Grow Your Own Food – Living In Community

Do you want to grow your own food but you don’t think you have enough space?

First of all, everyone doesn’t need to grow everything for us to break free from our broken food system. However, if everyone grew something, it would make a HUGE impact! Gardening and growing your own food don’t need to be something you do all alone. If we live in community with each other we can all succeed.

What do I mean?

Not everyone has the space, the time, the skill set to grow/produce all of the food they need to survive. But, if I grow tomatoes, one of my neighbors grows peppers, eggplant and strawberries, and another neighbor raises chickens for meat and eggs, then we can barter and share with each other and we all now have a good start on the food we will need to survive without the grocery store.

Our Neighborhood Example

One of our neighbors wanted to order chickens to raise for meat. He called me and another neighbor to see if we wanted to get meat birds too. We put our orders together, ordered 100 chicks, and saved money on each chick by getting a better price and saved money on shipping by having only one box shipped.

One neighbor had a lot of extra tomatoes and shared them with the neighborhood.

Another neighbor had a bumper crop of sweet potatoes and also shared with the neighborhood. 

Before the chicks arrived I built a brooder box. I made it big enough to handle a lot of chicks. When the chicks arrived they were all put in to our brooder box until the other neighbors were ready for their chicks. 24 of the chicks were only here for 24 hours, 40 of the chicks were here for 6 weeks. We shared the expense of feed, but I had plenty of room for the extra chicks until they were big enough to not need the brooder box to survive and I was happy to have them. 

Stay tuned for more posts about Growing Your Own Food!