cacao scientific name

The following drugs may increase the effects of caffeine in cocoa because they decrease the metabolism or clearance of caffeine: cimetidine9 disulfiram64 estrogens65 fluconazole66 mexiletine67 oral contraceptives65 and quinolone antibiotics.68 Cocoa may increase the risk of toxicity or adverse reactions of clozapine because caffeine inhibits clozapine metabolism.69 The cardiac inotropic effects of beta agonists may be increased by the caffeine content of cocoa.64, Use of large amounts of cocoa with monoamine oxidase inhibitors may precipitate a hypertensive crisis because of cocoa's tyramine content.9, Concomitant use of phenylpropanolamine and cocoa may cause an additive increase in blood pressure because of the caffeine content.70 Theoretically, the caffeine in cocoa might inhibit dipyridamole-induced vasodilation.71 Abrupt withdrawal of caffeine-containing cocoa may increase serum lithium levels.72, Caffeine from the ingestion of large amounts of chocolate, along with 2 to 4 caffeinated beverages, was correlated with the appearance of tics in 2 children.73, Patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome who experience reflux esophageal symptoms should eliminate foods that decrease lower esophageal sphincter pressure, such as chocolate and cocoa-containing products, from their diets.74, Cocoa may be allergenic and has caused occupational asthma in confectionery factory workers.75 A high prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms has also been recorded in workers exposed to cocoa.76, Conflicting results were demonstrated when chocolate was tested as an initiator of migraine headaches. (49) CACAO / CHOCOLATE TREE Effect of Roasting on Contents of Cocoa Beans: Study evaluated the effect of roasting conditions on the content of fat, tocopherol, and phytosterol and antioxidant capacity of the lipid fraction from cocoa beans. Reproduced from the series 'Plant Resources of South-East Asia', Vols 1-20 (1989-2000), by kind permission of the PROSEA Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia. (12) The quality of the data in the update was downgraded from high to moderate due to unexplained heterogeneity among the trials. Law, S. Suzannah, Misnawi and M. Cloke / As. Madre de cacao & chili (Stoll, 2000: pp. (30) When mostly healthy, normotensive subjects received daily flavanol-rich (30 to 1,080 mg), low-flavanol (6.4 and 41 mg), or flavanol-free cocoa products for 2 to 18 weeks, a small but statistically significant reduction in blood pressure of a little more than 2 mm Hg was observed with flavanol-rich cocoa products. Trinitario is a hybrid of the forastero and criollo varieties and produces a flavourful bean that is used in high-quality dark chocolate. (61) In-vitro study showed significantly increased insulin secretion compared to control. Sandoricum harmansianum Perkins: Kechapi (Eng.) Cocoa powder and cocoa butter are often mixed with chocolate liquor (ground cacao seeds), sugar, milk, and other flavors. "(12, 31), A study in which a depressive mood was induced demonstrated a correlation with an increase in chocolate craving. (6) (91), A meta-analysis was performed of 5 randomized, controlled studies involving 173 subjects. White florets have directly on the stem or branch at Tufts. You should talk with your health care provider for complete information about the risks and benefits of using this product. Cocoa yields 550 mg of total phenol (GAE) and 566 mg of flavonoids (ECE) compared to green tea with 168.8 mg of total phenol (GAE) and 353 mg of flavonoids (ECE). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The cacao bean has over 300 identifiable compounds including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). (6) When initial PEA level is low, enzyme inhibitors can raise it 1000-fold; 3 to 4-fold when initial concentration is high. Results showed ethanol extract of fruit peel effluent had hair growth stimulating activity starting at concentration of 15%, The n-hexane fraction showed best activity compared to other fractions and positive control (minoxidil 2%) . After four years the mature cacao tree produces fruit in the form of elongated pods; it may yield up to 70 such fruits annually. The first evidence of Mayan chocolate use was found in Colh in Northern Belize, and dated back to around 600 BCE. Copying and pasting the information on the search window or using the DOI (if available) will often redirect to the new link page. (83), A meta-analysis looking specifically at chocolate consumption on heart failure risk identified 5 studies that met eligibility criteria; all were high quality. (3) Depending on the type of chocolate, a 100 /day of chocolate consumption provides between 0.36-0.83 mg/day of Beta-PEA. In vitro Antioxidant Assay of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Oil and Cake / Ganiyat Kehinde Oloyede and Sunday Felix Abimbade / AU J.T. Antimalarial Property and Acute Toxicity of the Leaves of Theobroma cacao L. / Gustav Komlaga, Arnold Donkor Forkuo, Nadiatu Suleman et al / Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2021, Article ID 2852442 / DOI: 10.1155/2021/2852442 Cocoa solid, cocoa butter, and chocolate are all rich sources of antioxidants.2 Epidemiological studies show an inverse association between the consumption of cocoa and the risk of cardiovascular disease.3, 4 The likely . Procyanidins Isolated from Theobroma cacao Seeds Selectively Downregulate While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. - Nutrient values of dark chocolate, 70-85% cacao solids, per 100 g yield: (Proximates) water 1.37 g, energy 598 kcal, protein 7.79 g, total lipid (fat) 42.63 g, carbohydrate by difference 45.90 g, total dietary fiber 10.9 g, total sugars 23.99 g; (Minerals) calcium 73 mg, iron 11.90 mg, magnesium 228 mg, phosphorus 308 mg, potassium 715 mg, sodium 20 mg, zinc 3.31 mg; (Vitamins) thiamin 0.034 mg, riboflavin 0.078 mg, niacin 1.054 mg, vitamin B6 0.038 mg, vitamin B12 0.28 mg, vitamin A 2 g, vitamin A 39 IU, vitamin E 0.59 mg, vitamin K 7.3 g; (Lipids) total saturated fatty acids 24.489 g, total monosaturated FA 12.781 g, total polyunsaturated FA 1.257 g, total trans FA 0.030 g, cholesterol 3 mg; (Others) caffeine 80 mg. (48) Results suggest the cocoa phytochemicals are potential modulators of insulin signaling, and protect beta and hepatic cells against cellular damage induced by excessive oxidative stress. Data from the in vitro analysis suggested the mechanism is possibly related to nitrite/nitrate regulation that is implicated in flow-mediated dilation. Native to Colombia and its neighbors, cacao (scientific name Theobroma cacao) has long played a role in the country's history and culture. The antiproliferative effect suggests a potential anticancer property. Antimicrobial / Antioxidant / Cytotoxicity / Seed, Leaf and Pod: Study evaluated cocoa leaf, seeds, and pod extracts for antimicrobial and anticancer activity. Gossypium hirsutum: 1 - flowering branch; 2- flower in longitudinal section; 3 - fruit; 4 - opening fruit. It showed cytotoxic effect in cancer cells, but not in normal cells. Scientific Name: Theobroma cacaoFind Cocoa Butter's saturated/unsaturated values, fatty acid composition and other qualities including INS and iodine values. Santos, D.A. (27) radical scavenging and modulation of leukocyte function. This product may adversely interact with certain health and medical conditions, other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, foods, or other dietary supplements. (16) A comparative phytochemical analysis of cocoa and green tea / R. Subhashini, U.S. Mahadeva Rao, P.Sumathi and Gayathri Gunalan* / Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. Results showed significant reductions in total serum cholesterol levels, LDL-C and triglycerides with a significant increase in white blood cells. - Extracts and oils in the cybermarket. Ivory Coast is the leader in cocoa production followed by Ghana and Indonesia. The main catechin is (-)-epicathechin with up to 35% of polyphenol content. Polyphenols / Antioxidative Activity: Study showed the polyphenol content and its antioxidant capacity vary among a wide range of cocoa and chocolate products, with processing making a great impact on the level of polyphenols. Properties of Malaysian Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Polyphenols-Rich Extract, Effects Food Chem., 1998, 46 (2), pp 454457 / DOI: 10.1021/jf970575o Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of Theobroma cacao extracts / Nidhi Singh, Shreyan Datta, Abhirup Dey, Akash Roy Chowdhury and Jayanthi Abraham / Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2015, 7(7): pp 287-294 Journal of Ethnopharmacology, August 2018; Vol 222: pp 239-248 / DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2018.04.050 (42) Uses and medicinal properties of Cocoa. Its seeds are called cocoa and are used to produce cocoa butter, chocolate drinks, and chocolate. Antitumor Activity Acute toxicity study in Swiss albino rats using OECD guidelines showed no gross physical and behavioral changes and no mortality at dose level of 2000 mg/kbw. Amelioration of Oxidative Stress, Hyperglycemia, and Dyslipidemia in T1DR: Study evaluated an ethanolic extract of T. cacao bean extract for ameliorative effects in hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in type 1 diabetic rats. Epicatechin concentrations among freshly harvested beans range from 21.89 to 43.27 mg/g of dry defatted samples. High in magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, beta-carotene and omega 6 fatty acids, cacao powder provides these and other nutrients so that your body and skin perform at peak levels. [11] Distribution and domestication [ edit] Raw cacao offers amazing health benefits for your entire body! Chocolate and cocoa ingredients cocoa beans. 2014 Aug; 6(8): 32023213 / doi: 10.3390/nu6083202 In the mythologies of these people, cacao was often said to be derived from the heavens and gifted to the people. - The Olmecs, an ancient civilization from what is now Mexico, were the first to use Cacao Fruit over 3,500 years ago. This indicator of higher NO production is associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. Topical use increases blood flow to the skin, reducing inflammation and redness, slowing the visible aging process, and supporting healthy moisture content. - In Ghana, leaf decoction used in traditional medicine for treatment of malaria. The studies included 4 cohorts and 1 post hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial; a total of 106,109 participants were enrolled and follow-up ranged from 9 to 14 years. Start studying BIOL 5543S Test 2: Scientific Names and Examples. However, they are considered commercially productive for only about 25 years. Africa yields about 70% of cocoa production. Percentage parasitaemia suppression was significant for all doses. (7) MAO Inhibitors: Consumption of cocoa with MAO inhibitors (medications used for depression) might cause increased stimulation, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, nervousness, etc. (11) Dark chocolate with its high cocoa content (>35%) is considered to have the richest polyphenols content in the group of cocoa derivatives. As you know the scientific name consists of two parts: the genus name, which comes first, and the particular species name, which comes second. lesion induced by ethanol, Pentameric (55) Short term administration of bean extract caused substantial reduction in blood glucose but did not obliterate hyperglycemia. (3) (49) (6) Lithium: Cocoa caffeine may increase the rate of lithium elimination. Cortez described the preparation and use of a beverage called chocalatl, made of the seeds of T. cacao. Cacao and Cardiovascular Health: Review summarizes the available data on the cardiovascular effects of cocoa, highlighting its potential clinical implications associated with consumption. The scientific name for the cocoa tree is theobroma cacao. Unlike most other countries that grow cacao,. (31) Further studies characterizing the polyphenol content of cocoa products and method of measurement are needed.1, 7 In one study, an inverse relationship was demonstrated between cocoa intake and blood pressure, as well as a 15-year cardiovascular and all-cause mortality; the median cocoa intake among users was 2.11 g/day.3, Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) when used in moderate amounts or in amounts used in foods. (70). The A. cepa assay revealed significant influence of the extract on mitotic cell division in a concentration dependent manner. - Ceremonial Food: Cacao was a tree and food most prized by ancient Maya and Aztec, consumed during rituals and offered as sacraments to the gods. elucidate on the. - In southwest Nigeria, decoction of bark of Theobroma cacao and leaves of Sorghum bicolor in 250 ml of water taken twice daily for treatment of anemia. of polyphenol substances derived from Theobroma cacao on gastric mucosal Seeds are numerous and embedded in whitish pulp; when ripe they rattle in the capsule when shaken. - Cultivated for use in the manufacture of cacao, chocolate, A better characterization of the bioactivity of the phenolic pigments is suggested for its potential use in food technology as functional colorant ingredient or antioxidant complex extract. While the Olmecs may have been the first to use cacao for its bean rather than its fruit, for the Mayans it was more than a food, but a delicacy approaching divinity. Flavanols can be monomeric: in cocoa beans these are mainly ()-epicatechin and (+)-catechin, dimeric (consisting of 2 units of epicatechin with differing linkages), or polymeric (combinations of monomers and chains of up to 10 units or more have been found). Chocolate contains a high amount of saturated fats; however, the two major fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acids, appear to have fewer implications for progression of coronary artery disease than other saturated fats. - Contains PEA (phenylethylamine) and anandamine. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Anti-Obesity / Antidiabetic / Polyphenols / Seeds: Study of raw and roasted cocoa beans of Forastero variety phenolic extracts sought to evaluate for anti-obesity, cytoprotective or insulin signaling regulator properties. (1) No other biomarkers were significantly affected by epicatechin. (54) After cocoa diets, the mean systolic blood pressure was 4.7 mm Hg and the diastolic 2.8 mm Hg lower than in the cocoa-free controls. Uniquely original from our South American Amazon forests, we offer Ceremonial Cacao that comes directly from the Ashaninka tribe in Peru, a tribe that focuses in cultivating their cacao with the highest organic . BMC Complementary and Alternative MedicineThe official journal of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR), Medicinal Image of america, dark, branch - 162607078 (9) (22) When ripe, approximately 50 seeds and a red seed pulp are harvested from within. Cocoa consumption alters the global DNA methylation of peripheral leukocytes in humans with cardiovascular disease risk factors: A randomized controlled trial / Crescenti A, Sol R, Valls RM, et al. The CHE was found effect against yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Moniliophthora perniciosa. (45) Endothelial dysfunction and inflammation biomarkers were evaluated after 35 pre-hypertensive adults ingested pure epicatechin (100 mg/day) and quercetin-3-glucoside (160 mg/day) for 4 weeks in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study. In summary, the extract down-modulated T lymphocyte activation and the acquired immune response, which suggests a potential use in immune system hyperactivity such as autoimmune of chronic inflammatory disease. (25) Antiproliferative / Leaf: Study evaluated the potential anticancer properties from non-edible parts of the cocoa plant, viz., leaf, bark, husk, fermented and unfermented shell, root, cherelle, and pith. Study suggests that besides other compounds of cocoa, its peptides and amino acids could contribute to health benefits. The Incas considered it the drink of gods, an association that gave rise to the scientific name of the cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao, from the Greek words theo (god) and broma (drink). Scientific name: Theobroma cacao; Family: Malvaceae (kapok, mallow, cola, hibiscus) Understorey evergreen tree up to 8m tall. (51), Theobromine, the primary alkaloid in cocoa, is a weak CNS stimulant, with only one-tenth the cardiac effects of other methylxanthines (eg, caffeine, theophylline). Theobroma cacao / Useful Tropical Plants The botanical name or scientific name of cocoa tree is "Theobroma cacao. Add sugar, milk and flavoring it makes sweet-flavored chocolate and mixing cement. Description, origin, content, presentation, preparation and popular uses. Various dilutions were tested in rabbits. Dark chocolate with its high cocoa content (>35%) is considered to have the richest polyphenols content in the group of cocoa derivatives. Common names: Kakawate, Madriado, Madre de cacao. - Crude ethanol extract of stem bark yielded alkaloids, tannin, saponin, glycoside, phenol, flavonoid, and carboxylic acid. (88), Evaluation of study results from 2 Swedish cohorts (N=72,495) plus a meta-analysis of these 2 studies combined with 3 additional cohorts identified through a systematic review of studies published up to September 2017 (N=107,959) sought an association between chocolate consumption and the risk of atrial fibrillation. A smaller randomized, single-blind, controlled trial in 140 postmenopausal women reported a significant decrease in pulse pressure (P=0.048) with 6-month consumption of 10 g/day cocoa-rich chocolate (99% cocoa, 26.1 mg/day epicatechin, 14.4 mg/day procyanidin dimer B2) compared to no intervention. Roasting may cause significant degradation of -tocopherol and phytosterols compared to raw cocoa beans. Clovamide / Antioxidant / Seed: Study of a phenolic fraction of seeds yielded clovamide (trans-clovamide,92S)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-[[(E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyl]amino]propanoic acid), a naturally occurring caffeoyl conjugate and potent antioxidant. Study evaluated the antioxidant and anti-sickling properties of cocoa extracts from two localities of Cameroon: EFCM and EFCB. (20) Extract also showed tyrosinase inhibitory activity with IC50 of 199.98 ppm. 5-7%; ash, 3-5%; starch, 5% and a glucoside, cacarine. - Cocoa contains approximately 380 known chemicals and 10 psychoactive constituents. Its oblong leathery leaves measure up to 30 cm (12 inches) in length, and are periodically shed and replaced by new leaves that are strikingly red when young. It contributes to antioxidant activity of cocoa, as a minor component. (50) A similar result also has been shown with cocaine craving. - Study of phytochemical constituents of coca fruit outer shell yielded fats and oils +, steroids ++ , alkaloids +. Strain. In Vitro Studies on the Antioxidant Property and Inhibition of -Amylase, -Glucosidase, and Angiotension 1-Converting Enzyme by Polyphenol-Rich Extracts from Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Bean / Ganiyu Oboh, Ayokunle O Ademosun, Kuburat O Longe et al /Pathology Research International, Vol 2014, Article ID 549287 / DOI: 10.1155/2014/549287 These compounds may not exert their effect by binding with the tetrahydrocannabinol receptors, but by inhibiting breakdown of endogenously produced anandamine, thus prolonging a "natural high. immune response which could be important in immune system reactivity such as autoimmune or chronic inflammatory (27) In vitro anthelmintic and antioxidant activities of the leaf extracts of Theobroma cacao L. Characterization of volatile compounds in Criollo, Forastero, and Trinitario cocoa seeds (Theobroma cacao L.) in China, Hydro-ethanol seed extract of Theobroma cacao exhibits antioxidant activities and potential anticancer property, Antioxidant studies by hydrodynamic voltammetry and DFT, quantitative analyses by FPLC-DAD of clovamide, a natural phenolic compound found in Theobroma cacao L. beans, Medicinal plants used by traditional practitioners in two selected villages of Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur, Anti-inflammatory activity of Theobroma cacao L. stem bark ethanol extract and its fractions in experimental models, Antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activity of face serum containing cocoa pod husk phytosome (Theobroma cocoa L.), Network pharmacology and in vitro testing of Theobroma cacao extract's antioxidative activity and its effects on cancer cell survival, Hypoglycemic effects of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) autolysates, Anti-alopecia activity of waste cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) peels, Traditional Knowledge on Medicinal Plants Use by Ethnic Communities in Douala, Cameroon, Toxicological Assessments of a Proprietary Blend of Punica granatum Fruit Rind and Theobroma cacao Seed Extracts: Acute, Subchronic, and Genetic Toxicity Studies, In vitro evaluation of antioxidant and anti-sickling properties Effect of Cocoa Powder on Biologic and Hematological Parameters: Study evaluated the effect of consumption of cocoa powder on biochemical and hematological parameters in rat. (54) galactose. Pl. (44) Forastero yielded high amounts of 3-methylbutanoic acid, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol, anethole, and 2,4-pentanediol. Studies have shown potential inhibition on pro-inflammatory mediators on TNF--sensitized Caco-2 cells. ORGANIC CACAO. Top 10 cocoa producing countries in the world. (Madre de cacao) leaves was determined by this study. Scientific name: Theobroma cacao L. Botanical family : MALVACEAE Vernacular names (In territories with significant traditional TRAMIL use) Dominican Republic: cacao Other vernacular names Botanical description Small tree, 6- 8 (-12-14) m high. C ACAO Scientific Name: Theobroma cacao Common Name: Cacao tree and Cocoa tree INTRODUCTION Cacao Kakaw - Scientific name: Theobroma cacao L.; English: Cocoa plant; Tagalog: Kakaw Karot - Scientific name: Daucus carota Linn. It is native to . The fruits are large and football shaped, with quarter-sized seeds referred to as cocoa beans. Anticancer Agents from Non-Edible Parts of Theobroma cacao / Zainal B, Abdah MA*, Taufiq-Yap YH, Roslida AH and Rosmin K / Natural Products Chemistry & Research, 2:134. Cocoa beans are cultivated in smaller extents in some states only when compared to other countries. Omissions? Adverse effects more common in the flavanol-rich intervention groups included GI complaints and distaste of the product. Melia koetjape Burm. Fruit in the 20 to 60 seeds (cocoa beans) that actually performs the 5 columns. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. The pod husk also possessed most active extracts against Staphylococcus aureus with MIC of 0.62 mg/mL. (5) One study concluded that epicatechin content was likely to be the main factor in cocoa's association with beneficial health effects. They were then crossed over after another 7-day, cocoa-free, period. Sandoricum harmandianum Pierre : Katul (Sbl.) In pre-Columbian times, its bean was a major currency with great trading value. Theobroma is Greek for "food of the gods," and cacao is the Spanish adaptation of the Mayan name for the tree: kakaw. The flowers, small with pink calyx, occur in clusters on the trunk and older branches. Cacao contains omega 6 fatty acids and raw enzymes, both of which help in cellular repair and rejuvenation. The wood is white, light, and very soft. / Malvaceae They can be white, rosy, pink, yellow, or bright red, depending on the variety, and are pollinated by tiny flies called midges in many areas. T. cacao subsp. 2009 Dec; 43(4): 164168 Oil or cocoa butter is an excellent emollient, used to soften and protect chapped hands and lips. Cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao L.) phenolic extracts as PTP1B inhibitors, hepatic HepG2 and pancreatic -TC3 cell cytoprotective agents and their influence on oxidative stress in rats / Dorota Zyzelewicz, Adam Jurgonski et al / Food Research International, Nov 2016; Vol 82, Part 2: pp 946-957 / Chocolate is considered the third highest contributor of antioxidants to the American diet, 100-107 mg/day; compared to fruits at 255 mg/day, and vegetables 233 mg/day. What is Cocoa. lips and hands. CACAO POD BORER Scientific name: Conopomorpha cramerella) The Conopomorpha cramerella is a species that is endemic to Southeast Asia and western Pacific archipelago (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia). Cocoa Bioactive Compounds: Significance and Potential for the Maintenance of Skin Health / Giovanni Scapagnini,* Sergio Davinelli, Laura Di Renzo, Antonino De Lorenzo, Hector Hugo Olarte, Giuseppe Micali, Arrigo F. Cicero, and Salvador Gonzalez / Nutrients. It is believed to have originated far to the south of the historic boundaries of the Mayan civilization, in the thin stretch of coastline west of the South American Andes Mountains, although the native peoples there are thought to have eaten the fleshy fruit that grows around the bean instead of roasting the bean itself. (19) / - Seeds Long-term effects of unmetabolized beta-PEA from daily ingestion are unknown. Please select which sections you would like to print: Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Parts Cocoa is the seed of the cacao tree. - The wall and pulp of the fruit contain arabinose and - Pod of T. cacao and shaft of Elaeis guinensis are burned together, poured into a water container, and used to bathe kids infected with craw-craw (itchy skin disease caused by Cacao paste is mashed, and roasted cacao beans. (2) In an acute and chronic animal study, the administration of cocoa extract reduced overall blood glucose in normal, obese, obese diabetic and diabetic rats. Cocoa benefits. Polyphenols in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) / C.L. (67) - Roasted seeds used as snack food. Source: Wikimedia Commons. (65) of being an insulin-mimetic agent. Cacao (scientific name) "Food of the gods" Cacao (meaning of name) . Scientific name: (latin) Theobroma cacao L. Synonyms: Chocolate, Cacao, Cocoa (powdered seeds of Th.cacao) Family Sterculiaceae Wiki User 2011-07-23 11:14:37 This answer is: Study. "12, 31, 32, Cocoa has been reported to be a source of natural antioxidants(10) the free radical scavengers that preserve cell membranes, protect DNA, prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that leads to atherosclerosis, and prevent plaque formation in arterial walls. 2015; 4(1): 23-29doi: 10.5455/jib.20150504014936 The mean systolic blood pressure in the highest tertile of cocoa intake was 3.7 mm Hg lower, and the mean diastolic blood pressure was 2.1 mm Hg lower compared with the lowest tertile; 314 men died, 152 of cardiovascular diseases. The formulated face serum has good physical characteristic and antioxidant and tyrosinase activities that equal marketed product (Hadalabo ultimate whitening milk, Rohto, Indonesia). (61) Cacao thrives at altitudes of 30 to 300 metres (100 to 1,000 feet) above sea level in areas where temperatures do not range much below 20 C (68 F) or above 28 C (82 F). 2013;8(6):e65744. Because of the hazards of disease and pests, most of the worlds cacao is grown on small labour-intensive farms of less than two hectares (five acres) instead of large plantations through which these hazards can rapidly spread. (39), Data suggest that flavonoid-rich food contributes to cancer prevention. In its typically eaten form of being dried or lightly toasted, the texture will be crunchy and flaky. Immunomodulatory properties of cacao extracts potential consequences for medical applications / Kathrin Becker, Simon Geisler, Florian Ueberall, Dietmar Fuchs* and Johanna M. Gostner (3) PEA is also believed to increase the release of AcH (acetylcholine), possibly with mood and cognitive benefits. (29) Other Species of Same Genera: Product Description: A thin outer layer which peels of readily and leaves a dark-brown color. of being an insulin-mimetic agent. Kakawate, also known as madre de cacao, is a leguminous tree which originated from Central America, and is used in many tropical and sub-tropical countries as fences in agricultural lands because it grows easily and prevents top soil erosion. A low to moderate dose was defined as a median intake of less than 7, 50 g servings/week mostly in the form of chocolate bars. (3) Diet was assessed at 5-year intervals, with cocoa intake estimated from the consumption of cocoa-containing foods; mean intake among users was approximately 2.11 g/day. (48) neurotransmitters. Katoh (Pamp.) Cacao is often used to describe the raw material, while cocoa is used to describe the processed products. (see study below) (32) 1995 - 2020 / MULTILINGUAL MULTISCRIPT PLANT NAME DATABASE Anti-inflammatory activity of Theobroma cacao L. stem bark ethanol extract and its fractions in experimental models / Sabitiu A Oyeleke, Olusegun George Ademowo et al / Most of the tree is small and useless, though occasionally large-sized trees are found. There are three main cultivar groups of cacao beans used to make cocoa and chocolate: (1) Criollo: The cocoa tree used by the Mayas, highly prized and rare, less bitter, more aromatic, source of only 5-10% of chocolate made. (45) ; English: Carrot; Tagalog: Karot Komprey - Scientific name: Symphytum officinale L.; English: Comfrey; Tagalog: Komprey Duhat - Scientific name: Syszygium jambolanum; English: Black plum, java plum; Tagalog: Duhat (62) DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2016.01.009 Study suggests potential anti-obesity properties of roasted cocoa bean extract rich in MRP, making it a promising candidate for prevention of diabetes and associated metabolic disorders. biotechnology, and biochemistry / 1998, vol. Each pod has numerous ridges running along its length and holds 20 to 60 seeds, or cocoa beans, arranged around the long axis of the pod. : Theobroma cacao, Anonna muricata, and Clitorea ternatea. - High in polyphenols, with three main groups: catechins (37%), anthocyanins (4%) and proanthocyanidins (58%). We use the pulpy flesh of the fruit in our Digestive Enzyme tincture, because it contains the enzymes protease, invertase, raffinase . - Husk is traditionally used to treat the pains of pregnancy, fevers, and coughs. - Preparation: Cocoa is prepared by grinding the beans into a paste between hot rollers, then mixing it with sugar and starch, with part of the fat removed. preparation. Preferred Common Name gliricidia Other Scientific Names Galedupa pungam Blanco Gliricidia lambii Fernald Gliricidia maculata (Kunth) Walp. (13) In-vivo study in diabetic rats showed significant reduction of plasma glucose. Scientific Name(s): Theobroma cacao L. subsp. Binomial name. A stable complex formation of EGFR-Hirsutrin was observed during 100 NS MD simulation. (86), In a crossover study, 15 healthy subjects were randomly assigned to consume 100 g of dark chocolate or 90 g of white chocolate for 15 days after a 7-day, cocoa-free, run-in phase. Spray on infested plants. (4) Although sold as dietary supplement, some believe oral PEA is ineffective because of extensive presystemic metabolism. Study showed that Malaysian cocoa polyphenol extract has a potential - Widely scattered in cultivation at low and medium altitudes. (70) : 782 (1753) This species is accepted The native range of this species is Costa Rica to S. Tropical America. One of the first countries to advocate for organic cocoa production- Green and Blacks- itself originates from Belize, and in 1993 launched the worlds first fair trade chocolate bar, Mayan Gold. (84), Because endothelial dysfunction has been observed during hyperglycemia, the effects of flavanol-rich dark chocolate on flow-mediated dilation was investigated in 12 healthy volunteers. Antioxidative Polyphenols: Study isolated clovamide, deoxyclovamide, quercetin and its glucoside. Transgenic or GMO? (5, 47), Habitual intake of any chocolate-containing food was studied for its effect on cardiovascular risk in a prospective manner using data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk cohort (N = 20,951). Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used In the Treatment of Skin Diseases in Abeokuta South Local Government of Ogun State Nigeria / Adeogun, I.I., O.O. Photo about Theobroma cacao L. is the scientific name that receives the cocoa tree or cocoa tree, an evergreen plant of the Malvaceae family. Abstract and Figures. (89), Consumption of chocolate bars has been shown to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 2 Dec 2022), Cerner Multum (updated 7 Dec 2022), ASHP (updated 11 Nov 2022) and others. a warm compress. The oval seeds are about 2.5 cm (1 inch) long and are covered with a sweet sticky white pulp. Even after the Mayan civilizations collapse, its fascination with cacao has continued to influence our culture today. articles and cosmetics; in pharmacy, used for pill coating and suppository Analysis of amino acid composition showed cocoa autolysates were abundant in hydrophobic amino acids. (29) Its scientific name comes from the Greek "Theos" which means "God" and "broma" which means "food." This name was coined thus by the botanist Lineo in reference to the importance that this plant had for the native Americans. Sometimes referred to as white cacao, the macambo's taste can be described as something between raw cacao and a cashew nut. one of the bioactive nutrients in cocoa can promote blood vessel relaxation Epicatechin, Kakawate, also known as madre de cacao, is a leguminous tree which originated from Central America, and is used in many tropical and sub-tropical countries as fences in agricultural lands because it grows easily and prevents top soil erosion. Cacao: Theobroma cacao (LINN.) Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (22), pp 1061210618 / DOI: 10.1021/jf902419t Properties of Cocoa tree, leaves, fruit and beans. larvae of filarial worm causing onchocerciasis migrating to the subcutaneous tissues). Botany (2) Forastero: The tree includes several sub-varieties, significantly hardier than Criollo tress, producing cheaper cocoa beans, used for making 80% of world chocolate production. With the exception of certain products that are generally recognized as safe in normal quantities, including use of folic acid and prenatal vitamins during pregnancy, this product has not been sufficiently studied to determine whether it is safe to use during pregnancy or nursing or by persons younger than 2 years of age. Flowers from consists of fruit directly from the trunk, about six months after. Results suggest cocoa beans, especially EFCM, could be used in the management of sickle cell anemia. Increases observed in circulating nitrite, but not in circulating nitrate, paralleled the observed flow-mediated dilation augmentation. 77, No. What is the scientific name of madre de cacao? The MTT assay showed the leaf extract to have highest antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 cells with MIC of 41.4 g/mL. Andebrhan T . Higher intake (up to 100 g/day) was associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, especially mortality. Sterculiaceae (14) There was also IL-2 secretion inhibition and 3 to 4.5-fold increase in IL-4 release. Antioxidant / Cocoa Oil and Cake: Study evaluated the antioxidant activity of cocoa oil and cake using DPPH, hydroxyl radical generated from H2O2, and peroxide oxidation by ferric thiocyanate method. The Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Stem Bark Extract of Theobroma Cacao / Nwokonkwo D. C. & Okeke, G. N. / Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: E Interdiciplinary, Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014 Advise is to abstain from cocoa or other caffeine containing products at least 24 hours before a cardiac stress test. In cultivating cacao, plants are first grown from seeds or cuttings and then transplanted. (20) (33) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259757 The genus, theobroma, is derived from the Greek words for "food of the gods". Theobroma cacao L. compounds: Theoretical study and molecular modeling as inhibitors of main SARS-CoV-2 protease / Osvaldo Yaez, William Tiznado et al / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Aug 2021; Vol 140: 111764 / DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111764 (37, 38), Although, the relatively high stearic acid content in cocoa products was once purported to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), it is no longer considered to play a role in the reduction of CHD risk. No other significant differences were observed in blood pressure, cardiovascular risk parameters (eg, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance), or arterial stiffness or vascular function outcomes. - Fuel: The wood--light, soft, and of low durability--is of little value. A study using functional magnetic imaging in healthy young people found that ingestion of flavanol-rich cocoa was associated with increased cerebral blood flow(58) suggesting that cocoa may play a role in the treatment of cerebral impairment, including dementia and stroke. Aqueous extract of leaves showed antiplasmodial activity. Shell contains about 1 percent theobromine. This plant is a natural insect repellant. Seed extracts showed zone of inhibition against pathogens Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp. (8) It was also used in burials, most likely to give comfort to the dead as they passed onto the next world. Several preclinical studies concluded that dietary polyphenols, in large amounts, can exert a desirable effect. Effects Protective Activity of Theobroma cacao L. Phenolic Extract on AML12 and MLP29 Liver Cells by Preventing Apoptosis and Inducing Autophagy / Marco Arlorio et al / J. Agric. Flavonoids / Decreased BP and LDL: Studies have suggested the antioxidants and flavonoids in dark chocolate with benefits of lowering effects on blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels. Is madre de cacao antibacterial? Cardiac Benefits / Decreased DNA Methylation of Leukocytes: Study concludes cocoa consumption decreases global DNA methylation of peripheral leucocytes in humans with CVD risk factors. Consuming the chocolate alone or mixing it with other foods or liquids did not appear to affect blood pressure outcomes. (60) Occasionally used for making charcoal. Colombia is the tenth largest cocoa producer in the world yielding 56,808 tonnes of cocoa in 2017, grown on . Hydro-ethanol seed extract of Theobroma cacao exhibits antioxidant activities and potential anticancer property / Osaretin A T Ebuehi, Chinonye Anams et al / Journal of Food Biochemistry, 43(4): e12767 / Native to lowland rainforests of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, cacao is grown commercially in the New World tropics as well as western Africa and tropical Asia. Theobroma cacao : Other Source(s): Source: Flora of the West Indies website, 2016, database (version 2016) Acquired: 2016 : Notes: . Subgroup analysis revealed that the reduction was significant only when compared to flavanol-free controls and not low-flavanol controls. (17) Theobroma cacao. (2) Anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs: Cocoa flavanols might have antiplatelet effects, and may be additive with aspirin. (6) The concerns relate to synthetic PEA additiveshybrid or GMOnot naturally occurring PEA, escaping enzymatic metabolic action, reaching the brain in trace amounts. It only grows to 4 to 8 meters in height. The Potential of Cocoa Extract as a Hypoglycemic Agent / Chee Beng Jin, Muhajir Hamid, Amin Ismail and Chong Pei Pei / J. Trop. Devin Windelspecht is a sophomore at Northeastern University in Boston MA where he majors in international relations. The word cacao itself comes from the Mayan word for the bean, Kakau, while our word Chocolate derives from the Mayan verb Chocolha, or to drink cacao, combined with the Aztec word atl, or water, a combination that was probably created by the Spanish during their conquests of Central America. info Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Profile for Cacao (Theobroma cacao) / Prakash Hebbar, H.C. Bittenbender, and Daniel O'Doherty / Agroforestry History of Cacao Cacao, a tree whose scientific name is Theobroma Cacao, was so named in 1753 by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. It's Theobroma. (53), Theobromine has activity similar to that seen with caffeine (ie, increases in energy, motivation to work, and alertness).(19). At the same time, it is a crop on which many conservationists and natural resource managers base their hopes for an agriculture industry that not only provides a livelihood for tropical farmers but also helps to conserve biodiversity in the tropical landscape. (53) Corrections? J. Cacao became to the Mayans one of the godliest of all foods, trumped only by Maize, with a God of Cacao- Ek Chuah- having his own annual festival every April. Fifty-three compounds were profiled. Ke ke shu, Etymology / Gen / doi:10.1089/109662000416285. (11) Scientific Name: Theobroma cacao subsp. Peel extract was extracted with ethanol 96% solvent and fractionated with water. - Studies have suggested anti-carcinogenic, anti-atherogenic, anti-ulcer, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, immune modulating, anti-microbial, vasodilatory and analgesic properties. The catechol moieties in clovamide play a major role in radical scavenging mechanism. Theobroma cacao L. First published in Sp. In well fermented beans, the color of the bean change from purple to brown. Some common diseases such as cherelle (young pod) wilt, cushion galls, and dieback are not thoroughly understood and may result from a combination of physiological, viral, nutritional, and fungal conditions. Native to lowland rainforests of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, cacao is grown commercially in the New World tropics as well as western Africa and tropical Asia. Results suggest a potential for the polyphenols to be utilized to lower plasma glucose and stimulate insulin secretion in type 2 diabetic patients. Moctezuma, the 9th ruler of Tenochtitlan, is said to have indulged in a dose before entering the royal harem. The botanical name of cacao is Theobroma . (50) Activated Carbon from Pod Husk / Arsenic Adsorption: Study showed cocoa pod husk material, a waste biomass, can be used to produce activated carbon by chemical activation and ZnCl2 showed to be the best chemical activation agent. A pod rot called black pod is caused by a fungus (Phytophthora) that spreads rapidly on the pods under conditions of excessive rain and humidity, insufficient sunshine, and temperatures below 21 C (70 F). No effect was seen with white chocolate. Many different insects cause vegetative and crop damage to cocoa, especially mealybugs, true bugs (heteropterans), thrips, and scale insects. (5) Estrogen: Estrogen can decrease the breakdown of caffeine. Obtained preparations were in vitro investigated for PTP1B inhibition and cytoprotective activity against oxidative stress using human hepatoma HepG2 and mouse pancreatic -TC3 cell lines. one of the bioactive nutrients in cocoa can promote blood vessel relaxation - insulin mimicking activities. L. The cacao tree is a small tree originally grown in tropical South America. Many varieties of cacao exist, and they can be grouped into three general divisions: forastero, criollo, and trinitario. (82), A study comparing the effects of dark and white chocolate on flow-mediated dilation found that dark chocolate improved flow-mediated dilation after 2 hours compared with baseline, with the effect lasting about 8 hours. Characterization of volatile compounds in Criollo, Forastero, and Trinitario cocoa seeds (Theobroma cacao L.) in China / Xiao-Wei Qin, Jian-Xiong Lai et al / International Journal of Food Properties, 2017, 20(10): pp 2261-2275 / DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2016.1236270 (15) It's much better! Flavonoids from Theobroma cacao Down-Regulate Inflammatory Mediators / Emma Ramiro et al / J. Agric. In-vivo studies, demonstrated an antiproliferative effect of cocoa-rich diet. Phenolic molecules were also detected in the extracts. In the Zutphen elderly, an inverse relationship was demonstrated between cocoa intake and blood pressure, as well as a 15-year cardiovascular and all-cause mortality; the median cocoa intake among users was 2.11 g/day.3, Further studies characterizing the polyphenol content of cocoa products and method of measurement are needed.1, 7 Most studies have used dark chocolate in order to avoid a possible milk interference; however, one study using milk chocolate found positive effects on blood pressure, plasma cholesterol, and markers of oxidative stress in young men who exercised.1 Because there have been very few dose-response studies, it is difficult to estimate the amount of chocolate necessary for an antioxidant effect.1 In a study of smokers, 40 g of dark chocolate improved flow-mediated dilation and platelet function (polyphenol content was not stated).36 In another study, a half-maximal, flow-mediated dilation 2 hours after consumption was achieved with 616 mg total flavanols.44 In a third study, just 25 g of semisweet chocolate bits containing 200 mg flavanols and procyanidins produced a reduction in platelet-related hemostasis in healthy people.63. ESTIMATION OF PROTEIN CONTENT AND PHYTOCHEMICALS STUDIES IN COCOA FRUIT OUTER COVERING / Dr. D. Sailaja, P. Srilakshmi*, K. Puneeth and C. Ramya Krishna / International Journal of Plant, Animal, and Environmental Sciences, Volume-5, Issue-1, Jan-Mar-2015 This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Cocoa Interactions / WebMD DC. (2) Clozapine: Caffeine in cocoa may decrease the rate of break down of clozapine. Lines of evidence support the role of cocoa in the promotion of human health, and a full understanding of the mechanisms of cocoa-derived phytochemicals as modulators of cell signaling is key to the evaluation of the potent biomolecules as anti-aging agents. Theobroma cacao L. (Family Sterculiaceae) is a long-lived understorey tree of tropical lowland forests. The specific name cacao is the Hispanization of the name of the plant in indigenous Mesoamerican languages. Colombia. (42) White florets have directly on the stem or branch at Tufts. In vitro studies corroborated antioxidant activity for cocoa extract and showed significantly higher cytotoxic effect on cancer cells compared to normal cells. A 2012 Cochrane meta-analysis of 20 randomized controlled trials (N = 856) investigated the effects of chocolate or cocoa products on blood pressure. (69) In the Aztec language, the drink was called chocolati. Drug interactions (11) Antimicrobial / Pod Husk: Spontaneous aerobic fermentation of cacao husks yields a crude husk extract with antimicrobial activity. It is known worldwide for its beans used in the manufacture of chocolate. Availability This information does not endorse this product as safe, effective, or approved for treating any patient or health condition. Common names: Kakawate, Madriado, Madre de cacao. Effect Subgroup analysis reflected a slightly increased mean systolic reduction of 4 mm Hg in hypertensive patients compared to no significant reduction in normotensive participants. ErbB2 in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells, Effect (86), In the previous study, 2 hours after ingestion of dark chocolate, the shear stress-dependent platelet function was also reduced. Scientific name: Gliricidia sepium. Other tree crops such as banana, palm, or rubber are often planted with the cacao to provide shade and wind protection for the young trees. Results showed significant increase in plasma epicatechin and catechin concentrations and significantly decreased platelet function. Studies are needed to test the importance of this activity related to eating disorders and obesity.(57). (43) (34) (Cocoa) on Helicobacter pylori in an in vitro study, Theobroma cacao L. compounds: Theoretical study and molecular modeling as inhibitors of main SARS-CoV-2 protease. However, even with the protection of their small isolated farms, cacao growers frequently experience losses ranging from 30 to 100 percent of their crops, usually to disease. Although roasting was found to be detrimental for the clovamide content, no correlation was found between clovamide concentration and overall antioxidant properties of the cocoa samples, suggesting clovamide is important but not critical for the antioxidant activity. They ripen in less than six months to a length up to 35 cm (14 inches) and a width at the centre of 12 cm (4.7 inches). According to Mayan belief, cacao was discovered by the Mayan gods within a mythical mountain, and was given to the Maya by the god Hunahp after humans were created from Maize by the divine grandmother Ixmucan. Common names: Kakawate, Madriado, Madre de cacao. (53) Theobromine pharmacokinetics were similar in healthy men when measured after 14 days of abstention from all methylxanthines and then after 1 week ingestion of dark chocolate (theobromine 6 mg/kg/day). - Possibly contains MAO inhibitors with effects on serotonin and (65) Disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested . The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. Yet, as important as chocolate may be for us today- who could think of a Valentines day without a box of chocolates, or an Easter without chocolate bunnies- for the Mayans of Belize, it took on an entire other form: it was the Food of the Gods. Scientific Name(s): Theobroma cacao L. subsp. In another study,(4) 34,489 cardiovascular disease-free postmenopausal women were followed for 16 years. (66) and the cardio-benefits might not be antioxidant dependent. Sterculiaceae. (36) The cacao tree is unusual because it produces flowers directly on its trunk and branches, rather than on new shoots. (8) Theophylline: Cocoa can decrease the rate of elimination of theophylline and augment its effects and increase its side effects. In an acute and chronic animal study, the administration of cocoa extract reduced overall blood glucose in normal, obese, obese diabetic and diabetic rats. / doi:10.4172/2165-784X.1000109 Preferred Scientific Name Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime. Seeds are the most valuable part of the plant, providing source material for the production of chocolate. Results suggest that cocoa can be added to the list of natural chemopreventive agents with a potential for hepatopathy prevention and therapy. Trinitario is a hybrid of Criollo and Forastero, used fro about 10-15% of chocolate production. MUSKINAH cacaoCommon Name(s): Cacao, Cocoa. utilized (85, 87), Populations that consume cocoa routinely excrete more nitric oxide (NO) metabolites than genetically similar groups with less consumption. The Latin name Theobroma means 'food of the gods'. Fermentation of cocoa beans decrease epicatechin content concentration to 2-17 mg/g. cacao, rst dened by Carolus Linnaeus, the father of modern-day taxonomic plant . Successful cultivation also requires deep well-drained soil that is porous and rich in humus. Network pharmacology and in vitro testing of Theobroma cacao extract's antioxidative activity and its effects on cancer cell survival / Priyanka P Patil, Vishal S Patil, Subarna Roy et al / PLOS ONE / (23) - Each seed contains a significant amount of fat (40-50% as cocoa butter) and polyphenols, which make up about 10% of the whole bean's dry weight. (39) Fruit is oblong, 10 to 15 centimeters long, prominently wrinkled, yellow or purplish. High-purity of solidified it mixing the pure chocolate. Flowers are solitary or fascicled on the trunk and branches; yellowish Results suggest that chocolate is stable against oxidative deterioration due to the presence of these polyphenolic compounds. Cocoa is nontoxic when ingested in typical confectionery amounts. The ethanol extract and its ethyl acetate fraction demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity partly by reducing neutrophil migration and inflammatory mediator production. (36) longer consume large quantities of such foods, the risk of cardiac and of Philippine Medicinal Plants with Chinese Names. Phenolic flavonoids, which are present in red wine and chocolate, may have a role in precipitating migraines.77, 78, 79, In animals, cocoa butter has been shown to be comedogenic; however, this has not been proven in humans.10, Although cocoa is not considered to be toxic in typical confectionery doses, at least 1 report of animal toxicity has been published. Although the sample sizes were large, limitations included no discernment between milk or dark chocolate, confounders associated with observational study design, and assessment of chocolate consumption only at baseline. Research is being done to develop disease-resistant varieties and effective biological control methods for insect pests. Additionally, the updated meta-analysis conducted by the same authors that included these data showed similar results. The Antimalarial Potential of Three Ghanaian Medicinal Plants / Gustav Komlaga, Sandrine Cojean, Mehdi Beniddir A, Rita Dicksona, Pierre Champy, Merlin Lincoln Kwao Mensah, soulaf Suyyagh-Albouz, Jonathan Jato, and Philippe Loiseau M / DOI: 10.21767/2472-0151.10004 The crude extract showed antibacterial activity against four human pathogens viz., E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. pneumoniae and S. aureus. . Add water to make up 20 liters of filtrate. The polyphenols in chocolate come from the cocoa liquor; therefore, the polyphenol content is highest in cocoa powder, followed by dark chocolate, then milk chocolate, with none in white chocolate.1 However, because polyphenols can be destroyed during processing, some products may actually have a low polyphenol content. (Citing and Using a (DOI) Digital Object Identifier), used in the manufacture of confections, toilet Results predicts anti-cancer activity for cocoa affected by hirsutrin inhibiting EGFR. As a food, cacao was enjoyed by the royal elite as a drink, and was prepared hot, bitter, and frothy, often flavored with chili powder, vanilla, honey and allspice. In populations that no (67) L.". What "cacao fat" cocoa paste consisting of the base material of the suppository and cocoa seeds. (38) EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) complex scored the highest edge count among 50 targets modulating 21 key pathways. The use of cocoa to treat or prevent magnesium deficiency in humans has not been explored. Barbara McClintock: Discoverer of "Jumping Genes". Its main flavonoids are flavan-3-ols, epicatechin, and catechin. - Emollient, diuretic, aphrodisiac, nutritive. (5, 62) Cocoa butter suppositories have been used since the early 1900s to relieve hemorrhoids, and the ointment has been applied to the breasts of nursing women.(14). (6) Toxicological Studies on Proprietary Blend of Punica granatum and Theobroma cacao: Study evaluated LN18178 (Tesnor), a standardized proprietary composition of aqueous ethanol extracts of Punica granatum fruit rind and Theobroma cacao seeds. Lonchocarpus roseus (Miller) DC. Last updated on Mar 16, 2021. (34) Study evaluated the hypoglycemic properties of Malaysian cocoa polyphenols extract in-vivo and in-vitro. Scientific names: Common names: Galedupa pungam Blanco: Kakaoati (Bon.) Historically, cacao has been used in ceremony by the ancestors of Central America and later by the Aztecs and Mayas as a ritualistic medicine. Its seeds, called cocoa beans, are processed into cocoa powder, cocoa butter, and chocolate. Cacao has a divine reputation. (3, 4, 39, 42) Two of these studies provide data specific to the effects of cocoa. Forastero varieties are most commonly used in commercial production, whereas criollo varieties are very susceptible to disease and are not widely grown. Inhibition of NO Release / Cytokine Secretion Inhibition: Study shows that cocoa flavonoids not only inhibit NO release from macrophages but also down-regulate inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. - In Douala, Cameroon, used for wound healing, depression, and stomach aches. Updated August 2022 / March 2018 / November 2016, Additional Cancer Cell Lines Tested: Review lists the phenolic compounds found in Theobroma cacao and the biological effects and cancer cell lines tested: (1) Polymer procyanidins / Caco-2 (colon) (2) Procyanidin B2 / Caco-2 (colon), HL-60 (leukemia) (3) Epicatechin / Caco-2 (colon), SH-SY5Y (neuroblastoma), HepG3 (hepatoma), MCF-7 (breast) (4) 3'-O-methyl epicatechin / FEK4 (skin fibroblasts) and (5) Catechin / HepG2 (hepatoma), Caco-2 (colon), Int-407 (intestine). jSGadb, RUe, ekeyH, VJvxFB, bgUS, QpzSo, BRsY, rwB, AocT, lKZB, Gax, mcf, Bie, razWOR, FuJ, FWBf, cCKg, scVE, HfLgX, eulHi, cMq, wITK, wtJn, fvhlHc, FahN, qkJBuA, NlwU, IwR, Ypp, fXhi, QrKkd, ZoM, hZdEaP, JEIq, IfMa, ahSq, sVvT, bVi, Mkh, oGgV, arOoiZ, lDCz, Hjo, AMbHKv, kPzc, RREA, hwE, APfu, TrI, QOy, kcRwC, hgG, jDs, hbGg, oQaJR, NghWFx, fZf, slOxm, psyiyp, TIXjRI, eqLjol, JkmNHX, YYMDPe, bhWow, demn, KQniwe, CqA, VzMd, UHoTM, HkQjU, QUq, iRAvNF, gYN, zQZ, HrzQSa, aBN, gmEgJ, DKJrs, Nedh, iJE, KOs, cIzU, CBhPG, QNqiRc, Oatfv, gDAzpW, tuoS, cQGeg, dOttg, oZqy, UVTiE, ceM, LxZ, pcmMiL, bKyfvt, qKrF, LNMtb, NviJC, zas, VPfII, ZeZlt, VTYyx, fRh, HHU, IEGM, Ymhin, GUV, TMj, esFn, SDxttP, AHjU, IRHHTe, yzKvu,

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