talked on phone for 4 hours before first date

These young men had arrived with high hopes for life in "paradise", but soon found out all they got was a bed and a small stipend, as the vice-president of the German Moroccan society described it. If borders of the Schengen Zone are not controlled, the Schengen system (i.e. Supreme Court to hear First Amendment case on immigration fraud A guide to the Supreme Court's momentous 2022-2023 term Sam Bankman-Fried, ex-crypto exchange CEO, says he will testify before Congress [202], Hamburg The Hamburg police on 4 February 2016 offered 2,000 euro for information leading to the tracing of perpetrators of the New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Hamburg. [145][146][147] This drew outrage not only on social media,[145][148] but even from the government of the Netherlands, suggesting that Reker had blamed the victims with her remark. [54], Frankfurt The first 22 reported sexual attacks in Frankfurt on New Year's Eve 201516 took place on or near the Eiserner Steg ("iron footbridge") in the city centre. Two of them briefly needed treatment in a hospital. [9], Further German cities Several women who reported having been sexually harassed in Paderborn on New Year's Eve 201516 described the perpetrators as "North African" men; two victims in Detmold described the offenders as "foreign" looking men. [182], In Dsseldorf, where later 103 complaints over sexual offences in the New Year's Eve would be registered,[3] a vigilante group was founded on 5 January 2016 in reaction to the then published events in Cologne. [68][196], StuttgartOn 17 January 2016, in Stuttgart, an asylum seeker from Iraq was identified and arrested as suspect of harassing two girls on New Year's Eve. Text to 44202 (Msg&Data Rates May Apply). Exhibitionist & Voyeur 07/20/21: Date Night Ch. [71], Eventually, all criminal proceedings in Frankfurt concerning sexual violence on New Year's Eve had to be dismissed due to lack of sufficient substantiated suspicion against specific persons, as declared in September 2016 by a spokesman of the Staatsanwaltschaft (state attorney). Que srait devenu le petit Aylan s'il avait grandi? For good reasons, the media has published everything they knew about the ethnicity of the suspects, whereby the press code to not publish private information about criminals has been newly interpreted. [156][169] This new law also makes it easier to deport a migrant after committing a sex offence. [23][56], CologneIn July 2016, the first two men were convicted in Cologne for sexual assault on New Year's Eve: a 21-year-old Iraqi and a 26-year-old Algerian. [9], Newspapers on 4 and 5 January 2016 immediately pointed out that, although massive sexual harassment was unknown in modern Germany and Europe, the Cologne New Year's Eve events strongly resembled mass sexual assaults on Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, during political mass demonstrations in 2005, 2006 and 2013. According to one Helsinki police chief, after the arrival of 32,000 asylum seekers in Finland in 2015, many from Iraq, 14 sexual attacks on streets or in parks in the capital Helsinki occurred up until the following New Year's Eve. [51] As of 18 March, the Cologne Public Prosecutor reported 1,139 crime complaints filed concerning New Year's Eve, 485 of them about sexual offences. One was sentenced to 25 hours of community service for insults on a sexual basis, the other was fined 1,000 euros for exhibitionism. [37][30], The national news media started reporting the ethnicity of suspects on the evening of 4 January 2016: news website The Local at 19:23,[11] TV broadcaster ARD at 20:00 in their news bulletin Tagesschau,[38] the Sddeutsche Zeitung at 20:19 in an adapted report on their website. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 12/08/21 [3], Bielefeld In Bielefeld, on 20 January 2016, four suspects of various offences on New Year's Eve had been traced, all from Morocco or Algeria. [56], CologneOn 8 January 2016, the Cologne police were investigating against 19 suspects of various offences in Cologne on New Year's Eve. [196][197], DsseldorfIn February 2016, an 18-year-old girl from Mnchengladbach who was sexually harassed in Dsseldorf on New Year's Eve recognized her harasser on television, which led to his arrest around 14 February. [59] Of the first eight identified suspects of sexual offences in Hamburg on New Year's Eve, some were refugees, while others had a migration background, said the police on 14 January 2016. [59][67], Frankfurt The first ten arrested suspects of sexual attacks on New Year's Eve 201516 in Frankfurt were all refugees, said the Frankfurter police on 11 January. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 11/14/18: Saturday Night School Ch. "There's nothing that hints at organized crime. The Cologne police force had received 60 crime reports at that time, 15[35] or 20[11][15] of which were of sexual assaults, in one case rape in legal terms. By April 2016, statistics recorded by authorities indicated that out of the identified 153 suspects in Cologne who were convicted of sexual offenses and other crimes during New Year's Eve 201516, two-thirds were originally from Morocco or Algeria, 44% were asylum seekers, another 12% were likely to have been in Germany illegally, and 3% were underaged unaccompanied refugees. The police did not publicise those reports, but Sveriges Radio reported about them shortly after the August 2015 festival. Frauen im Klner Hauptbahnhof massiv bedrngt.' Urgently needed: reduction of influx".[11]. [187] In addition, three Guinean men were attacked. We've been negligent in not at least mentioning the events on 4 January in the 19:00 'Heute' bulletin. The dramatic photo of his dead body, published by nearly every serious news medium in the Western world, had elicited on the one hand awe and commiseration, and on the other hand irritation at 'dead-child porn for progressives'. [180], Immediately after 4 January 2016 reports about Cologne, sales to women of pepper spray for self-defense exploded in Germany. [229], In Zurich, Switzerland, six women reported to the police being surrounded by "dark-skinned men" on New Year's Eve 201516 who robbed, groped, and molested them. In the current situation though, with Germany being part of the Schengen Area, it would suffice for Germany if the outer borders of that Schengen Zone were effectively protected, which presently would require most of all protecting the Schengen outer borders of Italy and Slovenia. On Sunday, 17 January, nearly 300 police officers sealed off several streets in the vicinity of Dsseldorf Hauptbahnhof, to check out some 300 North Africans in the area. They included nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, four Syrians, five Iranians, two Germans, an Iraqi, a Serb, and an American. [71] By 11 January 2016, the police had counted 22 reported sexual attacks by such groups on New Year's Eve. Only a few days later, the media has started to inform the public about what really happened in Cologne and has thereby heavily accused the police. About 40% of migrants from North Africa in Germany committed a crime within a year, said a North Rhine-Westphalia police report from 8 January 2016. [65] One of the usual gathering locations for revellers is the plaza (Bahnhofsvorplatz) between the central train station and the cathedral. O ne day last summer, around noon, I called Athena, a 13-year-old who lives in Houston, Texas. [33] Witnesses said five days later that the groups were about 30 to 40 men. [5], On 5 January 2016, two complaints of sexual assault on New Year's Eve in Dortmund, by groups of men addressing the women in broken German or English, have been reported to the police. [194], Since 2014, the Dsseldorf police [200] in the so-called "Casablanca"-project had registered 2,200 suspects from North Africa who were supposedly criminally active,[199][200] in Dsseldorf. 'Nur 80 Beambte im Einsatz! Next page. [41], By 8 January, 170 women had reported various crimes during New Year's Eve in Cologne, including two rapes. Four of these suspects were unaccompanied underaged refugees. A police spokesman could not say why the correction hadn't also been made public at the time, suggesting that perhaps the inquiry was "not so important". [136], Von Mengersen, head of the nationalist Pro NRW party in Germany, reacted on 4 or 5 January 2016, recalling the recent large influx of migrants into Germany: "We locals can no longer put up with everything that is being routinely swept under the rug based on a false sense of tolerance". With her friend's help, she escaped; they immediately turned to a police officer in the area, where they saw two weeping girls who told they had been similarly detained by men. [188], On 11 January 2016, columnist Jakob Augstein in Spiegel Online argued that the German laws concerning sex crimes were lagging behind, because under the current law, unconsensual sex in Germany was only a penal offence in case the unwilling participant had physically, noticeably defended himself or herself:[158][169] simply saying "No" was not enough to find a defendant guilty. [14], On 7 January, international news media reported the sexual assaults in Dsseldorf were committed by men of north African or Arab appearance. [58], Stuttgart In at least one case passersby and a club bouncer came to the rescue of sexually harassed women in Stuttgart on New Year's Eve 201516, causing the offenders to flee. [137] The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, on 7 January said he would make a concentrated effort to prevent Muslim migrants from entering Slovakia. [156] Around 12 January 22 self-declared German feminists in an open letter pleaded that the German law should make sexual harassment a criminal offence,[127][128] and the issue was further debated in German society. One high-ranking Cologne police officer reported that in the evening around 22:00 on 31 December 2015, passers-by in the plaza between the Cologne Central Train Station and the Cologne Cathedral informed police officers on the spot about fights, robberies, and sexual assaults on women taking place in and around the train station;[25] The New York Times wrote however that only after midnight did the police hear of the assaults,[26] and the German newspaper Die Welt suggested the same. The line was not called the Mason-Dixon Line when it was first drawn. [72], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}505632N 65728E / 50.9422N 6.9578E / 50.9422; 6.9578, Mass sexual assaults mostly in Cologne and by non-European men, 201516 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany, Anger towards authorities, government, and police, Speculation that the attacks were premeditated, Descriptions of offenders before their identification, Comparison to violence on other celebrations from native German-born men, Hardening attitudes towards migrants and refugees, Suggestion of terrorist links to the European migrant crisis, Suggestions to secure the 'Schengen' borders, Remarks that the federal government had suspended the constitutional state, Russian television misquoting a German imam, Suggestion that a wrong perception has taken hold, Investigation on communal sexual harassment, Police raids on criminal refugees and North Africans, Checking previously suspected North Africans. Detmold (near Paderborn): two[9] The editorial staff however decided to postpone their report to the next day when a crisis meeting was planned, to win time for extra interviews. [37][69] In September 2016, 60 reports of sexual harassment of women in Frankfurt on New Year's Eve, mostly perpetrated by groups, mostly on the Eiserner Steg or the banks of the river Main, had been brought before the Frankfurter Staatsanwaltschaft (state attorney). [26] Other far-right and anti-immigrant groups gave similar reactions that day. [1] In November 2016, newspaper Die Welt confirmed that most of the suspects of various offences on the past New Year's Eve in Germany had not been identified. [37][69] [86], On 8 January, 31 suspects of various offences during New Year's Eve in Cologne had been identified: 18 of them appeared to be asylum seekers, according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The 1,500mAh pouch cells for mobile phones were first charged at a current of 1,500mA (1C) to 4.20V/cell and then allowed to saturate to 0.05C (75mA) as part of the full charge saturation. [143], In May 2016, the German journalist, publisher, and feminist Alice Schwarzer wrote that the assailants from the Cologne New Year's Eve attacks had been "fanaticized followers of Sharia Islamthey were not average Muslims [but] the type of men who place sharia above the law and the woman below the manMost of the German Muslim organizations have been busying themselves in recent decades with infiltrating the sharia into our legal system". "bergriffe in Kln Eine Mnnergruppe und ihr Hintergrund", "Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German migrant debate", "Mehr als 100 Anzeigen nach bergriffen an Silvester", "Tensions rise in Germany over handling of mass sexual assaults in Cologne", "Polizei stockt Ermittlungsgruppe deutlich auf", "Silvesternacht in Kln: Ermittler orten gestohlene Handys in Flchtlingsheimen", "Interner Polizeibericht zu Klner Silvesternacht: "Es waren einfach zu viele zur gleichen Zeit", "Jetzt 553 Strafanzeigen in Kln 23 Verdchtige bekannt", "NRW-Opposition will Untersuchungsausschuss", "Erster Verdchtiger wegen Sexualstraftat in Kln in U-Haft", "Straftaten, Verdchtige: NRW-Innenminister Jger legt die wahren Zahlen vor", "Internationale Medien berichten an Weiberfastnacht", "Klner Silvester-Angriffe: 1075 Anzeigen und 73 Verdchtige", "Polizisten machen widersprchliche Aussagen zu Klner Silvesternacht", "bergriff auf Frauen in Silvesternacht: Weitere mutmaliche Opfer in Stuttgart", 'Duitsland geschokt na massale aangifte van aanrandingen in Keulen' (Germany shocked after massive reports of sexual assaults in Cologne), 'Ook in Hamburg honderden aanrandingen rond Oudjaar' (Also in Hamburg hundreds of sexual assaults over New Year's Eve), "Nach Silvester-Attacken: Reeperbahn-Bosse schicken Trsteher auf Streife", "Silvester-bergriffe: Polizei sucht nach diesen Verdchtigen", "Schon 53 Anzeigen in Hamburg nach Silvester-bergriffen", 'Aangiftes Ook in Hamburg Ook in andere Duitse steden' (Reports Also in Hamburg Also in other German cities), "Hamburgs Nacht der Schande und das lange Schweigen", "Police investigate organized crime ring's links to Cologne attacks", "Schlerin geksst warum der Verdchtige noch frei ist", "Polizei ermittelt acht Tatverdchtige nach bergriffen", "Erster Tatverdchtiger nach Silvester-bergriffen in Haft", 'Auch Frankfurter Polizei ermittelt wegen Belstigungen' (Frankfurter police is also investigating harassments), "Silvester: Sexuelle Belstigungen auch in Dortmund", 'Sexuelle bergriffe in der Silvesternacht auch am Bielefelder Boulevard', "Junge Frauen in Bielefeld von Antanz-Dieben sexuell belstigt", "Hunderte sollen Bielefelder Disco attackiert haben", "Mindestens 113 Straftaten in der Dsseldorfer Silvesternacht", "BKA: Silvester-bergriffe in zwlf Bundeslndern". [3], The 2016 Carnival celebrations were from Thursday, 4 February, until Tuesday, 9 February. Analyst Michelle Martin, for website on 28 January 2016, considered that Germany appeared "unprepared for the migration challenge": "300,000500,000 young men, without families in Germany, sitting around without much to do, having come from a male-dominated culture" in North Africa, as a German criminologist and former justice minister from the SPD party had put it. Thus, these men were vulnerable to being "corrupted by a ringleader who says: let's rob the department store or steal a mobile phone or clothes, and we'll have a bit of money when we sell them". [1], By 4 January 2016, the German national media reported that in Cologne, the sexual assaulters had mostly been described as "North African", "Arab", "dark-skinned" and "foreign". [73], Dortmund The first two reported sexual harassment incidents in Dortmund on New Year's Eve 201516 took place in the city centre, where "several" men had emerged from a much larger crowd of men, approached two women who together were passing by. 04 (4.66) Franoise makes the joining: Alain's penis, Lonie's vagina. [18] On 11 February 2016, the new Cologne police chief, Jrgen Mathies, also rejected the idea of organized crime. [151], In reaction to the sexual assaults, Hannelore Kraft (SPD), Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, said on 5 January 2016 that perpetrators should be deported if possible. [30], The suspicion of a governmental cover-up proved partly correct in April 2016, when it was discovered that after a first preliminary report of the Cologne police of 2 January 2016, mentioning "rape, sexual assaults and thefts carried out by a large group of foreign nationals" on the New Year's Eve, the North Rhine-Westphalian Interior Ministry telephoned the Cologne police, asking them to tone down the report and remove the word 'rape' from it. In February, the same newspaper published a statement by a German expert on Syria who associates Arabic men to a culture of violence, whereby the events of New Years Eve may just have been the beginning. [1][2] By 25 November 2016, 509 sexual offences had been reported concerning Cologne's last New Year's Eve, among them 22 rapes. [22], Agitation against the German government was echoed by the Polish and Russian governments. [178][179], In May 2016, the Dutch news website de Correspondent, in an analysis of the publicity since 4 January 2016, suggested that an incorrect public perception of the Cologne attacks, as "a mob of 1,000 refugees going after the women of Germany", had taken hold in the first three days and never went away. [194] By 17 March, the Cologne police held 14 people in investigative custody, two of them for sexual offences on New Year's Eve. [210] On 14 January, an investigation ran in Cologne against 13 accused of various offences;[202] on 21 January this number had risen to 30. Charley Hoffman and Ryan Palmer hold a two-shot lead after a first-round 16-under 56 at the QBE Shootout. Meanwhile, the media itself was accused for not having sufficiently reported about the events to avoid talking about the controversial topic of the suspects ethnicities. [33] That news was quickly, but selectively, picked up by the prominent newspaper Sddeutsche Zeitung, which reported the sexual attacks but not the ethnic profile of the suspects. [89] Well-known newspapers, as Sddeutsche Zeitung or Die Welthave reported about the hesitation shown by the police, whereby the latter stated, on January 10, 2016, that for a week, the truth about the New Year's Eve in Cologne was only available under the counter. [230][231] Groups of men reportedly encircled women on a crowded square and groped them. [208] After publishing photos of five suspects of sexual harassment on 8 March 2016, the police of Cologne arrested two of them within one day. [15] On a ZDF TV broadcast on 6 January, Minister Maas toned down his earlier assessment, but repeated that "It all seems to have been agreed upon. [21][22] By July 2016, the police stated that half of the 120 identified suspects of sexual offences on New Year's Eve had arrived in Germany during the year 2015,[1][10] most of those 120 had come from North Africa,[1] and four suspects nationwide had been convicted. [137] A similar picture was published on the cover of the Polish weekly paper Sieci in early 2016: a blonde woman, wrapped in the European flag, grabbed from several sides by dark, hairy arms. An article in a Dutch newspaper made this differentiation: "53 reports [in Hamburg], of which 39 included sexual assault". Send them privately to your clients or embed them in your website. [211] On 16 February 2016, an investigation ran in Cologne against 73 suspects of theft, sexual assault, or other offences on New Year's Eve, 60 of them of North African descent. Multiple women reported being raped.In many of the incidents, women in public places had been surrounded and assaulted by groups [171][172][173][174], Two professors of constitutional law and former members of the German Federal Constitutional Court, Udo Di Fabio and Hans-Jrgen Papier, remarked on 14 January 2016 that the federal government had suspended the constitutional state by unconditionally opening the country's borders in 2015. Location: Germany: Date: 31 December 2015 () 1 January 2016 () (): Over 1,200 women were reportedly sexually assaulted during the 201516 public New Year's Eve's celebrations in Germany, in most cases by men of North African origin. News & Opinion. ISAFE is an industry leader who understands the interrelatedness of data, belonging to minors, and the navigation to ensure privacy and security in this new disruptive COVID environment. [121], On Sunday, 10 January 2016, six Pakistanis were attacked in the city of Cologne by around 20 people. [28] At 13:21, the large local newspaper Klner Stadt-Anzeiger reported: Sexual harassment in the New Year's Eve () In the Cologne Central Train Station, several women have been harassed by unknown men". 06 (3.76) Ed and Don Share Izzy. [13], On 8 January 2016, the Cologne police arrested and took into custody two men suspected of various offences on New Year's Eve,[107] but they were set free within two days for lack of specific suspicions. $64.99 $69.99. Jamieson rides course record to 3-shot lead. [44], There are conflicting reports about when the sexual assaults started. Welcome to the Big Eyes crypto cathouse. [41][70], By 8 January, the Frankfurt police had counted fifteen reported sexual attacks by groups of Arab or North African men. They included 30 Moroccans, 27 Algerians, 4 Iraqis, 3 Tunisians, 3 Syrians, 3 Germans, and one each from Libya, Iran, and Montenegro. [193], As of early January 2016, the Cologne police evaluated 1,100 hours of video footage from surveillance cameras and from telephones of witnesses,[194] but on 18 January, a policeman anonymously said to the press that several of the video recordings of the Cologne Cathedal plaza on New Year's Eve were unusable. In an article published by the German newspaper Bild in January 2016, there are several statements that put Islam in contrast to our Western world to emphasize that both cultures are incompatible. Thereby, the media additionally portrays Muslim men as Others who do not belong to the Western world of liberal values by referring to their cultural and religious beliefs. [68], On 5 February, in response to a surveillance camera photo being published, a 33-year-old man from Iran was subsequently recognized by one of his victims and arrested in a refugee reception centre in Hamburg. [3], GeneralOn 8 January 2016, the German federal police knew the names of 31 suspects of various offences on New Year's Eve nationwide, most of them for inflicting physical harm or robbery; none of them were suspected of sexual offences. We are also saving the oceans to save the fish. [139], In a press conference in the afternoon of 5 January 2016, Cologne's mayor Henriette Reker (nonpartisan politician) who herself had been attacked with a knife and gravely wounded 2'"`UNIQ--templatestyles-00000194-QINU`"'12 months earlier after being asked how women could protect themselves from assaults like those on New Year's Eve, answered that women should keep "an arm's length distance" from people with whom they don't know well. [23] By November 2016, around 200 suspects of the sexual assaults[1] had been identified nationwide. 5 Blogs That Are Making Money in 2022 (and How You Can, Too) 16 comments. One man grabbed one of the girls, put her head into headlock in his jacket, cuddled her, and licked her face. [32] During the rest of 1 January, several more notifications of sexual assaults or robberies reached the Cologne police. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. Within weeks, it was clear that most suspects of the sexual assaults had come from North Africa. [58], Stuttgart The earliest reported harassments and attacks on women on Stuttgart's New Year's Eve 201516, reported on 3 and 5 January in a local newspaper, had taken place in the city centre near Schlossplatz, Knigstrae and Knigsbau. [3], The Dutch news website de Correspondent analysed, that considering the crowded situation near Cologne's central train station in the NYE, the police forces coordination had been inadequate. 05 (4.46) Ed brings his best friend into Izzy's life. [184] The same day, Cologne's mayor Reker accused Albers of holding information from her,[186] not informing her that 58% of the first 31 suspects of various offences in the New Year's Eve had indeed appeared to be asylum seekers. [210] On 14 January, five accused men were still in custody in Cologne. [113][204] On 10 January 2016, the Cologne police were investigating 19 named suspects of various offences in Cologne on New Year's Eve:[65] all of them were non-Germans,[205] ten were asylum applicants, nine others presumably illegally in Germany,[206] 14 of them were men from Morocco or Algeria. [18] All the accused were North Africans;[49] on 29 January this number had risen to 44, with most of them again being North Africans. However, since that night, the media discourse on crime committed by migrants, is different. [207], On 12 January, the Staatsanwaltschaft (state attorney) was investigating 12 men accused of theft, but not sexual offences, in Cologne. [60] That same day, these Hamburg incidents were briefly mentioned in international news media, in their reporting on the Cologne sexual assaults. (In: The German press codex has been altered in 2017. [14] By 14 January, in nearly all 48 reported cases, the perpetrators had been described by the witnesses as "Arab", "North African" or "southern". [132], A report from the end of February 2016 by the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police) analyzing hundreds of cases of alleged sexual assault in Cologne, Hamburg, Dsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, and Stuttgart on New Year's Eve, which was made public in June 2016, mentioned factors that seem to have favoured those sexual assaults (by groups):[20], The President of the German police union Gewerkschaft der Polizei in North Rhine-Westphalia, Arnold Plickert, said on 4 January 2016 over the sexual attacks in Cologne: "This is a totally new dimension of violence. [71], Detmold Two reported rape attempts on New Year's Eve 201516 in Detmold, by "foreign" looking men, were reported as having taken place "in direct vicinity of a refugees' shelter". We are HIPAA compliant and support e-signatures free movement of people within the participating countries) will collapse, he said. [228], In Austria, several sex attacks on New Year's Eve 201516 were alleged in local news media. The official site of the MTV Original Series Episodes. [209], HamburgIn Hamburg, in response to photos being published on 20 January 2016 of two suspects of sexual assaults on New Year's Eve,[59] a 29-year-old male migrant from Afghanistan living in a refugee centre, was arrested the next day. Always. This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 00:32. [52] By 6 April, the total number of reported crimes on Cologne's New Year's Night was 1,529; a total of 1,218 victims were involved, 529 of them victims of sexual offences. [209], DortmundIn Dortmund, on 18 January 2016, the police said that of the first nine identified suspects of various offences on New Year's Eve, seven were foreigners. [110] By November 2016, in 140 cases of alleged sexual offences in Cologne on New Year's Eve, at least one suspect had been identified. [30][97], The discontent in Germany in January 2016 over 'the media' was echoed by the Polish Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro on 9 January 2016,[clarification needed][100] and by the Russian newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta who contended that Berlin pretended that nothing out of the ordinary had happened; regional and national German media then demonstrated an astonishing solidarity with the politicians by refusing "to illuminate the extent of robberies, assaults and rapes committed by refugees". [81] The New York Times reported, however, that the sexual assaults began only after midnight. [207], On 11 January, the number of identified suspects of various crimes in Cologne on New Year's Eve was reported to be 23. View the latest business news about the worlds top companies, and explore articles on global markets, finance, tech, and the innovations driving us forward. [8] By 18 January, the Bielefeld police were investigating five sexual offences on New Year's Eve. The usage of the term 'Sharia-Islam' shows that Schwarzer is not interested in clarifying, but just in using provocative language, said Kaddor. If a state, for example Germany, neglects to effectively protect its borders and thus to protect its public assets and its social security system, chaos, violence and inefficiency would damage that state to such a degree that it could no longer fulfil its aforementioned humanitary assignments. ", "Charlie Hebdo backlash over 'racist' Alan Kurdi cartoon BBC News", "Charlie Hebdo cartoon depicts grown-up Aylan Kurdi as 'ass groper in Germany', "Charlie Hebdo cartoon depicting drowned child Alan Kurdi sparks racism debate", "The Charlie Hebdo cartoon about Aylan Kurdi and sex attackers is one of its most powerful", "Rechtssystem in schwerwiegender Weise deformiert", "Nach umstrittendem Kommentar: Beck stellt Strafanzeige gegen Klner Imam", " , - ", "Cologne attacks show Germany unprepared for migration challenge", "Reports of New Year's Eve Sexual Assaults Feed Into German Debate Over Migrant Crisis", "Fact-Check: Is There Truth To Refugee Rape Reports? [84] The corrected number of policemen had been transmitted to the Parliamentary Committee of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia on 11 January. A school leader asserted to the Klner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper: "We want to spare our female pupils the road to school, on this day [] For us, the security of the girls comes first". [191][192], On 30 January 2016, a girls' Gymnasium, the archiepiscopal Ursulinenschule in Cologne, announced that the school would remain closed on the day of Weiberfastnacht (women's fasting night), on 4 February. [17], A Cologne-based imam, in an interview for a Russian television channel around 20 January 2016, tried to 'excuse' the attacks by asserting that women on New Year's Eve were lightly dressed and wore perfume; young men had taken pills or drugs or had drunk alcohol, were therefore disinhibited, and thus groped those women. [71], Bielefeld All six women who had been sexually harassed in Bielefeld on New Year's Eve 201516 described their harassers as men with migration backgrounds;[8] these same men were described by the police on 6 January as "immigrants", mostly Algerians and Moroccans. [59][67], Dortmund Several of the perpetrators of sexual attacks on New Year's Eve 201516 in Dortmund were described on 5 January as speaking broken German or broken English. Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States conferred the right to have an abortion.The decision struck down many federal and state abortion laws, and caused an ongoing abortion debate in the United States about whether, or to what extent, abortion should be legal, [110], Hamburg Some of the first eight identified suspects in the New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Hamburg were identified as "refugees" according to the police on 14 January 2016. [9] The federal state of Hesse described some of the perpetrators of sexual assaults in its cities that New Year's Eve as men with "north African/Arab/southern European/eastern European" appearance. [138] On 8 January, Fico added that "The migrants cannot be integrated". Such a thing was unknown to us, until now"; the strongly alcoholized perpetrators had acted "fully unleashed violent". [59] On 21 January, there were 218 complaints regarding 351 victims,[68] and on 4 February, there were 236 complaints, including two for rape, involving 400 women reportedly being sexually harassed. [3], The local newspaper Stuttgarter Nachrichten on its website on 3 January 2016 reported that in the city centre of Stuttgart in the Silvesternacht (New Year's Eve) two 18-year-old women had been sexually assaulted by a group of around fifteen men about 3040 years of age, who had the appearance of black-haired "southern people" with "Arab" looks. What do we know about Cologne four months later? [126] Likewise, on 13 January, 22 German feminists pleaded in an open letter that the anger after the Cologne incidents should not be directed against groups or ethnicities like Muslims, Arabs, blacks, and North Africans; sexualised violence is omnipresent every day and not only a problem of 'the others' who are not white 'non-Germans'. After the police press conference in Cologne on 4 January 2016 at 14:00, where the police president squarely stated that men "from appearance largely from the North African or Arab world" had committed "a very large number of sexual assaults",[11] the prominent Sddeutsche Zeitung in its first account on its website at 15:58 still did not mention that ethnicity of the suspects. [163] Coming back to the fact that people have lost trust in the media, the emotional aspects of that highly sensible matter and the very limited reliable sources about that night have not facilitated the work of journalists. [5], Dsseldorf By November 2016, in three cases of sexual offences on New Year's Eve in Dsseldorf criminal proceedings had started. [26][148][150] On 9 January, a second flashmob demonstration took place, on the forecourt and steps of the Cologne cathedral, against "violence against women", by at least a thousand men and women. In many of the incidents, women in public places had been surrounded and assaulted by groups of men. [141] In July 2016, the Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) President Mnch demanded more police presence and video surveillance in response to these assaults. [51][199] On 18 February, after having been recognised in a police photo by a young woman, one presumed perpetrator of sexual offences in the Cologne New Year's Eve attacks was arrested. [85] On 25 November 2016, criminal investigations in Cologne had started against 83 suspects of various offences on New Year's Eve. 11 (4.73) Charlie spies on Michelle in a movie theater. [226], At Helsinki's central railway station, where a crowd of 1,000 mostly Iraqi refugees had converged on New Year's Eve, three sexual assaults were reported to the police. This was clearly a misjudgement. On 19 and 20 January, police cruised the Kalk district of Cologne where they arrested six people. [8] A 23-year-old female student described how she, while heading for the cinema on the Boulevard of Bielefeld with two female friends, suddenly was surrounded by a group of eight to ten men who did not speak any German: "Everywhere there were men, who kissed me, on the forehead, on the cheeks, on the mouth". Central Railway Station: Young women sexually harassed'. [161], Generally, the press places European values in opposition to Islamic values, as shown by a statement of a German Member of the Parliament published the German newspaper FAZ. On 8 January, the Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka supported Fico's proposal. ), 'Sexuelle Belstigung in der Silvesternacht. Enjoy instant streaming of some of these episodes here. [9], Borken (NRW) Two reported sexual assaults on girls in Borken (North Rhine-Westphalia) on New Year's Eve 201516 were attributed by police to "several asylum seekers". [21][212] In late April 2016, the Swiss police arrested another suspect of attacks on women on Cologne's New Year's Eve and extradited him to Germany. Dsseldorf: 103[3] Women in the Cologne Central Railway Station massively cornered'. Loving Wives 08/02/21: Date Night Ch. [34] Also the national commercial TV channel RTL that day reported the sexual assaults in Cologne in the New Year's Eve. The number of complaints about either sexual harassment or robbery on New Year's Eve in Hamburg rose further: 53 complaints on 5 January,[61][62] 70 complaints on 8 January,[63][64] 108 complaints on 10 January,[65] 153 complaints on 11 January,[66] 195 complaints on 14 January. She received Newbery Medals for two of her novels, NUMBER THE STARS and THE GIVER. Cologne: around 650[1][2] (22 rapes)[3] One high-ranking Cologne police officer, in his written report to his superiors, stated that on his arrival at the cathedral and railway station plaza around 22:00, civilians came to the policemen to tell about thefts, fights, and sexual assaults going on;[25] also German magazine Cicero stated that sexual assaults in the area of the train station reportedly took place both before and after the evacuation of the plaza. [175], On around 20 January 2016, Russian television channel REN TV cited the Cologne-based imam Sami Abu-Yusuf as blaming the women for the sexual assaults, because they had been walking around perfumed and 'half-naked'. [13][37] The police had been present with 200 officers in the area of Groe Freiheit and Reeperbahn but had not noticed any sexual assaults; the first and only telephone call to the Hamburger police concerning sexual harassment came at 3:00a.m. that New Year's Night. [11][12][13][14] The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that New Year's night. [14] By 21 January 2016, most of the then-70 reported sexual assaults in Dsseldorf on New Year's Eve were reported to have taken place in three adjacent boroughs in the city centre (District 1): Altstadt, Stadtmitte and Carlstadt.[76]. [170], The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on 13 January 2016 published a cartoon, recalling the Kurdish-Syrian three-year-old boy Alan Kurdi who, in September 2015, while fleeing with his family from the Syrian civil war, had drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr. (n Sinclair; February 24, 1977) is an American boxing promoter and former professional boxer.He currently owns a team in the NASCAR Cup Series named The Money Team Racing.As a professional boxer he competed between 1996 and 2017, retiring with an undefeated record and winning 15 major world championships from super featherweight to [196][197], On 4 February, the Hamburg police released photos of two further suspects; the national TV series Aktenzeichen XY ungelst ("Case number XY unsolved") was also used for the tracing of Hamburg perpetrators. [121][122] In February 2016, new Cologne police chief Jrgen Mathies stated, "Such sexual assaults by groups are also a huge problem in, for example, Cairo. In another article of the newspaper Focus, the author declares that most refugees do not have any occupational qualifications and therefore present a burden to us. [83] On 2 January 2016, the police estimated the sexual attackers had worked in groups of 2 to 20 men. [193] The first night of the street carnival is part of a first day which traditionally comprises a reversal of the normal hierarchy between the sexes, in which the women rule over the town for one day. [19] The tabloid website Daily Express nevertheless kept suggesting that the "Cologne mass sex attack 'was organised and plotted on social media', says police chief". Before the 2015 New Years Eve, criminal activities of refugees have only been slightly covered by German media to not disclose any personal information as their national background. These perpetrators probably knew this behaviour of surrounding and then abusing women with many other men from their country of descent". [140], On 7 January, the North Rhine-Westphalian Interior Minister Ralf Jger said that anti-immigrant groups were using the New Year's Eve sex assaults to stir up hatred against refugees: "What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the womenThis is poisoning the climate of our society. [105], In June 2016, the Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) declared that 70% of the suspects of sexual offences in Germany on New Year's Eve had been in Germany for less than a year,[110] but in July 2016 they said that only 50% of the identified suspects had been in Germany for less than a year. [116][117][118][119][120] The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police Office) on 10 January asserted that the phenomenon of communal sexual harassment is known in several Arab countries, where it purportedly is called taharrush gamea. [97][98] Since those New Year's Eve events, that press codex has been revised in 2017,[99] and both political scientist Schroeder and newspaper Die Zeit have suggested that since 4 January 2016, the German mainstream media may now mention an ethnic background of crime suspects more easily. [114], As of 6 April 2016, the Cologne police had traced 153 suspects in relation to various offences on New Year's Eve; 149 of them were foreigners, with 103 of this group from Morocco or Algeria, 68 asylum applicants, 18 others presumably illegally living in Germany. Check out the full video and find out what people are saying about our newest, universally compatible 5G phone. [130][131] After parliamentary inquiries lasting from March until November 2016, the SPD fraction in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament concluded again that "the deployment of the security forces in the Silvesternacht (New Year's Night) in Cologne had gone wrong, with grave consequences for the women affected". [11] He also stated that the evacuation was undertaken with a force of 213 police officers,[11] which was reiterated on 10 January by police director Temme. I Talked with Rob (4.07) "Forced" Exhibitionism and Non-Consent. [124], On 6 January 2016, during a women's discussion in Cologne, one of them contended that the sexual harassment on New Year's Eve had not been different from the violence during other big celebrations in the city, and that it had only become a burning topic for the media this time because "refugees" or "migrants", who had recently became a controversial issue in Germany, were the accused perpetrators this time, instead of native German-born men. [195], GeneralOn 7 January 2016, police reported sixteen suspects of mob sex attacks on the past New Year's Eve in Cologne, Hamburg, or other cities. [91] Accordingly, in the aftermath of the 2015 New Years Eve, it has been even more difficult for journalists to decide about the extent of information they should publish about crimes committed by ethnic minorities. [25], Around 23:30, because of considerable danger to people and objects[25] or to avoid panic caused by the fireworks,[29][30] the police decided to evacuate the forecourt and steps of the cathedral and the plaza[29][30][11] in the direction of the Domprobst-Ketzer-strae. [78], The official police account holds that around 21:00[81] on 31 December 2015, some 500 men, aged 1535,[11] appearing Arab or North African in background,[82] strongly intoxicated with alcohol,[81] had gathered on the plaza between Cologne central train station and the cathedral and were shooting fireworks into the air and at the rest of the crowd,[11][81] after which this 'Arab/North African' group had grown to 1,000 men by 23:00. [15][16][17] However, by 21 January, the North Rhine-Westphalian government declared that there were no indications of premeditated organized attacks,[18] and on 11 February, the new Cologne police chief stated the same. [142][188] According to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, "a group of thugs" in Cologne was planning a "manhunt" for migrants. [202] On 18 January, the first suspect of sexual offences in the Cologne New Year's Eve attacks was taken into investigative custody, an Algerian young man living in a refugee shelter 30km away from Cologne. In one incident these men surrounded the women, in both incidents touching them indecently and either insulting them or making sexual allusions. ", "Klner Silvesternacht: Polizei geht nicht von Absprachen unter Ttern aus", "Klner Polizeichef: Sex-bergriffe waren keine organisierte Kriminalitt", "Polizeiversagen bestrkte die Klner Sex-Tter", "Mehr als 1500 Straftaten: Die Ermittlungsergebnisse zur Klner Silvesternacht", "German minister 'told police to remove the word rape from Cologne sex assault report', "#polizei #kln #leverkusen Ausgelassene Stimmung Feiern weitgehend friedlich Infos unter", "Das Protokoll zur Klner Chaos-Nacht zum Nachlesen", "Reports of Attacks on Women in Germany Heighten Tension Over Migrants", "Man hatte ihr den Slip vom Krper gerissen", "Polizei hat nach bergriffen keine Erkenntnisse ber Tter", 'Ausgelassene Stimmung Feiern weitgehend friedlich' (Elated atmosphere celebrating mostly peaceful), 'Moffelt Duitsland geweld door migranten weg?' [181] In the first three weeks of January 2016, requests for small weapons licences (Kleiner Waffenschein) in Cologne and Leverkusen have doubled in comparison to the previous year. In July 2016, the Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) stated that approximately half of the 120 identified suspects nationwide of sexual violence on New Year's Eve appeared to have come to Germany in 2015 with the great flow of refugees which that year had reached Germany, and most of the suspects came from North Africa. Post questions and get answers from experts. Twitter @espnradio. Way to go. The Dsseldorf police said on 6 January 2016 that they were now investigating whether any of those suspects were involved in the theft and sex crimes on Cologne New Year's Eve 201516. [3], Dsseldorf By 25 November 2016, in one case for sexual offences on New Year's Eve in Dsseldorf, the accused was sentenced to 1 year and ten months imprisonment; his appeal against that sentence was still ongoing. [14] Between 4 and 6 January, around 20 reports of women having been sexually harassed were recorded; by 8 January, the number had increased to 41. wip, Ikxwd, NQKFTM, lxCj, IwPVq, bNxQoy, oVJeFZ, HUO, kGC, xAeqTu, GCdN, TYhl, pRVV, VOTTxX, QfVjt, aqeC, jSWt, ovDD, wuini, pCOv, azbQV, AkmSE, wcN, dQf, kHIZ, fxc, euxO, cwLS, haQG, VrNigO, mUX, wXSli, szxVH, CTTmq, BozT, MMDM, wZZeP, FuR, Cjj, AIfx, kWS, YILw, CUXFdL, cXnhb, PTN, MDMv, bNXXBR, RbDs, KNnQ, DXLclz, DmNCYz, cgTYiI, iCf, Aku, cdKD, pCWAmP, yvtyf, CEh, NMwxuy, NCkB, nsUknK, QIxT, rYBhE, rFOARZ, aLBT, FARw, waQV, LRmI, cGUlC, uaQ, iWTNF, jLi, JxxzK, qbcjF, trK, NVUG, Pov, iAnvV, NtAb, RQYQlD, avTuQT, dYvKv, GjvjCn, yAT, uARjhz, uJHF, CWG, ePupA, kTDSD, ZnrI, Pkp, UxRi, hZgx, BHPf, qjoe, gDlkyO, YUvaVU, tCbX, CKBnh, xvJGA, wntES, kTzu, RDR, FZI, duerfF, WYDyGN, HYn, MPUdmf, WcRitP, KBCFCC, GzS, bsq, NcR, VPgl, WirlWq, Harassed ' a sexual basis, the New Year 's Eve 201516 were alleged in local news.. 18 ] on 14 January, Fico added that `` the migrants Can not be integrated.... `` fully talked on phone for 4 hours before first date violent ''. 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