sulfur hexafluoride climate change

Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Some other sulfur fluorides are cogenerated, but these are removed by heating the mixture to disproportionate any S2F10 (which is highly toxic) and then scrubbing the product with NaOH to destroy remaining SF4. SF6 is 23,500 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas but exists in relatively minor concentrations in the atmosphere. Atmospheric concentration of SF6 vs. similar man-made gases (right graph). CO2 is not a great greenhouse gas. 2049. Epub 2013 Apr 2. You can see the questions here posed by the engineers never send an engineer to do a scientists job, because they will be absolutely certain that they can ;P, Sounds like a good gas to release on Mars to. All SF6 which is in the atmosphere at this very moment has already leaked out of something, somewhere , being at production sites ,scrapyards or accidents. As for high-voltage gas-insulated switchgear (GIS), these use as mentioned >80% of the annual production of SF6, with medium-voltage GIS another 10%. CFC finally got banned (oh so successfully, not) after a prolonged period with proof of the harm they were doing, so far SF6 doesnt show enough problems to be of such concern its certainly a potential problem to keep an eye on, but with the litany of existing major problems we are as a species doing very little to fix (or at it stands in general still making some of them worse), Those problems really need to take priority, and as it stands using SF6 is actually useful enough in making the electric stay on as we move to a more renewable powered future, if/when it becomes a problem big enough to register hopefully it will get dealt with more effectively than the CFC ban, there are certainly other switchgear options, but for now it seems rather worthwhile. Making poor people suffer more is the opposite of progress. Several precautions are recommended to avoid personnel exposure to toxic byproducts: oxyfluoride levels or other byproduct concentrations in the operating gas matrix should be traced to predetermine the overall gas toxicity; contaminants should be systematically considered during maintenance, chamber evacuation and system opening process; small SF6 quantities leaking into air or stagnated pollutant concentrations in the operating field should be analyzed and compared to the threshold limit values and permissible exposure levels. Pouring out CO2 over the floor will also have it linger about as it slowly dissipates into the air. As the gas is emitted, it accumulates in the atmosphere in an essentially un-degraded state for many centuries. The post is a starting point with useful information, so thanks to hackaday for publishing this :-), This SF6 data is available on the net though many not compelled to research so its good in my case its turned up as I have frequent debates with numb skulls over GHG properties especially those who cant do basic arithmetic whilst ignoring spectroscopy even from Svante Arrhenius 120+ years ago maybe declining cognition and social ethics an artefact of the ace2 neural receptor challenged by covid & its incessant mutations,, Its not as if we need spoon feeding, curious why you Ren, didnt find something relevant and post it if at least to augment instead of not so subtle complaint, yes Ren you can argue, waste peoples time, draw attention to yourself Or get with the program, augment, dialectic critique at least with some engagement to offer something useful beyond one liner complaint :P, My lovely new particle accelerator contains 900+ kg of SF6. The electric power industry uses roughly 80 percent of all SF6 produced worldwide. Silicon etching using only Oxygen at high temperature: An alternative approach to Si micro-machining on 150 mm Si wafers. Copy Sheet of paper on top of another sheet. Gasses mix and mix really really really well. This is because when released into the atmosphere, CO2 only has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1, whereas that of methane is about 28 over 100 years, and SF6 has a GWP of well over 22,000 over that same time period. So the contacts must move away much further before the arc cant reignite. This was done by comparing purchases with inventory, assuming the difference was leaked, then locating and fixing the leaks. SF6 *seems* cheaper, but only because the bill is split between 7.1 billion people. Pulse power machines though, often tend to be designed to generate radiation, so we all know to keep out the way and hide behind adequate shielding. I think Ive seen an SF6 leak detector in my travels, cant recall. Although this is a perhaps depressing perspective, some hope can be gained from the way the world came together to banish CFCs when it was clear that they formed an existential threat to all life on this Earth. This is true for all gases that is heavier than the surrounding air. To assess this we can look at AGAGEs data. Where possible, one of the best options is a vacuum, with a high vacuum providing very high dielectric insulation. Just because the proportion rises doesnt mean more damage is being done. It details estimates of Australian emissions of key synthetic greenhouse gases (SGGs) between 2005-2012 based on data collected at Cape Grim, Tasmania and Aspendale, Melbourne using AGAGE Medusa (GC-MS) and GC-ECD data. These microbubbles enhance the visibility of blood vessels to ultrasound. If someone really wants to impress me, please explain how a renewable energy source is going to heat our buildings in major northern cities. It will be a piece of switchgear that uses vacuum interrupters housed inside an SF6 filled enclosure. or more, and the SF6 proportion will then rise if not also checked. SF 6 is also a very stable chemical, with an atmospheric lifetime of 3,200 years. Vacuum is the opposite of pressure. It does not take much to conclude that all of these black parking lots and streets are absorbing tons of heat and warming things up. Recently Owens et al. Guido has updated components for the project titled 32MHz spectrum and SDR in an FPGA. An effect that can be seen around some volcanoes where the occasional release of more concentrated carbon dioxide can linger about in surrounding valleys for a while. And I would suspect that most of the leakage is at the end of life for one or another piece of equipment. The content is provided for information purposes only. All of it. Greenhouse gas emission limits The European Union leads the world in the regulation, monitoring and management of SF6 emissions. The reason why is because above absolute zero, the molecules are under constant motion, which causes them to randomly bump into each other and completely mix. Our recent projects . Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no oil and water. The effect of gravity keeping heavier stuff towards the bottom of the atmosphere is a fairly weak force compared to the interactions within the gas itself. Formula: F 6 S. Molecular weight: 146.055. In this area of the country we cool with electric (a lot of it nuclear) and heat with fossil fuels. We should find out before going to a different chemical, which could cause cancer or something (in California). (and that is all that is needed for it to have its substantial impact.). The additional switches are likely always connected. This is the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment, which keeps track of a wide range of gases in the atmosphere. Thus, a relatively small amount of SF 6 can have a significant impact on global climate change. So considering that SF6 has such a long half-life, it is certain that it has time to be transported to the upper layers of the atmosphere. Honestly, if we arent banning its use then we should at least make a crazy high tax for items that use it in order to dissuade its use. We banned CFCs as refrigerants. Much of this is due to the distributed nature, instead of the gas being used in a closely monitored industrial process, items like switchgear are located literally around the world, in deserts, at the top of wind turbines and in the middle of fields. Because we banned SF6 without having an alternative, we no longer have the ability to deliver power. Yet while measures are being. It is similar to throwing in a lump of metal into an acid, it wont just all instantly go into solution. These days I work for a manufacturer who designs and makes SF6 free switchgear using vacuum interrupters and solid dielectric insulation this technology has now largely superseded SF6 in lower voltage classes (up to 38kV) but at higher voltages SF6 still seems necessary for the time being. Because it's so stable, the gas has an estimated lifetime of up to 3,200 years. "Within Norway, all utilities with switchgear have to collect and report their SF6 inventory and emissions. While Im sure there is some leakage it is near negligible I would imagine as the destruction that occurs when a bottle is void of sf6 and has allowed atmosphere air in is quite impressive. Inevitably solid state switching is the only real option to completely displace dielectric gas. Also seems like some GIS systems use CO2 instead, likely with some drawbacks, mainly that it has about 1/3 of the breakdown voltage in comparison to SF6. If it has a lifetime of 3200 years, or even a half-life of 3200 years, then the time its going to spend inside your equipment is clearly going to be a lot shorter than the time it spends outside. With wires going through the envelope. Bottom line is that you want to increase the monitoring and maintenance effort with a minimum, still trying to minimise cost and pushing the problem forward towards next generations so that you dont have to deal with it. Just a large connector with a row of springy contacts that have a bit of a staircase shape to them so that one teeth at a time disengages. Approximately 70 percent of all SF6 emissions in the United States is attributed to the electrical transmission and distribution sector in 2020 based on the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks. Emissions estimates for the high-GWP gases are provided to EIA by the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation. 100C), as follows:[11]. The most recent example is the new regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases, Regulation (EU) No 517/2014. Maybe it is able to trap near the ground? Therefor all people should be in prison. November 10, 2021 Sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) is not nearly as infamous as CO 2, with the latter getting most of the blame for anthropogenic climate change. Natural gas is normally found while drilling for oil and propane is a byproduct of refining oil. [48] Since it is more dense than air, a substantial quantity of gas, when released, will settle in low-lying areas and present a significant risk of asphyxiation if the area is entered. Electric cars, putative saviors of the world, cant charge. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6) is a synthetic (i.e., human-made) gas that is colourless, odorless, non-toxic (except when exposed to extreme temperatures), and non-flammable. Two major factors recommend its use: its concentration can be measured with satisfactory accuracy at very low concentrations, and the Earth's atmosphere has a negligible concentration of SF6. Propane is notorious for collecting in low areas and its a lot lighter than SF6. It is used for benchmark and calibration measurements in Associative and Dissociative Electron Attachment (DEA) experiments, This page was last edited on 6 December 2022, at 13:27. Our climate strategy comprises mitigating risks from climate change, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as we strive to become carbon neutral by 2050, and enabling our customers . Exactly, just ban it. Sulfur hexafluoride was the tracer gas used in the first roadway air dispersion model calibration; this research program was sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and conducted in Sunnyvale, California on U.S. Highway 101. While not an astounding number, we must take into account here that so far the emissions of SF6 are increasing year over year. The gas, sulfur hexafluoride, is one of the most potent and long-lasting climate pollutantsknown collectively as "the immortals"because they remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years.. Sulfuryl fluorideTellurium hexafluoridePolonium hexafluoride. With SF6 still highly prevalent in this market, this seems like an excellent opportunity to look into how far SF6 usage has dropped, and whether we may be able to manage to avert a potential disaster. PMC Disposal methods, health effects and emission regulations for sulfur hexafluoride and its by-products. Going to electric vehicles and electric heat for all of our buildings will not even be close to feasible unless we get very cheap plentiful nuclear power (and greatly upgraded infrastructure, most 100 Amp service in this city will not even support heating a building). But the series resistance to this switch would be fairly high so an arc wouldnt be sustainable. 2033. It is continuously moving above, on and below Earth's surface, cycling among ice, liquid water and vapor. But its a convenient metric. Along with CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs and PFCs, SF6 is an industrial gas that doesn't exist naturally in the atmosphere and so impacts the radiation balance, contributing to climate change. Sulfur hexafluoride | F6S - PubChem compound Summary Sulfur hexafluoride Cite Download Contents 1 Structures 2 Names and Identifiers 3 Chemical and Physical Properties 4 Spectral Information 5 Related Records 6 Chemical Vendors 7 Drug and Medication Information 8 Pharmacology and Biochemistry 9 Use and Manufacturing 10 Identification There are trade offs however, here in Chicago there was lots of talk about light colored roofs lowering air conditioning bills however they do lead to higher heating bills in winter (which is mostly done with natural gas here). In the UK, the gas already contributes this much to its annual global warming potential. These devices are used to isolate portions of the transmission system where current flow has been interrupted (using a circuit breaker). About this document The Australian HFC, PFC, Sulfur Hexaflouride and Sulfuryl Flouride Emissions report was produced by CSIRO on behalf of the Department of the Environment. Or how some people call all electric cars a Tesla. Yes, SF6 is dense, but that doesnt stop it from dissipating into the air. Nowadays its quite reasonable to control tens of KAmps at thousands of volts AC using large button SCR banks. Gases however mix even more easily. But they operate under near ideal steady state conditions with only one gas! Many hospitals close because they cant work effectively without reliable light and temperature control. The main purpose of a dielectric gas here is to increase the breakdown voltage so that higher voltages can be used in less space, generally relative to air. It may not be feasible at all for switchgear. The lower voltages will just have to start making do with bigger equipment too. Sulfur hexafluoride or sulphur hexafluoride (British spelling) is an inorganic compound with the formula SF6. Satellite studies eg RSS fully confirm the GHG effect And at multiple wavelengths, higher surface temperatures whilst less IR leaving to space ie higher IR resistivity. Further detective work in China by the Environmental Investigation Agency in 2018 seemed to indicate that the country was indeed the source. Of course its harder to keep a vacuum in, because most molecules in the atmosphere are smaller than SF6. CAS Registry Number: 2551-62-4. Sulfur hexafluoride. These gases contribute to atmospheric warming when they absorb infrared radiation emitted by the solar . Please select the most appropriate category to facilitate processing of your request. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy 2021 Jan 1;23(1):190-194. doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c03915. I can see not releasing it en-mass during manufacturing is a worthy goal, but how much of this dense gas is really going to leak out of heavy switchgear over its operational life? I.e. Maybe the customer used SF6 to refer to GIS breakers? The global distribution of temperature increase is varied, and in some locations average 16 temperatures have actually decreased. A growing body of evidence points to anthropogenic -90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10. Climate Change Sulfur hexafluoride is 23,500 times more powerful than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. Bodies including the European Union are known to be considering a ban on SF6 at low-to-medium voltage levels in the future. It doesnt need to get very high its a thermal blanket gas. Warnings In rare cases, serious or fatal reactions may occur during or shortly after the injection. CO2 is a waste product from animal life, plants & some bacterial species exploit this waste product for growth mostly carbs. The individual targets for Annex I Parties are listed in the Kyoto Protocol's Annex B. In the end, a vacuum is nothing more than keeping out molecules, which is the same as keeping in a pressure. Not sure how it gets into the upper atmosphere to trap heat. I do believe its correct that the power industry is using the largest amount of sf6 however the article seems to allude that there is a massive amount of leakage in these breaker and switching bottles. The Global Monitoring Division of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory has measured sulfur hexafluoride since 1997 at a globally distributed network of air sampling sites ( Dlugokencky et al., 1994 ). IUPAC Standard InChIKey: SFZCNBIFKDRMGX-UHFFFAOYSA-N. Sulfur hexafluoride or sulphur hexafluoride ( British spelling) is an inorganic compound with the formula SF 6. Physics works, you can do the arithmetic yourself. "Such alternatives are commercially available now for use in electrical switchgear at low-to-medium voltages. [49], As with all gases, the density of SF6 affects the resonance frequencies of the vocal tract, thus changing drastically the vocal sound qualities, or timbre, of those who inhale it. Nothing in life is free, you pay for everything one way or another. Sulphur hexafluoride, or SF6, is widely used in the electrical industry to prevent short circuits and accidents. GWP is a combination of a molecule's lifespan in the atmosphere, and how much infrared radiation it absorbs, at which particular wavelengths. Also of note here is that while methane will last only about 12.4 years in the atmosphere, SF6 is so stable that it lasts thousands of years, currently estimated at roughly 3,200 years. That is particularly relevant to its use as an insulator in electrical equipment since workers may be in trenches or pits below equipment containing SF6. The impact of the (relatively) small quantities of SF6 used in switchgear can be mitigated using better pressure engineering (more expensive but probably not as much as getting rid of SF6) and leak detectors. Sulfur hexafluoride, commonly known as SF 6, has made a splash in the mainstream media of late. IUPAC Standard InChI: InChI=1S/F6S/c1-7 (2,3,4,5)6. SF6 is used for convenience and cost, for the very highest voltages nothing beats pure size. SF6 is an anthropogenically produced compound, mainly used as a gaseous dielectric in gas insulated switchgear power installations. Several articles are pointing the finger at the growth in renewablesspecifically wind. Or all tablets an Ipad. The gas on inhalation is spread all over the lungs. Sulphur hexafluoride explained. Suitable alternatives to SF6 will also be available more quickly for lower-voltage applications such as turbine switchgear," adds Pedersen. Claims are cheap, anyone can drop changers drawing attention to themselves, education so Very Important ! Fixing (And Improving!) Learn more, Sulfur Hexafluoride: The Nightmare Greenhouse Gas Thats Just Too Useful To Stop Using, The Hackaday Remoticon 2 Badge: An Exercise In Your Own Ingenuity,, This work provides information concerning possible global environmental implications and personnel safety aspects that should be considered during the commercial uses of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Sulfur hexafluoride is an extremely potent and persistent greenhouse gas that is primarily utilized as an electrical insulator and arc suppressant. Another advantage to this progressive change in resistance is that it would also work when closing the contact. A substation for overhead power lines may require several tonnes, creating a substantially bigger environmental problem should a leak occur. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report Emissions Scenarios (SRES) Fluor-Gases Emissions Dataset consists of global and regional emissions of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6), Cholorfluorocarbons (CFCs) and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) projected every 10 years . Or how people say that they want ESD work surfaces when they in fact want the opposite. Accessibility This might however be too fast.). 2031. The electrical power industry used about 80% of the sulfur hexafluoride produced in 2000, mostly as a gaseous dielectric medium. Gases in the atmosphere are never in steady state, on a planet that undergoes a 24 hour heating, cooling cycle. The fun thing about gases is that they mix, or to a degree dissolve into each other. CAS Registry Number: 2551-62-4. Because of its high global warming potential (GWP), CARB adopted the Regulation for Reducing Sulfur Hexafluoride Emissions from Gas Insulated Switchgear in 2010. Chemical Properties of Sulphur Hexafluoride - SF 6. It is a hypervalent molecule. It is estimated that, by 2100, appropriate controls could limit the contribution of SF6 to global warming to 0.2%. Yet while measures are being implemented to curb the release of CO2, for SF6 the same does not appear to be the case, despite the potentially much greater impact that SF6 has. High-GWP gases 5.1. Fortunately such devices are becoming more and more feasible and more cost effective year on year. SF6 is used in the electrical industry as a gaseous dielectric medium for high-voltage sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers, switchgear, and other electrical equipment, often replacing oil-filled circuit breakers (OCBs) that can contain harmful polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal Sulfur dioxide initiates global climate change in four ways. contain sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6), a greenhouse gas commonly used in electric utility equipment. [25] Gaseous SF6 is used as a tracer gas in short-term experiments of ventilation efficiency in buildings and indoor enclosures, and for determining infiltration rates. So that over a span of a few tens/hundreds of ms we can progressively increase the resistance of the link until it is open. It is inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, and non-toxic. In other words, its still in the realm of engineering rather than politics. Either shortly after the equipment leaves service, or shortly before. SF6 is unmonitored and unregulated: FALSE. Think man (huls) ExxonMobil fully conceded AGW back in 1982, shortly thereafter affirmed by Shell & BP with ExxonMobils climate model, within good error bars, accurate to this day even after 39 years FFS ! SF6 doesnt even compare to CO2 and methane in terms of released quantities. It does not affect the vibrations of the vocal folds. | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs . More information on long-lived fluorinated greenhouse gases, their emissions, emission sources, and trends is available on EPAs overview of greenhouse gases page. One leading alternative, vacuum technology, just solves the interruption aspect. Looking at the popularity of these gases, the difficulty in finding replacements, and the push to produce more and ever cheaper refrigerators, wind turbines, and distributed power systems, it seems unlikely that well be seeing a major change here. IGBTs are slowly gaining ground in the DC space as well. It is an inorganic fluorinated inert gas with potential imaging-based diagnostic activity. Alternatively, utilizing bromine, sulfur hexafluoride can be synthesized from SF4 and CoF3 at lower temperatures (e.g. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Reading a bit onto the subject of Gas-insulated Switchgear, where SF6 is used, it seems its main advantage is its higher power density and this is useful if the substation is of a limited size. Many gases exhibit these greenhouse properties. Gas can be released at the time of equipment manufacturing, installation, maintenance and servicing, and de-commissioning. amusFlynnel Warning Sign Sulfur Hexafluoride Empty Cylinders Hazard Sign Flammable Road Sign Business Sign 8X12 Inches Aluminum Metal Tin Sign. Greenhouse gases with high global warming potential (high-GWP gases) are hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6), which together represented 3 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2009.. And in the long run is also more fair to those few million that benefit from the SF6-filled switchgear, because they and all their future generations have to live on this Earth as well. Vacuum switchgear that is much more expensive and less reliable? The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Fingers have been pointed at the expanding renewables industry, but is that a fair assessment? So there is always a good chance that your offspring will be able to adapt before your genetic line goes extinct. Alternatively, you can check our Data by research program page for specific areas of data that can be downloaded. Its use is highly regulated, and many of its users are working together to share experience and come up with viable alternatives: "There are no secrets surrounding the use of SF6 in Norway's energy industry. It gets crowded and violent in the remaining livable regions, a war for being, survival of the fittest. Farts contain methane. Sulfur hexafluoride is an inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, non-toxic gas. Sulfur hexafluoride is also routinely used as a tracer gas in laboratory fume hood containment testing. [47], Sulfur hexafluoride is a nontoxic gas, but by displacing oxygen in the lungs, it also carries the risk of asphyxia if too much is inhaled. If were saving the world, we have to save it for everybody. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Really huls, what weird line of science/physics are you on, what is the provenance of your vague ideas ???? Yes, per-pound this stuff is much worse then CO2/Methane, but how much is actually being released? Changes in CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion are influenced by many long-term and short-term factors, including population growth, economic growth, changing energy prices, new technologies, changing behavior, and seasonal temperatures. Source: GreenFacts, based on the GreenFacts Digest on Fluorides More: It contains six atoms of fluorine bound to a single sulfur atom, hence the name Sulfur Hexafluoride. And the sole reason for that is that they need more maintenance. Excerpt from NIOSH Pocket Guide for Sulfur hexafluoride: Skin: FROSTBITE - Compressed gases may create low temperatures when they expand rapidly. 2013 Apr 16;47(8):3848-55. doi: 10.1021/es304348x. Vacuum tubes stay pretty darned empty for decades with no active pumping, just a getter. things would rapidly change to make releasing it a zero possible option. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) measured by the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) at stations around the world. of national emissions (Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment, 2007). Where the fark did such a stupid claim arise from And why didnt you check it ??? So turn it off slowly as to gradually let the current diminish in a controlled fashion. Nothing can maintain it indefinitely, not that I disagree you can make things that hold relatively good vacuum for a very good time the key to that however tends to be one part glass evelopes you never ever open after sealing, with no serviceable parts inside, which I dont think really works as a design for HV switching and even those valves and lightbulbs etc do leak, its just slow. Alternatives to SF6 as a dielectric gas include several fluoroketones. While this works on paper, in practice vacuum is more difficult to seal and maintain than pressure. In 2018, global emissions of SF6 were 9.00.4Ggyr1, with 2018 CO2 emissions being 33.1 Gt (33,100,000 Gg). Copy Sheet of paper on top of another sheet. More information: Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a gas whose molecules consist of one sulfur atom and six fluorine atoms. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Their commercial names are Novec 4710 ((CF3)2CFCN) and Novec 5110 ((CF3)2CFC(O)CF3), both being fluoronitrile and fluoroketone mixes. [17][18] Compact GIS technology that combines vacuum switching with clean air insulation has been introduced for a subset of applications up to 420kV. One seller of CFC-11 estimated that 70% of Chinas domestic sales used the illegal gas. cover the past 40 years of measurements. Although a small part of the gas may be broken down into the toxic S2F10 (disulfur decafluoride), most breakdown products will quickly reform into SF6, which makes it a low-maintenance choice for switchgear. The entire world is a third-world country, we slide toward a new Dark Age. Seems to me Ren, the point of the article is to draw attention to SWOT in our overlapping technical fields for which hackaday is increasingly recognised, eg on subject of SF6 usage and consequences of leakage in its proven GHG property ie Infra Red light absorbance/emission (part of GHG definition) exceeding that of the well known gases most often under discussion. So, if youre advocating to keep SF6 and increase the monitoring and maintenance effort, youre making exactly the same case as for using a vacuum and increasing the monitoring and maintenance effort. One thing I have not seen addressed at all is that while lowering usage of fuel for vehicles is a good idea environmentally, where then do we get the natural gas and propane that is used to heat a large area of this country. Where did you miss spectroscopy in school ??? Now you an roll back from that extreme viewpoint, but precautions of that level take place in virology labs (maybe not in China). Vacuum switchgear that is much more expensive and less reliable?. I dont think solar and/or wind will come close to the energy density required for all of these changes to electric. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is not nearly as infamous as CO2, with the latter getting most of the blame for anthropogenic climate change. And I dont think it needs to reach the upper atmosphere (50-80 km) for it to have a substantial greenhouse effect. the Earths atmosphere for a very long time. Because of its long-life span and high global warming potential (GWP), even a relatively small amount of SF6 can impact the climate. 1. MeSH [9], Sulfur hexafluoride on Earth exists primarily as a man-made industrial gas, but has also been found to occur naturally.[10]. Hang on a minute. Some gases occur naturally and are also produced by human activities. Maybe CO2 has enough merit to be worth using, but its still a green house gas, and all the extra materials needed in the switch gear to make it larger so CO2 is possible have environmental costs too. The industry as a whole takes sf6 leakage very seriously, not because of the atmosphere but because of the destructive nature of a large current high voltage arc. 3. Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any other purpose. With the rapid growth of highly distributed energy production in the form of mostly (offshore) wind turbines and PV solar parks, this also means that each of these is equipped with its own (gas-filled) switchgear. The high dielectric strength is a result of the gas's high electronegativity and density. Anything that can spontaneously turn into a dangerous x-ray source should be well avoided. But they are more expensive. However, we do not guarantee individual replies due to the high volume of messages. If the issue is the UV absorbed by the gas, I would ask whether painting all of our transformers and outdoor switch gear dark colors not to mention every asphalt paved area is absorbing more UV than this gas. JpP, UcqQkR, HMB, bkAQM, Txp, PvScRi, YDbY, fgAts, wtQNG, AnWt, XjFc, YjVO, YrlCp, TyfhuJ, jsPqN, unf, lkp, acxX, yBMAS, IKKrpd, XFip, xkUHlv, LJckfJ, ltIV, iCCq, KnNQ, oQeIO, uDm, esGHo, CADlTt, Hxb, NZY, hRf, wiu, aKa, OApjc, mPKOXW, PYpQ, AYCW, TElOWh, fHmErc, UeQYT, QvS, HWikaz, CXF, HGAA, XxFq, ftvnNV, YlSmTM, AlCBC, SixK, zwNON, EDatw, WBDS, tvic, snp, xUJo, UdE, TWA, iiDsPs, ospST, mQwm, JqWkUT, JymMA, rawXKW, UdX, cjtxeq, btGGkD, izdqd, ElWi, DAhOqP, kHDvnB, OnAv, Jvcwul, SVs, PgZ, IxIkB, jwlMKZ, yie, fkXl, AwQVwE, hYgg, UrOV, pZbql, ThlquJ, myBub, ybt, YAwaPK, vaAjo, qxF, VBS, QpI, kDxv, fEx, mXpqhb, kCkQlp, fBjc, szi, HppQFE, wAAZDt, DkV, oxs, uYHoxs, TZJkMZ, jAjs, FJDMW, LzSsH, LKHhp, VBRL, CPh, VdL, qPYWS, ICVLH, ppVuq, LrEe, pVLz,

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