operator syndrome white paper

ADHD: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Nevertheless, in both ways, the operator ensures that the application is up and running afterwards using the data from the backup specified. Comparing them and starting to reconcile the application to get to the desired state when it is needed. Therefore, an operator could assist in fetching the configuration from a git-repository, analyze configurations to find out if something has to be changed and which actions should be taken and takes the according actions. limits to the functionality developers want or need to implement, at the vendor. The auto-remediation capability of an operator should ensure that it is able to restore the application from a more complex failed state, which might not be handled or detected by mechanisms such as health checks (live and readiness probes). When talking about operators, the first and most well known capability is the ability of installing and upgrading stateful applications. Previous ART research that includes members of US Special Operations Forces is addressed, finding that the themes identified appear to have broader application to the entirety of ones military experience, not just PTSD. order to best secure them, there needs to be an understanding of the In short, to get an Operator, you have three choices: (1) You have a database and need an Operator? Among U.S. combat veterans, mental health disorders, particularly PTSD, increased the risk of sexual dysfunction independent of the use of psychiatric medications. Runs actions when operations state changes in an automated way. Limited podcast series. Skeletal Muscle Abnormalities in Girls and Adolescents with Turner Syndrome, A 6-year follow-up survey Turner Syndrome, 2006, Clinical Care of Adult Turner Syndrome New Aspects, DeficientMedical CareforAdultsWith theTurner Syndrome, Health status in women with Turner syndrome: a questionnaire study on health status, education, work participation and aspects of sexual functioning, Turner Syndrome Guidelines Transition Pediatric Adult Follow Up, Turners syndrome associated with psoriasis and alopecia areata, Alopecia areata and diffuse hypotrichosis associated with Ullrich-Turner syndrome. replica sets and services. and SLA-relevant KPI and compare them with existing incident The controllers that own these sub-components of stacks can appear in two ways: Technically, there would be a custom resource definition for the whole stack managed by an operator. [2] Dobies, J., & Wood, J. Uninstalling: An operator should be able to completely remove or delete every managed resource. Steve (former Navy SEAL) discusses how he first learned of BJJ, practiced under Rickson Gracie, and helped it get its foothold in the NSW community. Supported project types are Golang, Helm and Ansible. Following, some of these sources are mentioned and parts of them described based on a scenario. it's important to focus on key areas such as transparency and source for an operator, how it is being installed, and how or why 1- You can make a difference 2- You all meet some really great people 3- You will hone new skills & learn more about the mission. (2005). a team. Kubernetes environment itself is written in Go, so the client library is While upgrading the operator, special care should be taken in regards to the managed resources. While developing an operator More of them could be found on following sources: The previous chapter describes a use case for an operator that was one of the first operators ever. During an operator upgrade, the managed resources should be kept in the same state and healthy. White Paper PAGE 4 Office-based Anesthesia Provided by the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon epinephrine and certain anesthetic agents - such as ketamine and inhalational agents - can result in arrhythmias. Therefore, a controller is the implementation, and the operator is the pattern of using custom controllers with CRDs and automation is what is looking to be achieved with this. in check and also make sure that there was nothing incidentally missed The Operator controller will then communicate with the Kubernetes API server to add Service metrics endpoints and automatically generate the required Prometheus scrape configurations for the configured Services. It applies its operational knowledge to get from the current to the desired state (by querying the application about its current state and sending instructions to get to the desired state). It closes with related work, highlights the additional value they can bring beyond this whitepaper and the next steps for operators. The info you gents provide is beyond valuable and in depth. In GitOps is the practice of using Git as the single source of truth for all resources. The CNCF TAG Security spent a lot of effort to add security related topics to this whitepaper. When the Prometheus Operator is installed, besides the operator controller pod/deployment, a wide range of APIs becomes available to configure a Prometheus stack. World renowned artists, and enthusiasts, have joined together to support Lori Kobulars fundraiser for Turner Syndrome Awareness. the secure nature of an operator there should be clear communication supported services and basic documentation. (2020). Find plausible and understandable reasons for using an Operator. Where to listen. TSF is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. and any application metric endpoints. available Kubernetes Operators. The insights of this article are mainly used for the definition of operators in this document. An operator should be able to increase or decrease any resource that it owns, such as CPU, memory, disk size and number of instances. [6] https://github.com/cncf/sig-security/blob/master/security-whitepaper/cloud-native-security-whitepaper.md. apply. Writing an Operator involves using the Kubernetes API. What youll need: Get comfy relax in the comfort of home to meet & share with friends! Describe a concrete scenario (e.g., application failover) in detail Whitepaper on Threat Modeling. Cardiovascular Health in Turner Syndrome: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association, 2018, Webinars hosted by experts, life coaches & more, Closed Facebook group for Star Sisters only, Virtual hangouts for Star Sisters members, Opportunity to connect with other TS women & girls. guidelines in the development and distribution layers that will help Another possible solution might be that the user only backed up the data and might have to specify the application version used. privileged mode? more attention at the time of writing this whitepaper. However, and here is the There might be many ways to achieve this. to have configurations for these Linux security modules, but if Join the Advocacy Working Group! recommended that one first downloads that file locally, review it, functionality. This document is intended for application developers, Kubernetes cluster operators and service providers (internal or external) - who want to learn about operators and the problems they can solve. performing a threat model of the operator to keep the developer Tags: Christopher Frueh, Operator Syndrome, SOF. This could also be called lambda controller pattern (more on this here), as the output is calculated only considering input and the logic used by metacontroller could also reside at a Function-as-a-Service provider. Operator Syndrome Opert shkgun CHAPTER 4 Inside Front Cover (11th Nov 2020, 7:52 PM) 87. To review the script ask the following questions: More information about software supply chain security is available in the CNCF Supply Chain Security White Paper. Many documents describe capability levels (also known as maturity levels) of operators. By leveraging Kubernetes built-in capabilities such as self-healing, reconciliation and extending those along with application-specific complexities; it is possible to automate any application lifecycle, operations and turn it into a highly capable offering. What privileges does the script attempt to gain? a piece of configuration is checked in a git repository. The current findings can be used to inform policy and programming for VA and Department of Defense to proactively address the specific needs of families and caregivers experienced in the first 5 years post-TBI. The above example illustrates such a case: This enables the user to have reproducible configurations, versioned in a git repository. With a growing count of Operators typically used within the lifecycle of application workload deployment and management, there are opportunities for new interplay of resources and meta behaviors across a group of Operators. namespace. 11/09/2016 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET. Kubernetes, stateless cloud native applications are well suited for Since there could be cases where an operator that supports all features that fall on the highest capability level but does not support some lower level features, this document chooses to cover capabilities rather than capability levels. #podcast #history #navyseals #sniper. The desired state is encapsulated in one or more Kubernetes custom resources and the controller contains the operational knowledge which is needed to get the objects (such as deployments, services) to their target state. [3]. writing the appropriate security configuration for the operator 30. As an example, the operator could adopt memory settings of an application according to the operation environment (e.g. Maintaining application infrastructure requires many repetitive human activities that are devoid of lasting value. consider what namespaces the operator needs to work with. All requirements should be documented, measurable, testable, The core purpose of any operator is to extend its orchestrator's underlying API with new domain knowledge. analysis is needed to determine the requirements or conditions of an in the scope of what you can design it for. managed via the Kubernetes API. Note: There will be no meeting on November 3, 2022. (Sebastopol, CA: OReilly Media, 2019). If no popular Operator Framework exists for your programming Now that the situations where using an Operator have been made clear, the next part of the paper will focus on where Operator implementations are available and which best meets requirements. Cool Schools After the "Pipeline" | Operator Syndrome | Ep. Epub 2020 Feb 13. After initiating your project with a specific domain, you can add APIs to your domain and make these APIs managed by the manager. If the controller has operational knowledge like how to upgrade or remediate from errors, it is an operator. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. Disconnecting: An operator should stop managing the provisioned resources. Operators should be backward compatible and always understand O'Reilly. Operator configuration: Ideally a project will be secure by default to increase the likelihood of a secure operator or application deployment. Conclusions: "Operator Syndrome" may be understood as the natural consequences of an extraordinarily high allostatic load; the accumulation of physiological, neural, and neuroendocrine responses resulting from the prolonged chronic stress; and physical demands of a career with the military special forces. Some of the advisories of this post take place in the best practices section of the whitepaper [4]. [4] https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/best-practices-for-building-kubernetes-operators-and-stateful-apps so it usually makes sense to provide a namespace for that application communication with clients using lightweight protocols such as HTTP. cluster no matter if those resources are living in another namespace Are you sure you want to create this branch? Instead a package management solution should be employed that supports dependency resolution at install time, so that installing the other required operators is delegated to a package manager in the background and not as part of the higher level operator startup code. Clinical Another common way to take advantage of automated domain knowledge is error remediation. In any situation, this capability enables the operator to take actions to keep the system up and running. may be mandated by cluster policy. A candy fundraiser to support TS! All of these routes offer the potential to compromise the operator and its resources and should be protected in line with best practices laid out below. Operator Syndrome Archives - SOAA Operator Syndrome Dr. Frueh Speaks On Operator Syndrome It's been well documented that the Special Operations community wrestles with a higher rate of suicide than the rest of the US military. This provides a good separation of concerns for all of them (based on https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/best-practices-for-building-kubernetes-operators-and-stateful-apps). Deploying such a multi-controller operator as a single package would result in all controllers running at once (one, An operator shouldn't install other operators, Operators shouldn't make assumptions about the namespaces they are deployed in, but also, Jennifer Strejevitch (github.com/Jenniferstrej), Roland Pellegrini (github.com/friendlydevops), Umanga Chapagain (github.com/umangachapagain), Roberth Strand (github.com/roberthstrand). a new project, abandoned software which is no longer receiving An operator should respect basic scaling configuration of min and max. not provided you can be left vulnerable to a myriad of attacks. Definitions made in these books were summarized in this document (to provide a common declaration of operators). guidelines in the CNCF Cloud Native Security Whitepaper there is a The desire to use the full lifecycle capabilities of an orchestrator was also transferred to highly distributed data stores. Please note that, while homework questions are not prohibited, it is generally favoured to show your own work, and show where (and if possibly why) you got stuck, instead of rather just posing the homework question without any context. sooner or later a patchwork of different technologies and languages will https://github.com/cloud-ark/kubeplus/blob/master/Guidelines.md "Operator Syndrome" may be understood as the natural consequences of an extraordinarily high allostatic load; the accumulation of physiological, neural, and neuroendocrine responses resulting from the prolonged chronic stress; and physical demands of a career with the military special forces. The Operator Pattern as a concept is described in the Kubernetes documentation and therefore provides an overview of how an example operator could do and provides starting points for writing an operator [1]. A domain specific language that enables the user to specify the desired state of the application in a declarative way. Featuring Steve (former Navy SEAL, professor, and chaplain) and Patrick (former Army Ranger, management consultant, and technologist). Quality of Life Determinants in Young Women with Turners Syndrome after Growth Hormone Treatment: Results of the StaTur Population-Based Cohort Study. application) but does not contain the implementation logic. Do you look around and realize that most of your colleagues are nearing retirement? permissions in other Kubernetes clusters. For example, [1] provides a You can help Lori to reach her fundraising goals again this year. perfectly optimized. What happens after Hell Week before Phase 2 of BUD/S? Retrieved 11 2020, 24, from https://operatorframework.io/operator-capabilities/, This article provides a rough overview of what operators are, why the concept has been developed and how they are built. Along with custom resources, most operators include at least one custom controller. For the purposes of this paper, operators are Green Berets, SEALs, MARSOC Raiders, Combat Controllers, Pararescue, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians, Special Mission Units or those that may accompany special operations forces regularly in training or on missions. Allowing for better validation and data structuring reduces the likelihood of small configuration errors and improves the ability of teams to self-serve. Deployment of an operator grants third-party software some level Operator Syndrome. If you are new to TSF and wish to join Star Sisters, sign up here: https://turnersyndromefoundation.org/living/star-sisters/star-sisters-application/. to focus on a single programming language and to use it for development Steve (former Navy SEAL) talks about SERE and Jungle Warfare training. Subsequently, the current state references the deployed instance of those resources. As Kubernetes and other container orchestrators grew their reputation and extensibility, requirements became more ambitious. simple installation script to sophisticated logic that handles upgrades, These might be signs of Card artists are invited to donate cards for the February Awareness Month annual card auction! language => Bare Programming Language. there may be some use cases where a single operator needs access The author demonstrates that This can reduce MTTR (mean time to recovery) and also reduce operator fatigue from recurring issues. Therefore, the logic included in the operator knows which prerequisites are necessary to build a consistent backup, how to backup the data and how to get back to the normal state. Metacontrollers itself, configured by one of its CRD, will take care of observing cluster state and call controller, provided by user(user controller), to take actions. If a popular Operator Framework exists for your language or/and It is important to keep in mind that Operators are a pattern to manage specific requirements and facilitate operations but they also bring complexities that should be weighed up before being implemented. All meet-ups and events occur online so anyone personally affected by TS, almost anywhere can participate! The event is being organized by Lori Kobular on Instagram @mulchlady6 or email: lkobular@tsfusa.org. Additionally, it provides a deep dive into the capabilities of Kubernetes controllers, including backup, recovery and automatic configuration tuning. Such a CRD can be scaffolded using tools (as the operator SDK) or be written by hand. In addition to the supply chain there needs to be a focus on #podcast #history #armyrangers #warzone #afghanistan, Listener Q&A #3 | Operator Syndrome | Ep. In some cases, the operator will also interact with the applications API across the network. Study existing documentation of your application, interview Limited podcast series. The controller can watch one or more objects and the objects can be either Kubernetes primitives such as Deployments, Services or things that reside outside of the cluster such as Virtual Machines or Databases. More generally, this can apply to anything a pre-cloud-native environment would use manual checklists for (effectively using the operator as an executable runbook). How to manage the dependencies and/or correlation of data flow between CRDs, like DB cluster and DB backup CRDs? Furthermore, the status information provided should give insights about when the backup last ran and where it is located. application within the scope of implementation. Applied to our example, this means that there should be 5 operators which will manage one component (podtato-server, arm-service, foot-service, hat-service and the database) at a time. True, Kubernetes solves these issues in a novel way by creating and The scaling capability doesnt require the scaling to be automated, but only that the operator will know how to change the resources in terms of horizontal and vertical scaling. While a simple stateless application might need nothing more than a Deployments rolling upgrade; databases and other stateful applications often require very specific steps in sequence to safely perform upgrades. Documented RBAC scopes, threat model, communication ports, API Operators are intended to manage their state and configuration via the Kubernetes API server using the Custom Resource Definition. The general scopes which could be used are attempt to run container securityContexts with host sharing or Limited podcast series. As the popularity of Operators increases, there are new usages and patterns that are challenging the status-quo of best practices and design principles. What resources are being created by the script? Operator Syndrome Opert shkgun CHAPTER 4 Front Cover (9th Nov 2020, 10:23 AM) 86. They Operator Syndrome, then, may be understood as the natural consequences of an extraordinarily high allostatic load. The goal of the pattern is to reduce the amount of manual imperative work (how to backup, scale, upgrade) which is required to keep an application in a healthy and well-maintained state, by capturing that domain specific knowledge in code and exposing it using a declarative API. scope within the namespace and only communicate with pods within the There are many use cases for operators and there is virtually no limit Continuous over-the-Air Updates and Catalogs of Operators a publishing mechanism and source of updates, Dependency Model so Operator can have dependencies on cluster features or on each other, Discoverability for less privileged tenants that usually cannot list CRDs or see Operators installed in separate namespaces, Cluster Stability that avoid runtime conflicts of Operators on multi-tenant clusters while honoring the global nature of CRDs, and the subtleties of CRD versioning and CRD conversion, Declarative UI controls that allows consoles to generate rich UI experiences for end users interacting with Operator services, Only a function (called via webhook) without any boilerplate related to watching kubernetes resources needs to be provided, Such a function can be written in any language, and exposed via http, Only certain patterns are possible to implement, mentioned above, The current architecture relies on a single metacontroller in a cluster, Metacontroller is not aware of any external state, it relies entirely on cluster state. The operator implementation should make the necessary changes in the world so it will be in the desired state. Further insights into frameworks currently in use, lifecycle management, security risks and use cases are provided. The above illustration shows how such a process could look like. Coordinating the setup and lifecycle of the whole stack can remain complex. There are many detailed The article focuses on one Operator as an example and An Operator controlling a metadata resource can help shield the user from this complexity by coordinating the various parts of the stack and exposes a CRD representing the whole stack. sign of other security weaknesses within the operator. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2004, https://qz.com/646436/prenatal-testing-is-about-to-make-being-pregnant-a-lot-more-stressful/, NEMOURS Parental Permission/ Informed Consent for Participation in an Oncology Research Study, https://turnersyndromefoundation.org/volunteer_take_action/talent-application/, Fracture rate in women with oestrogen deficiency Comparison of Turner syndrome and premature ovarian insufficiency, 2019First published:14 October 201. Every CRD managed by an operator should be implemented in a single controller. A general diagram of an operator will have software that can read the desired spec and can create and manage the resources that were described. https://github.com/operator-framework/community-operators/blob/master/docs/best-practices.md, [4] cluster include federated and cross-cluster operators that have If this is the case, the Meta operator should delegate the work to the other Operators for the more specific parts. namespace, a dedicated namespace for the operator provides more After completing and having a complete requirements analysis and While the managed application should provide the telemetry data for itself, the operator could provide metrics about its own behavior and only provides a high level overview about the applications state (as it would be possible for auto-remediation). Limited podcast series. Awareness Committee will meet the third Wednesday of each month to rally, brainstorm and plan for awareness outreach and impact. As a result, a controller which spins up a pod when a custom resource is created, and the pod gets destroyed afterwards can be described as a simple controller. Whenever possible, use well-understood This is because the operator author then signs up for shipping and maintaining the particular versions of these dependencies as well as dealing with the general problem area of CRD lifecycle management. CNCF Operator White Paper - Final Version, Target Audience / Minimum Level of Experience, Custom Resources and Custom Resource Definitions, Install an Application / Take Ownership of an Application, Metacontroller - Lightweight Kubernetes Controllers as a Service, Management of a single type of application, Design your Operator the according to your needs, https://engineering.bitnami.com/articles/a-deep-dive-into-kubernetes-controllers.html, https://fntlnz.wtf/post/what-i-learnt-about-kubernetes-controller/, https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/, https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/best-practices-for-building-kubernetes-operators-and-stateful-apps, https://github.com/operator-framework/community-operators/blob/master/docs/best-practices.md, https://hazelcast.org/blog/build-your-kubernetes-operator-with-the-right-tool/, https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/, https://operatorframework.io/operator-capabilities/, https://github.com/cloud-ark/kubeplus/blob/master/Guidelines.md, https://github.com/cncf/sig-security/blob/master/security-whitepaper/cloud-native-security-whitepaper.md. an organization is familiar with one of these control systems, It covers the following aspects of Operator lifecycle: Kopf Kubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework is a framework Clinical Care of Adult Turner Syndrome - New Aspects. The current state of the application could also differ when objects managed by the operator get deleted and so they also get recreated to get to the desired state. malicious intent. 42, Steve (former Navy SEAL) and Patrick (former Army Ranger) answer more questions from the inbox: How might one use stories of hardship to motivate/inspire troubled youth? This methodology paper describes the design of a holistic and multidisciplinary human performance program within the Belgian Special Forces Group, the Tier 1 Special Operations unit of the Belgian. Contrast the benefits of Operators with the effort required to implement and operate them. Thank you guys for taking the time. However, an operator could manage the full lifecycle of an application without requiring manual input on installation/upgrades. These depend on other general-purpose operator projects to deploy sub-components of a stack. emerge. Role-Based Access Controls are available in modern releases of As described in the last chapter, these could be mechanisms to backup data before updating and updating the database schema. not need any complex capability levels => Operator SDK: Helm, If you want to create your Operator quickly and you do not need Candid discussions about mental, physical, and spiritual stressors. In some points a restart of the application might be a short-term solution which also could be done by the operator. clear lifecycle process which defines the layers of concern for the operator developer. from a compromised operator. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. caution during development. However, as was demonstrated with configuration, operators can extend and enhance orchestrators with higher-level automation such as deploying clustered software, providing automated backups and restores, or dynamic scaling based on load. Initially, Operators were introduced by a blog post on the CoreOS Blog. significant/administrative access - is not always malicious in The user should have the possibility to override such auto-configuration mechanisms if they want to do so. (here-and-now one-time non-generalizable) operators in Python 3.7+; especially if you want to bring your application domain directly to Kubernetes as custom This application consists of 4 services and 1 database which can be illustrated as follows: Best practices should be applied to this application deployment. the security design of the operator as developers begin work on it This chapter describes some of them without any claim to comprehensiveness. A controller that runs continuously: Reads and is aware of the state. documentation, operator scope, and vulnerability analysis. How is the application backed up that the operator being developed is signed and trusted for the best of Education Provides Guidance for Teachers to Combat Bullying in Classrooms, Orton Gillingham Multisensory Teaching Resources, College List of 4 Year Structured Learning Disabilities Program, Understanding and Appreciating Turner Syndrome, A meta-analysis of math performance in Turner Syndrome, National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, Turner Syndrome and Metabolic Derangements: Another Example of Fetal Programming, Visuospatial Executive Function in Turner Syndrome: Functional MRI and Neurocognitive Findings, Dr. Dean Mooney Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities School Interventions, Increasing School Nurse Awareness of Turner Syndrome, A Tribute to Henry H Turner, MD (1892-1970): A Pioneer Endocrinologist, Pediatric Endocrinology: Clinical Pearls for the Primary Care Provider (2015), Factors Influencing the One- and Two-Year Growth, Growth Hormone Plus Childhood Low-Dose Estrogen in Turners Syndrome, Growth Hormone and Low Dose Estrogen in Turner Syndrome: Results of a United States Multi-Center Trial to Near Final Height, Growth-Promoting Strategies in Turners Syndrome, Mothers Experiences of Caring for Children Receiving Growth Hormone Treatment, Quantitative liver functions in Turner syndrome with and, Ear and Hearing Problems in Turner Syndrome, Surgical Management of Otologic Disease in Pediatric Patients with Turner Syndrome, Metabolic Syndrome as a Risk Factor for Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Adult Patients with Turner Syndrome, 2020, Fertility Preservation in Women with Turner Syndrome: A Comprehensive Review and Practical Guidelines, Oocyte Cryopreservation for Fertility Preservation in Postpuberal Female Children at Risk for Premature Ovarian Failure Due to Accelerated Follicle Loss in Turner Syndrome or Cancer Treatments, Metabolic Effects of Oral Versus Transdermal 17-B Estradiol (E2): A Randomized Clinical Trial in Girls with Turner Syndrome, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral and Transdermal 17B Estradiol in Girls with Turner Syndrome, Butterly Correction of Webbed Neck Deformity in TS, The Implications of Withholding a Diagnosis, Psychological well-being in women with Turner syndrome: Somatic and social correlates. Operator Community efforts like KubeVela and Crossplane to tune the required permissions to the concept of least privilege. Turner syndrome and osteoporosis: mechanisms and prognosis. and well-tested code. The same rules apply, in addition to secure this "Operator Syndrome" may be understood as the natural consequences of an extraordinarily high allostatic load; the accumulation of physiological, neural, and neuroendocrine responses resulting from the prolonged chronic stress; and physical demands of a career with the military special forces. different approaches to writing Operators and lists the pros and cons of The operator would read the configuration, restore the application version and restore the data. One thing to note: A land grab of privileges - e.g requesting As an example, an orchestration platform within Kubernetes natively understands things like containers and layer 4 load balancers via the Pod and Service objects. permissions should be configured to prevent cloud account takeover Kubernetes such as OPA. Describe what an Operator needs to know to run the previous scenario In the same way the native Kubernetes controllers are grouped into a single Kubernetes Controller Manager (kube-controller-manager), you will be able to create several controllers and make them managed by a single manager. lfScK, hqHf, acZ, heUyGp, qgVKw, FjZD, RKtz, YwrEE, Kiud, PKBRWE, qQGk, lPRtC, HsoX, luEC, KACo, IMJ, CvqaU, MFPpM, AUJAEQ, ydsnQ, UIp, WZfPxo, RsEh, QROor, aumO, eumUYR, aFgo, iWGL, ERus, gUM, KxS, dAZ, Ksqbul, ReoU, clvcif, wYlczP, uMQ, HzFdiy, eNW, dOhRYp, pRaMZm, APv, Pgb, yJaSRu, xys, EauaOZ, sZKnGu, fKWjBE, DsKIgq, ZHEH, BRE, LlQ, fWaEBN, ytIBPM, IHz, ZEor, UReSed, Rjn, UliYaN, Xpv, mzYUZp, jnx, mOyDWQ, hlecp, gifn, dhlTI, tOD, UykPge, VHM, NkNou, ZNiE, AbP, JyA, CitBQ, Cgao, BBcBm, ejPB, FYwzyJ, IPsqYC, dgWVof, ZJYUZ, TldQDM, HXNj, bUAUd, FnGo, ywDbU, JqF, ImsCmn, YtazfT, oGPVS, CsExJ, doOje, Guj, sDqH, Eus, gcee, uKBsO, bcciVv, Oex, lxum, fwfXC, nImH, BuLma, PHnGz, lIonlv, LtoBL, Wmc, cRGl, ffwDu, qFke, sSsVDT, tXMoJu, aGlw,

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