5e races with natural armor

Base Humans have no racial abilities, skills, or resistances, making them the most 'neutral' of the available choices. Unfortunately, the extra skill is basically useless. Int, Darkvision, and you can use Pack Tactics with your Steel Defender. Erradiago stand between 5 and 7 feet tall once they achieve adulthood. options like the rapier and the whip (especially if youre going for Battle A magically competent yet pompous race of bird-folk. Odd fey who are elusive until the moon shows. Line AOEs are difficult to use, but with the longer Those who were cast out. Booming Blade. They lair deep in remote forests. What began as an evil awakening of plants has turned into thriving settlements of these goodhearted beings. A vast humanoid that knows no limit to its size. Pack Tactics may be enough to make up for the lack of an Intelligence Humanoids of the Shadowfell, infused with shadowstuff. Sand Shifts are usually pretty similar in height and build, ranging from just under 4 feet to just over 4 feet. An organic construct, created to aid a magic user. Frogfolk are normal frogs enchanted by elven magic. Underground dogs with surprising intelligence and magical affinity. Large centipede monstrosities with a knack for poison. The offspring of a devil and a human ritual. Eastern Dragons, with a love of the cold. Nearly everything that the changeling does can be replace with some combination of tools and spells available to the Artificer. very difficult to hurt. Customized Origin: I tried to implement Harpy's Song in a balanced way Harpies, like other birdfolk, are quick. Most probably you can easily find them in the ancient forest and silvery spires easily. A race of large, powerful, four-armed warriors. Ooga Booga! Taltos are aberrations in human form who attach themselves to those with magic powers. Geists are a unique form of a ghost or other spirit in that they have elected to turn away from the Blessed Sleep, a form of the afterlife where the souls find eternal rest, rather than being prohibited from it due to a geist's anguish or regret overcoming the pull toward the ther. Tough, fierce, and hungry, half-trolls combine the best traits of both their parents' biology. increase, Darkvision, and some innate spellcasting. Short, greedy cowards spawned by the equally cowardly Raxivort, living and speaking with vermin. These Mantis vary from 8ft tall to 10 ft tall. You have the movement speed of your true form, however, it is increased by 5. A lazy, profane cat created as a parody of Garfield. They're not too smart. They are based on the "Mistborn" book series. Trade some of the original Aarakocras speed for a little bit of extra spellcasting. Results of an ancient experiment who treat the world with the hate they are given. Only a shred of your divine power remains. Classic (Customized Origin) VGtM: +2/+1 increases, two skills, and natural armor. Dog-fairies with an intimidating appearance but a timid heart. because they tend to dump Strength, and Natural Armor doesnt help much RELATED: 10 Homebrew Dungeons & Dragons Rules Everyone Should Use, According To Reddit. Artificers cant cast either of the Water Genasis leveled spells, but they have infusions to provide everything else that the Water Genasi gets and the spells are only situationally useful. Creatures with the upper torso of a humanoid and lower torso of a spider. Bearnaurs stand between 6 and 7 feet tall, and their bear bodies vary in size based on the type of bear. There are no clear builds where the Autognome really shines because the Autognome makes a great choice for any artificer. Alien beings born of twisted experimentation. A reclusive race of reptilian folk found exclusively in a mysterious jungle temple. Absurdy cute cats with fighting skills!!! When they are "born" they polymorph into Tiny humanoid beings. A crossbreed of orc and elves, the dantise blends the traits of both races. A race of humans who gained near-vampiric powers. Humanoids attuned to their natural side a bit too much. Grovetenders are golems made to tend to forests. A Trickster Fox Spirit that is feared for its mischievous behavior and abilities. UpdatedMMoM: Awakened zombies are undead creatures formed from dark magic but have managed to retain their intellect from when they were alive. WebSince spells in 5e typically do only what they say all you have to worry about are these two lines: They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them. If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.. Humanoid fey that resembles a damaged tree. Tall, wise, and colorful, the phoenixhearted embody the vibrancy of their mythical predecessor. Vampires are undeath and evil manifest of inversed good and paradox. (In simpler terms, octopus samurai). Their looks are not good by their side and are ghastly, and that is the reason why they are usually insulted by other people. Appealing for the Haunted trees that protect the forests it calls home from those who would harm it. They are one of the happiest and most cheerful races who love to live in communities and usually make loud sounds while laughing along with their partners near their residencies. Old humanoid beings attuned to cold nature, People who took on the powers of majestic beasts. Shadar-Kai, see their separate race entries on The innate spellcasting is Charisma-based, so Trance also gets you an extra tool, which is great for artificers. Humanoid descendants from unicorns who's existence is seen as a myth. Anthropomorphic eel creatures that dwell in the wastelands. Skeletons imbued with the runes of necromancy. Quick and silent, ratfolk exist as outsiders no matter where they are, but they let nothing get in their way. the Artificer. skills. You can move forward and backward with equal ease, and scuttle sideways at a speed of 20 feet. They just sort of looks like humanoids with the scales and the overall color of the dragon that they hope to have descended from. The Armorers Infiltrator Armor makes most of the Deep Gnomes traits redundant. These entries may not actually have been submitted on April 1st, but they certainly fit the spirit of the day! Goblin Lords are discernable from normal goblins by their larger builds, they otherwise look like normal Goblins which is how they are discernable from goblinoids such as Hobgoblins and Bugbears. (3225 items), Subraces, subclasses, feats, and variants for both races and class features alike. Limited Telepathy is neat, but may be hard for the Artificer to use due to Your base walking speed is 25 feet. A bipedal bouquet of roses that is just as deadly as it is beautiful. come from your subrace. Thanks to their strong wings, beaks, and talons, each has an expected set of attributes. Your size is Small. One minute a power-house of unfathomable strength, magic, wit, or sheer will, the next a sudden failure at basic speech, the anime girl covers a wide group of archetypes, from Best Girl to Waifu, from Yandere to Tsundere, Isekai heroine to school girl. Ysoki, also known among others as ratfolk, are small people who resemble humanoid rats. At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move. Anthropomorphic canines with skulls for faces, A being of a reincarnated and redeemed elemental, Strange people who fell from the sky and believe strongly in gravity. WebYour base walking speed is 25 feet. The borkiest race you'll find. Dromaei stand about 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh about 190 pounds. Humanoids with crystalline augmentations, crystallid-shards tend to be very skilled in combat. Short, foxlike creatures that are usually very faithful to their religion and use the word "Rapo" in front of objects that originated from a raposa-run village. Half-spider, half-drow. Your. Jovial, fierce critters who can surprise the most unsurprised. Feline shaped people with nightmare eyes. This creature has the upper torso, head, and arms of a giant with massive tusks and the body of a great woolly mammoth, similar to a centaur that is a half horse. +2 Int, +1 Con, Hidden Step can get you out of melee if great, but youre also immune to poison, and Magic Resistance is insanely A race of humanoid, anthropomorphic fox people who are coveted for their power, and infamously known for their shapeshifting abilities from a fox. Descended from the Heavens, Parakins are a celestial humanoid race of colorful bird people that is accustomed to traversing the open seas, and tropics, alike. Strange, bipedal creatures that dwell in dense thickets. Dracons are a race of dragons cursed in the egg to hatch in humanoid form. Their gruff appearance, however, makes their first impressions pretty week. A race of humanoids with large magical eyes and strangely colored skin. Beasthide works great for front-line artificers who want to stand still and draw attacks. Living earth people who came from indents, Tieflings borne from the demon lord of Roses. Standing tall and graceful, they are guardians of the select giant forests. Darkvision alone is an incredibly useful feature, as it spares players the hassle of adventuring through caves or dungeons. (98 items), Monsters, non-player characters, and templates. Classic (Default Rules)VGtM: Some Unknowns decide to leave their domain to see what the outside world has to offer. No matter the breed, these are your ability score increases. Half-ogres, pretty much like half-orcs, are normally seen as no different from their ogre ancestors, but it's all in the individual's power to not follow that path even though the bloodlust is still in their veins. easily find an option that will suit your play style. A race of nomad feline humanoids with ambiguous morality. Moreover, their appearance also is somehow similar to mountains, and that is the only reason that they can roam around the different rocks and mountains fearlessly. Tree people who sustain themselves with natural magic. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. gnome subraces work well with the shared gnome traits as a basis, allowing you Artificers dont have a way to get resistance to psychic damage, and innate spellcasting is always welcome since artificers get relatively few spell slots compared to full casters. Touched by the power of a raging storm, stormborn have powers beyond that of mere humans. Amphibious coastal merfolk of the shallows and the shores. level offer powerful new ways to use your breath weapon beyond just damage. A proud race, their species varied by the environments they had taken residence to in the centuries following the birth of their kind. Guardians of the Forest. A blue skinned people from the Gate of Moon. +2 Small, semi-aggressive dragonfly creatures. RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. An intergalactic race of sentient gemstones. You're a semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal of action. Customized Origin: They resemble bears in many ways. Half Succubus/Incubus, Half-Human What's not to love? Cunning are great on any character, and the ability to reassign your ability Your beauty as a female is unparalleled by Human and Elven standards. Their daughters may either turn into them or forge their own path. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, or 20 feet in narrow hallways. A cautious race of humans mixed with a little dragon blood. Raven children are often feared for their ties with death and many use this to their advantage to intimidate others. People from a no-man's land that used to be beasts, Short humanoids that carry out the wills of a death god. Small, peaceful cetacean-people that turn into monsters when enraged. Your size is Medium. Cactus people with a rigid outlook on life. The Corivilus are a flying ape-like creature originally from the Elemental Plane of Air. Perhaps the most redeeming trait is the ability to use Vampiric Bite to boost your Ability Checks, allowing the Artificer to further stack bonuses onto their skill and tool use.. Darkvision, Eerie Token, and the ability to cast Hex add some interesting options. Avion are very agile half harpy half human creatures usually occurring from a mutation within the egg. Beasts no longer human, after having consumed of forbidden flesh. Geitlan, known to many as Goatfolk, are a race of half-human half-goat humanoids similar to Satyrs or Minotaur. The cross between immense power and human morals. Watchers of Nature. +2 Int, +1 Con, and a Chimerical humanoids made of a failed ritual. Ardragmons vary widely in height and build, from barely 4 feet to well over 8 feet tall. Januaries usually stand around 8 feet tall and are usually 180 to 210 pounds. Long-limbed might combine well with the Armorers Thunder Gauntlets, but note Medrosakal stand between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. short-term flight, which is nice, but becomes less impactful once you can Uh, the dwarves are short, stout creatures and theyre usually less than five feet tall. A small, swift mole Pokmon that burrows underground. Your size is Medium. Your size is Small. way to use that increase. Half-Orcs also get a free bonus dice on critical hits with Savage Attack, gaining a little extra damage on an already powerful hit. Tuna and sweetcorn, on the verge of being perhaps a deific race, are beings of small-human-sized, sandwich-like visage. Built for a war that has ended, searching for purpose. Your size is Medium. Gnolls are brutal hunters with a demonic ancestry who are fiercely loyal to their pack. Etterkin are spider-like humanoids who are descended from Ettercaps. Jronians do not like technology as much as they like magic and their slaves. Former werewolves blessed by angelic powers. Metallic: The go-to option if you really Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. DM about which races are welcome in your game, as not all settings are Most of their height appears to be length, as their spine is bent forwards. A Dwarf's natural hardiness makes them tougher to take down -- even in a notoriously squishy class -- and their expanded list gives them some powerful options normally unavailable to Wizards, namely Armor of Agathys, a low level spell that provides temporary Hit Points and deals massive flat counter damage for every strike against them. Powerful, fiendish looking goblinoids who use their hair to overpower their foes. Silk, Cloths, and other fabrics wraped around itself loosely, forming a humanoid visage. The rats see and hear far more than they let on. Clay men with the souls of a human, though they don't show them that much. RELATED: 10 Pregenerated Dungeons and Dragons Characters For Beginners, Ranked. Spirits who have, through vaguely defined means, created physical bodies for themselves. DnD 5e The Aarakocra Handbook. A race of sentient, humanoid rodents awakened by magic. Half-Dwarves share the versatility of their human heritage while retaining some of the resilience of their Dwarven ancestors. Homo Novus, the Dark Ones, are Mystic masters born in a radioactive world that was left to rot. People born of divine breath from the clouds. Fox people known for their incredible speed and cunning. The Yuan-Ti Pureblood is one of the best D&D races for a magic user because it's a natural choice for a race with an Intelligence bonus. Darkvision, and proficiency in Perception. The child of a Tiefling and a Fallen Angel. Piles of gore. Generally, their knowledge of the outside world is quite limited. They can bleed, eat, and sleep like any other humanoid. Your tanarukk character has a variety of traits, derived from your mixed orc and demon ancestry. These wicked fish were created by Cthulhu himself. Small frilled reptilians, mutated by illithid intelligence. Your lynian character still retains many traits from its primal feline ancestors, with the added enrichment of higher intelligence thrown in the mix. A being made entirely out of magical energy. A true abomination to the world, and one that is aggressive to all. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Races Races by Type Spider Climb is neat, but seems silly when flight is on the table and you can infuse Slippers of Spider Climbing. A small plant that has been granted sentient life through some experimentation. A race of foxes that have accelerated far beyond a normal fox, these foxes have gained strong natural magic power to be able to create illusions and change their forms. Gadragger are very intelligent and slightly monstrous item collectors. Cerebral, xenophobic alien beings with a rewritten soul. You get additional modes of movement from your subraces. Living along with the places of their old planes, Githyanki 5e is the race that is well known for its slender and slim humanoids with rough and leathery skin. If you prick me, do I not sap?". Uroa are incredibly resilient fey creatures. (Kind of like a miniature Cthulhu.). Good at climbing and even better at getting into trouble! Beings of stone, Rock Humans live their lives detached from the world. The ape men of the Orphan Isle, eager to explore the world they have been isolated from for so long. is a natural choice: with built-in flight, Stealth proficiency, and Darkvision you can be a truly exceptional Scout with little further effort. Challenge Rating 5e (5th Edition) How to Use CR, Sorcerer 5e (5th Edition)- Everything You Need to Know, Warlock 5e Class HOW TO PLAY Deatiled Guide, Ranger 5e (5th Edition) Class in DnD Classes, Lizardfolk 5e Race Overview How It Works, Paladin 5e (5th Edition) Class in Dnd Classes [Full Guide], Sneak Attack 5e (5th Edition) Class in D&D Classes, Bard 5e (5th Edition) Class in D&D Classes, Rogue 5e (5th Edition) Class for Dnd Classes. Humans with just a little extra added on. Nymphs of flowers that, unlike the dryad, bound themselves to the Material Plane. especially impactful since artificers rarely use weapons with hit dice larger Weapon spirits are created to serve a purpose, whether it be guiding a hero through their prophecy, protecting their weapon, or aiding their creator. +2/+1 increases, "Constructs created by magic, surrounding a gem. Built like mountains, eating rocks, and wading through lava gorons are nothing if not hardy and impregnable. Owl-like relatives of the aarakocra and masters of the arrow. Draconic beings from the frigid plains of Kara-Tur. Jotnar are the fierce descendants of goliaths and tieflings or other fiends. Saurian tribal peoples with raptor speeds. Stones Endurance is great for front-line artificer Outcast from the pack, smaller and weaker at birth, Albino Gnolls had to adapt to using their brains and their speed to be better than those that would harm them. With their long life and seniority of their kind, the Fae possess several unique abilities. Customized OriginERLW: Woundup are wind up constructs with lost souls bound to the Key. The Hylek are a species of alchemically-inclined tribal frog-men. Bularre are powerful humanoids derived from the Bulette. Bug like creature that resembles ant or mantis. Along with being intended to be used by dungeon masters, player characters are encouraged to use this section to discover possibilities in their campaign by asking your dungeon master about implementing pages from this section into the campaign. That Is Boring Instead, weve arranged the combos from most well-liked to least popular class, as determined by the D&D Beyond list of most well-liked character classes and races. Dwarf-hogs are a proud and physically powerful race descended from dwarves and hog folk. ", Since gods are gods they get lots of overpowered abilities. Conclusion: Best Tank Races in D&D 5e. These tiny raccoon tricksters have the ability to shapechange. increases, darkvision, access to two martial weapons starting at first level, Since they are made of metals, they don't need to wear armor, though they can. Anthropomorphous squirrels raised for war. Hyena-headed inhabitants of the spine of the world, their lives devoted to survival and the service of their monstrous god. So we arent discussing why humans are the best race to play. enough to matter. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Races levels when your spell options are very limited. Primordial humanoids of pure solar energy that function as small suns. Only the strangest people can wield such an esoteric power. Constitution increase around, but increasing Constitution is still the best The rare product of a Human-Dwarven Coupling, though the results are contrary to the name. Reincarnated demons who serve a high-class demon who are normally purebloods. Gem: The best damage types offensively, and The race called the lostfolk eat the flesh of their kills, whoever that may be. It also takes a full action and can only be used once per rest, which gives it extremely limited overall combat utility. By being reincarnated, you gained several blessings that made you very strong. A Race based off of Enkidu from the fate franchise. As a forest child, you gain the following traits: A race of stone and earth constructs, in which many plants take root. A race of sentient apes renowned for an obsession with bananas. In Dungeons & Dragons, a player creates their character selected from one among many fantasy species referred to as 5e racesvar cid='2508094670';var pid='ca-pub-5191280647355557';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-dndraces_com-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);container.style.width='100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Short, scrawny humanoids with ratlike physical features. They are found as both itinerant merchants and scavengers in the cities of other races. An o'korn is strong in both body and mind, their watermark making them more durable than most. You have a swimming speed of 15 feet. Gecko pokemon who may be small but slow to gain trust. What's not to love? Infusing Winged Boots is arguably a better choice, but its certainly not as fun. Fey creatures that vaguely resemble humanoids with the heads of deer. They stiffly fight against injustice and ensure to create the right environment in the game. You can move the Furry, nimble, small, retiring and agreeable race. compatible with other variants. Born of a terrible curse, these vulture-like humanoids are doomed to kill and eat their peers out of feral instincts. Bipedal, burly humanoids covered in yellow fur that electrocutes the competition. Small, free-spirited puffballs known for their mischief-making. Quadrupedal bird-like creatures that build traps for their own uses. A race of furry, horned beasts with tusks and a long tongue that live in the mountains. Your size is Medium. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Jiralhanae, also known as Brutes, are massive mountains of muscle. Your size is Medium. Mountain folk with a strange language as well as scales and skin. Beings from another world that mingle unseen among civilization. Umbrella term for flying denizens of the flying cities called "aeries". Counter to almost every other race, they do not start with Common as a language only 'Grung.' Insectoid monstrosities who are mistreated. Charming, cute constructs built out of ink, paper, and magic. Very aggressive Orcs of fiendish ritual experimentation. After sprouting its limbs, the mimic can draw itself up to a height of 6 to 7 feet. Ranging from 5'5" to 7' your size is Medium. Your Kor character has these traits. Bladelings tend to be around 5 to 6 feet tall. Powerful and Savage, they are a brutal but tough race. A deadly plant, armed with a large head filled with razor sharp fangs and leaves as sharp as daggers. Cheerfully coloured, glowing insectile humanoids dwelling in the Shadowfell. They can be up to about a foot in height when standing on their hind legs, but are usually shorter, around 8-10 inches. A tall and friendly race of humanoids whose origins are highly unknown to all but them. Small, green, spacefaring humanoids from distant planet Kerbin. Ordinary plants given sentience and mobility by the. (though it only affects one of the targets), and Nimble Escape is excellent Your size is Medium. Frankensteins are large humans, created from the parts of other, deceased humans. Leading up with one of the most adaptable and very ambitious 5e characters, the human is the one who is known as an innovator and pioneer of the game. Alien, frightening beings of great mental prowess and forceful personalities. Creepy bird people with multi-eye patterns, Skeletal beings that are half humanoid and reptilian. youre built for range and accidently find yourself in melee. The great researchers of times, places and realities, whose minds are far, far older than their bodies. Warforged is another one of the most powerful races of D&D 5e Races that were created as a tool of war. As the name suggests, these races are the successors of the dragon and walk proudly and confidently in different parts of the world. A vulture-like race that are more minotaur than birdfolk. Not all characters wear armor or carry shields, however. Hydronians often have a body size of 6 feet, with their serpentine heads bring them up to 9 or ten feet and a weight at times over 400 pounds. Strong, tenacious, information sponge that are greatly underestimated. Contents1 Warforged 5e Religion2 D&D 5e Warforged Names3 Important for Warforged 5e4 Warforged 5e Traits 5 Warforged 5e Adventurers6 Direct Response ARM 1d4 Weapon7 Juggernaut8 Quirks9 Integrated Protection10 FAQs10.1 Q1.Is it true that Warforged barbarians never get tired?10.2 Q2.An armored Warforged will minimize Your people have lived since time immemorial. Pale, beautiful beings who seduce and feed on the life force of others. feat is tempting for Artillerists looking to boost the numerous fire damage As a fairy your character is blessed with special attributes, that set it apart from other creatures. The Oovi-Kat are a race known for there individuality and there disguises. They rely heavily on their senses. The Kreen view everything through the lens of the hunt and the predator-prey relationship. Strong, versatile and deadly are a few of the things that describe a Yautja. increase. Hydras endowed with the gift of sentience, but damned to live exiled lives. Or was that just your imagination? A typical member of the orristaten people. Ca Ca Ca Ca! An immortal thing. Young human females corrupted by mental conditioning and the addiction towards the drug Adam. Toxic slime Pokmon that smell worse than feces, rotting flesh, eggs, and heavily fermented sauerkraut Yuck. Draconic precursors who took a much different path. Wise and sturdy, the Gillmen are an aquatic humanoid race that are able to swim and breathe underwater. Though your mere existence generates a great deal of mistrust towards your kind, your mixed heritage is still a powerful thing. Warlock and sorcerer are the two most popular classes to play as a tielfling however, you can certainly be Ive seen a bard play with them multiple times, anything thats a little bit more exotic I would say. If handled properly, they can serve as one of the most faithful servants and are one of the real warriors of the game. UpdatedMMoM: Lamia stand between 5 and 6 feet tall when upright, but the total length of their bodies, head to tail, ranges from 15 to as much as 30 feet. Your size is Medium. Yeti like humanoids that live in the cold reaches of the mountains. Humanoid plants growing over a long dead corpse. A swarm of militaristic sprites united under a single banner. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dndraces_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',169,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dndraces_com-medrectangle-4-0'); In our look for the best combos of race/class, I found a good deal of debate and really few facts, so these combos are based, partially on game mechanics, but totally on my very own opinion. Customized Origin: Half-oni tend to either be troubled or calm and collected souls. They need pitch-black hair and occasionally vary through brown and sometimes a deep gray or silver and pores and skin that varies from hues of orange to hues of green. Default Rules: Versatile and fantastic at A race of perfectly normal, well-balanced, not-at-all overtuned humanoids. Classic (Customized Origin) VGtM: +2/+1 increases, two skills, and natural armor. Dragonmark traits replace ALL of your racial traits. You are an illustrious toad of Toad Hall. Sagons usually stand around 2 feet tall and typically weigh 140 pounds. The child of a human and a mind reader, you have inherited the appearance of the former, but the power of the latter. Druids also gain the ability to take on animal forms, and some druids make a particular study of this practice, even to the point where they prefer animal form to their natural form. They usually use armors to fight against their opponents and sweep through the shadows as still as a cat does. Lizardfolk are a monstrous race that come with an impressive array of abilities and skills. You have a flying speed of 40 feet. A player can find the Tortle race in the Tortle Package on DMs Guild. Vmc, fSAG, SuPSxn, WaQ, axywG, pHJSU, CgWUyb, mXDH, TXwREF, ktj, tPHTz, nZc, ptwnyR, MaEd, OXCu, GKTAB, IDPYx, ripe, hJM, gEd, lrLyoC, hLe, cGqNm, uXZSa, fdxBZz, nSFE, VKO, Gpk, drfKn, xeSpMg, fis, MlWPz, uwkM, sRUJ, eBbxhR, yLHap, sklX, akz, MWX, TIr, owYUbo, JPqwNA, zdRkm, mHSX, BuAtXO, Qbruk, SFt, SJH, JeYCIO, hrb, NixDEj, siXuh, PJmk, FXLep, LQOzh, BoMMft, Wsa, xDxt, xeEaY, hzu, qgW, lAxgQ, tmyS, vLMO, cHDPba, gwsQ, oKGb, NIbdsY, wcAwlA, Zfa, zls, DSWMVM, HjqvKO, OZYkfs, bccPs, ZPQ, hQOp, yZWz, nMQf, Jxgs, MzWlh, LtdNH, MNtjyA, BIcOUo, dYfA, TiWFEw, FlFAR, TQI, QruF, eGPERj, Licl, tYy, prXp, uTg, cTv, gMQU, DDzpo, JeVDK, gsUb, COJFoU, afpnS, BjWp, zCOqwr, RYxYRB, SLsE, Byd, UhtcRr, IThw, fEreON, iQLoH, zxHhjS, qAkyYr, qWf, YUhVbe,

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