what differentiated instruction is and isn 't

They say educators should use Universal Design for Learning to proactively create an environment that suits all students needs. We cant expect our students to all be on the same level, so why would we design our lessons that way? Please add to the five things to consider when planning . She proactively plans a variety of ways to "get at" and express learning. Today, differentiated instruction is widely practiced as a progressive approach to education that endeavors to leverage the unique learning characteristics each student brings to the classroom to deliver a more effective education than a so-called one-size-fits-all approach. It didnt work. Or I used to differentiate for my students, but I just dont have time for that now., Sadly, this is the case for many educators. Differentiated instruction is a nice idea, but what happens when it comes to assessing and grading students? They barely have time to catch their breath. If you find yourself saying things like, I tried it, it didnt work, think about extending empathy and assuming positive intent for yourself as well as your students. When we pull students from their classes (whether for remediation or extension), we run the high risk of inducing shame in them. Instead, we can structure our lessons to provide additional instruction and practice to students at their readiness level while simultaneously exposing them to grade-level content and skills. Hopefully by now, Ive convinced you that differentiating instruction is important. She describes the practice as a way of thinking about teaching which suggests that we establish very clear learning goals, that are very substantial, and then that we teach with an eye on the student., In her book, How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms, she explains: Kids of the same age arent all alike when it comes to learning any more than they are alike in terms of size, hobbies, personality, or food preferences. Level 1: produce a timeline of literal events in the text. Level 3: write a paragraph discussing one idea from the text you found interesting. Plan instruction that is equitable,not equal. We have a choice to respond to students in punitive and judgmental ways or in compassionate ways that give them the benefit of thedoubt. Ive taught every grade from preschool to college level and use groups with every age. Another option is to rotate your groups and have them work on the lesson one at a time while the other two groups do independent work, silent reading, or center activities. Learning intentions are clearly defined (these are the discrete skills and/or concepts derived from the standard). Learn more about setting annual IEP goals. Teacher tired is a real thing. The software students are using helps teachers at Whittemore Park differentiate instruction. In all cases, its an opportunity for students to learn from each other. Groups and centers are for early elementary grades. Page | 4 _____ Characteristic Example or Explanation Differentiated instruction is a blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction. It invites readers to revisit the lead article by Carleton W. Washburne, Adjusting the Program to the Child. The report also cites the influence of Frederic Burk in the 1910s and other educators in recognizing the value of developing strategies for helping students progress according to their own abilities.. There is an enormous amount of information about differentiated instruction and the related concepts that are intertwined with . Sign up to get the latest Education Week Opinion in your email inbox.A version of this article appeared in the November 27, 2019 edition of Education Week as What Differentiated Instruction Is Not. All students receive the same core content, designed to meet the standards, but teachers adjust the complexity based on a student's readiness, interest, and learning style. Because differences are our greatest strength. The training included a discussion about optimal seating arrangements, one of many interventions that are folded into the term differentiation. The idea, the trainers explained, is to situate the lower-performing students in the same area so the teacher can support them efficiently. People are resistant to change; teachers are no different. Additionally, a differentiated instruction framework provides teachers with an excellent framework for classroom management, student grouping, and student assessment. The curriculum in both specializations includes coursework focused on strategies that provide differentiated support for the success of all students., Differentiated instruction is a comprehensive approach to teaching whose essence, according to the educational advocate Ferlazzo, is this: Recognizing that all of our students bring different gifts and challenges, and that as educators we need to recognize those differences and use our professional judgment to flexibly respond to them in our teaching.. Todays teachers still contend with the essential challenge of the teacher in the one-room schoolhouse: how to reach out effectively to students who span the spectrum of learning readiness, personal interests, and culturally shaped ways of seeing and speaking about and experiencing the world, Tomlinson writes in another of her notable texts on the topic, The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners.. Is there more information on that topic that they can explore more deeply? Then pull those students as a small group and check their understanding. Differentiated instruction doesnt replace the goals in an IEP or a 504 plan. Education Update, 62(5). I like implementing differentiated instruction via centers. It doesnt replace the goals in a childs IEP or 504 plan. Many are looking to differentiating instruction as a means to undo learning loss. In fact, a Google search of the terms learning loss and differentiation returns over 55 million results. (619) 260-4580. This mindset is critical to differentiated instruction and will be particularly helpful as students return to schools this year. Most teachers know that differentiating instruction is a good practice. OConnor, P. (June 2021). Let's begin by clarifying a couple of points. The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies to help target Ferlazzo said his version of differentiated instruction did not require a significant amount of extra work, but did require that I had relationships with my students to know their strengths, challenges and interests.. Differentiated instruction is a student-centered approach to teaching and learning. You surely canthe differentiation can and should be embedded in this context. While this article is about interventions for people struggling with an addiction and not struggling learners, the same premise holds for our schools. Understood does not provide medical or other professional advice. Ensure that for every lesson and unit of study: The focus standard is clearly identified. Oh, and I know what youre thinking. I countered: What if you assume positive intent? I went on to ask that teacher to assume the student isnt looking at another students work to cheat, but instead because he or she is confused. Differentiated instruction isn't always about grouping students based on ability or, in the music classroom, based on the instrument. That includes students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans. Differentiated instruction allows us to give students the support they need instead of lumping them together in one big group. It can also be time-consuming for teachers. What kinds of supports can you add to aid students in need of extra help? 2. Those middle-of-career teachers can attest that trying to level materials to a student who is below grade level is harder than it seems. I was in high school in 2000, among the first cohort of 21st-century learners. I hope that youll try it out in your classroom. Smaller groups make it easier to see who has mastered the lesson goals and has acquired the skills to move on. Instead of teaching the whole group in one way (like a lecture), a teacher uses a bunch of different methods. About the authors. The everything all the time model is simply not realistic or sustainable. 2022 Editorial Projects in Education, Inc. Another example of a classroom that employs an interesting variation of differentiated instruction is seen in an Edutopia video titled Station Rotation: Differentiating Instruction to Reach All Students. At Highlander Charter School in Rhode Island, classes start with a group lesson then break into smaller groups, each of which rotates through three stations designed to connect students with the material using different learning modalities. For example, the University of San Diego offers an online Master of Education degree program with different specializations ranging from Inclusive Learning to Curriculum and Instruction. Educators, learn more about how to use flexible grouping with small groups. Differentiated instruction is an effective way to make sure your students are engaging with your course material. The health and medical related resources on this website are provided solely for informational and educational purposes and are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis or for medical or professional advice. This leads me to another common misconception about differentiation. . Copyright 2014-2022 Understood For All Inc. difference between individualized instruction and differentiated instruction. Larger class sizes make it more difficult to zero in on individual student needs. It is not an even trade for a classroom assistant. ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. I think differentiated instruction actually is just teaching with the child in mind, writes Carol Ann Tomlinson, an author and teacher regarded as a pioneer in differentiated instruction. Critics contend that there isnt enough research to justify the additional resources required to support the benefits of differentiated instruction. Instead of failing the student, make a note of students who look at other students slides and use that as one piece of formative assessment evidence that those students may require additional instruction. Collectively they indicate proficiency in the learning intention). Differentiated instruction is not a curriculum or a program. And if you have any tips, please share them in the comments below! As a consultant who works with school systems internationally on differentiation, I frequently hear comments like, Oh, we tried differentiation a few years ago. All of these tools are designed to make differentiation easier for you. According to Tomlinson, there are four areas where teachers can differentiate instruction: This approach works well with the response to intervention (RTI) process used in some schools. The Role of the Teacher in a Differentiated Classroom. Differentiated instruction is not a single strategy but rather a framework that teachers can use to implement a variety of strategies, many of which are evidence-based. Content. Find teaching jobs and other jobs in K-12 education at the EdWeek Top School Jobs virtual career fair. in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership, Master of Theological Studies Franciscan Theology, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship, How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms,, The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners., the basic tenets of differentiated instruction, Establishes a safe and positive environment for learning, Includes spaces to work quietly and without distraction as well as spaces that invite student collaboration, Provides materials that reflect a variety of cultures and home settings, Establishes clear guidelines for independent work that matches individual needs, Helps students understand that some learners need to move around to learn while others do better sitting quietly, Offering a choice on a variety of writing prompts, Connecting subject matter to individual interests, Employing tiered activities through which the whole class works on the same important subject matter and skills, but with different levels of support, challenge or complexity. Search thousands of jobs, from paraprofessionals to counselors and more. Find out more about personalized learning and the difference between individualized instruction and differentiated instruction. Educators trying to balance these competing goalsrigorous curriculum, high-expectation assessments, and effective instruction for students with lower-level skillsrun into the hollow battle cry of just differentiate! If only we had thought of that before I spent my prep remediating students, my evenings giving feedback, or my weekends developing leveled content for the next unit to come. For your more advanced students, think of how you can extend the concepts of that activity. Follow the Education Week Opinion section on Twitter. Differentiated instruction focuses on these four areas: 1. When it comes to differentiation (and all instruction), please be compassionate to yourself, your students, and each other. Please check the primary influencer of your inquiry. It is therefore crucial that the faculty and administration discuss and agree on what differentiation is going to look like in their building, with their staff, and their resources. . Nor should we fool ourselves into thinking it can cure all that ails education. Although differentiated instruction has been shown to improve literacy skills for young readers, many teachers at the study site did not differentiate instruction for all students. It Can Be Messy But Also Thrilling, Simple Advice for Effective Classroom Management, How One High School Teacher Builds Vocabulary, and Rapport, With Her Students, Spotlight on Effective Classroom Engagement. Advisor unavailable. These evidence-based strategies include: Employing effective classroom management procedures. This method also requires instructional clarity and clearly defined goals for learning, better . Please select a different advisor. At a glance Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that tailors instruction to students' different learning needs. But what about the students outside of the average range? The five foundations for making your classroom somewhere your studentsand youare excited to be every day. Simply lowering our expectations for student achievement is problematic, too. I'm not going to make a long, This kid right here. Nope. This gives them a chance to participate in many different groups. "I think differentiated instruction actually is, M.S. Psychology Today, pp. A classroom with a learning environment optimized for differentiated instruction is one that: To help gauge the most effective strategies for reaching each student and helping them learn and perform to the best of their unique abilities, teachers are also encouraged to consider students individual: A simplified example of connecting a students interest to the content of a particular learning goal or assignment is illustrated in an Education Week video narrated by teacher and author Larry Ferlazzo, who explains that differentiating instruction is really about getting to know your students and making decisions, often in the moment, based on what they need. See my privacy policy for more info. Do you agree that we need differentiation now more than ever? When offered more options on how they can learn the material, students become more motivated and engaged, taking on more responsibility for their own learning. If you do, let me know how it goes. The digital age has resulted in a treasure trove of interventions and techniques, and differentiation is an aggregation of some of the best iterations of small-group instruction. It also requires an individual approach for each student, which isnt the case with differentiation. It quickly became obvious to me that there is much more to differentiating than simply physically grouping students based on common ability. Wearing slippers to work is, Ive been working on an online course called the, Here's a sneak peek into my virtual lessons from t, Can I just say how much I'm loving this warmer wea, Please and thank you. Remember that both you and your students can always take something you learned today and refine it tomorrowits a marathon, not a sprint. in Engineering, Sustainability and Health, M.S. differentiated instruction is a comprehensive approach to teaching whose essence, according to the educational advocate ferlazzo, is this: "recognizing that all of our students bring different gifts and challenges, and that as educators we need to recognize those differences and use our professional judgment to flexibly respond to them in our How can you use these moments to more closely understand your students needs? This model works in the classroom, too. This process requires teachers to anticipate and acknowledge the differences in students' readiness, interests, and learning styles. This Spotlight will help you learn best tips for getting students attention; engage both introverted and extroverted students; and more. 2020 has been the year of learning opportunities. A: Advocates contend that by connecting subject matter and learning goals to individual student strengths, interests and learning styles, differentiated instruction can inspire students to be more engaged and motivated, thereby creating improved learning outcomes by inspiring them to take on more responsibility for their own learning. And it will be over the heads of another third. Honestly, teaching to the middle isnt a bad approach since it does accommodate most of the class. You can use this with any grade level really. The study evaluated the effect of differentiated instruction on the academic performance of senior secondary school students in Islamic studies in Kaduna state, Nigeria. It lets students show what they know in different ways. A: The amount of additional preparation required is open to debate, but most educators agree that successfully employing differentiated instruction does require building relationships with students to know their strengths, challenges and interests. Are Teachers Prepared to Teach Special Education? Instead, we can structure our lessons to provide additional instruction and practice to students at their readiness level while simultaneously exposing them to grade-level content and skills if we. Differentiated_Instruction_A_Guide_for_World_Langu._----_(1_Differentiated_Instruction_What_It_Is_What_It_Isn't).pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. There will be others that are lackluster. Westman, L. (2020, May). It is not an IEP. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110 Beth Knapp uses old words and modern-day vernacular to stretch her students' language skills. This is simply formative assessment evidence for us to reflect on and hone our practices. Gain an expert understanding of how school districts can improve their cyber resilience and get ahead of cybersecurity challenges and threats. Can you make activities to address these smaller parts? But focusing on loss assumes something was had in the first place. Each group has a point. Educators weigh in on the best ways to set appropriate expectations for their students and themselves. In the middle schools where I have taught, differentiated instruction is understood in multiple ways. There is not an intervention available that I will not implement for one of my 8th grade students, if needed. Although teachers can now collaborate with colleagues on the challenge of lifting such a heterogeneous group over state benchmarks, todays differentiation can no more overcome all the problems of American public schools than the one-room schoolhouse could. If students lost their learning, did they ever really have it? Sign up for freebies, news and special offers! A quiet child who hasnt mastered the material can easily go unnoticed until a formal assessment. Even strategies that allowed teachers greater oversight were doubted in the face of the freedom students had during remote learning. What Differentiated Instruction Isand Isn't Kids of the same age aren't all alike when it comes to learning any more than they are alike in terms of size, hobbies, personality, or food preferences. After all, differentiation is a strategy intended to help you tailor your course to best fit each of your students' preferred interests and learning methods, and this naturally leads to students feeling more engaged. We will modify our personal approach, the materials, and the digital environment to spur progress in learners based on the framework of the curriculum and standards. This blog contains affiliate links from which I earn a small commission at no cost to you. [RELATED] 10 Traits of Effective School Leaders >>. As educators, we are obliged to be responsive to the children and young adults in front of us. This model ensures that at least two-thirds of your students are disengaged. Title : Teaching Vocabulary Through Differentiated Instruction With Leveled Graphic Organizers (Grades 4-8). Teaching this way gives students choice and flexibility in how they learn, and helps teachers personalize learning. One way to do this is to have all three groups work on it at the same time. But even with all these innovative approaches, differentiation has become an update of the one-room schoolhouse model. Theres nothing wrong with this approach, but theres room for improvement. It is not English-language-learner support. Nothing crazy, no dramatic changes, just slightly altered versions of the same lesson. Differentiation teaches students that there isn't just one right way to learn . Other ways to group students (that aid in differentiating) include grouping based on interest and grouping based on strength. What's both fair and leads to real student learning? She defines the concept as a way to factor in and consider students' learning styles, requirements, and readiness before putting together lesson plans. Gifted students need more challenging activities while lower performing students require additional support. When students feel shame, it renders them incapable of learning and may likely lead to other adverse behaviors. The success criteria are clearly identified (these are the indicators that the student has mastered the learning intention. She is passionate about teaching and learning, and she is dedicated to effecting change that positively affects both students and educators. Thi, Who needs a quick (and FREE) last minute activity, Dont get me wrong. How can educators reframe the concept of learning loss to instead focus on growth? Educators have been anticipating learning loss for the past 18 months. Instead of focusing on loss, lets focus on determining whether or not students have met learning targets. Many educators believe that making differentiated instruction truly worthwhile requires significant additional work devoted to lesson planning. When students feel shame, it renders them incapable of learning and may likely lead to other adverse behaviors. ET. During a classroom assignment that involved an argument essay about what would be the worst natural disaster to experience, he noticed that one student had his head down on the desk and was not participating. You can get my free Group Management Tools to help organize your differentiated groups. In this . In addition, educators often believe they need to see all small groups of students every day for the same number of minutes. Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that tailors instruction to all students learning needs. A teacher will teach one topic to a class but give each student a different experience. 3. Abstract Premium Resource Instructional Strategies Equity Engagement Credit: MIODRAG IGNJATOVIC / iSTOCK Differentiated instruction allows us to zero in more closely on individual needs. Whatever ones desired area of focus, there are a range of masters degree programs including online options designed to help working teachers achieve their career development goals. This team, however, was concerned that since the students could see each others answers, they would cheat., I said, Well, the great thing about this format is you can see if any of your students are looking at slides other than their own. Understood is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) private operating foundation (tax identification number 83-2365235). You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Here is a brief summary of some of the chief pros and cons. Thankfully, differentiated instruction can be the solution. Differentiated instruction is also different from personalized learning. Though differentiated instruction has likely been around since the days of the one-room schoolhouse, we started hearing the phrase in earnest during the 1990s, when Carol Ann . Differentiated instruction is an invaluable resource for teachers who have students at many different levels. How can they apply the concepts and skills at a more challenging level? Tomlinsons emphasis on Content, Process and Product is fundamental to the theory and practice of differentiated instruction. An internationally recognized expert on grading practices, Rick Wormeli first examined these questions 10 years ago in the first edition of "Fair Isn't Always Equal." In this thoroughly updated second edition, Rick provides a catalyst . The goal of RTI is to address learning struggles early. For students in need of additional support, think about how you can break up the lessons concepts into smaller parts. Pulling a small group to reteach prerequisite skills is an example of a tier-two intervention during tier-one instruction time. It allows all students to be exposed to where they are going and hone the skills they need to get there with targeted instruction. The antithesis of empathizing with students is shaming them (inadvertently or not). How can students comprehend text if they cant decode? In other words, a differentiated classroom provides different avenues to acquiring content, to processing or making sense of ideas, and to developing products so that each student can learn effectively.. Geri Coleman Tucker is a freelance writer and editor and a former deputy managing editor for. Differentiated instruction isnt new, but its essential emphases on empathy and meeting students needs have never been more important. Thinking About the Needs of Students in a Differentiated Classroom. Modern teachers will try our best to differentiate as the technical craftspeople we are. What Differentiated Instruction IsAnd Isn't The Rationale for Differentiating Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms Thinking About the Needs of Students in a Differentiated Classroom The Role of the Teacher in a Differentiated Classroom Read more About the authors Her presentations are designed to "keep it real," focusing on specific models and strategies that all educators can implementand, more importantly, want to implement. Evidence from these formative assessments is then regularly used to inform instruction. In the era of one-room schoolhouses, a single teacher needed to engage students of a wide age range. A teacher uses differentiated instruction to give every student multiple paths to learning. School leaders need to stop pretending that differentiated teaching alone can surmount evaporating resources and support. John Hattie has noted that direct instruction done correctly has a greater impact on student learning than group work done incorrectly. One would think this practice of publicly ranking the intellectual haves and have-nots died out a while ago. New teachers may find themselves wondering, What is differentiated instruction anyway?. While working with a large group, its difficult to zero in on students who need extra support or enrichment. There will be some strategies that we try that will work. Differentiated Instruction is Proactive. All the students have the same learning goal. Differentiated Instruction: A Definition For Teachers For teachers and administrators, a useful definition of differentiated instruction is "adapting content, process, or product" according to a specific student's "readiness, interest, and learning profile." It can be first that of as a matter of contrast-'differences.' Its a free printable file that includes 33 pages of charts, templates, station signs, tips and more. Chad Towarnicki is an 8th grade English/language arts teacher in Ambler, Pa. In the middle schools where I have taught, differentiated instruction is understood in multiple ways. What Differentiated Instruction Is Not: A Teachers Perspective, K-12 Cybersecurity in the Real World: Lessons Learned & How to Protect Your School, Trauma-Informed Schools 101: Best Practices & Key Benefits, Virtual Career Fair for Teachers and K-12 Staff, You're a New Teacher. It is not reading support. To accommodate individual needs better, just take that approach a bit further. When we pull students from their classes (whether for remediation or extension), we run the high risk of inducing shame in them. Book Description. Differentiation is not supposed to equal remediation, however. Four ways to differentiate instruction According to Tomlinson, teachers can differentiate instruction through four ways: 1) content, 2) process, 3) product, and 4) learning environment. Is there a project that they can work on? Expect BETTER work, Often times, educators believe that you cannot have whole-group direct instruction as part of differentiation. Smaller groups make it easier to see who has mastered the lesson goals and has acquired the skills to move on. Let's just say he's been thro. But there are a few key features: Small work groups: The students in each group rotate in and out. Differentiated instruction is a strategy to ensure that every student masters any given concept, no matter his or her learning style . Teachers know better than anyone that students each have their own unique gifts and challenges; interests, aptitudes and learning styles. Once a student could meet the criteria, they switched groups to the next level. What Differentiated Instruction IsAnd Isn't. The Rationale for Differentiating Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms. Reading Rockets, the Library of Congress Literacy Award-winning advocacy organization, also cites Tomlinsons influence in mapping out the basic tenets of differentiated instruction, which guide classroom teachers in differentiating three specific aspects of the educational experience, plus a fourth that encompasses and expands upon these three: Learning environment is the fourth variable in the differentiated instruction equation. Lisa Westman is an author, speaker, and consultant who works regularly with school systems across the country to effectively implement student-driven differentiation, standards-based learning, and instructional coaching programs. But lets not disrespect differentiated instruction or the teachers who implement it by underestimating the effort involved. And theres always some new best practice being pushed on them. Differentiated instruction is among the favorite strategies three educators employ in teaching physical education. We will, somehow, sand away at the mountains of grading and prep. But when I put that seating arrangement into practice during an Of Mice and Men unit, one group labeled themselves the Lennie group, after Steinbecks unforgettable character with an intellectual disability. What does it mean to teach to the middle? Basically, its when a teacher designs their lesson plans for the average student. This is the classic, non-differentiated approach. Pages : 112. . Reciprocal learning: Sometimes students become teachers, sharing what theyve learned and asking classmates questions. It also becomes harder for harried teachers to provide the necessary support for students who are learning at well above or below grade level. Try thinking of how you can make different versions of the same lesson. But differentiating is not a new approach or programin fact, MTSS and differentiation are hot topics almost every school year, whether were in a pandemic or not. Differentiation is not a magic wand that will make a single teacher in a classroom generate better test scores out of a greater quantity of students with less support and fewer colleagues. Designing your lessons for the middle, or the average student population, is a great place to start. In my 8th grade, English/language arts inclusion class, to further the parallel, abilities often range from grades 6 through 10. The veteran educators tend to call it a "new name for the same old things." Teachers in the. Sign up for freebies, news and special offers. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will reach out right away! Through tiered lessons, we are better able to understand our students abilities and needs. Schools are grateful for additional funds to address learning loss, quickly amp up professional learning, focus on assessing where students are, and firm up differentiation practices and multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). . New York: Bantam. The qualities that made for a good teacher then are just as true today, even as the vocabulary we use has evolved: knowing students on a social-emotional level; communicating with the parents; assigning work at the level of students performance and responding to changes in performance; giving tailored, specific feedback; and generating and modifying daily materials. It involves changing the way you teach students based on their individual needs. The veteran educators tend to call it a new name for the same old things. Teachers in the middle of their careers look at it like a mountain of prep and grading for a more efficient in-class experience for the students. Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that tailors instruction to all students' learning needs. Fri., January 20, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Follow Exceptional Thinkers on TPT for freebies, sales, and new resources. I believe my colleagues and I are better teachers for having gone through differentiation training. It doesn't replace the goals in a child's IEP or 504 plan. So why doesnt everyone do it? That type of teaching changes the pace of how students learn. in Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship, M.S. It refers to the climate, or the look and feel of a classroom the physical space as well as the tone set by the teacher to establish an atmosphere of mutually supportive learning. The standards represent grade-level achievement, which is supposed to be the aim. Media inquiries:media@understood.org(preferred) or646-757-3100. 3435. If there are too many students in a class, or if the teacher isnt experienced with the approach, the classroom can get distracting and chaotic. If students are to remember more than their rung on an ability ladder, teachers must do the hard work of providing each student with the scaffolds that support their engagement and help them build their skills. Research suggests that differentiated instruction can be effective both for students who are academic achievers as well as those with learning challenges or even significant disabilities. As a result, they teach to the middle and call it a day. But as class sizes inflate and staff decrease, it becomes more difficult to perfectly identify all of students needs. Empathy over ambush. And what are the best roads to get there for different students? Do you always assume positive intent in the classroom? I love it! I often talk about ways to differentiate material and provide helpful tips. 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