missoula parks and rec after school program

See INFRA and OP. See CHAIN. See BASE LINE*, BASIS PARALLEL. An instrument, such as a deed, by which interest in real property is created or by which title to real property is transferred from grantor to grantee. BOISE MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in Idaho; it was established in 1867. Please make checks payable to the Water Protection Bureau, DEQ and mailed to the address below. Specifications for the brass-capped survey marker call for zinc-coated pipe cut to 30-inch lengths. On the trial line, temporary intermediate corners are set. See TACK LINE. MINERAL LAND ENTRY Filing a claim to hold or purchase lands belonging to the public domain and valuable for the minerals they contain, implying a prior discovery of ore and the opening of a mine. PUBLIC LAW 359 (Aug. 11, 1955, 69 Stat. To be a bona fide claim, for example, the discovered mineral deposit must be valuable. secs. 2) In the public lands surveys, a straight line, tangent to a parallel of latitude, usually at a township corner. HALF A fractional part of a regular section subdivision determined according to equally divided linear measurements without consideration of the areas of the halves. TIDE The periodic rising and falling of the water that results from the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun acting upon the rotating earth. It does not apply to claims in unsurveyed areas, (28 ID 149). The term rood was sometimes used also for a linear measure varying locally from 5 yd. a connection to any permanent artificial object or improvement may be included in this general class of corner accessories. [11] The shape of the hillslopes on Angel Island include the scars of pre-historic landslides and mass wasting, and deposits of eroded material may have been transported away from the island by currents in the San Francisco Bay.[11]. See INTRALIMITAL RIGHTS. 2) As applied by NOS, the mean of all high waters are a considerable period of time, usually 18.6 or 19 years. SHAFT In mining, an opening made at the surface and extending downward into the earth vertically. See SHAFT, TUNNEL, ADIT, CROSSCUT, DRIFT*. That is. DIURNAL Daily. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). See MINERAL LAND ENTRY. SeeALLUVION, RELICTION, EROSION, AVULSION, RIPARIAN RIGHTS.ACCRETION, ARTIFICIAL Additions to a riparian owners soil by theimperceptible process of accretion whichwas induced by mans activities.ACCURACY (USC&GS. FIELD EXAMINATION (Prior to 1910) A method of checking public land survey field work under the contract system. RESVR (Land Status Records) Reservoir. RECTANGULAR LIMITS The amount by which a section, or its aliquot parts, may vary from the ideal section and still be considered regular. MINERAL LEASE A lease under the Act of Feb. 25, 1920 (The Mineral leasing Act), as amended and supplemented. Some suggested focus groups outside of the board and administrators include students, civic clubs, mental health groups, nonprofit leaders and elected officials. For additional information about CEIs, contact the Water Protection Bureau at (406) 444-5546. In determining these limits, and ascertaining the interests obtained under the various grants, legal advice may be required. TEXAS ACCESSION The Republic of Texas was admitted as a State in 1845, but retained title to all unoccupied lands. ESCHEAT In English feudal law, the reversion of lands to the lord of the fee in consequence of a want of an individual competent to inherit. RIPARIAN RIGHTS ENTRY An owner of contiguous land may be permitted to make such an entry of public lands when, due to erroneous meandering of a river, lake, or other body of water, public lands are shown on the original survey plat as water-covered areas. They are: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. See INDEMNITY LIMITS. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. The pillars of cosmic dust captured in a famous 1995 photo by the Hubble has just been giving another perspective by the James Webb Space Telescope. COMM S (Land Status Records) Communication Site. See LAND, MINERAL, POWER SITE, and SMALL TRACT. LOUISIANA SWAMP LAND ACT OF 1849 The Act of March 2, 1849 (9 Stat. A perfect zeroZenithis the direction pointing directly above a particular location (perpendicular, orthogonal). COLOR OF TITLE If a claim to a piece of real property is based upon some written instrument, although a defective one, the person is said to have color of title. A claim which has as its basis that which the law considers prima facie a good title, but which, by reason of some defect not appearing on its face, is not in fact a title. BOUNTY LANDS Portions of the public domain given or donated as a bounty for services rendered, chiefly for military service. a surveyors return of 29 inches length for a location monument should be considered a trifling difference. HWY (Land Status Records) Highway. RAILROAD GRANT Usually, title to railroad grant lands passed under patent conveyances. RIP Branch of Records Improvement (Original name was Records Improvement Project.) . Used instead of a tripod, a Jacobs staff is fitted with a ball-and-socket joint at its upper end, by means of which the instrument is adjusted to a level position; the foot is fitted with a metal shoe which facilitates pressing the staff firmly into the ground. Note that since other state agencies must be contacted to verify information, this process may take up to six weeks to complete. See BEACH, SHORE, BACKSHORE and TIDELANDS. To apply for certification in Montana by reciprocity, an applicant must: If your request for reciprocity is approved, you will receive the appropriate certification in the mail. The blaze should be just long enough to allow the markings to be made. Estate: is used in conveyances in connection with the words right, title and interest. It is, in a great degree, synonymous with all of them. This new office will work with local communities to begin tackling pressing health care challenges.. ERRONEOUS MEANDERS Error or mistake in position rather than in procedure. The same lengths are to be adopted proportionately whenever there is a need for an establishment of sixteenth-section corners on the section boundaries, and for control points for the subdivision of sections. Under certain of these laws and under special conditions, applicants, claimants, etc., can select subdivisions smaller than a quarter-quarter section or lot. United States Code Annotated. See CURTESY. See TOWNSITE. ROOD A square measure equal to acre or 40 sq. Step 3: Submit a subscriber agreement for each permit to which you are requesting NetDMR production access. The public laws and private laws are printed in separate sections. The other states were admitted to the Union by acts of Congress (enabling acts), usually upon petition of the citizens residing in the territories in question, as follows: Alabama December 14, 1819 (3 Stat. Half ranges and half townships are fractional townships by definition. USE PLAT A copy of the master title plat and any supplemental master title plats of a township. DISPOSAL, LAND A transaction which leads to the transfer of title to public lands from the Federal Government. GRID AZIMUTH The angle in the plane of projection between a straight line and the central meridian (y-axis) of a plane-rectangular coordinate system. GEODETIC COORDINATES Quantities which define a horizontal position on an ellipsoid of reference with respect to a geodetic datum. IPSO JURE By the law itself; by the mere operation of the law. See LEVEE, GROIN. The tables and data are designed for use by Cadastral Surveyors in the field and office. An abbreviation for ibidem, a Latin term meaning in the same place, in the same book, on the same page, etc. seq., which provides for the settlement of aboriginalland claims of the Natives and Native groupsin Alaska.ALASKA PURCHASE Purchase of Alaska from Russia under a conventionsigned March 30, 1867, and proclaimedJune 20, 1867, provided the United States with more than 365 millionacres of additional public lands.ALIENATION A legal term applied to the process of transfer of title,or a legal conveyance of property to another. The entire island is included within Angel Island State Park, administered by California State Parks. A person is said to die intestate when he dies without leaving a valid will to testify what his wishes were with respect to the disposal of his property after his death. ORIGINAL ENTRY When application to acquire title to public lands and the applicant is permitted to proceed with earning title to the land under the governing laws and regulations. See ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT*. NPPR (Land Status Records) Native Primary Place of Residence. MIN CERT or MC (Land Status Records) Mineral certificate. The statutory requirement (43 U.S.C. Minor Modifications are typical when the permittee plans on undergoing minor administrative changes such as transfer of permit ownership. See COURTS OF EQUITY. $998.02 (2 used & new offers) Mynta Massage Chair, 3D SL-Track Full Body Massage Chair Recliner with Heat, Zero Gravity, Thai Stretch, Bluetooth Speaker, Airbags and Foot Rollers, Black 115 $1,79999 Save $300.00 with coupon FREE delivery.Massage Chair Used.Reclines to full lying down position for an all over Full Body Massage, it has different massage type functions, speed See SECTION, QUARTER. The right is limited to claims which contain the apex of the vein at or very near the surface, which are oriented with the lode line substantially along the vein and which have the end lines substantially parallel. James Gadsden, a South Carolina railroad promoter negotiated for the acquisition of 19 million acres of additional land and the settlement of the claims. See INDEMNITY LANDS, GRANT IN PLACE and QUANTITY GRANT. The physical top of the cut-bank, being very uneven in profile, cannot be a datum for locating the boundary line but a gradient along the bank must be used for that purpose. CROSSCUT Something that cuts across or through. DIAGRAM, TOWNSHIP OR SECTION A standardized drawing of a township or of a section which shows the major legal subdivisions. Fort McDowell was used as a detention station for Japanese, German and Italian immigrant residents of Hawaii arrested as potential fifth columnists (despite a lack of supporting evidence or access to due process). INTERSECTION 1) The method of establishing the legal center of section and the centers of the various quarter sections. DLC Donation land Claim. See&nbnbsp; BOG and UPLANDS. In modern English tenures, fee means an estate of inheritance clear of any condition, limitation, or restriction to particular heirs, but descendable to the heirs in general, male or female, lineal or collateral. 5) The mean of a series of bearings obtained by measurement. A quarantine station was opened in Ayala Cove (which at the time was known as Hospital Cove) in 1891. The Areaadministrative office was in Salt Lake City,Utah.Area 3 had supervision over Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico andthe Missouri River Basin surveys. 338; 43 U.S.C., sec. CONDEMNATION In real property law, the process by which property of a private owner is taken for public use, without his consent, but upon the award of payment of just compensation. To achieve this, the surveyor will evaluate eight key elements of a water system. MEAN HIGH WATER 1) The elevation of the water at the margin of the area occupied by the water for the greater portion of each average year, as determined by vegetative, on topographic changes. HUNTSVILLE MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in northern Alabama and a small part of Mississippi; it was adopted in 1807. Because of the lack of symmetry of the tidal curve this is not the same as mean sea level. See REAL PROPERTY. NW (Land Status Records) Northwest. FRACTIONAL SECTION A section, which in its original form, contained one or more subdivisions of less than forty (40) acres due to irregular exterior boundaries, or due to the encroachment of a meandered body of water or other land which could not properly be surveyed or disposed of as an aliquot part of that section. CONFLICTING TESTIMONY A contradiction or ambiguity of facts, evidence, or statements made previously or made by other witnesses. To do away with orannul.ABSENTEE OWNER By law, one cannot be both a resident and an absenteeof a given area, state or country.Therefore, an owner who lives in an area other than the one in whichland he owns is situated is an absentee owner.ABSTRACT (noun) A summary or abridgment. The court is composed of a Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. That portion of area which one survey extends over and covers a part of a different survey as is shown by the evidence on the ground. SeeSPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.ASTRONOMIC Of or pertaining to astronomy. TRSP (Land Status Records) Trespass. A beach includes foreshore and backshore. Scott, who remains in jail on $260,000 bond, was also accused in July 2021 of being one of four people who allegedly stole $60,000 BANK The continuous margin along a river or stream where all upland vegetation ceases. 4) The part of the shore, lying between the crest of the seaward berm (or upper limit of wave action at high tide) and the ordinary low water mark, that is ordinarily traversed by the uprush and backrush of the waves as the tides rise and fall. See GRADIENT BOUNDARY. In this community edited Land Surveying Dictionary, you can look up common terms used in Land Platts, blueprints, legal descriptions and more. Zoning may be use-based (regulating the uses to which land may be put), or it may regulate building height, lot coverage, and similar characteristics, or some combination of these. See ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS. INDIAN PUEBLO ENTRY A claim by a non-Indian for a patent to land within an Indian pueblo. QS (Land Status Records) Quicksilver. In the later 19th century, the army designated the entire island as "Fort McDowell" and developed further facilities there, including what is now called the East Garrison or Fort McDowell. The rules that reminders will be sent include: RTCR - Monthly and Quarterly Bacteria and Seasonal Startup Form; Monthly Chlorine Sheets; Nitrate; Asbestos; SOC, VOC, IOC; DBP (3-year schedules only); Lead and Copper Sample and Consumer Notice; CCR and CCR Certification Form; Radionuclides; and State-Wide Waiver. Dogs (except service dogs) are not allowed. The third and final grant totaling $100,000 will help develop a new UM Health extension office network throughout western Montana. CONTOUR*. CONTINENTAL SHELF The part of a continental mass extending from the shore outward beneath the shallow seas to the continental talus where the bottom slopes down rapidly to the ocean depths. REAL ESTATE An ownership interest in real property. LM See UNITED STATES LOCATION MONUMENT. There is one active United States Coast Guard lighthouse on the island at Point Blunt. It includes membership in a firm, or ownership of stock or other securities in a corporation which has such an interest. See BEARING TREE, BEARING OBJECT, MOUNDS AND PITS and LANDMARK. Wood fires are prohibited. RECTANGULAR COORDINATES See PLANE COORDINATES and COORDINATE SYSTEM. COURTS OF EQUITY Courts which administer justice according to the system of equity, and according to the rules, principles and procedures of chancery; as distinguished from a court having the jurisdiction, rules, principles and practice of the common law. CADASTRAL ENGINEER A former title of a Cadastral Surveyor or Land Surveyor in the Bureau of Land Management and the General Land Office. Ranges were numbered east to west. 876) Vermont March 4, 1791 (1 Stat. Despite language barriers and over 5,000 miles separating them, Kumamoto, Japan and the state of Montana share plenty of similarities. 3) Any remaining error after all adjustments are made. Before CECs can be earned for a course, the course must be approved for credit on a Montana Certification Office Individual Approval Form. TITLE In real property law, title is a means whereby the owner of lands has the just possession of his property. The 1930 and 1947 Manuals of Surveying Instructions called for the use of transparent color overlays to show these features when required. LO (Land Status Records) Land Office. Often issued by title-guarantee companies or by the state, as in the case of a Land Court certificate. SG (Land Status Records) State Grant. 1723) North Dakota November 2, 1889 (25 Stat. SEWARD MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in southwestern Alaska; it was adopted in 1911. PAROL AGREEMENT An oral agreement between the owners establishing the boundary dividing adjacent land. SCHOOL-LAND INDEMNITY SELECTION A lieu selection made by a State to compensate for School Lands which it did not secure. The terms chancery and equity and court of chancery and court of equity are used as synonymous in the United States, probably because the jurisdiction exercised by courts of equity is similar to that of the English chancery courts. Tidelands, including coastal salt marshes are not subject to survey. 1728) Arkansas June 15, 1836 (5 Stat. The correct technical term is Flood Current. TIDELANDS Coastal areas situated above mean low tide and below mean high tide, particularly the areas alternately covered and uncovered by the daily tides. [36], Prior fires include one in 2005 that burned 25 acres (10ha), and a smaller 23-acre blaze in 2004.[42]. Under the manuals of surveying instruction preceding that of 1930, the base plat also contained all cultural and topographic features thought to be desirable. C & GS (United States) Coast and Geodetic Survey. See CORNER MOVE. [24] The culture was tested on animals for four days, and Y. pestis was confirmed. During the war, the post was commanded by Colonel George K. McGunnegle, who reached the mandatory retirement age of 64 in 1918 but remained on duty until the end of the war. See STANDARD QUADRANGLE MAP* and MAP SERIES*. The island is separated from the mainland of Marin County by Raccoon Strait, the depth of the water approximately 90 feet (27m). This line, which extends the width of the Seven Ranges (42 miles), is named for Thomas Hutchins, the Geographer of the United States. CANCELLATION (Lands) An abrogation of a right in the public lands because of noncompliance with the public land laws or because of expiration of time limits. It is also the Ohio-Pennsylvania boundary line. LAND DECISIONS Decisions of the Department of the Interior relating to the Public lands. See OBITER DICTUM. INDIAN TRUST PATENT An Indian patent which is issued with the condition that title to the land remains for a specified period of time in the United States in trust for the patentee. Also established theposition of executive Surveyor General, whosupervised work of professional surveyors under contract to theGovernment. Specifically: a mine working driven horizontally and at right angles to an adit, drift or level. USAF (Land Status Records) United States Air Force. 682b, 757-761, 887; 30 U.S.C. TNS (Land Status Records) Townsite. NP (Land Status Records) National Park. vs. Versus. TALL MER (Land Status Records) Tallahasee Meridian. New accessories may be added if required. REJ (Land Status Records) Rejected and rejection. A new sex education policy will get a second reading at Missoula County Public Schools' November trustees meeting to allow time for public comment. Wayne Beyer is retiring from Director of Wahpeton Park and Rec. TACK LINE A straight line projected from point (tack) to point as opposed to a solar line run along an astronomic bearing with a solar attachment. No district crosses state boundaries. The azimuth from A toward B is the forward azimuth while the azimuth from B toward A is the back azimuth of station B. Encumbrances include mortgages, judgment liens, attachments, leases, deed restrictions, unpaid taxes, inchoate rights of dower and so forth. In the survey of the seven ranges, sections are numbered from south to north in each range, with number 1 in the southeast corner of the township and number 36 in the northwest corner. See GUIDE MERIDIAN, AUXILIARY GUIDE MERIDIAN and GOVERNING SECTION LINE. MICHIGAN MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in Michigan and in the extreme northwestern part of Ohio. RESPONDENT See APPELLEE. SUPPL (Land Status Records) Supplemental. INDIAN ALLOTMENT An allocation of a parcel of public lands or Indian reservation lands to an Indian for his individual use; also, the lands so allocated. NON RIPARIAN BROKEN BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT 1) A mathematical solution for restoring or determining the position of angle points of record courses by applying a correction to each record course based proportionately upon the length of the course. DITCHES AND/OR CANALS Used to indicate a reservation to the United States of a right, or an easement for the construction and maintenance of ditches or canals, as stated in a particular patent. In the absence of predators, the deer population expanded and overgrazed the island. See AREA, GROSS.AREAS (BLM) From the mid-1950s until 1961 the Bureau of LandManagement was composed of the HeadquartersOffice in Washington, D.C.; a field organization of three Areas inthe United States and one in Alaska; 11 StateOffices and an Eastern States Office which was in Washington, D.C.Area 1 had supervision over Washington, Oregon and California. The height may be due solely to the periodic tidal forces or it may have superimposed on it the effects of prevailing meteorological conditions. A mortgage judgment or tax levy may in some cases constitute a cloud on title. To shorten or condense bythe omission of words without sacrifice ofsense or continuity. L. 544) Michigan January 26, 1837 (5 Stat. BOUNDARIES, NATIONAL Boundaries between countries are established by treaties made by the sovereign powers concerned. As part of the bed of navigable waters, such lands belong to the states by right of sovereignty. All reference to Receivers was dropped following the Act of March 3, 1925, which provided for the consolidation of the offices of Receiver and Register. M.S. SUS (Land Status Records) Suspended. RECLAMATION HOMESTEAD ENTRY - An entry initiated under the act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. This was done to facilitate identification of the line. Provides for the location of mining claims on lands reserved or withdrawn for power or powersite purposes. ), as amended, which extended the homestead laws to Alaska. SeeKentucky Land Surveyors KATEEL RIVER MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in western central Alaska; it was adopted in 1956. BOUNDARIES, STATE A boundary between two States of the United States may be changed by agreement of the State legislatures, but this agreement must be approved by Congress. Parks and Rec Longview, WA United States. See SWAMP-LAND GRANT, LOUISIANA SWAMP LAND ACT OF 1849, SWAMP LANDS ACT OF 1850, SWAMP LANDS ACT OF 1860, STAPLE CROP, TIDELANDS, MARSH and SALT MARSH. See GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES. BEDS OF NONNAVIGABLE LAKES AND STREAMS The areas within the mean high-water lines of a lake, stream or river which are kept practically bare of vegetation from year to year by the wash of the waters; although parts of them are left dry for months at a time. PUBLIC LAW 31 (MAY 22, 1953 ) See SUBMERGED LANDS ACT. DEPARTURE*. Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa & Missouri (Headquarters, Billings, Montana) 4. See MASTER TITLE PLAT and USE PLAT. He is directly accountable to the State Director. [44][pageneeded], Personal Letter of James T. Gardiner to his mother, San Francisco, November 7, 1863, New York State Library, Wheeler, Thomas. TIDE, EBB The movement of the tidal current away from the shore or down a tidal stream. See MEANDERS. This section was developed for pubic water system owners and operators. RED RIVER OIL LANDS Public lands, containing oil and gas, which are located in the south half of the Red River, th Oklahoma, from the 98 Meridian to the North Fork. A decision orders the disposition of a case in a certain way, and contains a statement of the facts, laws and reasoning which require that disposition. NATIONAL FOREST LIEU SELECTION A parcel of land chosen to replace land located within a national forest, the rights to which were relinquished prior to March 3, 1905. 233, 16 U.S.C. In the Submerged Lands Act, 43 U.S.C. Among field surveyors a control line is a survey line to the nearest identified corner in directions necessary for restoration of a corner. MER (Land Status Records) Meridian. WI Wisconsin. CIT. 401 Water Quality CertificationKeenan Storrar (406) 444-2734. OP. ENGLEWOOD RECREATION . In 1850 this was changed to sections 16 and 36. See SCHOOL LAND INDEMNITY SELECTION. See CONTINENTAL TALUS, SCREE SLOPE. HISTORICAL INDEX A chronological summary of all actions which affect, have affected, or will affect the title to, disposition of, or use status of lands and resources within a township. SeeArkansas Land SurveyorsAREA ADM O (Land Status Records) Area Administrator Order(s).ARIZ Arizona. Organized in the Department of the Interior after the passage, in 1934, of the Taylor Grazing Act, it was abolished in 1946 when its functions were consolidated with those of the General Land Office and transferred to the newly created Bureau of Land Management. UMIAT MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in the northern part of Alaska. See STATE COORDINATE SYSTEMS, STATE PLANE COORDINATES, GEODETIC COORDINATES, UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSAL MERCATOR, GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES, PLANE COORDINATES, SPHERICAL COORDINATES. RETRACEMENT A survey made to ascertain the direction and length of lines and to identify monuments and marks of an established prior survey. PCC Point of Compound Curve. See NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1927. INDEX CORRECTION 1) As used in the resurvey of the public lands, an average error in the lines of the original survey. 1813.1-1. THALWEG - The downway, meaning the course taken by boats going downstream in a river. TX Texas. Incommon BLM usage, alienated lands are lands that have been patented.ALINEMENT (alignment) 1) Formation or position in line, or, moreproperly, in a common vertical plane. Each individual permit is placed into a category based on the type of wastewater to be discharged; either domestic (e.g. MC Meander Corner. PHO (Land Status Records) Phosphate. Hold a valid water or wastewater certification in another state. [24] After more deaths, tissue samples were sent to Angel Island for testing to determine if they harbored Yersinia pestis, the bacteria responsible for spreading the bubonic plague. See PRIVATE EXCHANGE, STATE EXCHANGE and TAYLOR ACT EXCHANGE. Please email the required information to dpws@mt.gov . 2) A method of keeping track of count. GRANT IN PRAESENTI See IN PRAESENTI. See HIATUS and GORE*. The median is a continuous line formed by intersecting straight line or curve segments. GEODETIC SURVEY A precise survey of considerable extent which takes into account the shape of the earth. NM New Mexico. For further information, contact the Water Protection Bureau at (406) 444-5546. See DIRECT SYSTEM OF SURVEYS. See END LINE. WINZE In mining, a vertical or steeply inclined passageway driven to connect a mine working with another. Sacramento State Online Water and Wastewater Training: Click Here to view courses and register. LAND DISTRICT the area administered by a particular land office. USS (Land Status Records) United States Survey. FIELD TABLETS Notebooks in which the initial information is recorded in the field, and from which the Field Notes are transcribed. MINERAL LOCATION AND CONTEST INDEX A component of the land status records; it is a listing by township and range of mineral location notices filed under special mining claim recording laws, abandonments and relinquishments of mining claims secured by the Government, and of actions initiated to determine the validity of mineral, agricultural and other claims on national resource lands. As cadastral surveys, they are made to detect, or determine the extent of, underground trespass. MONUMENT A physical structure, such as an iron post, marked stone or tree in place, which marks the location of a corner point established by a Cadastral Survey. A lot may be regular or irregular in shape and its acreage varies from that of regular subdivisions. Where the court, in rationalizing its position, uses language broader than is needed for disposition of the point at issue. 650). 2479 (43 U.S.C.A. 189) Louisiana April 30, 1812 (2 Stat. NONRESPONSIVE BIDS Contract bids not conforming to the substance of the bid invitation are non responsive and may not be considered for award. (2) Includes a) the remaining public domain of the United States, b) reservations, other than Indian reservations, created from the public domain, c) lands withdrawn, reserved or withheld from private appropriation and disposal under the public land laws, including the mining laws, d) outstanding interests of the United States in lands which have been patented or otherwise conveyed under the public land laws, e) National Forests, f) wildlife refuges and ranges, and g) the surface and subsurface resources of all such lands. TEMP (Land Status Records) Temporary. By meeting certain conditions and fulfilling certainrequirements, a settler was to receive 160 acres as anarmed occupation donation.ACT OF DECEMBER 22, 1928 See COLOR-OF-TITLE ACT.ACT OF JULY 22, 1854 Donation of 160 acres to each male whiteresident of New Mexico who resided there onJanuary 1, 1853, and to male white citizens or intended citizens of theUnited States who emigrated there by January1, 1858. See RELEASED RAILROAD CLAIMS. RVST (Land Status Records) Revested. SCHOOL LAND PATENT A patent which is issued to a State to give it additional evidence of title to a school section since title to school sections ordinarily passes to a State merely upon filing of the accepted survey of the lands. If you have been sampling on time it is likely because DEQ has received the samples prior to sending the reminders. GUIDE MERIDIAN An auxiliary governing line projected north along an astronomical meridian, from points established on the base line or a standard parallel, usually at intervals of 24 miles east or west of the principal meridian, on which township, section, and quarter-section corners are established. See ALIQUOT PARTS, SUBDIVISION-OF-SURVEY and REGULAR SECTION. Lot is also the name given individual parcels of recorded subdivisions of private tracts. See METES-AND-BOUNDS SURVEY. See PRECISION.ACEQUIA A ditch, channel or canal through which water, diverted fromits natural course, is conducted for use inirrigation or other purposes. OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF That portion of the continental shelf seaward of state boundaries as defined in the Submerged Lands Act (43 U.S.C.A., sec. MEAN SEA LEVEL The average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of the tide over a 19-year period, usually determined from hourly height readings. The bark and a small amount of the live wood are removed with an axe or other cutting tool, leaving a flat, smoothed surface which forever brands the tree. LOU ISIANA MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in the greater part of Louisiana; it was adopted in 1807. The program will train new and existing community health workers in Montana. Areas within a townsite which are surveyed and set aside for the purposes of the legally incorporated or duly authorized association of the inhabitants of this town. These diagrams are not official documents; they are a working index tool of the Bureau of Land Management. 16-5 You can cancel at any time. Updated: November 24, 2021 @ 3:57 am Officers encourage anyone with information on this crime to contact the LaGrange County Sheriff's Department. .In accordance with O.C.G.A. NATIONAL RESOURCE LANDS All of the lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management. See ADJUSTMENT*.ADMINISTRATIVE SITE A reservation of public lands for use as a sitefor public buildings, ranger stations, orother administrative facilities.ADVANCE FIELD COMPLETION A process in USGS map production which showsboundary information whichis available but not found on final topographic maps.ADVERSE POSSESSION The possession of land, under such circumstancesas indicate that such possession hasbeen commenced and continued under an assertion of rights on the partof the possessor against the original owners.To be adverse, possession must be actual, continued, visible,notorious, distinct and hostile. Title obtained byadverse possession is a fee-simple title. The Montana Water Quality Act (75-5-605 ) requires a valid permit for the following activities: (a) construct, modify, or operate a disposal system that discharges into any state waters; (b) construct or use any outlet for the discharge of sewage, industrial wastes, or other wastes into any state waters; or. See CONTINENTAL SHELF, OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF, and OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF LANDS ACT. March 24, 2023 -Operator Certification Exams (Great Falls) Click Here to register for the exam *Note: DEQ office must receive applications a minimum of 30 days prior to taking an exam. INGRESS, EGRESS AND REGRESS These words express the right of a lessee to enter, go upon, and return from the lands in question. W P Witness Point. Non-traditional MS4s are systems similar to those of urbanized areas such as such as systems at military bases, large educational, hospital or prison complexes, and highways and other thoroughfares. LITTORAL OWNER One who owns land abutting a sea or ocean where the tide regularly rises and falls. REVERSION CLAUSE A clause in an order of withdrawal providing that the lands shall revert to their former status after they have served the purpose for which they are withdrawn; also, a clause in a patent providing that title to the lands shall revert to the United States upon failure of the patentee to use the lands for the purposes stated in the patent. GILA AND SALT RIVER MERIDIAN The principal meridian governing surveys in nearly all of Arizona; it was adopted in 1865. Provides for multiple use of mining claims, and for a procedure where the Government may determine that it has the right to manage surface resources not required for mining purposes. It must be filed and posted on the ground according to the laws of the state where located. [6] The island is almost entirely in the city of Tiburon, in Marin County, although, there is a small sliver (0.7%) at the eastern end of it (Fort McDowell) which extends into the territory of the City and County of San Francisco. 29 and 30; 43 U.S.C. REACH (of a river) A continuous unbroken portion of a river, particularly a straight stretch. MAP A representation on a plane surface, at an established scale, of the physical features (natural, artificial, or both) of a part or the whole of the earths surface, by means of signs and symbols, and with the means of orientation *. (Refer to Figure 1). See COMPLETION SURVEY. OVERLAP Lands surveyed in conflict. MIL PUR (Land Status Records) Military Purpose. M Mile, as marked on monuments and/or accessories . Email: Englewood_Rec@yahoo.com PRIN MER (Land Status Records) Principal Meridian. RECLAMATION WITHDRAWAL A withdrawal of public lands in connection with a reclamation project. Nebraska. CC Closing Corner. PITTMAN ACT ENTRY An entry of public lands in Nevada made by an individual or association of individuals who earned the right to acquire title to the lands through discovery of underground sources of water. Usually abbreviated op. The designation 1/8 corner was used in some of the older subdivision-of-section surveys. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A written statement recognized by law as to the definite location of a tract of land by reference to a survey, recorded map or adjoining property. 352), granted to the State of Louisiana all the swamp and overflowed lands within the limits of the State for the purpose of aiding in the reclamation of said lands. For provisions of determining the shore space, see 43 C.F.R. TOWN LOT ENTRY A cash entry of a town lot within a townsite. RECLAMATION TOWN LOT A town lot of a town site which is within a reclamation project. Contact the DEQ at 444-3434 if you find any errors or discrepancies on this report. Six-mile square townships extended north from the Ohio River and were numbered south to north. In order to transfer ownership, a complete PTN form, along with a $500 minor modification fee is required. This year was the first since 2019 that students across the nation participated in the test dubbed the nations report card after the COVID pandemic disrupted testing. CLOSING ERROR See MISCLOSURE. OFFICIAL CADASTRAL SURVEY The public lands are deemed to be surveyed when the survey has been accepted and the plat thereof has been filed in the appropriate land office by direction of the Bureau of Land Management. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Bukaceks conservative platform has helped launch the Kalispell physician into the running for a seat. To apply for an authorization under the Multi-Sector General Permit, submit a complete NOI package to DEQ through DEQs e-permitting system (FACTS)A complete NOI package includes a NOI with map, SWPPP with map(s), Sage Grouse Program consultation letter (if applicable), and appropriate fee. CLOSURE The process of measurement in a closed figure for a check on horizontal or vertical precision. See DOWER. A total 1,047 students entered the Montana WWAMI program through the University of Washington School of Medicine, producing 791 graduates. It was made up of claims of Virginia, Connecticut and Massachusetts, and comprised an area of approximately 278,000 square miles. 5) The confluence of two or more streams of water. Tiffins 1815 instructions called for the use of a two pole chain of 50 links, so when the chainman was out of chaining pins he had covered a distance of 5 chains. SHORE, OCEAN This is the most important of the four zones, and extends from the low water mark inshore to the base of the cliff (large or small), which usually marks the landward limit of effective wave action. cit. ORDINAL NUMBER A number designating the place (as first, second, third) occupied by an item in an ordered sequence. Mer. Astronomic declination on the celestial sphere corresponds with latitude on the earth. PWR S (Land Status Records) Power site. Federal Supplement. METES AND BOUNDS A method of describing a parcel of land by citing the owners of abutting lands and describing the length of each course of a boundary as along some apparent line, such as, along a stream or along the road. In modern usage, a metes and bounds description includes the bearings and distances of each course. P.S.C. Private Lessons. PEDIS POSSESSIO Actual possession of real property implying actual occupancy or enclosure and use. After nearly three years, campuses in Montana are exhaling. See REMANDER. See PROTRACTION, RIPARIAN BOUNDARIES and PARTITION LINES. PLACE LANDS Lands granted in aid of a railroad company which are within certain limits on each side of the road, and which became instantly fixed by the adoption of the centerline of the railroad. RY (Land Status Records) Railway. It was abolished in 1946 when its functions were combined with those of the Grazing Service to become the Bureau of Land Management. SeeAlaska Land SurveyorsAL Alabama. JOINDER OF ACTIONS This expression signifies the uniting of two or more demands or rights of action in one action or lawsuit. See BEACH, SHORE, COAST LINE, MEAN HIGH WATER, FORESHORE, BACKSHORE, etc. NEB. See TESTIMONY.AUTHORITY, PUBLIC LANDS Article IV Sec. See GADSDEN TREATY. See COLOR-OF-TITLE ACT, COLOR-OF-TITLE ENTRY, and PRIMA FACIE. Copies of your credentials of certification and any other supporting documents, including the name and phone number of the certification contact in the other state. In earlier times, under regulations found in various manuals of surveying instructions, surveyors were to set a Point on Line (POL) on top of ridges or spurs, at places where the line crossed trails or roads and at other like places. A written report must be submitted to the Compliance Inspector within five days of the discovery of noncompliance. Adopted in 1855, it is abbreviated 6th Prin. HE (Land Status Records) Homestead entry. BOUNDARY LINE A line along which two areas meet. MINERAL ADVERSE CLAIM A notice of protest filed by a rival claimant against the approval of a mineral application. PE Professional Engineer. BONA FIDE RIGHTS Rights, such as in ownership of land, which are real, actual, genuine and worthy of acceptance. See STATE SELECTION SURVEY. See CORNER OF MINIMUM CONTROL. See MINERAL SURVEY and PLACER CLAIM. LOCATION NOTICE In mining, a public notice of location of a mining claim. MISS. REST (Land Status Records) Restoration or Restored. TIER (United States public land surveys) Any series of contiguous townships situated east and west of each other; also, sections similarly situated within a township. DOCUMENT 1) An instrument on which is recorded, by means of letters, figures, marks or symbols, information which may be relied upon as the basis, proof or support of something. SOLAR LINE A line run along an astronomic bearing with a solar attachment. Sometimes called mile posts. MILE POST See MILE CORNER. 682 a-c), as amended, authorizes the Secretary of the Interior, under its terms and requirements, to lease or sell parcels (not to exceed 5 acres) of vacant, unreserved public lands, including such lands in Alaska, and public lands withdrawn under the General Orders of Withdrawal, and those lands withdrawn or reserved for any purposes by the Secretary, but which may be classified by him as being chiefly valuable for sale or lease as a home, recreation, business, or community site under conditions as set forth in the Act. See SPECIAL OFFICES (BLM), STATE OFFICES (BLM), LAND OFFICES (BLM), DISTRICT (BLM), DISTRICT MANAGER (BLM). The diagram is approved for the Director by the Chief, Division of Cadastral Survey, and filed in the respective state offices of the BLM after public notice in the Federal Register. In some States, courts called chancery courts possess general equity powers. Stock #: 11518309i - RZR 800 Limited edition orange for sale - Clean condition - Mara Views: 556 castanetrvmall:Sep 3, 9:00 AM 2022 Polaris Industries RZR TURBO R ULTIMATE ONYX BLACK . Click Here to view the available trainings. In addition to supporting survivors of sexual assault, the project aims dig into prevention efforts. [12] In 1775, the Spanish naval vessel San Carlos made the first European entry to the San Francisco Bay under the command of Juan de Ayala. The first solar attachment was patented by William Burt and when mounted on a surveyors compass it became a Burt Solar Compass. Modern solar attachments are of the telescopic type. Circuit Courts of Appeals. In an advanced stage the water area becomes completely filled and may become what is known as a peat bog. See MARSH and SWAMP. [10] The Franciscan Complex rocks are unconformably overlain by flat-lying sediments of the Colma Formation near Blunt Point on the south coast of the island. RELEASED RAILROAD CLAIMS The lands any potential claim to which was relinquished by railroads pursuant to the Transportation Act of 1940, viz, all railroad grant lands within the primary limits of the unadjusted railroad grants for which a patent or its equivalent had not been issued and all public lands within the indemnity limits of such grants which might have been available for the selection by the railroads in satisfaction of their grants. RULE OF THALWEG In river boundaries, the rule which holds that where a navigable river separates two nations, the middle of the main channel is the boundary between them, as distinguished from the geographic middle of the river, per Shalowitz. TIDAL DATUM A reference for leveling defined by tidal phase observation and measurements. SeeFlorida Land Surveyors FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act, of 1976. The location and estimated value of mining improvements are returned by the survey but no reference is made to mineral deposits. Zero- Zero degrees, minutes, and seconds. LEGEND A description, explanation or table of symbols printed on a map or chart to permit a better understanding or interpretation of it. PITS AND MOUNDS A system of witnessing public land survey corner stakes in prairie country. CIRC (Land Status Records) Circular. LEASE MAP Former name for the Outer Continental Shelf Official Protraction Diagrams. See BEACH, BACKSHORE, FORESHORE, SHORE. DISCOVERY In mining law, as the basis of the right to locate a mining claim upon the public domain, discovery means the finding of mineralized rock in place. SeeWisconsin Land Surveyors WILL MER (Land Status Records) Williamette Meridian. A new sex education policy will get a second reading at Missoula County Public Schools' November trustees meeting to allow time for public comment. Since the beginning of the Direct System, all cadastral survey projects authorized under one specific set of instructions have been referred to by their Group number. GUARANTEE OF TITLE A certification which insures that the title exists in fact as described. For questions or assistance, please call 406-444-5388 or contact Gina Self by email at:gself@mt.gov. May 18, 2023 - Operator Certification Exams (Kalispell) Click Here to register for the exam *Note: DEQ office must receive applications a minimum of 30 days prior to taking an exam. DESERT LAND ENTRY An entry of irrigable arid agricultural public lands, under the terms of the Act of March 3, 1877, as amended, for the purpose of reclamation, irrigation and cultivation in part. 742) Hawaii August 21, 1959 (73 Stat. Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board, Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program, Residential Energy Code and Energy Efficiency, Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, State Buildings Energy Conservation Program, Engineering Infrastructure & Subdivisions, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) - MTG010000, General Permit (Effective November 1, 2018), Construction Dewatering (CDGP) - MTG070000, Disinfected Water & Hydrostatic Testing MTG770000, Disinfected Water & Hydrostatic Testing General Permit, General Permit (Effective January 01, 2021), Domestic Sewage Treatment Lagoons MTG580000, MTG581000, Batch & Non-Discharging Facilities MTG580000, Batch Facilities General Permit (Expiring 12/31/2022), Summary of Previously Permitted Facilities, Batch & Non-Discharging Facilities General Permit (2023), Continuous Discharging Facilities MTG581000, Continuous Discharging Facilities General Permit, General Permit (Effective January 01, 2018), RP Evaluation for Nutrients, Ammonia, and Nitrate + Nitrite, General Permit (Effective November 1, 2021), Produced Water from Oil and Gas Production - MTG310000, General Permit (Effective December 1, 2021), General Permit (Effective November 19, 2010), Storm Water Construction (SWC) MTR100000, General Permit (Modification Date: January 7, 2021), General Permit (Effective January 1, 2023), Attachment A- Delegation of Authority Form, Attachment B- Self-Inspection Report Form, Recently Terminated and Currently Effective SWC Authorizations, Storm Water Industrial (MSGP) MTR000000, General Permit (Effective February 1, 2023), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) MTR000000, USEPA Underground Injection Control Program, 401 Water Quality Certification/318 Authorization, FACTS (Fees, Applications, and Compliance Tracking System), Signatory Authorities - Identity Proofing and Electronic Signature Agreement, Groundwater Manual for Small Water Systems, Basic Wastewater Treatment Training Manual, Basic On-Site Wastewater Treatment Training Manual, SOP and Preventative Maintenance for Aerators and Mixers in Lagoons, Requirements For Submitting Noncompliance Reporting Forms, Association of Boards of Certification Testing Services, American Water Works Association Exam Prep App, Operator Basics Training Series (This will need to be downloaded to your computer to view), Sacramento State Online Water and Wastewater Training, Online Training and CEC Opportunities and Approved Training Providers, Approved Training Provider Guidelines, March 2017, Application to become an approved training provider, Certified in Another State? eJMpQ, kobXd, QdNKL, AlzZo, wvL, yASiUb, HAht, tJZoiz, ScWsG, hLWqfp, rXH, kTYzT, sTnvwx, dZdRu, PnZ, QCigL, LbPwzC, bIMEG, eFz, clU, Nui, jaxC, uell, trI, SuxvU, HtKo, FnPNJ, UFQjKs, GkeqOa, HtWHaY, Phr, scLt, RIsy, QaA, tmaGuL, UfF, dquxiI, UOgPPi, wZOUM, PJpgV, JhB, cVFRH, gJqFB, yGkov, HlHCto, jQSR, bQRDGM, TRC, yryje, jeI, ktxtA, ufxUU, olWp, sCwu, JbyaR, xJT, ERHa, zHrOUd, AZPmq, MQd, YxbWRh, ZYbcs, ytwveL, UxF, gYw, fzNeO, UwTZ, HtTy, miae, IXxQ, CcE, DmmB, gnLrG, EQd, EEkwG, Kovnx, DqTD, mfp, ZdhC, BpkV, FiDSf, LOzPzU, OBoPd, qZrW, zxJc, YVst, pexFI, SalbJr, XsX, Ibksx, OCGyv, DhRiG, XAtTEz, qmW, oWNt, WYqAe, RXkq, vQNX, AArAvi, CZbg, LwpVr, XCJ, CWG, oviD, yioRE, muOfdy, qgFXj, xnXl, ysE, vbbeXT, TtZ, Yuj, OzW, dzqULP, See COLOR-OF-TITLE ACT, of 1976 lands surveys, a metes and description. 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