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The percentage shares of India, China and rest of South Asia of the world population have remained at [73][failed verification], Survey data cited by the Kennan Institute from 2017 to 2019 had on average 35% of Kyrgyz respondents expressing an unfavourable view of China compared to 52% expressing a favourable view; the disapproval rating was higher than that of respondents from 3 other Central Asian countries. [194], Russia inherited a long-standing dispute over territory with China over Siberia and the Russian Far East with the breakup of the Soviet Union, these disputes were formerly resolved in 2004. GHG Emissions. [313], Chinese investments in Brazil have been largely influenced by this[clarification needed] negative impression. This push for more coal power has what one analyst calls very clear government backing.. Not like young time, every car is no more interesting after 2 to 3 years, In fact I started my planning journey since 15 years ago. thought that's not allowed? There is also a lack of reporting on anti-Chinese discrimination in the UK, notably violence against Chinese Britons. According to the Pew Global Attitude Project (2008), 84% of Japanese people held an unfavorable view of China and 73% of Japanese people held an unfavorable view of Chinese people, which was a higher percentage than all the other countries surveyed. (4) Labor markets that generally link workers and jobs unimpeded by large trade unions, state-owned enterprises, or excessively restrictive labor regulations. 2022 Hong Kong news - Independent, non-profit, impartial. Notably, the Chinese government's destruction of Tibetan Buddhist institutions in Tibet in 1959 led to a wave of anti-Chinese sentiment in the country. The Java War (174143) followed shortly thereafter. He reports that a majority of Vietnamese resent the import and usage of Chinese products, considering them of distinctly low status. Just before the opening of COP27, Xie called on all sectors of the international community to practice green and low-carbon production and lifestyles. The disconnect between Xies call and his countrys continuing addiction to coal is glaring to those not living behind Beijings Great Wall of reality distortion. [322], Anti-Chinese populism has been an emerging presence in some African countries. Of course workers in some Asian countries work much longer hours, with working hours over 2200 per year in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Korea. The conference made no progress on upping global ambition to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. Same-sex marriage (laws and issues prohibiting), breaking of political relations between the PRC and the USSR, Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong, Incorporation of Xinjiang into the People's Republic of China, Self-immolation protests by Tibetans in China, Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, Chinese gambling workers in the Philippines, Discrimination against Chinese Indonesians, a large proportion of the Thai population being of Chinese descent, China moving an oil platform into disputed waters, Stereotypes of East Asians in the Western world, Persecution of Chinese people in Nazi Germany, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Anti-Chinese sentiment in the United States, Citizens Against Government Waste "Chinese Professor" ad, anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire, The Chinese in Latin America and the Caribbean, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Deportation of Chinese people to China in the 1960's, United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Xenophobia and racism related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hurting the feelings of the Chinese people, "Large Majorities Say China Does Not Respect the Personal Freedoms of Its People", "Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries",,,,, "BBC News Analysis Indonesia: Why ethnic Chinese are afraid", Chinese Aussie rules players suffer abuse, racism, "Conference Indorses Chinese Exclusion; Editor Poon Chu Says China Will Article Preview The", "Fewer global citizens believe China will have a positive influence on world affairs in coming decade", "Western Balkans Regional Poll (pages 49-53)", "Fragile Popularity: Arab Attitudes Towards China Arab Barometer", "An Evidentiary Timeline on the History of Sacramento's Chinatown: 1882 American Sinophobia, The Chinese Exclusion Act and "The Driving Out", 24-Nation Pew Global Attitudes Survey(2008), "Joint Civil Society Report on Racial Discrimination in Japan (page 33)", Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "Issues related to the increase in tourists visiting Japan from abroad (sections titled 'How foreign tourists are portrayed' and 'Acts of hate? [350][351] Alexandra Stevenson from The New York Times also noted that "China wants its giant national companies to be world leaders in sectors like electric cars, robotics, and drones, but the authorities are accused of curtailing foreign firms' access to Chinese consumers. [182], On 2014, India in conjunction with the Tibetan government-in-exile have called for a campaign to boycott Chinese goods due in part to the contested border disputes India has with China. TFP, in turn, is influenced by two factorsgovernance and trade, with one paving the way for the other. Official discrimination began with the Chinese Immigration Acts in 1881, limiting Chinese emigration to New Zealand and excluding Chinese citizens from major jobs, to even anti-Chinese organizations. [250] Textile products produced by Chinese-owned businesses in Italy are labeled as 'Made in Italy', but some of the businesses engaged in practices that reduce cost and increase output to the point where locally owned businesses can't compete with. Fear and hatred of erliiz (Mongolian: , [rits], literally, double seeds), a derogatory term for people of mixed Han Chinese and Mongol ethnicity,[79] is a common phenomena in Mongolian politics. The government of Taiwan was the one that supported the then-current government of the Solomon Islands. In the 13th century, Tibet fell under the rule of the Yuan dynasty but it ceased to be with the collapse of the Yuan dynasty. As Paul Bledsoe at the Progressive Policy Institute in Washington, DC, observed, Global emissions cant fall until Chinas emissions fall. [208][209][210], However, these close relations between the early Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the small Jewish-Chinese community have been hampered in recent years under the administration of CCP general secretary Xi Jinping and rise of nationalist sentiment in China, with Jews monitored since 2016, an occurrence reported widely in Israeli media. As of 2018, the Chinese community in the city makes up almost 20% of the town's population. Hong Kong S.A.R. [137][138], Coconuts Media has reported of groups in the country targeting Chinese-Indonesian women for racialised sexual abuse on social media. [153], There are strong anti-Chinese sentiments among the Vietnamese population, stemming in part from a past thousand years of Chinese rule in Northern Vietnam. New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia followed suit. (9) A smaller size of government than in other industrial countries. WebPtolemy, in the 2nd century CE, based his mapping system on estimated distances and directions reported by travellers.Until then, all maps had used a rectangular grid with latitude and longitude as straight lines intersecting at right angles. HKFP Dim Sum is a weekly email summary of our best content sent every Friday. In response, the Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong proposed an extension of the territory's race-hate laws to cover mainlanders. Posted by Emily Thomas on 5 ene. I also, bought 2 pairs of shoes of different color, go out is left right different color. It discouraged software dependence on China and promoted apps developed in India. However, size has been found to be of no consequence and national revenue no longer a reliable basis by which to classify whether a country is rich or poor. [314], Then-Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has shown hostility towards China during his presidential campaign and subsequent presidency. There are about 300 million Chinese farmers. (eds.) [382][383] Former U.S. President Donald Trump also repeatedly called the coronavirus 'Chinese virus' and 'Kung Flu',[384][385] however, he denied the terms had a racist connotation. [320][321] Even in the 20th century, the memory of Chinese support for Chile was so deep that Manuel A. Odra, once dictator of Peru, issued a ban against Chinese immigration as a punishment for their betrayal. Japan's population is declining, thanks to an aging population and low birth rate, which could cause economic concern in the future. This makes perfect sense because the 1.5-degree target and reducing global emissions from 2025 are unachievable without major action by China action that it is unwilling to take. Chinese officials want their country to be known as a leader in green energy and ecological civilisation. The reality is very much darker. The recent meeting between Biden and Xi at the G20 summit in Bali opened a pathway for bilateral climate discussions to resume. By 2030 Chinas per capita emissions are projected to exceed those of the vast majority of developing countries and those of most developed countries, including Japan, Singapore, Germany, Norway, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the European Union. When properly nurtured, trade serves as an excellent economic driver and vice versa. Alas, thats not what is happening. Speaking of which, Professional Services Automation Software - PSA, Project Portfolio Management Software - PPM, Top 10 Richest Countries in the World in 2022. (6) A culture and a tax-transfer system that encourages hard work and long hours. [211][failed verification], On July 4, 2015, a group of around 2,000 Turkish ultra-nationalists from the Grey Wolves linked to Turkey's MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) protesting against China's alleged fasting ban in Xinjiang mistakenly attacked South Korean tourists in Istanbul,[213][214] which led to China issuing a travel warning to its citizens traveling to Turkey. [17] A GLOBSEC poll on October found that the highest percentage of those who saw China as a threat were in Czechia (51%), Poland (34%), and Hungary (24%), while it was seen as least threatening in Balkan countries such as Bulgaria (3%), Serbia (13%), and North Macedonia (14%). This move has immensely benefited the national economy, with the tourist trade helping the economy through the 2007-2009 world financial crisis. [284], In the 1870s and 1880s, various legal discriminatory measures were taken against the Chinese. [256], In the 16th century, increasing sea trades between Europe to China had led Portuguese merchants to China, however Portuguese military ambitions for power and its fear of China's interventions and brutality had led to the growth of sinophobia in Portugal. Faculty members and doctoral graduates often spend time in new businesses that are located near these universities. [298], It has been noted that there is a negative bias in American reporting on China. [225] Recently, in February 2013, a Chinese football team had reported about the abuses and racism they suffered on Australia Day. I spend my earnings helping people and buying dinners and left over creating passive income as possible. This figure is an important indicator of a nation's ability to take on debt and sustain spending and is influenced not only by real estate prices, The Dutch colonialists started the first massacre of Chinese in the 1740 Batavia massacre in which tens of thousands died. You will feel richer even if you don't retire. [380][381] Racist abuse and assaults among Asian groups in the UK and US have also increased. [270], Relations further worsened after the reported kidnap and arrest of China-born Swedish citizen and bookseller Gui Minhai by Chinese authorities,[271] which led to three Swedish opposition parties calling for the expulsion of China's ambassador to Sweden, Gui Congyou, who had been accused of threatening several Swedish media outlets. [35] China has been accused of trying to appropriate kimchi[36] and hanbok as part of Chinese culture,[37][38] along with labeling Yun Dong-ju as chaoxianzu, which have all angered South Koreans. At COP27 poor countries rightly demanded compensation for climate-related loss and damage. But the country more than makes up for its size with its strong economy. Brunei Darussalam has consistently made it to the top 10 richest countries in the world in recent years. [298] In January 2022, only 54% chose competitor and 35% said enemy, almost the same distribution as the prior year. "[255], Attitudes on Chinese in New Zealand is suggested to have remained fairly negative, with some Chinese still considered to be less respected people in the country. Chinas lacklustre attitude toward its emissions is not even justified by Beijings assertion that China is entitled to burn fossil fuels today because the West did so in the past. Many of these terms are viewed as racist. The entire Chinese population of London was only in the low hundredsin a city whose entire population was roughly estimated to be seven millionbut nativist feelings ran high, as was evidenced by the Aliens Act of 1905, a bundle of legislation which sought to restrict the entry of poor and low-skilled foreign workers. The second-wealthiest country in Asia is Qatar, an oil-rich country on the Middle East's Arabian Peninsula. Useful as it is, GDP is not the final word on a nation's wealth. [97], To counteract the city state's low birthrate, Singapore's government has been offering financial incentives and a liberal visa policy to attract an influx of migrants. Revealing Beijings true colours, at COP27 Chinese negotiators tried to weaken the promise from previous COPs to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees and to come up with more ambitious GHG-reduction targets. With the Qing collapse, China attempted to retake Mongolia only to see its rule fallen with the Mongolian Revolution of 1921, overthrowing the Chinese rule; but it was proposed that Zhang Zuoling's domain (the Chinese "Three Eastern Provinces") take Outer Mongolia under its administration by the Bogda Khan and Bodo in 1922 after pro-Soviet Mongolian Communists seized control of Outer Mongolia. To counteract the city state's low birthrate, Singapore's government has been offering financial incentives and a liberal visa policy to attract an influx of migrants. The 14th Dalai Lama and Mao Zedong signed the Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, but China was accused of not honoring the treaty[92] and led to 1959 Tibetan uprising which was successfully suppressed by China,[93] resulting in the Dalai Lama escaping to India. This murder led to a surge in the harassment of Chinese in communities across the United States. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. The people of Hong Kong certainly sense the danger of this techno-political moment. The group's website contains anti-Chinese slurs and Nazi imagery. Until China drastically cuts its coal burning, climate chaos is guaranteed, regardless of what other countries do, writes Paul G. Harris. However, when Chinese-owned supermarkets were targeted for looting most of the dead were not Chinese, but the Indonesian looters themselves, who were burnt to death by the hundreds when a fire broke out. Anti-Chinese sentiment, also known as Sinophobia, is a fear or dislike of China, Chinese people or Chinese culture. It is one of Asias financial hubs, ranking no. I allude to the Chinese race. [263] A comedy skit later aired on Svenska Nyheter mocking the tourists and playing on racial stereotypes of Chinese people. The United States has a more developed system of equity finance than the countries of Europe and a decenetralized banking system that helps local entrepreneurs. [324][325] Following reports of evictions, discrimination and other mistreatment of Africans in Guangzhou during the COVID-19 pandemic,[326] a group of diplomats from different African countries wrote a letter to express their displeasure over the treatment of their citizens. Dubbed as the most expensive country in the world, Singapore has been living up to its reputation as its economy expanded by 3.9 percent during the second quarter of 2018 alone. Not for the first time, at COP27 Chinese diplomats worked hard to block measures that might obligate Beijing to do more to reduce its GHG emissions or provide loss-and-damage assistance to poor countries. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Persons belonging to it are, with few exceptions, absolutely excluded from our country. Dont count on it. [216], A Uyghur employee at a Chinese restaurant was attacked in 2015 by the Turkish Grey Wolves-linked protesters. Their arguments were that Asians and Chinese took jobs away from white men, worked for "substandard" wages, lowered working conditions, and refused unionisation. [279], The ethnic slur "chink" is frequently used against the Chinese community, with former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage saying the word is used by a lot of people; Dave Whelan, the former owner Wigan Athletic, was fined 50,000 and suspended for six weeks by The Football Association after using the term in an interview; Kerry Smith resigned as an election candidate after it was reported he used similar language. In the same manner, poor people exist in wealthy countries. In 1923, the federal government passed the Chinese Immigration Act, commonly known as the Exclusion Act, prohibiting further Chinese immigration except under "special circumstances". Sound economic policy has indeed been sustaining the UAE, resulting in a 2.4 percent increase in its GDP per capita, which now stands at $70,262. Most economic heavy hitters have high GDPs but are not considered rich countries due to their large populations, hence unimpressive GDP per capita. Although the financial services sector remains as the backbone of the countrys economy, its services and manufacturing industries have consistently contributed to its economic standing. [119], The speed of Chinese resident arrivals in Sihanoukville city has led to an increase in fear and hostility towards the new influx of Chinese residents among the local population. [168][169], According to The Diplomat in 2014, the Xinjiang conflict had increased anti-China sentiment in Afghanistan. This is similar to nominal GDP per capita, but adjusted for the cost of living in each country.. Yet the power of the American growth machine is also evident when looking at real GDP per person. [295] The deterioration of relations has led to a spike in anti-Chinese sentiment in the US. Community leaders protested against discriminatory legislation and attitudes, and despite the passing of the Immigration Restriction Act in 1901, Chinese communities around Australia participated in parades and celebrations of Australia's Federation and the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York. 19611963 - David Hockney. i don't know I belong to which age, but I roughly remember was my neighbor when I was young. Simply put, economic growth is the key factor in minimizing poverty. [293][294] and it was followed by his imposition of trade tariffs on Chinese goods, which was seen as a declaration of a trade war and another anti-Chinese act. Many Japanese believe that China is using the issue of the country's checkered history, such as the Japanese history textbook controversies, many past war crimes committed by Japan's military, and official visits to the Yasukuni Shrine (in which a number of war criminals are enshrined), as both a diplomatic card and a tool to make Japan a scapegoat in domestic Chinese politics. The Chifley government's Darwin Lands Acquisition Act 1945 compulsorily acquired 53 acres (21ha) of land owned by Chinese-Australians in Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory, leading to the end of the local Chinatown. The legal systems attract both new entrepreneurs and large corporations. The average employee in the United States works 1800 hours per year, substantially longer than the 1500 hours worked in France and the 1400 hours worked in Germany. The nominal objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above historical levels is no closer to realisation. States provide high quality universities with low tuition for in-state students. Furthermore, Chinas per capita GHG emissions are only slightly below those of Germany and Japan, both major exporters, and exceed those of France and the United Kingdom. [82][83][84][85][86] This manifested itself in the 1997 Ghulja incident,[87] the bloody July 2009 rmqi riots,[88] and the 2014 Kunming attack. From the 1950s to the 1980s, anti-Chinese sentiment was high in South Korea as a result of the Chinese intervention against the South Korean army in the Korean War (1950-1953). You will feel richer even if you don't retire. [298] But Americans increasingly see China as a competitor, not as an enemy. [184][185], The 2020 ChinaIndia skirmishes resulted in the deaths 20 Indian soldiers and an undisclosed number of Chinese soldiers, in hand-to-hand combat using improvised weapons. This former colony of Great Britain is now a special administrative region of China, which begs the question: is it an independent country? It likewise makes use of PPP capita as an additional basis for its report. [334] However, the teachers union in South Africa accused the government of surrendering to Chinese imperialism. [215] Devlet Baheli, a leader from MHP, said that the attacks by MHP affiliated Turkish youth on South Korean tourists was "understandable", telling the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet that: "What feature differentiates a Korean from a Chinese? : 543 : 90 For large area this leads to unacceptable distortion, and for his map of the inhabited world, Ptolemy used WebAbout Our Coalition. Support HKFP | Code of Ethics | Error/typo? [315][316][317], Anti-Chinese sentiment was first recorded in Mexico in 1880s. The average person in China is 34 times richer than when the first climate agreement was reached in 1992. [199][200] An October 2020 poll from the Central European Institute of Asian Studies[201] found that although China was perceived positively by 59.5% of Russian respondents (which was higher than for the other 11 regions asked), 57% of respondents regarded Chinese enterprises in the Russian far east to varying degrees as a threat to the local environment. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is known for issuing biannual reports on the economic performance of the worlds richest nations based on their GDP per capita. Its motives range from the desire of the Chinese to dominate Manila, to their desire to abort the Spaniards' moves which seemed to lead to their elimination. Beijings fit of pique extended even to email. 5 spot with a GDP per capita of $81,612, up 3.1 percent from 2017. 1. [70], In 2018, massive land reform protests were held in Kazakhstan. Being a small business owner herself, Astrid uses her expertise to help educate business owners and entrepreneurs on how new technology can help them run their operations. Climate Watch. They will eventually tire of Chinas refusal to accept any divergence from its anachronistic designation as a developing country right alongside Bangladesh and Benin that it had when climate negotiations began more than three decades ago. ')", South Koreans Now Dislike China More Than They Dislike Japan, "The Korea-China Textbook War--What's It All About? The United States is perhaps unique among high-income nations in the degree of decentralization. In 1907, a riot in Vancouver targeted Chinese and Japanese-owned businesses. Those who stayed generally settled around the bustling docks, running laundries and small lodging houses for other sailors or selling exotic Asian produce. Although these income sources have been consistently delivering, moves to develop the administrative and manufacturing sectors are underway. The rise in anti-China sentiment in Germany was particularly striking: from 33% disfavor in 2006 to 64% in the 2013 survey, with such views existing despite Germany's success in exporting to China. [105] Another 2016 study of Singaporean locals and (mostly mainland) Chinese students found that most respondents in both groups said they had positive experiences with each other, with only 11% of Singaporeans saying they did not. Floor plan view is an innovative feature for visualizing deployments of all devices for real-time monitoring. Foreign Firms Find It's Not That Simple", "In Hong Kong, protesters employ Nazi imagery as demonstrations erupt again", "Hong Kong Protesters Taunt Beijing in Bid to Spoil Communist China's Birthday", "Protesters drop Nazi term after Western input - RTHK", "Police officer dispatched from Osaka insults protesters in Okinawa", "Celulares Xing-Ling: o que so e por que no compr-los", "Cnh gic trc li e do ca Trung Cng", "The night the US bombed a Chinese embassy", "How Discrimination Increases Chinese Overseas Students' Support for Authoritarian Rule", "Campus prejudice 'is driving support for China', "Mock Subway Posters Urge New Yorkers to Curb Anti-Asian Hate", "Anti-Chinese racism spikes as virus spreads globally", China's oppression of the Uighur minority, "Some Malaysians calling for ban on Chinese tourists", "South Koreans call in petition for Chinese to be barred over virus", "Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety", "Hunt for racist coronavirus attackers: Police release CCTV after assault", "Trump Defends Using 'Chinese Virus' Label, Ignoring Growing Criticism", "Trump: Asian-Americans not responsible for virus, need protection", Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees, Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration (1885), Attack on Squak Valley Chinese laborers, 1885, Union Colliery Co of British Columbia v Bryden, Monosodium glutamate controversy (Chinese restaurant syndrome), Peranakan / Baba Nyonya / Straits Chinese, Interminority racism in the United States,, Articles lacking reliable references from September 2022, CS1 Simplified Chinese-language sources (zh-hans), Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, CS1 Chinese (Taiwan)-language sources (zh-tw), CS1 Chinese (China)-language sources (zh-cn), CS1 Chinese (Hong Kong)-language sources (zh-hk), Articles with Korean-language sources (ko), CS1 Brazilian Portuguese-language sources (pt-br), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2022, Articles with failed verification from April 2022, Articles containing Mongolian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2009, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2022, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from October 2021, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2010, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2013, Articles containing Russian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. HK's Jumbo Floating Restaurant capsized in South China Sea on Sunday. I would urge policymakers to look at each of those ten factors some of which may be losing potency when thinking about how to increase the economys growth potential. Hong Kong marches on 1 July, 2014. [239] 43% of the French see China as an economic threat, an opinion that is common among older and right-wing people, and 40% of French people view China as a technological threat. The government does not levy any taxes on Qataris, making them enjoy their earnings in full, along with the national health insurance that the government sponsors. [207] Within China, Jews gained praise for their successful integration, with a number of Jewish refugees advising Mao's government and leading developments in revolutionary China's health service and infrastructure. The successes in silicon valley and with such firms as Facebook inspire entrepreneurial activities. A poll tax was passed in Victoria in 1855 to restrict Chinese immigration. [120], The Spanish introduced the first anti-Chinese laws in the Philippine archipelago. However, in the 20th century, Plaek Phibunsongkhram launched a massive Thaification, the main purpose of which was Central Thai supremacy, including the oppression of Thailand's Chinese population and restricting Thai Chinese culture by banning the teaching of the Chinese language and forcing Thai Chinese to adopt Thai names. "Our Misery and Despair": Kearney Blasts Chinese Immigration, "In campaign ads, China is fair game; Chinese-Americans are not", "Critics Say Political Ads Hint Of Xenophobia", "Did protesters overreact to Jimmy Kimmel's jokes about Chinese people? That designation allows China to avoid formal responsibility for climate action, even as it ignores the economic accomplishments that the Chinese Communist Party crows about domestically and internationally in other contexts. House is paid. Asia is the largest of the seven continents, and many Asian countries are clearly rich in many categories, including natural beauty and resources, priceless cultural heritage, fertile land, and more. These produce much of the basic research that drives the high-tech entrepreneurial activities. It has been diversifying its income sources, betting on industries that have high-yield potential. Unsubscribe at any time. Why is there tension between China and the Uighurs? WebFloor Plan View. Beijing used its muscle at COP27 to block a pledge to phase out coal use globally. Wants to use periodic inventory. Individuals in the United States demonstrate a desire to start businesses and grow them and a willingness to take risks. [76], Resentment against China and Chinese people has also increased in Tajikistan in recent years due to accusations that China has grabbed land from Tajikistan. We are able to keep our service free of charge thanks to cooperation with some of the vendors, who are willing to pay us for traffic and sales opportunities provided by our website. WebSingapore-based Amber Group, one of Asia's largest crypto exchanges, cuts 40%+ of its staff, No emoji better suited 2022's ups and downs than the saluting face, used by laid-off Twitter employees and many others to express irony, [22] although the laws were later repealed by the Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943. Chiobu chio or not? Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Vilnius needs to respond opinion - LRT", New Zealand is no paradise: Rugby, racism and homophobia, Sinophobia vs. Sinofilia in the 16th Century Iberian World, de portugal a macau: Filosofia E Literatura No Dilogo Das Culturas, The story of Li-ma-hong and his failed attempt to conquer Manila in 1574, "Spanish public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19 (pages 4 and 9)", "China says Swedish police 'brutally abused' tourists ejected from a hostel", "Touristes expulss et blagues racistes: tensions entre la Suede et la Chine", "A Swedish TV Show Said Chinese Tourists Poop In Public And People Are Pissed", "Aili Tang - rebro University School of Business", "Sveriges Television sprider rasism om kineser", "Scanian of the Year: Jesper Rnndahl gets his portrait at Malm Airport", "Opinion - China kidnapped Gui Minhai. [170] A 2020 Gallup International poll of 44 countries found that 46% of Afghans viewed China's foreign policy as destabilizing to the world, compared to 48% who viewed it as stabilizing. This robust Southeast Asian economy is heavily dependent on its oil and natural gas production, which supports more than half of its GDP. The 1909 murder of Elsie Sigel in New York, for which a Chinese person was suspected, was blamed on the Chinese in general and it immediately led to physical violence against them. There is no penalty in the U.S. culture for failure and for starting again. In the private sector, less than seven percent of the labor force is unionized. [citation needed], Hostility towards the mainland Chinese increased with the increase of visitors from China in 2013. Hypersonic Thursday at 03:12 AM. This is called total factor productivity, which when raised drives economic growth. Ferrall, Charles; Millar, Paul; Smith, Keren. [118] Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been social media posts claiming the initial outbreak is "divine retribution" for China's treatment of its Muslim Uyghur population. WebForbes' Real-Time Billionaires rankings tracks the daily ups and downs of the worlds richest people. Anti-Chinese sentiments have been on a sharp rise in Japan since 2002. [125], The Dutch introduced anti-Chinese laws in the Dutch East Indies. Chinese leader Xi Jinping failed to join 100 other leaders at COP27. If such were to be used, the current global GDP forecast would almost certainly put economic superpowers at the forefront of rich nations. "The murder of Elsie Sigel immediately grabbed the front pages of newspapers, which portrayed Chinese men as dangerous to "innocent" and "virtuous" young white women. Perhaps Xis attendance, combined with a domestic propaganda blitz, could have galvanised more support among the Chinese people for aggressive action on climate change. There will be more income slowly coming and I don't intend to buy S-class or 7 series or Porsche. Anti-Chinese sentiment became more common as China was becoming a major source of immigrants for the west (including the American West). US ban on sales to China's ZTE opens fresh front as tensions, Huawei and ZTE Hit Hard as U.S. Moves Against Chinese Tech Firms, ZTE faces export ban from US Commerce Dept over lying. In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 richest countries in the world ranked according to economic data released by the IMF. This difference is arguably subtle, but it helps screen for "tax shelter" countries whose GDPs are unnaturally inflated by international corporations funneling money through them to save on taxes. Also mentioned that themodifications cost about S$5,000. Hopefully boss sees me like a partner first, But I keep my stance, never too early to retire in case kong out anytime. But the fact that the country sits on around 10 percent of the worlds petroleum reserves has not kept it from exploring other revenue sources. 1978. It produces more GHG pollution than all Western countries and Japan put together. [26], After the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II in 1945, the relationship between China and Japan gradually improved. It is often in line with independent media opposing the Chinese government in mainland China as well as in the Special Administrative Regions of China, Hong Kong, and Macau. Bolsonaro has repeatedly made false claims about the origin of COVID-19 and repeatedly advised the need for public health interventions in the pandemic, including the use of Hydroxychloroquine, claiming that it is a "Chinese Virus". In fact, it has been seeking to diversify into other potential income sources in preparation for the future. It, therefore, does not come as a surprise that Kuwaits GDP per capita has reached $66,980, spiking by 1.9 percent from the previous year. Britains Top 10 Richest People In 2014: Hinduja, Usmanov and Mittal, Top 10 Most Expensive Domain Names In The World: Insurance, Rentals & Private Jets, Top 10 Most Expensive Vodkas In The World: Russo-Baltique, The Eye of the Dragon, and Billionaire Vodka, Top 10 Most Expensive Champagne Bottles In The World In 2022, Top 10 Most Expensive Coffee In The World: Luwak Coffee Is Not The No. Galiote Pereira, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary who was imprisoned by Chinese authorities, claimed China's juridical treatment known as bastinado was so horrible as it hit on human flesh, becoming the source of fundamental anti-Chinese sentiment later; as well as brutality, the cruelty of China and Chinese tyranny. [103][104], A 2016 study found that out of 20 Chinese Singaporeans, 45% agreed that PRC migrants were rude, although only 15% expressed negative attitudes towards mainland Chinese in general. 12 Best Event Management Platforms of 2022: Whats the Best Solution? Beijings soft power its ability to induce other countries to do what it wants through attraction or persuasion rather than by having to coerce or pay them has declined dramatically since the advent of Xi. Afterwards, people began uninstalling Chinese apps like SHAREit and CamScanner. CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (kt), CO2 intensity (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use), CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (% of total), CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt), International Comparison Program & Purchasing Power Parity, International Household Survey Network (IHSN), Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building. Although there are restrictions on immigration to the United States, there are also special rules that provide access to the U.S. economy and a path for citizenship (green cards) based on individual talent and industrial sponsorship. [30], Anti-Chinese sentiment in Korea was created in the 21st century by cultural and historical claims of China and a sense of security crisis caused by China's rise. My Window - Piranesi. Bonilla, Heraclio. Until China drastically cuts its coal burning, climate chaos is guaranteed, regardless of what other countries do. Visitor arrivals have likewise increased, rising by 8 percent to 16.81 million during the first six months of 2018. Japan's great strength is its highly developed technology sector, which helps the "Land of the Rising Sun" rank as one of the most innovative countries in the entire world. Although the Chinese communities in Australia were generally peaceful and industrious, resentment flared up against them because of their different customs and traditions. The private ownership of land and mineral rights has facilitated a rapid development of fracking to expand the supply of oil and gas. [330], In 2006, Chinese businesses were targeted in riots by angry crowds after the electoral defeat of the anti-China Patriotic Front. The city-state of Singapore is the wealthiest country in Asia, with a per-capita GDP of $107,690 (PPP Int$). Posted on BBC. [31] No spam. [145] Plaek's obsession with creating a pan-Thai nationalist agenda caused resentment among general officers (most of Thai general officers at the time were of Teochew background) until he was removed from office in 1944. This year, the country holds the no. 1, Top 10 Gold Producing Countries In The World. Ranking first in our Top 10 richest countries in the world list is oil-rich Qatar. [33][34] The dispute has also involved naming controversies over Paektu Mountain (or Changbai Mountain in Chinese). Cool. "Very-HNWI" In addition, some widely circulated posts on the Chinese Internet contained crude comments and jokes about "beautiful Ukrainian women" and expressed willingness to "take Ukrainian women between the ages of 18 and 24 to protect them from the dangers of war. To push economic growth, a country needs to increase capital and labor productivity. Below are the ten richest Asian countries in terms of GDP per capita in October 2021, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Due to historical reasons dating back to the de facto end of the Chinese Civil War, the relationship between the two majority ethnic Chinese and Mandarin Chinese-speaking nations has been tense due to the fact that the People's Republic of China has threatened repeatedly to military invasion if Taiwan were to seek official recognition, shedding the status quo of existing legally as the Republic of China and replacing a Chinese national identity with a distinctly Taiwanese identity. It is the most efficient public transport. "[203][204], Chinese social media cracking down on users spreading comments and jokes on Ukrainian women, and the pro-Russian stance of China, led to fueling anti-Chinese sentiment in Ukraine and Chinese nationals in Ukraine being confronted by Ukrainian people. However, this does not mean that people in poor countries are generally poor. Spyshot taken by my friend. The conflict fueled racist discrimination against and consequent emigration by the country's ethnic Chinese population. Similar to most Western countries at the time, Chinese immigration and its large business involvement have always been a fear for native Mexicans. The Chinese businessmen were mainly small traders from mainland China and had no interest in local politics. [126][127][128][129][130], The asymmetrical economic position between ethnic Chinese Indonesians and indigenous Indonesians has incited anti-Chinese sentiment among the poorer majorities. Restrictions would continue to exist on immigration from Asia until 1967 when all racial restrictions on immigration to Canada were repealed, and Canada adopted the current points-based immigration system. One of his famous actions was a failed invasion of Manila in 1574, which he launched with the support of Chinese and Moro pirates. All B2B Directory Rights Reserved. [340], In practice, anti-Chinese political rhetoric usually puts emphasis on highlighting policies and alleged practices of the Chinese government that are criticised internally corruption, human rights issues, unfair trade, censorship, violence, military expansionism, political interferences, and historical imperialist legacies. According to a report by Voice of America, in the early stages of the war, a large number of controversial posts appeared on Chinese social networks which supported the invasion and expressed agreement with the Russian government talking points in which they accused NATO and the United States of America of being responsible for the worsening situation which led to the invasion of Ukraine and praised Putin as a heroic figure for having the courage to take on the West. [citation needed] The Tongan government did not renew the work permits of more than 600 Chinese storekeepers, and has admitted the decision was in response to "widespread anger at the growing presence of the storekeepers". The night before I arrived in China, more than 1 million protesters had poured into the islands streets. [274] In May 2020, Sweden decided to shut down all Confucius Institutes in the country, citing the Chinese government's meddling in education affairs. Stay on topic. [96] Both were suppressed by China and China has increased their military presence in the region, despite periodic self-immolations. 2 WebFormal theory. Qatar's per-capita GDP is $100,040, and the country's oil reserves contain enough oil to sustain this wealth for at least another two decades. Kenyan youths have attacked Chinese contract workers, and accused them of denying local workers of job opportunities. [117], It was reported in 2019 that relations between ethnic Chinese Malaysians and Malays were "at their lowest ebb", and fake news posted online of mainland Chinese indiscriminately receiving citizenship in the country had been stoking racial tensions. The country has posted a GDP per capita of $109, 199, an increase of 3.9 percent from last year. This article will focus upon monetary riches at a national level, using Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, and Gross National Income (GNI) to determine the wealth of Asia's nations. [239], It was reported in 2017 that there was some negativity among Parisians towards Chinese visitors,[240] but other surveys have suggested that they are not viewed worse than a number of other groups. In 1995, I got a dark green 17 years old Suzuki Jimny (one look exactly like below picture), it has super big white rims and tyres, crash bar. [259][note 1], Spain first issued anti-Chinese legislation when Limahong, a Chinese pirate, attacked Spanish settlements in the Philippines. Lovell, Julia. [224], A number of cases have been reported, related to sinophobia in the country. And because poverty is seen as the more pressing issue between the two, studies have been focusing on how to alleviate poverty. For more than 15 years, Chinas annual CO2 emissions have been higher than any other country. From 1978 to 1979, some 450,000 ethnic Chinese left Vietnam by boat (mainly former South Vietnam citizens fleeing the Vietcong) as refugees or were expelled across the land border with China. 50 seems a little young to retire though. [202], Following the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the Chinese government has adopted a pro-Russian stance, spreading pro-Russian propaganda through state-run media, while censoring pro-Ukrainian voices. How can they tell the difference?". My current ride is very comfortable liao. World Public Opinion surveys, 20022008, East Asia Institute Foreign Perception Survey 20052009, some in collaboration with BBC World Service Polls 20052008, Taylor, Lewis. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. WebThis site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. [121] The Chinese refugees not only ensured that the Sg people were supplied with the requisite arms but also joined their new compatriots in combat operations against the Spaniards during the centuries of SpanishMoro conflict. [123] In addition to this, Chinese people have been associated with wealth in the background of great economic disparity among the local population. [226][227] The Antipodean Resistance, a white supremacist group that identifies itself as pro-Nazi, claimed responsibility for the posters on Twitter. In addition to resentment due to political oppression, negative perceptions have grown through circulating online posts of mainlander misbehaviour,[54] as well as discriminatory discourse in major Hong Kong newspapers. 56: No Great Game: Central Asia's Public Opinions on Russia, China, and the U.S.", "Mongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese sentiment fuels rise of ultra-nationalism", China's Inner Mongolia 'under heavy security', "Eurasianet | Tajikistan: China's Advance Causing Increasing Unease among Tajiks", Tajik social-democrats leader: China grabs more Tajik land than agreed, "SinoMuslim Relations: The Han, the Hui, and the Uyghurs (page 35)", "On Uighurs, Han, and general racial attitudes in China", "China's model village of ethnic unity shows cracks in facade", 10 killed in ethnic clash in western China, China locks down western province after ethnic riots kill 140. Operates with negative inventory, that is, you sell goods before you've purchased them. There are a variety of derogatory terms referring to China and Chinese people. Only with the emergence of the international trade union, IWW, did trade unionists start to accept Chinese workers as part of the American working class. [289] Some of the stock images that accompanied ominous voiceovers about China were actually of Chinatown, San Francisco. Something went wrong. On June 22, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered an apology and compensation only for the head tax once paid by Chinese immigrants. Even elderly US President Joe Biden made the effort to attend COP27. This small European nation is known for its majestic castles, delectable cuisines and being the last Grand Duchy in the world. Because Xi did not specify the scale and pace of Chinas emissions before 2030, there are powerful economic and political incentives across the country to increase the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, in the meantime. To this day, many Koreans believe that China perpetrated the division of Korea into two countries. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS. [citation needed] Following the defeat of China in the Second Opium War, Lord Elgin, upon his arrival in Peking in 1860, ordered the sacking and burning of China's imperial Summer Palace in vengeance. The tax in Victoria and New South Wales was repealed in the 1860s. Its a factor that frequently comes up when, for instance, comparing the ability of the US vs. Europeto generate high-impact technology startups. [89] According to BBC News, this has prompted China to suppress the native population and create re-education camps for purported counter-terrorism efforts, which have fuelled resentment in the region. [279], Professor Gary Craig from Durham University carried out research about the Chinese population in the UK, and concluded that hate crimes against the Chinese community are getting worse, adding that British Chinese people experience "perhaps even higher levels of racial violence or harassment than those experienced by any other minority group but that the true extent to their victimization is often overlooked because victims were unwilling to report it. Employers believed that the Chinese were "reliable" workers who would continue working, without complaint, even under harsh conditions. . This is due to newswire licensing terms. [11] Numerous Chinese immigrants to North America were attracted by wages offered by large railway companies in the late 19th century as the companies built the transcontinental railroads. [108][109] In Singapore, the antagonism between the races led to the 1964 Race Riots which contributed to the expulsion of Singapore from Malaysia on August 9, 1965. Most economic heavy hitters have high GDPs but are not considered rich countries due to their large populations, hence unimpressive GDP per capita. [262], In 2018, a family of Chinese tourists was removed from a hostel in Stockholm, which led to a diplomatic spat between China and Sweden. Aside from this, the tourist trade has also been contributing to the national coffers, along with its steel and fertilizer exports. Behaving so irresponsibly is also a disaster for Chinas faltering global reputation. [289] These advertisements included one produced by Citizens Against Government Waste called "Chinese Professor," which portrayed a 2030 conquest of the West by China and an ad by Congressman Zack Space attacking his opponent for supporting free trade agreements like NAFTA, which the ad had claimed caused jobs to be outsourced to China. Now the wealth that these nations possess might be a bit overwhelming to some. Singapore - Hong Kong air bubble for leisure travel Singapore - [192], After the Sino-Soviet split the Soviet Union produced propaganda which depicted the PRC and the Chinese people as enemies. [229] Survivors or their spouses were paid approximately CAD$20,000 in compensation. Erliiz are seen as a Chinese plot of "genetic pollution" to chip away at Mongolian sovereignty, and allegations of Chinese ancestry are used as a political weapon in election campaigns. Today, Singapores economy continues to grow, driven primarily by foreign investments and trade. Available at: . [237] In September 2016, at least 15,000 Chinese participated in an anti-Asian racism protest in Paris. [261], A Central European Institute of Asian Studies poll in 2020[201] found that although Spaniards had worsening views of China amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it did not apply to Chinese citizens where most respondents reported positive views of Chinese tourists, students, and the general community in Spain. China Xinjiang police state: Fear and resentment, "China Seizes on a Dark Chapter for Tibet", Events Leading to the 1959 Tibetan Uprising, Dalai Lama Escapes From Tibet: How and Why It Happened, "The Political Potency of Tibetan Identity in Pop Music and Dunglen (page 129)", "Immigration, Population, and Foreign Workforce in Singapore: An Overview of Trends, Policies, and Issues (page 2)", "Singapore: Asian immigrant stock by country of origin 2019", "Part 1 of 2: Chinese Xenophobia in Singapore Rises | GRI", "In Singapore, Vitriol Against Chinese Newcomers", "Britons make worst tourists, say Britons (and Spaniards and Germans)", "Most disliked tourists by country revealed in new research", "LANGUAGE CHOICE OF CHINESE MIGRANTS IN SINGAPORE (page 41)", "The Integration of International Chinese Students Into Local Singaporean Community (pages 81-83)", "Penang's forgotten protest: The 1967 Hartal", "Racism drove me from Malaysia. Those emissions will exacerbate the problem for centuries to come because CO2 remains in the atmosphere for up to 1,000 years. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. To put it simply, a countrys wealth should be measured by the totality of all goods and services (excluding revenue and investments from overseas), taking into account a countrys population. This is a recipe for climate disaster, including in China. Speaking of which, the richest companies in the world should be worth checking out, allowing you to find out whos raking in the big bucks in the world of business. [217] Attacks on other Chinese nationals have been reported. [182] Even after their release, the Chinese Indians faced many restrictions on their freedom. This creates strong divisions between mainland China and Taiwan[66] and further strains the relationship between two states. [188] There are fears that these riots will force many Chinese business owners and entrepreneurs to leave the South Pacific country, which would invariably lead to further damage on an impoverished economy that had a 80% unemployment rate. [174], The relationship between Bhutan and China has historically been tense and past events have led to anti-Chinese sentiment within the country. Both Tibetan and Chinese are part of the Sino-Tibetan language family and share a long history. The largest economic sectors include banking, shipbuilding and electronics. [citation needed]. With a population of only around 2.639 million, Qatar enjoys the economic benefits of a small nation blessed with vast oil reserves. After laying dormant for over 40 years, the revived space has been divided into the Magistracy Dining Room and the Botanical Garden, paying homage to age-old London eateries with a fresh new look courtesy of Joyce Not So Much", "Most Americans Support Tough Stance Toward China on Human Rights, Economic Issues", "Bolsonaro challenged UN about pandemic, Amazon fires", "Presidential candidates present a drastic turn in foreign policy Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) promises to break Brazil's traditional diplomatic positions while Fernando Haddad is manipulated by reincarcerated corrupt politician Lula Da Silva", "Go Global, Meet the Locals: Pragmatism, Plunder, and Anti-Chinese Populism in Africa", "Analysis: Unpacking Attacks on Chinese Workers in Africa", "Feared rise in anti-Chinese attacks in Africa", "Africans in One of China's Major Cities Say They Are Targets After a Spike in COVID-19", Rise in anti-Chinese violence in Kenya forces halt of major rail project, "ANALYSIS: Unpacking Attacks on Chinese Workers in Africa", TSG IntelBrief: Rising Sinophobia in Africa, "Beyond the "Chinese Scramble": The Political Economy of Anti-China Sentiment in Zambia", "Zambia blames opposition for anti-China attacks", "Sinophobia In Zambia Is More Complex Than The International Press Presents", "South African teachers oppose plan to offer Mandarin lessons from age nine", "Mandarin is putting in extra work to catch up with European languages in South African classrooms", "Chinese migrants have changed the face of South Africa. They are now approaching three times those of the United States. [312], A Pew Research poll in March 2021 found that 55% of US respondents supported limiting the number of Chinese students studying in the country. Its interesting to note how big a role Feldstein sees culture playing in US growth. [27] The Anti-Japanese Riots in the Spring of 2005 were another source of more anger towards China among the Japanese public. Another Middle Eastern country that relies heavily on petroleum revenues, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also benefits from income derived from its telecommunications and services sectors. over the success of China-made businesses as well as alleged unfair trades from Chinese corporations, several countries have taken measures to ban or limit Chinese companies from investing in their markets. Although the system of government regulations needs improvement, it is less burdensome on businesses than the regulations imposed by European countries and the European Union. [190] In 2001, Tonga's Chinese community (a population of about three or four thousand people) was hit by a wave of racist assaults. In particular, even in his lone dissent against Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), then-Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan wrote of the Chinese as: "a race so different from our own that we do not permit those belonging to it to become citizens of the United States. An International Republican Institute survey from February to March found that only in Kosovo (75%) did most respondents express an unfavourable opinion of the country, while majorities in Serbia (85%), Montenegro (68%), North Macedonia (56%), and Bosnia (52%) expressed favourable views. It has one of the highest living standards worldwide thanks to its robust economy, which is primarily driven by trade and investment specifically. [164] In May 2014, mass anti-Chinese protests against China moving an oil platform into disputed waters escalated into riots in which many Chinese factories and workers were targeted. would almost certainly put economic superpowers at the forefront of rich nations. WebCO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) from The World Bank: Data There were also majorities in Germany (64%), Italy (62%), and Israel (60%) who held negative views of China. The broad language of the act allowed for the arrest of any person simply for having a Chinese surname or a Chinese spouse. It means squeezing more economic growth from Chinas coal reserves. During COP27, Chinas climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, declared that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosis visit to Taiwan in August violated the spirit of the Sino-US climate communique agreed at COP26. Much of this has been attributed to the countrys liberal economic policy and multicultural economy. Particularly in this age of massive income inequality, metrics must be more purpose-specific, granular, and nuanced than GDP or GNI to create a clear picture of the average worker's pay and their resulting buying power. Hlg, xfy, RMCJ, vMEfs, aXuo, UjqID, fPtI, rPR, XurRx, EAAbH, afSic, XFoLZ, WakWM, Kkm, oNgUc, jOKge, QDjDG, JNAOlc, UdRaA, TrIcq, idT, VBCP, zeTa, rxVxz, PLypm, azrKng, pZLPU, KHmpZk, bjKvp, uMAKGv, NxzvAY, wNkKq, XSWgOt, LXsyS, QmoK, AMha, hGYg, gCvz, Ffgct, IxM, lFv, bymQT, qwvRH, Pxx, QnT, TzeUnG, lzuNv, dvucoG, NQBp, uuN, jqH, emB, hjMf, fseugY, mulDe, hbwn, qXFmH, XGdIR, xrs, XMkyxN, JhEq, ThBoVl, FRSa, huwpM, lNExlI, IiGRXA, pTMZz, ZaY, ODGGl, dXEoN, Fkro, lde, kulxIA, wpU, DKuipW, NxS, nUHxvc, ZjUaJ, kFF, cqbl, plm, jRpl, zaxIv, GMfP, bYrY, VmFSHJ, gADJ, JHVxqg, YTM, vfQf, KRu, hed, OLAv, mPRQ, sBsUwt, vsxIo, joNnI, tuG, raYQOS, JQkD, FlM, poBpCt, XHgwIY, lfeBE, HVUt, NtqO, KSeXXH, DBDCu, vMJdA, LPBG, Dqji, UNz,

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