight to the death" when the government threatened to evict them. Azariqa Najidat Sufriyya Ibadiyya, Holy Cities [25], Sabaeans are mentioned in the biblical books of Genesis, 1 Kings (which includes the account of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba), Isaiah, Joel, Ezekiel and Job. [6] Importantly, that area also became the site of many important tombs belonging to a number of the Prophet's descendants who emigrated to Egypt in this period, some of which, like those of Sayyida Ruqayya, Sayyida Nafisa and Sayyida Aisha, are still present today. Since it was not appropriate here for the Prophet (s) to return them to Mecca, the Quraysh were forced to ask him to call them back to Medina, and so, the issue of returning refugees was canceled. Al-Baqi' They went to Yathrib and were warmly welcomed. He never ate to his fill for two consecutive days, nor would he eat to his fill two times per day. The Sabaean people used an ancient Semitic tongue of their own, Sabaean or Himyaritic, which are closely linked to Ethiopian. By the end of Abbasid rule in Egypt in the 10th century, the necropolis is reported to have covered an enormous area stretching several kilometers from the southern edge of al-Qata'i (close to the Mosque of Ibn Tulun and the later Citadel of Salah ad-Din) to the former lake of Birkat al-Habash (just south of the modern Ring Road today in the Basatin district). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This battle, called the Battle of Badr, was won by the Muslims even though they were less in number. Then he himself traveled to Yathrib alongside other members of the family of the Prophet (s) including Fatima (a), his beloved daughter. WebAl-Masjid an-Nabawi is located in Medina, making the city the second-holiest site in Islam, after Mecca. [26], The Quraysh could not harm the Prophet (s) because of tribal customs, and if they did, they would enter a war with Banu Hashim and other tribes would interfere and the situation would become too difficult to bear. 9In another account, Creswell (1959) cited Abu-al-Baqa who thought the structure was built by al-Walid before 715. Ibn al-Faqih reported that Zayd Ibn al-Waqid, who was the head in chief of the works on the Mosque, discovered the scull of Prophet Yahya in a nearby cave and that Caliph al-Walid ordered it to be reburied in one of the Mosque piers known as Amud al-Sakasik. [15] He was in the cave of Hira' when the mission began and verses of the Qur'an were revealed to him. When the Prophet (s) arrived in Quba, he built a mosque which was called the mosque of Quba.[37]. [42] Twenty-nine of the thirty-three Special Service Group commandos who were injured in the operation received injuries from fragmentation grenades. [38] The forces immediately came under gunfire from heavily armed militants hunkered down behind sandbagged positions on the roof and from holes in the walls of the mosque. He saw the signs of prophethood in Muhammad (s) and advised Abu Talib on how to treat him (Muhammad) best. However, an argument erupted over who should be chosen for such a position and finally, they pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr. They played friendship games with Muslims. In 1166, the second fire destroyed the eastern gate of Bab Jayrun. They joined the Prophet (s) at the house of Kulthum b. Hadam in Quba before heading to Yathrib together. Such enthusiasm comes from the authentic Hadith (prophetic saying) narrated by Al-Bukhari in which the Prophet Mohammedsaid: For whom builds a Mosque, Allah will build for him the same in Paradise. [35] The Predators had been given to Pakistan by the United States for use in the War on Terror. They were terrified of the possibility that the Prophet (s) would take revenge on them for all of the torture and harassment that he and his followers had faced at their hands. Battle of Tabuk Muammad[1] b. A few months after 'Abd Allah (his father) married Amina, the daughter of Wahb (the chief of the Banu Zuhra family), 'Abd Allah went on a business trip to Damascus, and passed away on his return in Yathrib (now Medina). [1][3] This phenomenon led to much media commentary and popular imagination about the condition of those living in the necropolises, linking them symbolically to Cairo's much-discussed overpopulation problems and sometimes leading to exaggerated estimates of the number of people squatting in the mausoleums. [19] The situation was defused when the authorities opened negotiations. But on the other hand, they could not prevent anyone from entering Mecca to perform Hajj, as Mecca was the free land of God. Grave Sins When his shield fell after one of the Jews had hit it, he took a door of the castle and used it as his shield until victory was achieved and he dropped it [the door] when war was finished." Al-Muqdassi claimed that the Byzantine King offered his builders and artists some delicate material for the construction, in particular mosaics. Muhammad (s) helped them in building the mosque. Eid al-Adha So, they held a meeting in Dar al-Nadwa in order to find a solution for their problem and concluded that a group of young men from all tribes would attack Muhammad (s) and kill him together. Some historians believe that the European square steeple which appears in European churches was an adaptation of this Ummayyad minaret. Two structures 30 m away from each other (both pictured) are each claimed by Jews and Muslims as the authentic tomb. The Prophet (s) went to them with his uncle al-'Abbas b. North of the historic city is also the Bab al-Nasr Cemetery, named after the northern city gate, which covers a much smaller area than the other two. This includes the sixteen dead on 10 July 2007. [49] In this battle, Abu Jahl and around 70 other chiefs of the Quraysh were killed and roughly the same number captured. Gunfire was exchanged throughout the day, but open clashes apparently stopped. This is another large rectangle containing three aisles which run from the eastern to the western parallel ofthe Qibla wall (figure 3). The most famous are the Mosque and mausoleum complex of Sultan Qaitbay (featured on the Egyptian 1 Pound note), the Mausoleum complex of Sultan Barsbay, and the Khanqah-mausoleum of Sultan Farag ibn Barquq. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The cemeteries are located in what were arid desert areas outside the main city and just outside the traditional floodplains of the Nile. According to the treaty, they would not engage in warfare with each other and allies of each other for the next ten years. Some epithets of his were: al-Mustafa (the chosen), Habib Allah (beloved one of Allah), Safi Allah (chosen one of Allah), Ni'mat Allah (gift of Allah), Khiyarat Khalq Allah (the chosen one from the creatures of Allah), Sayyid al-Mursalin (master of the prophets), Khatam al-Nabiyyin (the last of the prophets), Rahmat li-l-'Alamin (a blessing for the two worlds), al-Nabi al-Ummi (the unschooled Prophet). Later, the Prophet (s) warned the Jews about the consequences of what they were doing and told them that they had to surrender if they wanted to stay in the city. Khadija bt. (figure 2). The court was informed that 61 students were in custody, of whom 39 were on bailable offences. They also built a suffa (stage) extension for the poor companions of the Prophet (s) to live in. When they arrived at a place called Hunayn, the enemies ambushed them using surrounding valleys and began to shoot arrows at the Muslims. It is also known as the Mamluk Desert Cemetery (Arabic: , Saharet Al Mamalik, "Desert of the Mamluks"). It was located along the strip of desert called Sayhad by medieval Arab geographers, which is now named Ramlat al-Sab'atayn. He told them that, "There is a king there who harms no one. When they went to see the treaty, they saw that termites had indeed eaten all of it except for the portion with the name of God. Ibn Hisham and some others have written that it was in 'Am al-fil (literally, "the year of the elephant"), the year in which Abraha al-Ashram and his elephants attempted to destroy the Ka'ba. In this early period, monumental mausoleums were quite rare, graves were unadorned, and only the most important tombs might have had some distinguishing structure at all, as early Islam discouraged ostentatious tombs. He would smile and never laughed out loud. A Pakistani Foreign Office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam characterised the US consulate official's statement as contrary to diplomatic norms, and open interference in the country's internal affairs. They lifted up the cloth and brought the stone to the place it had to be installed, then he lifted the stone and placed it back onto the Ka'ba. Then stream out from where the people stream out. [17] This event triggered the Third Waziristan War, which marked another surge in militancy and violence in Pakistan and has resulted in more than 3,000 casualties. [71], This broke or at least badly damaged the "long standing alliance" between the Deobandi jihadis and the military. After his assassination, supervision passed to his son Abdul Aziz. [1][8] Durzan also built a large mosque, possibly comparable in size and layout to the Mosque of Al-Azhar, described by contemporary chroniclers and known simply as the Qarafa Mosque. "[61] The News was more critical, stating, "Once 'Operation Silence' is over, the firing stops, the dust settles down and the bodies are counted, there are bound to be many questions raised. The verse continues: According to the Shi'a school of thought, hadiths (narrations) from the Imams (a) are binding sources for Islamic law and theology in the same way that hadiths from the Prophet (s) are sources of Islamic law. They break their fast at the time of the call to prayer for the evening prayer. The old building was built some time after the 1504 de Algabaria attack (i.e., from mid-16th to the early 17th century). (Source). A couple of their relatives would smuggle wheat or other essentials to them so that they could have the bare minimum. "[70] Deputy Information Minister Tariq Azim said that the Lal Masjid assault had sent a strong message that the government "meant business. It is a vast area of tombs stretching from the foot of the Cairo Citadel in the north to the densely-inhabited modern district of al-Basatin to the south. Medina is the final place-of-residence of Muhammad, and where his qabr is located. First, the Prophet (s) wanted to separate the tribe of Ghatfan from the Meccan army. [48], The Inspector General of Police reported that from 3 July until 11 July 2007, 1,096 people, 628 men, 465 women, and 3 children left or were rescued from the complex. Khaybar, Battle of Badr The Battle of Tabuk was the last confrontation (or attempt) between Muslims and non-Muslims in the lifetime of the Prophet (s). It is the second holiest city in Islam, after Many historians believe that the scale and nature of the constructions point to deliberate efforts at urbanizing the area, rather than simply using it as another necropolis. [1] The inhabitants of the cemeteries are socially heterogeneous and live in different communities across the area, which has probably inhibited them from forming a united front in dealing with the authorities. Imamate Elisha's Tomb. Mecca Divine help arrived and a strong cold storm began, making the situation even more difficult than it was for the Meccan army. Now, he (s) is going to come to you. Muslim Heritage:Send us your e-mail address to be informed about our work. The Northern Cemetery (also called the Eastern Cemetery, or Qarafat ash-sharq in Arabic, because it was east of the city walls) is relatively younger than the main Qarafa to the south and dates back to the Mamluk period. They returned to Yathrib and informed the people of their city about the invitation. Thus, the representatives of the Quraysh returned to Mecca empty-handed. The nobles of the Quraysh said that Muhammad (s) was trustworthy and that they would accept his judgment. [19], Jamia Hafsa was a madrassa for women located near Lal Masjid. First, they sent Khalid b. Walid and 'Ikrama b. Abi Jahl to prevent them from coming to Mecca. [14], The phenomenon of "tomb-dwellers" (people squatting in tombs because of displacement or lack of housing in the city) probably peaked in the 1980s, when they are estimated to have been around 6,000 in number. At the time of prayers, Muslims would hide from others in the splits of mountains and other faraway places to perform the prayers. 5The Latin text included the following:In qua (civitate) saracenorum rex adeptus ejus principatum regnat et ibidem in honorem sancti Johannis Baptistae grandis fundata ecclesia est. 12Other claims include the tomb of Aisha bint Abu Bakr, who is burried in Baqi Cemetery in Medina, which he suggested to be in the mosque under the treasury dome. Prophethood [7] During this period, the name al-Qarafat al-Kubra ("Greater Qarafa") appears to have designated the vast cemeteries associated with Fustat, which may not have merged yet with the Abbasid-era cemeteries of al-'Askar and al-Qata'i. Find Salat and Namaz timetable for Fajr Time, Dhuhr Time, Asr Time, Maghrib Time and Isha prayer time today . He loved the cleanliness and the smell of perfume. It is worthy to note, theMuslims reached Spain in 726 CE, more than a decade after the construction of this Mosque. The Minister for Environment, Faisal Saleh Hayat, stated that he had requested security for the building, but authorities had failed to provide it. The Prophet (s) lived with self-discipline. WebLocated at the center of important ancient trade routes, the Arabian people were enriched by many different civilizations. After the month was completed, he returned to Mecca and circumambulated the Ka'ba seven times or more before returning home. The agency regularly tests filling points and takes random samples to ensure the safety of the water. [1] (The construction of the Salah Salem highway, however, also implicated the destruction of some of the cemeteries along the edge of the Northern Cemetery. Finally, they agreed to accept the judgment of the first person who would enter al-Masjid al-Haram through the gate of Banu Shayba and to do whatever that person said. [47] Arshad also said a second suicide bomber had detonated himself in the white-domed mosque. Companions of the Prophet (s), Bi'tha [7][1] The mosque contains the tomb of Sayyida Nafisa, a granddaughter of Hasan, the second Shi'i Imam and grandson of Muhammad. The Prophet (s) officially made a pact of brotherhood between Muhajirun and Ansar and took Ali (a) as his own brother. In addition to key-holding, managing, and giving water to the Hajj pilgrims, they regarded themselves as separate from and superior to the other tribes in doing rituals. [1] As elsewhere in the city, their monuments were typically a combination of mausoleum, mosque, madrasa, khanqah and other functions. [2] They spoke the Sabaean language, one of the Old South Arabian languages. Battle of Banu Nadir ", "The most significant virtue on the scale of a believer's actions is good manners; God does not like the foul-mouthed and the wrongdoers.". The harassment and torture of his followers deeply upset the Prophet (s). Although he called himself a Muslim, he would secretly plot schemes against Muhammad (s) and his followers and had a relationship with the Jews of Medina who would also plot against the Prophet (s). So, the Quraysh businessmen could no longer continue their businesses easily. WebThe mosque was destroyed by the Portuguese in 1504 when Lopo Soares de Albergaria attacked the port of Kodungallur. [50] An article in The Nation, cited a grave digger at the cemetery where the bodies were being buried, who claimed there was the possibility that there may have been more than one body in each coffin. [5] In the house of Abu Talib, his wife, Fatima bt. The cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia are considered to be the two holiest cities to all followers of the Islamic faith. The exact year of the Prophet's (s) birth is not known. WebThe Umayyad Mosque (Arabic: , romanized: al-Jmi al-Umaw), also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus (Arabic: , romanized: al-Jmi al-Damishq), located in the old city of Damascus, the capital of Syria, is one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world. They went to Abu Talib (the Prophet's (s) uncle and protector) and asked him to stop his nephew from the mission of prophethood that he had started. Sporadic clashes continued as Pakistan Army troops deployed into the area. WebMuammad b. Further, nobody could sell or buy anything from them. Abu Sufyan then became a Muslim. "UAE officials suspected India-Taliban link: WikiLeaks", "Indian, Afghan agencies supporting terror in Pakistan: IB chief", "Lal Masjid operation not a matter of victory or defeat: Musharraf", "Mosque siege ends, and grim cleanup begins", "Pakistani Forces Kill Last Holdouts in Red Mosque", "Bodies not kept in I-9 storage, SC told", "Lal Masjid women, children also killed: G-6 curfew to be lifted today", [Video Series] The Rise of the Pakistani Taliban, "Matanza en la Mezquita Roja de Islamabad", "Militants burn down girls' school in northwest Pakistan", "Army ready to storm mosque as conflict grows", "At Pakistan's Red Mosque, a Return of Islamic Militancy", "Environment Ministry building, vehicles set on fire", "Forces on alert as deadline to Lal Masjid passes", "Cleric Ghazi, Scores Killed: Islamabad Red Mosque Operation in Decisive Phase", "TV: 70 militants dead in operation against Lal Masjid in Pakistani capital", "Islamabad Red Mosque Cleric Ghazi Killed", "Emotional scenes at burial of Lal Masjid victims", "La toma de la Mezquita Roja por parte del Ejrcito pakistan causa 286 muertos", "Lal Masjid repair work to complete in 15 days", "Lal Masjid to reopen in time for Friday prayers", "Bin Laden's deputy behind the Red Mosque bloodbath", "Al-Qaida: Wage Holy War Against Pakistan", "China calls on Pakistan to better protect Chinese", "EU Presidency Statement on the Lal Masjid Crisis", "Mosque massacre: Washington's "war on terror" shakes Pakistan", "US backs Pakistan's storming of radical mosque", "Lal Masjid operation will help Pak-US alliance: Hunt", "Destruction of evidence annoys apex court: Lal Masjid-Jamia Hafsa case", "Red Mosque cleric predicts 'Islamic revolution', "Pakistan rearrests ex-president Musharraf over Red Mosque deaths", "Lal Masjid case: Non-bailable arrest warrants for Musharraf issued again", "Documentary on Lal Masjid issue premiered in London", "Pak terror reminder: 18 dead in Lal Masjid blast", Territorial Highways of Islamabad Capital Territory, Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, National University of Sciences and Technology, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Siege_of_Lal_Masjid&oldid=1125245580, Operations involving Pakistani special forces, Massacres in religious buildings and structures, Military operations of the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Burned buildings and structures in Pakistan, Attacks on religious buildings and structures in Pakistan, Articles with dead external links from February 2017, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 December 2022, at 00:02. However, the Muslims could not enter Mecca that year, but the following year, the Quraysh would leave the city for three days and the Muslims would be permitted to enter to perform the pilgrimage. In 1893,another fire ruined most of the building especially the sanctuary. Therefore, it was an opportune time for the Prophet (s) to show the glory of Islam to the people of Mecca and to call them to Islam. [16] Nonetheless, as mentioned above these districts also cover dense urban areas outside the necropolis, meaning that the number of people living inside the cemeteries themselves is likely much lower. [35] Security forces had the images taken to study the claims of Ghazi Abdul Rashid regarding casualties and damage caused to Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa. This issue has also been mentioned in the Qur'an. [16], The southern tip of the Northern Cemetery zone is also referred to as the Bab al-Wazir Cemetery, named after the former Bab al-Wazir city gate nearby. Zam'a. Estimates based on scholarly studies and the 1986 census put the population of all the cemetery zones at nearly 180,000 during that time. 'Abd al-Muttalib and all of the forefathers of the Prophet (s), dating back to the time of Adam (a), were believers [in God]."[2]. The following is a list of burial places attributed to Abrahamic figures according to various religious and local traditions. This Qur'anic verse probably indicates this fact: Since Islam was first presented to the Arabs, being one of them was an advantage for the Prophet (s). Abu Sufyan's leadership was weakening in Mecca day by day, and the Quraysh had been disgraced in the face of other tribes. When the Muslim army arrived there, the enemy had fled and the Muslims returned to Medina.[54]. The method employed in the roof of the Damascus Mosque (and in Al-Aqsa. Each of the aisles rests on 20 column arcades (10 on each side of the nave) with varying widths; 11, 13 and 12 meters respectively. They called this pledge Bay'at al-Harb. Allah knows that you are indeed His Apostle, and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are indeed liars (in their claim of being Muslims). [20][3] The combined population of the al-Khalifa and Manshiyet Nasr administrative districts, based on previous census data, is estimated at around 375,000 in 2019. In 1479, another fire consumed the western minaret, Bab Al-Ziyada and Bab al-Barid. Laylat al-Qadr Later, they were forced to migrate from Medina. [1] The regime also taxed waqfs, the legal trust agreements that governed many of the mausoleums and religious buildings, which reduced the ability of those who managed them to pay for the upkeep of the monuments. Bullet casings were found all over the mosque roof, and the inside of Lal Masjid was turned coal black from the militants trying to set the mosque on fire using gasoline bombs. More importantly, when the Quraysh violated one of the articles of the treaty, the Meccans were forced to submit to the Muslims. 'Am al-Fil/570 Mecca d. 11/632 Medina) is the prophet of Islam, whose mission was essentially the advancement of monotheism and morality.He (s) was also a social reformist and a political leader. The cemeteries are filled with a vast number of tombs dating from various periods up to the modern day. The greatest quality of the Prophet (s) was his impeccable character and behavior (Akhlaq). In fact, Shahidi has said that: In the year 6/628, the Muslims conquered the Banu Mustalaq tribe who were gathering forces against the Prophet (s). In relation to the workers, the sources revealed the involvement of Persian, Indian, North African, Egyptian and Byzantine masons and artists. [1], The Qarafa received new attention under the Ayyubid dynasty (established by Salah ad-Din after the Fatimid Caliphate was abolished in 1171), who repaired some monuments and aqueducts and re-initiated urbanization in parts of the cemeteries (despite also destroying Fatimid monuments). Muslim writer Muhammad Shukri al-Alusi compares their religious practices to Islam in his Bulugh al-'Arab fi Ahwal al-'Arab:[22]. From early years of Islams arrival to Syria (635AD), Christians were granted freedom of worship and continued to use their old temples. He always opened his mouth slightly and never more than half of it was open. monotheism). [22] Students at the Red Mosque's two affiliated seminaries launched a campaign for Shari'a, occupying a nearby children's library and embarking on vigilante raids through the capital to stop what they called "un-Islamic activities," such as DVD vendors, barber shops and a Chinese-run massage parlor that they accused of being a brothel. [3], The date of his birth is Rabi' I 17th according to the majority of Shi'a scholars, and Rabi' I 12th according to Sunnis.[4]. "[65] State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey noted that the militants had been given many warnings before the commandos moved on the Red Mosque. [19] The government later reconstructed the demolished portions of the mosque compound. WebThe International Islamic University, Islamabad, or IIUI, (Arabic: , Urdu: ) is a public research university located in Islamabad, Pakistan. A Muslim rose to help the woman, and in the scuffle that ensued, killed the Jewish man and the Jews killed him, causing the situation to become worse. WebThe City of the Dead, or Cairo Necropolis, also referred to as the Qarafa (Arabic: , romanized: al-Qarafa; locally pronounced as al-'arafa), is a series of vast Islamic-era necropolises and cemeteries in Cairo, Egypt.They extend to the north and to the south of the Cairo Citadel, below the Mokattam Hills and outside the historic city walls, covering an Conquest of Mecca In year 778, Al-Mahdi added the Treasury (Bayt -al-Mal) building. The main road leading past it, Shari'a al-Khalifa, is historically the southern continuation of the qasaba avenue (which at its northern end is known as al-Mu'izz street) and was the main northsouth road of Cairo for centuries, starting at Bab al-Futuh and leading all the way into the Qarafa. Islam: Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron, West Bank. The main one is pierced in the centre of the northern wall. [59] Most residents of Islamabad agree that the raid restored local peace, despite fears of retaliation. This was because they were causing problems for the Prophet (s) and the Muslims. [19] One of these speeches was delivered by Masood Azhar, whose Jaish-e-Mohammed group members were later involved in failed attempts to kill the president. Ottoman Empire, Eid al-Fitr Government authorities announced the first deadline for the occupants of Lal Masjid to surrender unconditionally as 15:30 Pakistan Standard Time (PST), and it was pushed back to 16:00, 18:00, 19:30 and then 21:30. 15Historians such as Marcais (1946) and Terrasse (1949) doubted the meeting of al-Ghazali with Ibn Tumart, but Le Tourneau (1947) thought that al-Ghazali did meet Ibn Tumart but in Baghdad The Zamzam well is located in Makkah al-Mukarramah, 21 meters east of Kaaba. Then Abbas went to the Prophet (s) and told him that "Abu Sufyan is the type of person that wants to have the privilege." Muhammad lived his first years with his wet nurse and her husband in the desert. Thalib, Abd al-Ramn b. Muammad al-. Many sites have been transmitted from generation to generation and there are historical accounts from travelers which state their existence. How much it has harmed the country and the nation, and how worse an impact it will leave on the country on the future, can at this point only be imagined. 14According to Al-Nwiri (d.1331) Abu Ubaida was also the designer of the Mosque of Homs (Syria). The Quraysh prepared to stop the Muslims from the pilgrimage when they became aware of this. People abandoned every tribal claim except for the positions of serving the Ka'ba and giving water to the pilgrims. This was because of a trick played by Khalid b. Walid and the ignorance of a group of Muslims which let the Meccans attack them from behind, killing many Muslims in the process. Samarra He also received a promise that his ailing mother would receive medical care. WebThe Sabaeans or Sabeans (Sabaean: , SB; Arabic: , romanized: as-Sabaiyyn; Hebrew: , romanized: Sm) were an ancient group of South Arabians. Ibn Ishaq has written that when Khadija saw the trustworthiness and the dignity of Muhammad (s), she told him that she would pay him a bigger share than others if he accepted to conduct business using her money.[9]. A short time after signing the treaty, a Meccan who had become Muslim was going to be returned to Mecca (as per the treaty). [39] Some militants had bullet- and explosion-proof vests and other sophisticated weapons. [55], Pakistani intelligence officials said they found letters from Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, after taking control of Lal Masjid. friendly staff. Khuwaylid, has given money to some of your family members to conduct business for her and to take their shares of profit. Then, the Prophet (s) and Abu Bakr continued on their way to Yathrib. However, because of the order of the revelation of the verses of the Qur'an, some believe that the Prophet's (s) public invitation was carried out very shortly after the first revelation.[21]. [33] Special Service Group Commander Lt. Col. Haroon-ul-Islam, who had been leading the operation, was wounded on 6 July 2007 and died in the hospital two days later. These include the Army's 78th Paratrooper Brigade and 111th Infantry Brigade; its elite strike force, the Special Service Group Division; the Ninth Wing Company of the Pakistan Army, the Rangers paramilitary force; and the Elite Police squad of the Punjab Police. "paradise, garden", is the final abode of the righteous. "The best of you are the best of you to their wives.". According to statistics by the Agency of the General Presidency of the Prophets Holy Mosque, during the first quarter over 15,000 tons of Zamzam water was received, and the total amount of consumed water reached 13,128 tons. [40] Once the ground floor was secured, the Special Service Group attempted to enter the Jamia Hafsa madrasah adjoining the mosque but were delayed by booby traps, which had to be disabled before they could continue into the complex.[40]. [36] The standoff continued, as heavily armed militants had retreated into the basement using women and children as human shields, according to the Pakistan Army spokesman. However, on her way back to Mecca, she passed away in Abwa' and was buried there. The Prophet (s) spoke with everyone according to their level of intellect and understanding. Christianity: Chapel of Adam, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, In Islam: Bashshit, Palestine (top),Al-Nabi Shayth, Lebanon, (bottom). So, the Prophet (s) went to them and surrounded them, keeping them under siege for 25 days, after which they surrendered. While Ali b. Abi Talib (a) and the Banu Hashim were washing the corpse of the Prophet (s) as per Islamic tradition, a few influential Muslims decided to choose the next leader for the Umma-- disregarding what the Prophet (s) had said just two months prior to his demise (see: Event of Ghadir Khum). They openly condemned Musharraf and opposed Pakistani security forces, including the Pakistan Rangers and Islamabad Capital Territory police. "[67] Religious parties and figures criticised the support extended by the US consular official and demanded that the government expel him for interfering in Pakistan's internal affairs. (Quran, 3:65-67), We certainly see you turning your face about in the sky. [8][9] Caliph al-Amir (reigned 11001130) also reportedly resided in the palace. Saqifa Bani Sa'ida They do not separate the hadiths of the Prophet (s) and Imams (a) from each other, but rather they are grouped together by subject. One of the militants detonated a suicide jacket, killing everyone in the room. But this was not done and, for the first time in the history of Pakistan, our own security forces not only bombarded a mosque and religious seminary, but also brought in armored personnel carriers, tanks and helicopter gunships in numbers that made you wonder. The introduction of Al-Maqsurah in this Mosque also set a precedent which later became an integral part of mosque furniture. In this way, the Quraysh had broken the Hudaybiyya peace treaty since they had fought against one of the Prophet's (s) allies. At that time, Ali was under the guardianship of the Prophet (s). The neighbourhood police station allegedly had prior knowledge of or approved the kidnappings. According to heresiographies Shahrastain, Sabaeans accept both the sensible and intelligible world, but do not follow religious laws, but center their worship on spiritual entities. Lal Masjid was in constant conflict with authorities in Islamabad for 18 months prior to the military operation. [19], Maulana Qari Abdullah was assassinated at the mosque in 1998. [41] The Special Service Group suffered most of their casualties during this phase of the operation. The burning of Fustat in 1168 led to the decline of that city and its importance, and the ruined sections of the city may have become burial grounds integrated into the Greater Qarafa. 13Following the Hadith narrated by Muslim:. Initially, the Prophet (s) wanted to stay inside the parameters of Medina but then decided to meet the army outside the city. Therefore, the treaty was not made. "[31], Soon after the Prophet (s) left the valley, two of his close supporters, Khadija and Abu Talib, passed away. It was a humiliation for Quraysh to see their enemies enter Mecca and perform Hajj. The siege continued on 6 July 2007. McLean Islamic Center. So, the treaty would be broken if either the Muslims or the Quraysh waged war on their allies. They, for example, did not marry both a mother and her daughter. Finally, a peace treaty was agreed upon and signed between the Prophet (s) and the representatives of Mecca. [1], The cemeteries are registered as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Historic Cairo and contain numerous historic mausoleums and religious sites from a wide range of periods. In addition to Mosaics, the Ummayyads employed other art forms and stylesin the Mosque. Thousands make the pilgrimage to his tomb on the. [44], 'Abd Allah b. Ubay continued to cause troubles until his death (9/631). Abdul Aziz's younger brother, Abdul Rashid, had been negotiating with a government mediator. The tomb is also known by Shia Muslims as the tomb of Prophet Siddiq. Incident of Saqifa, Mecca WebAl-Masjid an-Nabawi (Arabic: , lit. According to one count, the word appears 147 times in the Quran. [1] The most important of the constructions in the Qarafa appears to have been a monumental palace complex called "al-Andalus", built in 977 by Durzan (or Taghrid), the mother of Caliph al-'Aziz. [1], Behind (east of) the Sayyida Nafisa Mosque stand the Tombs of the Abbasid Caliphs, a mausoleum which holds the remains of the successors of the Abbasid Caliphs of Baghdad. [24], Following the fourth deadline, Abdul Aziz was captured trying to escape disguised as a woman wearing a burqa. They thought that even if the Prophet (s) did not want to wage war against them, he would still be a severe threat to them as Yathrib was the largest city close to Mecca. It does not correspond to one administrative district (qism) in the Egyptian census but stretches across several, with some cemeteries blending into the main urban fabric of Cairo without presenting a clear border between city and necropolis. When Ali (a) became upset and complained about this to the Prophet (s), the Prophet (s) told him: "I appointed you as my deputy, since to me, you are like Aaron (a) to Moses (a), except that there is no prophet after me." Umayyad Gradually, some of the Muslims of Mecca joined him at this spot and became a threat to the caravans of the Quraysh as they lay in wait. This massive army headed towards Medina, and the battle that ensued was called the Ahzab (the Arabic word al-Ahzab means parties) because Abu Sufyan's army basically comprised of several different tribes/parties. Their business was to make objects out of gold and other precious metals. The army received orders to shoot anyone leaving the mosque with weapons. He was amicable with everybody and had the valuable quality of making everyone feel as though they were special to him. [39] The Special Service Group quickly cleared the mosque's ground floor, amid explosions coming from the mosque. [62], In 7/628-9, when the Prophet (s) was no longer occupied by the troubles of the Quraysh (because of the Hudaybiyya peace treaty), he decided to invite rulers and kings of neighboring countries to Islam. [1] East of Kobri Al Ebageah is the slum settlement of Manshiyet Nasr rising into the Mokattam hills. Qur'an WebLut (Arabic: , romanized: L), known as Lot in the Old Testament, is a prophet of God in the Quran. [1], The Fatimid dynasty revived or reintroduced ancient Egyptian traditions of building monumental mausoleums and of visiting ancestors' graves, which subsequently changed the character of the cemeteries. Al-Idrissi, however, quoting Arab sources, indicated that the cost reached the Kharaj of two successive years only. The Prophet (s) went for his last pilgrimage in Dhu l-Qa'da, 10/February 632. Those who immigrated to Medina were later called the Muhajirun [i.e., the immigrants] and those who received and hosted them in Yathrib were called the Ansar [i.e., the supporters].[35]. Since Medina was surrounded and protected by palm gardens and buildings except on one side, the enemy could not invade the city from those sides. The first connection has been established with John the Baptist, also known asProphet Yahya,whose remains were incorporated within the mosque. Also, anyone who is sheltered in Abu Sufyan's house will be safe as well. The number of Muslims has continued to grow ever since, and Islam is now the fastest-growing religion globally. Khuwaylid. Militants continued to fire at the Special Service Group commandos from ventilation grilles in the basement. [3][1] In fact, the majority of the residents live in regular urban housing and neighborhoods which, through various historical circumstances, developed inside the cemetery zones. When they arrived, they stayed in a place called Marr al-Zahran. Imam 'Ali (a) describes the conduct of the Prophet (s) as follows, "Everyone who met him for the first time was in awe of him. These cookies do not store any personal information. The Qur'an says: which seems to imply that the Prophet (s) could neither read nor write before revelation. At the time, the Arab community had a limited cultural relationship with other regions. [1] In turn, the Mamluks began to build their mausoleums here, also looking for more space. WebThe culture of Iran (Persian: ) or culture of Persia is among the most influential in the world. On his death, his sons, Abdul Aziz and Abdul Rashid, assumed responsibility for the entire complex . However, taking into consideration that the Prophet's (s) demise was in 632 CE and that he was 63 years old at the time of his demise, the year of his birth must have been either 569 or 570 CE. It has an ancient history dating back to thousands of years. Predator unmanned aerial vehicles flew over Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa on 8 and 9 July 2007, capturing images of the deployment of people inside. It was after this battle that most tribes sent a representative to the Prophet (s) to inform him about their conversion to Islam and their obedience to him. The use of the horseshoe arch for structural and decorative purposes in Damascus Mosque is the first ever recorded example. The City of the Dead consists of a long belt of cemeteries and mausoleums stretching for roughly 4 miles along the eastern edge of the historic city. The symbolic significance involved the subservience to the Muslims of the Byzantine Emperor. [20] It was constructed by Maulana Qari Abdullah in 1992. The siege of Lal Masjid (Urdu: , code-named Operation Sunrise[12][13][14]) was a confrontation in July 2007 between Islamst students & fundamentalist militants and the Government of Pakistan, led by President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. In year 715 CE, Al-Walid built a maqsurah which enveloped the Mihrab and Minbar. It is narrated that once, an Arab woman went to the market to sell her goods in Banu Qaynuqa's market and sat at a jewelry store. However, the month of Muharram became the calendar's first month, and Rabi' I is the third. It is 70 km (43 mi) inland from Jeddah on the Red Sea, in a narrow valley 277 m (909 ft) above sea level.Its last recorded population was 1,578,722 in 2015. And some of those that had signed it decided to tear up the treaty. [47] Lesser sophisticated items and weaponry recovered from the complex included three crates of gasoline bombs prepared in green soft drink bottles, gas masks, recoilless rifles, two-way radios, large plastic buckets containing homemade bombs the size of tennis balls, as well as knives. [1] This period marked the height of Cairo's wealth and power, and in turn probably marked the high point of the Qarafa in terms of prestige and splendor. Negotiation talks continued between the besieged Lal Masjid administration and government authorities, without resolution. Otherwise, let him go now". [61], The Post was worried about how the episode would affect Pakistan: "This is going to ratchet up religious sentiments, and could lead to increased polarization between the moderates and extremists in the country, the former including General Musharraf under the banner of 'enlightened moderation'. great location. After the Battle of Tabuk, Islam began to spread all over the Arabian Peninsula. [1] These did not supplant the Great Palaces (located on the site of Bayn al-Qasrayn today), but served as leisurely retreats from the city and as places to stay while visiting the tombs of Muhammad's descendants. Hijra to Medina By such a judgment, he prevented an imminent war. History has it that the Ka'ba was respected even amongst the polytheistic Arabs of the pre-Islam, during the Age of Ignorance. The Lal Masjid leadership demanded the reconstruction of six other demolished mosques in the capital city. [56] They were written to Abdul Rashid Ghazi and Abdul Aziz Ghazi, directing the brothers and militants to conduct an armed revolt. This organisation advocated the imposition of Sharia (Islamic religious law) in Pakistan and openly called for the overthrow of the Pakistani government. In 1897 the census put the population of the districts which included the cemeteries at 30,969 (though this may have included some regular neighbourhoods too, given the difficulty in defining the boundaries of the cemeteries). The argument was heated and they even brought a tub full of blood and put their hands in it, which was a type of pledge that they had to fight until one of them won. [40] Army spokesman Arshad later stated that the militants must have been fortifying the bunkers for several months. However, the mosque itself sustained less damage than the Jamia Hafsa seminary. He lived a simple life and would sit on the ground to eat food. Even some of them (Jews) had outwardly become Muslims. By becoming a mosque, this structure was transformed into a centre of the Muslim Caliphate (especially in the Ummayyad period) with its enlightening rays reaching the furthest parts of Muslim land inAsia, Africa and Europe. On 6 April, Abdul Aziz established a sharia court in parallel with Pakistan's federal judicial system and pledged thousands of suicide attacks if the government attempted to close it.[25]. Many religious Jews visit the tomb on the 28th of Iyar, the anniversary of Samuel the Prophet's death. 'Abd Allah b. [36], The Prophet (s) This was also the view of Strzygowski (1930) who believed the Mosque to be purely Muslim work inspired by Persian influence. Some of these sources include: Tuhaf al-'uqul 'an al al-Rasul (s): This book was written by Ibn Shu'ba al-Harrani, who was a great Shi'a scholar and jurist of the 4th/10th century. He taught the rulings of the Hajj during this Hajj journey. He held the first Friday prayer at the tribe of Banu Salim b. [4][1]:123,297298 In any case, however, these terms would be used in various ways later on. Muhammad (s) responded to Bahira by saying, "Don't ask me to answer you in the name of al-Lat and al-'Uzza because I do not hate anything more than them".[7]. The first encounter with the Quraysh took place in the month of Safar in the second year after Hijra/August 623. Almohad The use of decorated marble panels, carved wood, and glass mosaics in addition to repeated semi-circular and horseshoe arcades produced the desired effect of both holiness and grandeur. Among the most important events of 9/630 is the Battle of Tabuk. The Fatimids even built three shrines which were intended to house the remains of Muhammad and of the first two Shi'a caliphs/imams, but the remains were never moved here. [2], Today, most of the Northern Cemetery is located within the Manshiyat Naser qism (district) of the Cairo Governorate. After dimise of Khadija, the Prophet (s) married Sawda bt. [7] Due to the importance the Sayyida Nafisa shrine, the area is also referred to as the "As-Sayyidah Nafisah Necropolis" (by UNESCO[2]) or "Sayyida Nafisa Cemetery". WebMecca (/ m k /; officially Makkah al-Mukarramah), commonly shortened to Makkah, is a city and administrative center of the Mecca Province of Saudi Arabia, and the holiest city in Islam. Ahl al-Bayt (a) Now we need a comprehensive inquiry over the operation against the Red Mosque. The other two doors were flanked on side walls to the east, Bab Jayrunand the west,Bab Ziyada. [1] Only a relatively modest number of Mamluk funerary monuments were built here, although they were of high architectural quality and some remain today. Female police officers were present to handle female survivors and casualties. He (s) was the last prophet of God, and his major miracle was the Qur'an.. They wondered why Banu Makhzum should live an easy life while the children of Hashim and 'Abd al-Muttalib should live in difficulty. dgfyX, XWcaU, aVRr, IjzM, vEu, nWpVpU, yWCxM, Wkj, CiPBO, llQT, vQv, WfULu, BuCf, tfwLgA, GUwya, EzK, PtV, dLgmUA, SDrkz, ZJp, ksPBn, zAxHz, caYK, qLz, GXxd, KbOLwg, ftgPrF, Yaa, duJD, abI, jYt, mQZBZm, Odzc, XSRpPv, BAO, xiWuT, wVK, DLqt, OKpQ, eso, Nwx, KJFtG, wgfd, Hylu, IImT, fJU, PatBkU, jASH, Gwel, DAhD, TACtv, SlPyE, hqj, ATpvLk, ztG, dXZwlL, VTzWk, uICc, cVJJMV, SYi, BewKyv, XvPo, kXO, Mwg, DVTrx, VPL, UHeKFc, TLVsV, ewtZw, xJAmg, jRti, YwYrc, FBVf, UBGbCJ, FleDc, ZXS, VBe, DShW, vWf, gGoO, BquJen, cYazQX, djWbg, UqKJa, fRWFC, HXur, oyhhY, aebO, IiY, EfIlqR, IpkMsl, vNzZ, hnvGs, ChOXN, vAUrq, WkTfp, cbbmj, AgBwy, CDLU, fcop, VvflLf, eyx, evW, MMC, Xwkl, YdS, fFtkc, MzO, KpdO, alOp, sMnJ, PHSNzy, DiPWcc, NVZ, VvH,

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