witty repartee in a sentence

A repartee is a witty and good-humored answer to a remark of similar character, and is meant to surpass the latter in wittiness. Anywho, I'm witty, engaging, smart . Witty exchange (8) . Someone witty is a person who is skilled at making clever and funny remarks. definitions. The witty repartee, the insults, and the jabs were all so natural. The dissidence of dissent, however, filled him with uneasiness, and he abhorred Luther's denial of free will and his exaggerated notion of man's utter depravity; in short, he did nothing whatever to promote the Protestant revolt, except so far as his frank denunciation and his witty arraignment of clerical and monastic weaknesses and soulless ceremonial, especially in his Praise of Folly and Colloquies, contributed to bring the faults of the Church into strong relief, and in so far as his edition of the New Testament furnished a simple escape from innumerable theological complications. (60) Oscar Wilde's plays are full of witty repartee. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. The group has taken refuge on a barge during a naval battle between the English and the Dutch fleets. Neither the witty and lucid form in which the philosophers clothed their ideas in their satires, romances, stage-plays and treatises, nor the salons of Madame du Deffand, Madame Geoffrin and Mademoiselle de Lespinasse, could possibly have been sufficiently far-reaching or active centres of political propaganda. Witty In A Sentence Short & Simple Example Sentence For Witty | Witty Sentence She was witty about us. She assures Ibbis, the devil, that she can outdo him in evil. , Since Frank had been in prison for over fifty years, he knew all the guards well and often engaged in repartee with them. She was young enough and witty enough to be able to do so. A few caustically witty sayings of his, and St Bridget's famous comparison of him to a fowler who could entice the shyest birds with his fluting, are almost all his personalia. What does keen at repartee mean? Laura is at the jail. , Because Maria's first language was Spanish, she did not understand the repartee between her two English-speaking friends. What is a Misalliance mean? Repartee A repartee is a conversation that includes a number of witty retorts. Neil was urbane, witty, direct, and honest. He loves nature in spite of what it did to him. What is repartee literature? The Greeks used "w" as the basis for both an F-type letter, and a U-type letter. Repartee noun. Someone witty is a person who is skilled at making clever and funny remarks. synonyms. 9. Repartee: a swift and witty replyRepartee is a form of conversation that is quick and usually witty. What do you mean by mocking? How to put travesty in a sentence? A repartee may be called a retort where the wit is keen. skill in making witty replies. When you wear cool designs on T shirts, you can make people laugh, inspire a stranger to strike up a conversation with you, or just get a nod of approval in response to the art you've chosen or the witty quip across your chest. Through its witty mimicry, Thank You also acts as a parody of both monumental statuary and decorative ' corporate ' sculpture. But he is always ingenious, often witty, and nobody has carried farther than he the harmony of diction, sometimes marred by an affectation of symmetry and an excessive use of antithesis. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. Easily browse through english vocabulary, listen the sentences or copy them. noun A ready, pertinent, and witty reply. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. (13) Oscar Wilde's plays are full of witty repartee. Firstly, the entries are more like short to medium-sized essays, rather than witty aphorisms. Fine words! Well, for starters, individuals who are just fascinated with the sport enjoy reading insights and witty thoughts regarding their favorite hobby. Make up does wonders. British Dictionary definitions for repartee repartee / ( rpti) / noun a sharp, witty, or aphoristic remark made as a reply terse rapid conversation consisting of such remarks skill in making sharp witty replies or conversation Word Origin for repartee C17: from French repartie, from repartir to retort, from re- + partir to go away Quintilian quotes some of his witty sayings (dicta), collections of which were published, and mentions two books by him On Witnesses. The tone, mood, fast-paced interjections, and witty syntagms of the 1940s vernacular are very difficult to convey in the several lines of subtitled translation. You had to be there You know when you say something so witty that you wish more people were around to hear it? Bilibin puckered his skin in preparation for something witty. Another bad guy, by the name of L Sabre, has 2 . Am reserving two tickets for you for my premiere. 6. wittier; wittiest 1 : marked by or full of clever humor or wit : smartly facetious or jocular a witty novel 2 : quick or ready to see or express illuminating or amusing relationships or insights a witty raconteur 3 : amusingly or ingeniously clever in conception or execution the costumes are sumptuous and witty Virgil Thomson Linguazza.com website aggregates word and phrase usages for educational and informational purposes (archaic) Possessing a strong intellect or intellectual capacity; intelligent, skilful, ingenious. While the dialogue of thisw program is often fast paced and witty, it is the rocky times that mark this show's finest moments. 188 140 In fact, she is and charming as well as artistic. How do you use limn? The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. Rob Lewis While I have been working at Demos people think it is incredibly witty to ask what I am thinking. A brilliantly witty story about how heroes can be found in the most unlikely places. More Sentences What a beautiful baby! Dean ignored her repartee. He had, William also reports, a gift of impromptu eloquence, and a faculty both for saying witty things pleasantly at other people's expense and for listening placidly to witticisms directed against himself; while he was generous to excess without needing to make exactions in order to support his generosity, and always respected the Church. All above text quotes are in ownership of their legal Youre pretty in an unconventional way. Privacy Policy. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for December 10, 2018 is: repartee \rep-er-TEE\ noun. Some of these replies have also led to famous quotations by Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde, Groucho Marx, and Mark Twain. . Examples of Repartee in a sentence The repartee between the two actors made the movie really funny. A repartee provides you the opportunity to communicate a quick and witty remark in response to another. Style - The style is witty and friendly and stirs an interest in the subject. Home Communication 35 Witty Repartee Examples. 2. the dinner was often a riotous affair enlivened by superbly Witty speeches. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for December 10, 2018 is: repartee \rep-er-TEE\ noun. A repartee means having a quick, witty reply or an exchange of witty remarks and comes from the Old French "to set out again." How do you use repartee in a sentence? A witty man, being asked his opinion about Abu Ja`far (Mansur) and Abu Moslim, said, alluding to the Koran 21, verse 22, "if there were two Gods, the universe would be ruined.". Charles is a regular on Call My Bluff and is a witty after dinner speaker. Oh, if only I had had something witty or original to write about it ! At the same time he cultivated literature, entertaining poets and writers both at the Luxembourg and at his chteau of Brunoy (see Dubois-Corneau, Le Comte de Provence a Brunoy, 2909), and gaining a reputation for wit by his verses and mots in the salon of the charming and witty comtesse de Balbi, one of Madame's ladies, who had become his mistress, 4 and till 1793 exerted considerable influence over him. A modest little person, with much to be modest about. He's intelligent and thoughtful, but he has little repartee. Learn more about a farce through examples. And the dialog crackles with snappy repartee that's simply too clever for real life. It is pronounced re-par-TEE (also, less commonly, re-par-TAY in the US). It makes you look confident and shows you have a sense of humor.Everyone wants to be the witty, clever, funny one, but don't feel bad if you can't pull that off every time. What can be a witty retort can be hurtful. Unbelievable! Where else, for example, would you encounter the witty put-down of unruly audiences that opens Frogs? They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. synonyms: cleverness, wit: related words: wit: Subscribe for ad-free . , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Youre really pretty in this picture, I didnt recognize you! Earle's chief title to remembrance is his witty and humorous work entitled Microcosmographie, or a Peece of the World discovered, in Essayes and Characters, which throws light on the manners of the time. In this case, the ogre is the hero, the handsome prince is evil, and a group of damsels in distress discover they can take care of themselves, with too many witty takeoffs on other fairy tale assumptions along the way to mention. This show was even more entertaining, witty and downright hilarious. A witty saying proves nothing. Her choreography creates a witty and direct dance language combining lyricism and intimacy with energy and humor. Youre a parasite for sore eyes. and After John's new line of cards became a glowing success, employees at Shoebox greetings banded together to help John come up with a name for the witty old lady. 1 : an improper alliance. Search phrases with a word or a set of words, find usages in context, see I also don't normally do biography but enjoyed the short witty but not flippant chapters. One person often noted for her repartee was Dorothy Parker, writer and legendary member of the Algonquin Round Table. Why dont you do all of us a favor and slam the fingers of both your hands in the car door, thus preventing you from ever using a keyboard again. Smooth and sharp, rock band groupie lookalike Glen Wool delivered a range of witty and pointed material. The final aspect of coming up with sweet and witty repartee is the most tricky, because it is not always the easiest skill to learn. Come and bring a friend if you have one. A repartee means having a quick, witty reply or an exchange of witty remarks and comes from the Old French "to set out again." What does the German word zeitgeist mean? noun Such replies in general or collectively; the kind of wit involved in making sharp and ready retorts. Please, follow the link placed under each quote to get to the original website. Oh, if only I had had something witty or original to write about it! 1 : an improper alliance. Definition of Repartee A smart, ready, and witty reply. From the 20th of November 1797, till the 9th of July 1798, he was one of the most active, and was certainly the most witty of the contributors to the Anti-Jacobin, a weekly paper started to ridicule the frothy philanthropic and eleutheromaniac rant of the French republicans, and to denounce their brutal rapacity and cruelty. Shuri is the brilliant scientist behind invisible spacecraft, fancy 007 devices, and. In the autumn he reached London, and in Thomas More's house in Bucklersbury wrote the witty satire which Milton found "in every one's hands" at Cambridge in 1628, and which is read to this day. At the same time that the Neo-Platonists, like Ficino and Pico de la Mirandola, and the pantheists, whose God was little more than a reverential conception of the universe at large, and the purely worldly humanists, like Celtes and Bebel, were widely diverging each by his own particular path from the ecclesiastical Weltanschauung of the middle ages, Ulrich von Hutten was busy attacking the Curia in his witty Dialogues, in the name of German patriotism. Witty adjective. If I were married to you, Id put poison in your coffee. (16) He was acclaimed for his acerbic wit and repartee. 1 a : a quick and witty reply. witty repartee These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. We welcome feedback: you can select the flag against a sentence to report it. You can be a model. Sometimes I need what only you can provide; your absence. Had Petrarch been born at the close of the 15th instead of at the opening of the 14th century there is no doubt that his Latinity would have been as pure, as versatile, and as pointed as that of the witty stylist of Rotterdam. She was enjoying the challenge and their repartee. The writing in the series is witty, with playful use of language but serious issues are seamlessly weaved into the text. He possessed the wit and charm of the heroes of his plays and was universally admired by his contemporaries. The letter "w" has a long history as a confused letter. At the Dutch university, where he matriculated on the 27th of October 1745, he associated with a small knot of English youths, afterwards well known in various circles of life, among whom were Dowdeswell, his subsequent rival in politics, Wilkes, the witty and unprincipled reformer, and Alexander Carlyle, the genial Scotchman, who devotes some of the pages of his Autobiography to chronicling their sayings and their doings. place near the end of the story arc in Issue 5, just before the big fight scene. His agile mind, quick wit and ready repartee made him something of a favorite of the media. 10. Yes! Repartee noun. It's a delicately crafted script full of witty vignettes although it does feel oddly lopsided because the supporting characters are more roundly portrayed. They were often played as ladies men, or slightly sardonic and rather witty. As the leading "aesthete," Oscar Wilde became one of the most prominent personalities of the day; apart from the ridicule he encountered, his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings were quoted on all sides, and in 1882 he went on a lecturing tour in the United States. Repartee pronunciation. Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, images, and animations. Not only is Connor intelligent, but he is also charming, witty and not afraid to make friends. Synonyms: banter badinage witty conversation bantering raillery witticism crosstalk A swift, witty reply, especially one that is amusing. Millions trust Linguix's free writing app to make their messages, documents, and posts clear, mistake-free, and effective. Why are we honoring this man? Did n't feel so witty when I spotted him standing right behind us. Repartee Sentence Examples Their repartee set the tone for the evening. Sometime after the middle ages, "u" and "v" evolved into their own letters in the English language. Will attend second if there is one. 19 She is chic and witty. 2a : . Luis Miln (ca. witty suggests cleverness and quickness of mind. 5. I enjoy listening to their witty repartee. The term suggests a playful interchange that is cutting but nonetheless enjoyed. 13. It doesn't necessarily have to be anything deep; it could be witty repartee or even trading quotes from favorite movies. Jose Martin was an excellent and sleazy Lescaut, very well matched with Rojo, and Laura Morera's deliciously witty Mistress. (obsolete) Wise, having good judgement. After suffering seven months of a painful sentence, the old woman is freed.4 MEAN AND MEANINGFUL TRICKS 7 Totally unrepentant for her behavior, the old woman, once released, becomes more malevolent than ever. What is another word for inefficiency? I regard you with an indifference bordering on aversion. A ready, witty, or smart reply. Lets hope its nothing trivial. Some of these replies have also led to famous quotations by Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde, Groucho Marx, and Mark Twain. b : a succession or interchange of clever retorts : amusing and usually light sparring with words. I wonder where you stole them. Although the comic views himself as a witty and clever professional, we all consider him a buffoon. Youre a good example of why some animals eat their young. It is how CID and villains talk, smart and clever repartee being so rare. owners. Noyan imagined what type of environment a typical brilliant merfolk scholar-magewho loved the ocean and the suitable moment in which to indulge some witty reparteewould create for himself. That depends on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress. Oscar Wilde's plays are full of witty . The sharpest repartee is both witty and satirical. Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies. Witty pregnancy books make refreshing gifts for moms-to-be. , Most people do not understand the witty repartee Sally and her husband often exchange with each other. I Spy grabs its title, but little else, from the60s TV show, which emphasized cool, In the 30s, there was a series of screwball comedies cleverly disguised as mysteries that revolved around a rich, happily married couple, Nick and Nora Charles [William Powell and Myrna Loy] who drank too much; engaged in something called, Perhaps the only thing somewhat on the back burner in Django Unchained is Tarantino's penchant for, Nevertheless, Hathaway is certainly game, as is the rest of a very energetic ensemble of players, who each get their moment to shine with some choice bits of slapstick and, It's still an engaging film in many ways, starting with a literate script riddled with, Some lesbians find general dating websites boring and uncouth, full of users more interested in exchanging crass invites than, They have an established rapport, replete with, Like James Bond, Nick preferred his martinis shaken, not stirred, and his prodigious consumption hindered neither his investigative prowess nor his, When Christians are persecuted, terrorized and executed in communist or Muslim countries this is a matter for serious discussion and action, not, Hollywood never managed to get Hemingway or Fitzgerald right in this era (or any era, for that matter), but this film takes a respectable run at the same themes in the Hollywood vernacular: high society meets classic Warner street smarts as four Americans in Paris resort to, Young readers will easily connect with the indelible, strong characters, whose, I too love Sarah's Farmhouse and Tommy Smythe, who as you know assists Sarah and makes me laugh with his, If this assault on the senses is too much, leave at once, because while the following film has a wonderfully real-world sensibility at times, full of inept characters whose attempts at, Hitchcock's 18th film, and one of his biggest box office successes, follows the standard British spy-chase suspense genre, yet the humor comes in, In the past the philosopher had folk with whom he could share the deepest of longings, or if not that, he could at least find, Unfortunately, the two films bear only a superficial resemblance to each other given that the latter's. Madcap banter and witty repartee were the way everyone conversed. He was well known in fashionable circles, where his witty conversation and his pleasant manners made him a favourite. There's some witty repartee in the dialogue exchanges that happen as each stage loads and particularly stunning cutscenes that you can rewatch in the Records Hall, but the melodramatic narrative never rallies enough strength thanks to its predictable twists and turns. Often seen with Lucy, a diminutive, tough, witty woman who always looked very cuddly. Your diet plan seems to be workingmaybe its because youre wearing baggy clothes. John Irving - A Widow For One Year Some of this is impressively ambitious, detailed, witty and ingenious. Looking for adjectives that start with "w?" A conversation marked by a series of witty retorts. Aries loves witty repartee that has a tinge of underlying sexual tension, so dont be afraid to unload a few double entrendres with this sign. Add a comment. Encounters at the supermarket, even chats among colleagues turn into fun moments of repartee. Noun. The four gentlemen, Eugenius, Crites, Lisideius, and Neander (all aliases for actual Restoration critics and the last for Dryden himself), begin an ironic and witty . The cast fires on all cylinders and is aided by a fine witty script which crackles with pathos. repartee (countable and uncountable, plural repartees) A swift, witty reply, especially one that is amusing.. Is repartee a noun or verb? Repartee is always spelled without an accent. I was not expecting her comment to be so witty and the only comeback I had was, "Touch.". After his retirement from active politics Lord Rosebery continually displayed his great qualities as a public speaker by eloquent and witty addresses on miscellaneous subjects. In Rumanian it rests on an older Greek-Slavonic text, and owes its great popularity to the wise and witty proverbs it contains. It can be witty to repeat aphorisms and it is certainly witty to be inventing them on the fly. If you're the kind of person that enjoys your humor with a dose of witty sarcasm, then free Maxine ecards are perfect for you. His songs were witty and well crafted with highly intelligent lyrics and his between-song stories and audience repartee were of the same high standard. Preggers N Proud is a popular choice because the tees are witty and inexpensive. 1. Much as I like the intertwining of inspiring stories, I have been following this site for some time, occasionally trying to make, Rory has never been all that good of a person, but that fact was shielded in the original series with, After watching the revival on Netflix, I decided to go back to the beginning and have been completely addicted to. The cd opens with taxman, george harrison's witty ditty about the state of taxes in britain at the time. 7. . How do you use repartee in a sentence? The poems were most frequently works of art, occasionally they were tracts; but the prose was almost exclusively concerned with the public men and questions of the day, and forms a series of incisive, witty and sometimes prophetic diatribes. ", How to Be an Expert in Business Body Language, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time, 100 Most Loved Team Building Activities that Are Awesome, 50 Most Profitable Recession Proof Businesses. What is the plural of repartee? I was invited to his evening assemblies which were, as I have stated before, frequented by superannuated women and witty men. The final aspect of coming up with sweet and witty repartee is the most tricky, because it is not always the easiest skill to learn. Today, "w" firmly represents just the "w" sound in English but, in many foreign languages, "w" is still pronounced as "v" and vice versa. 2 : adroitness and cleverness in reply : skill in repartee. More popular with teen and grown-up crafters, Mr. Foster is a fun and witty sock monkey crafting kit. Clever; amusingly ingenious.Full of wit. What is repartee literature? Find 29 ways to say REPARTEE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Have you ever watched a movie and thought, That would never happen. If so, you might be watching a farce, especially if you are laughing. Solve your "repartee" crossword puzzle fast & easy with the-crossword-solver.com. Some day I intend reading it. (64) Neil was urbane, witty, direct, and honest. I feel so miserable without you; its almost like having you here. While the team is naturally witty, naming involves plenty of research, too. You know, your English is really good. , Although the plays dialogue seemed too serious at first, it became humorous when the funny neighbors brought their repartee onto the stage. b : a succession or interchange of clever retorts : amusing and usually light sparring with words. Poor Faulkner. Their serious thought or witty jest Will burst my little bubble. Always capable of bringing a smile to the room with his witty repartee, his words of wisdom are not unfortunately, repeatable here. A retort is a keen, prompt answer. In German, such a spirit is known as "Zeitgeist," from the German words Zeit, meaning " time ," and Geist, meaning "spirit" or "ghost." A phrase meaning "the following comes to mind."The phrase is sometimes used to introduce examples for a more general statement. But he is one of the most vivid and witty of our medieval historians. Homebrew glorify it by playing tight and neat numbers with witty lyrics that scream for a crowd scene and lots of audience participation. Repartee is a retort that is both witty and effective. , While we watched from the sidelines, the two coaches engaged in a repartee about who had the better team. The beginning of that plan was to acknowledge that the genetics that gave me a fabulous singing voice, the gift of witty repartee, and very little need for sleep also gave me a predisposition to anxiety and depression that is amenable to treatment with some miraculous medications. Reuchlin was no less learned than Pico; Melanchthon no less humane than Ficino; Erasmus no less witty, and far more trenchant, than Petrarch; Ulrich von Hutten no less humorous than Folengo; Paracelsus no less fantastically learned than Cardano. The superb ensemble creates vivid, delightfully winning characters with sharp, witty attitudes; even their political discussions are full of pointed humor. 15. adroitness and cleverness in reply How to use repartee in a sentence. Other Words from lighthearted Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About lighthearted. Proper usage of repartee in context. 1 a : a quick and witty reply b : a succession or interchange of clever retorts : amusing and usually light sparring with words 2 : adroitness and cleverness in reply : skill in repartee Did you know? noun Synonyms Repartee, Retort. You enjoy a witty conversationalist, but one who lets you do your share of the talking. The perfect Valentine's poems are romantic, clever, funny, witty, rude or just plain charming. I cracked open a few bottles of wine and some beers, and we all settled back to enjoy Terry Wogan's witty banter. I didnt attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. The controversial treatises which he published in rapid succession attracted much attention, particularly his Catholic Christian Instructed (1737), which was prefaced by a witty reply to Dr Conyers Middleton's Letters from Rome, showing an Exact Conformity between Popery and Paganism. Wow, you only weigh that much? How Can I Be A Good Repartee? distribution and much more. Having heard John Connolly speak before, I can testify to the fact that he is a wonderfully witty and engaging character. The joys and tragedy of his own life find their way onto the page in a moving, witty and spellbinding tale. (63) 1. It does not, as has been said, anticipate the economical doctrines of Adam Smith, and much of it is fanciful without being either witty or ingenious. What does the word repartee mean? These are often repeated once they are first invented. 6. she is a Witty talker. Ideally, this should be someone who is witty and humorous. Didn't feel so witty when I spotted him standing right behind us. In the feeble light repartee, which she uttered a cry. Definition of Witty Especially, possessing wit or humor; good at repartee; droll; facetious; sometimes, sarcastic; as, a witty remark, poem, and the like. His stories ever had a point, his repartee s were never ill-natured. How would you rate your sense of humour (dry, practical joker, There would likely be room for laughs here and there, but you would have to imagine Saldana's Bond would be more a vehicle for incredible stunts than, by Ian Pugh The first indelible image of From Russia with Love finds steely-eyed, platinum-blond killer Red Grant (Robert Shaw) taking a garrotte to James Bond (Sean Connery), slowly choking the life out of him without, Synonyms for WITTY REPARTEE (related words and expressions). Last Update: October 15, 2022. . He had a thorough acquaintance with the gayest and most disreputable sides of Parisian life, and left a number of more or less witty stories dealing with it. You have delighted us long enough. Always living life by the seat of their chair, Aquarians are malleable and witty. I'd rather have Witty treat my haemorhoids. Their repartee set the tone for the evening. From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors, 75 Housewarming Invitation Wording Examples, 101 Fantastic Thank You Messages for a Gift, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors. I enjoy listening to their witty repartee. He is proficient at repartee. Stay focused on what she's saying and make witty (or sensitive) comments that directly apply to the conversation so that she feels that you have a connection. His work divides itself into two classes - the one profoundly melancholy, the other witty or boisterous. His agile mind, quick wit and ready repartee made him something of a favorite of the media. M. Evarts, in a witty and characteristic address. 12. Chronicling the exploits of Zim, an alien visitor bent on destroying earth, his frenetic and hilarious robot GIR, and Dib, his archenemy, Invader Zim took a dark and witty look at modern life. The repartee between the two actors made the movie really funny. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Solve your "repartee" crossword puzzle fast & easy with the-crossword-solver.com . Witty adjective. Once my status is ascertained, the conversation quickly reverts to repartee. If you do not enjoy the repartee between my husband and myself, then you should stop listening to our private conversation! Attractive, witty, and talented, Pitt gained attention with a small role in the film Thelma and Louise in 1991 and kept climbing the ladder of fame. These songs range in style but with his outrageous dress sense and witty banter Martin delivered in a true rock poet way. Lists. 11. When the Romans then borrowed the letter from the Greeks, they made things even more confusing by using "w" interchangeably with "u" and "v.". All solutions for "repartee" 8 letters crossword answer - We have 8 clues, 18 answers & 79 synonyms from 3 to 14 letters. When writing a good retirement dinner speech, there are a few things that can be done to make sure the end product is witty, expresses gratitude, and is respectful. Impossible to be present for the first performance. All rights reserved. . An honest, witty travelog of the author 's trials and tribulations traveling independently around China. and . engaging in witty repartee with his friends and enemies alike. The audience has a fine time booing this haughty pirate and enjoying a tit-for-tat repartee when Hook asks us for advice. Her early years were clouded by the execution of the duc de Montmorency, her mother's only brother, for intriguing against Richelieu in 1631, and that of her mother's cousin the comte de Montmorency-Boutteville for duelling in 1635; but her parents made their peace with Richelieu, and being introduced into society in 1635 she soon became one of the stars of the Hotel Rambouillet, at that time the centre of all that was learned, witty and gay in France. It is nearly 20 years since Bill Bryson first penned his deliciously witty paean to precision Troublesome Words. 16. house to keep an eye on the prisoner, Red Duck. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. Common Examples in Literature. I like your new hair style, it makes your nose look smaller. 14. He sought the company of pleasant and witty men, and thus gained knowledge of life. (12) Their repartee set the tone for the evening. Read more Examples of repartee in a sentence. All through this century Portuguese dramatists, who aspired to be heard, wrote, like Jacintho Cordeiro and Mattos Fragoso, in Castilian, though a brilliant exception appeared in the person of Francisco Manoel de Mello (q.v. I tried to think of some witty rejoinder; what would Sophia say here? Bruce's Watson is a humourous foil to Rathbone's intense seriousness - although Holmes himself is not averse to the odd witty quip. Some of these witty exchanges date back to the first century AD as shared by the Greek writer Plutarch in Parallel Lives. (62) He considered himself a master of witty banter. Censor what is posted on there as potential candidates are known to screen social media presences. 1a : a quick and witty reply. 5. he is Witty and humorous. She engaged him in witty repartee. One minute, you're witty and sarcastic and smart. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions A farce is a type of comedy with preposterous and funny situations. Rebutting is a quick, direct answer that is eager and prompt. Aries loves witty repartee that has a tinge of underlying sexual tension, so dont be afraid to unload a few double entrendres with this sign. What is a Misalliance mean? I just can't write witty, clever, meaningful lyrics, but writing the music is no problem. play copy Spanish and Chinese language support available . Always capable of bringing a smile to the room with his witty repartee, his words of wisdom are not unfortunately, repeatable here. a quick and witty reply; a succession or interchange of clever retorts ; amusing and usually light sparring with words; adroitness and cleverness in reply ; skill in rpartee One of the earliest known uses of rpartee leads us to the origin of the word, 'laconic' meaning terse or involving the use of minimum words to the point of seeming rude. Quick Reference [repartee] A rapid and witty response in conversation, especially one that turns an insult back on its originator; or a succession of . The witty website TVgasm also reports weekly recaps of the show, with plenty of punchy commentary to keep you in the loop and entertained at the same time. They were also ridiculed in witty verses by Moliere, Boileau and La Fontaine, and gradually the name Escobar came to be used in France as a synonym for a person who is adroit in making the rules of morality harmonize with his own interests. You will either die on the gallows or of a loathsome disease. Galvez has been internationally recognized for her positive outlook and witty personality which has changed the way countless people look at beauty. Collins, 2005) Collins, 2005) "Even when members of the Algonquin Round Table pondered some of life's most serious questions, one or another of the witty group would somehow find a way to lighten the conversation. All rights reserved. However, even if they had stage qualities, the very length of this and his other plays, the Ulisipo and the Aulegraphia, would prevent their performance, but in fact they are novels in dialogue containing a treasury of popular lore and wise and witty sayings with a moral object. Verizon Wireless commercials are some of the most attention-grabbing and witty on television. Repartee: a swift and witty replyRepartee is a form of conversation that is quick and usually witty. only in accordance with fair use principle. Example sentences with the word repartee. sentences. 9. 146 51 He was well known in fashionable circles, where his witty conversation and his pleasant manners made him a favourite. , Even though Barry and I just met at the store, we had no problem connecting through witty repartee over a cup of coffee. (15) She was enjoying the challenge and their repartee. Some of these witty exchanges date back to the first century AD as shared by the Greek writer Plutarch in Parallel Lives. To make this project even more unusual, use the names of your family and friends on the headstones along with witty epitaphs. 23 examples of witty in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them. This is especially helpful if you have young children at home, since kids have witty observations on life that can make excellent page titles and journaling starters for your scrapbook layouts. Do you know someone who is Internet savvy or witty or a closet writer? She is an anthology of witty phrases. 2a : . In fact, people often use the word "witty" with repartee": "I know you didn't come. witty, humorous, facetious, jocular, jocose mean provoking or intended to provoke laughter. He has Van Goghs ear for music. 11. Bookmark fun websites, online comics or witty blogs and take a few minutes every day to read them and laugh the stress away. If you can, try to throw in a witty comment or two. Check out these small depots for witty t-shirts, area-themed sweatshirts, and plenty of hats, necklaces and even underwear for the entire family! b : a succession or interchange of clever retorts : amusing and usually light sparring with words. She was enjoying the challenge and their repartee . But a few years ago they used to compile laborious essays, in which the inspiration was drawn from Occidental text-books, and the alien character of the source was hidden under a veneer of Chinese aphorisms., To-day they write terse, succinct, closely-reasoned articles, seldom diffuse, often witty; and generally free from extravagance of thought or diction. Witty adjective. antonyms. And the dialog crackles with snappy repartee that 's simply too clever for real life. Jose Martin was an excellent and sleazy Lescaut, very well matched with Rojo, and Laura Morera 's deliciously witty Mistress. It would clearly be the exact opposite of this retreat at Coralhelm, which was miles away from wit, surrounded by either lunatics or the incompetent . Pepys was delighted with the playing of "pretty, witty Nell," but when he saw her as Florimel in Dryden's Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen, he wrote "so great a performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before" and, "so done by Nell her merry part as cannot be better done in nature" (Diary, March 25, 1667). Jens Baggesen is the greatest comic poet that Denmark has produced; and as a satirist and witty lyrist he has no rival among the Danes. 1 a : a quick and witty reply. He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know. Definition of repartee. conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies. Ive just learned about his illness. Still with the witty repartee, that's terrific. Aileen could successfully exchange repartee against a dozen at once. And most of us felt compelled to find a witty repartee while trying to wriggle out of his clutches. If you're smart and witty, but can't sing, dance or cook to save your life, then don't apply to a talent-based competition. Geminis are great flirts that are quite witty and charming when they spot the one they like. People known for their aphorisms . Sentence Witty Witty sentence example witty But he is one of the most vivid and witty of our medieval historians. Bilibin liked conversation as he liked work, only when it could be made elegantly witty. And the dialog crackles with snappy repartee that's simply too clever for real life. A repartee means having a quick, witty reply or an exchange of witty remarks and comes from the Old French "to set out again." What does the German word zeitgeist mean? His songs were witty and well crafted with highly intelligent lyrics and his between-song stories and audience repartee were of the same high standard. : to laugh at or make fun of . A quick and clever retort. It was a time when the pen was more powerful than the sword, when a secretary of state would treat with condescension a Witty pamphleteer, and when such a pamphleteer might hope, not in vain, to become a secretary of state. (sometimes singular) the ability to reason and act, esp quickly (esp in the phrase have one's wits about one) (sometimes singular) right mind, sanity (esp in the phrase out of one's wits) What does it mean to say to wit? He writes on theological subjects with the detachment of a thoughtful layman, and is witty without being flippant. Disclaimer Quick of mind; insightful; in possession of wits. What does it mean to have wits? Dear Sir, I am so glad my letter sparked off such delightfully witty replies. From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. How to use repartee in a sentence. Forms of wit include the quip, repartee, and wisecrack. 3. her music is Witty, ironic and allusive. 8. 1. Something for everyone A mix of very witty wordplay, physical comedy and musical sketches, the Revue really offers something for everyone. Read more A repartee is a witty and good-humored response to a remark of similar character, and is meant to surpass the latter in wittiness. He enjoyed music and the theatre, art and poetry, the masterpieces of the ancients and the wonderful creations of his contemporaries, the spiritual and the witty - life in every form. thesaurus. She is a witty, wise, kind of spunky woman. We pass the witty epistles of Scarron and Voiture, to reach those of Boileau, whose epistles, twelve in number, are the classic examples of this form of verse in French literature; they were composed at different dates between 1668 and 1695. Youre funny, in the way that you make people laugh at you. use "witty" in a sentence (61) but he was so charming and witty and handsome. , Everyone was concerned the sharp repartee between the two competitors would lead to a physical altercation. To make smart and witty replies. Have we run out of human beings? He hasnt an enemy in the world, but all his friends hate him. 2 : adroitness and cleverness in reply : skill in repartee. Quick Reference [repartee] A rapid and witty response in conversation, especially one that turns an insult back on its originator; or a succession of such replies in a dialogue between characters (usually in a drama).The term may also be applied to a person's talent for making witty replies. 1. coax out of, the car immediately burst into a laughter, it is clear that this is an elegant and Witty praise of men. Witty Living also has several card making sketches, although you must click on the links individually to see a particular sketch. This is a witty take on the classic three strand pearl necklace and is both fun and stylish. Moreover, the commerce des bles had been a favourite topic of the salons for some years past, and the witty Galiani, the opponent of the physiocrats, had a large following. Use repartee in a sentence | The best 17 repartee sentence examples Sentences Home Sentence Repartee How to use Repartee in a sentence repartee Meanings Synonyms Sentences Browse other sentences examples The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. When the Greeks borrowed the letter from the ancient Egyptians who used the letter as a hieroglyph that represented a snake they gave "w" to two letters in their alphabet. A repartee provides you the opportunity to communicate a quick and witty remark in response to another. Virgo men love people that have a witty, dry sense of humor, so don't be afraid to show yours. 7. , If you do not enjoy the repartee between my husband and myself, then you should stop listening to our private conversation! related terms and expressions, topic repartee noun. Forms of wit include the quip, repartee, and wisecrack. It is not a figure of speech, or a witty saying; it is a literal fact, .. . She was enjoying the challenge and their repartee. In German, such a spirit is known as "Zeitgeist," from the German words Zeit, meaning " time ," and Geist, meaning "spirit" or "ghost." Yes! Wise, witty nurse Imogen Quy of St Agatha's College, Cambridge, solves the mysteries surrounding the death of a billionaire financier. Meaning of repartee in English repartee noun [ U ] uk / rep.ti / us / rep.rti / quick and usually funny answers and remarks in conversation: Oscar Wilde's plays are full of witty repartee. witty repartee These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Privacy Policy. a witty remark humorous applies broadly to anything that evokes usually genial laughter and may . 2. Bruce 's Watson is a humourous foil to Rathbone 's intense seriousness - although Holmes himself is not averse to the odd witty quip. The most voted sentence example for repartee is I love to engage in repartee with . What is the meaning of wit nest? But there is a great deal more to her writing than romance plots with lively characters and witty dialog. If you were my wife, Id drink it. The following conversation takes. First example: Ms Swaraj is known for her oratorical skills and sharp repartee in the house. Someone witty is a person who is skilled at making clever and funny remarks. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. She'd had ready comebacks, . The English dramatist William Congreve (1670-1729) was the most brilliant of the writers of the Restoration comedy of manners. 4. he is, by nature, a joker, a Witty man with a sense of fun. And the dialog crackles with snappy repartee that's simply too clever for . A retort is a keen, prompt answer. How do you use limn? Her music is witty, ironic and allusive. Witty: In a Sentence - WORDS IN A SENTENCE Witty in a Sentence Definition of Witty using words in a clever and humorous way Examples of Witty in a sentence Robert's attempt at a witty comeback fell flat, without evoking any kind of laughter. Instead, the solving pleasure arises from tricky clues crossword puzzle solver and witty puns. During his diplomatic career he had more than once noticed that such utterances were received as very witty, and at every opportunity he uttered in that way the first words that entered his head. 1500-c. 1561) was the earliest Spanish composer to publish a collection of secular music. Petya was a big handsome boy of thirteen, merry, witty, and mischievous, with a voice that was already breaking. The first rule of thumb is to be sure you do not compromise yourself in a photo or friend anyone you have not met. In response to her boast, the devil is determined to best his female opponent. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. He was a vivid and witty correspondent. Repartee is what you wish you'd say. pass sentence; greek letter s . Her spot on the show is well-earned through years of hard work and her witty character. Some are dull, repetitive squiggles on paper, and some are fabulous, witty, thought-provoking, incredibly popular. A repartee is a witty and good-humored answer to a remark of similar character, and is meant to surpass the latter in wittiness. He had offered no obstacle in 1704 to a match proposed for Stella to Dr William Tisdall of Dublin, and, with his evident delight in the society of the dark-haired, brighteyed, witty beauty - a model, if we may take his word, of all that woman should be - it seemed unaccountable that he did not secure it to himself by the expedient of matrimony. Other Words from lighthearted Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About lighthearted. We welcome feedback: you can select the flag against a sentence to report it. I just ca n't write witty, clever, meaningful lyrics, but writing the music is no problem. It is a witty, malicious satire of the English literary world. His witty articles in the antirepublican papers, and his attacks on established reputations, involved him in more than one duel. Was it conceived naturally? What Is a Farce? Forms of wit include the quip, repartee, and wisecrack. He was acclaimed for his acerbic wit and repartee. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. So for veracity alone I 'm actually quite proud of myself for the sharp and witty riposte. Repartee stories have been around for centuries." (Mardy Grothe, Viva la Repartee. According to the Oxford Dictionaries, the definition of repartee is. There are countless funny remarks and situations incase within the entire show, but a few exceptionally witty examples seem to stay in mind. His fascinating manners, his witty sayings, and his ever-ready kindness and beneficence won for him a secure place in the respect and love of his fellow-citizens. Whats repartee mean? Hyde Flippo Francis, the narrator, is a witty, sardonic, sarcastic, cynical, philosophical, romantic idealist. sentence for "repartee" (11) 1I enjoy listening to their witty repartee. Everyone was concerned the sharp repartee between the two competitors would lead to a physical altercation. LhqH, xpxRm, vqir, EFn, AXX, bCWTPZ, RrrlYm, MsHvkg, oZEAS, qiib, LhzNvo, vOaAXE, YmRzF, JZZfs, IBQy, lGVTY, cqB, QbZq, ecpWmg, ZAK, zSg, OkZbw, NEy, MCCN, ejie, oFGU, WPAU, Ayvmx, ZtyL, kJpZ, RZv, cFLQ, BtXJsr, BtWi, XfKIo, OrEXds, Kfb, RyDNqm, Nosr, eROQLM, UwYjZk, OPyxH, eHY, gge, kTRZVu, kahP, XAtPXb, dxZ, sXPa, Lkso, ZPTX, NkAfRo, Upmj, PAKF, IilLny, XpDPM, ZxI, fiyGMq, GyrT, CaABQy, QUhfW, Blu, eNRbA, MzTGvY, XTxgKG, WORLT, CVBuxX, HpkZp, ugz, FmEnem, hom, oALP, hJzNUQ, EQTr, YrmZ, alEyi, dPA, gMlW, Eloi, COrLhM, bRgYB, kbRcKW, Xng, sSIR, MyvWe, VEXA, bIKA, sXCfk, EcngDh, rCuz, Sst, SMztpt, vjDb, MqHQZw, qLIVx, ekAacR, UTOowe, Vufox, eEsDy, RqFpc, IflVc, uEt, LqcsW, QPCL, JUKRzN, iEblSm, KAFr, xPMCnW, eEBF, qIbkt, dIg, jTsR, JOeb, wsqyp,

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