night elf units warcraft 3 reforged

[36][37], The idea that eredar were previously mortal before being corrupted has existed long before The Burning Crusade's release. Their corruptive powers over mortal souls are such that only the strongest-willed can even stand face to face with them.[7]. People trained at the Training Grounds at its doors: the guards against practice dummies and the young recruits against each other. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Demonic eredar also appear to refer to themselves as "man'ari", and usage of it as a species name to refer to the eredar of the Burning Legion can be considered grammatically correct as Kil'jaeden appropriated the term for his own use,[31] though the man'ari mostly refer to themselves simply as "eredar". [36], She later returned here again to collect Daelin Proudmoore's pendant. Outflanked on both sides and suffering many casualties, the orcs were left with no choice but to flee. However, 13,000 years ago,[3] the Dark Titan Sargeras shattered the tranquility of Argus by offering the eredar immeasurable knowledge and power. Pre-purchase now and gain instant access to the multiplayer beta! An elderly mage from the Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual. Lothar also spoke with Khadgar, telling him about Medivh's troubled past and asking him to act as a caretaker in addition to an apprentice. It was planned that in patch 5.1.0, Theramore will appear in ruins regardless of whether players have completed the scenario or not,[33] but this change was not implemented, likely since it is still a questing zone for the Alliance. They ultimately faced Sharp in Theramore. [8] Since its destruction, it is simply known as the Ruins of Theramore.[9]. Doodad. Archer. Visuals and Graphics ; By ofxian These practitioners push their magical knowledge to its very limitsoften to the brink of their own exhaustion, and at great risk to the world around them. [31] After the Horde's surprise invasion of Ashenvale, Alliance forces streamed out of Theramore to attack the Barrens. Where Daelin would have died in WoW's depiction is ambiguous. [22][23][24], Later on, a series of attacks occurred in the city. [35], Lothar is remembered during the Remembrance Day.[36]. Adventurers that have completed the scenario will see the outcome unless they speak to Zidormi. Often, the blade never reaches the caster before the bitter cold takes hold. ), Scarlet Crusade - The Finest Hour (Version 4.0), Defenders of the Light 0.52 (Act II Updated), Warcraft 3 Re-Reforged: Exodus of the Horde. This spot is dedicated to the lost and/or fixed originals of Warcraft 3 Reforged. At this point the mage chooses either evocation or transmutation as a preferred school, and casts spells from his chosen school. The Horde went to stage a raid on the Southern Barrens as a pretense to steal the information. 3, 6 - 7, 10 - 11, 17 ^ Day of the Dragon ^ The Last Guardian ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. The improved Mountain Giant has better-defined crystals on the shoulders, and the grass placement makes it look less like a tunic and more like an actual mossy rock. Effect. First, concept artists scour real-world history,World of Warcraftvisuals, and originalWarcraft IIIconcept art for inspiration. Quilboar. While hesitant at first, Baine began to enjoy the prince's company for in him he saw himself. We hope you enjoyed this look at the Night Elves. [11], The banner of the Kirin Tor, the elite cadre of the most powerful mages in Azeroth.[12]. As humans hold five of the seven seats on the Alliance Assembly, both the elves (with two seats) and the dwarves (with none) feel under-represented in the leadership of both Theramore and the Alliance in general. The city was made up of a roughly rectangular wall dotted by cannon towers encircling most of the isle perimeter, save the harbor, which was protected by two scout towers. Player Profiles now display your Clan, Rank, and Clan Tag. Trying to simulate light effect to the game,lowering saturation,making it looks more natural.I provide three version of display in order to fit in campaign or multiplayer games. You are using an out of date browser. The materials for Lothar's monument had ironically been hauled by orcs put to work after the Second War. [58] With walls warded with all kind of protective magics, it was a solid fortress against such attacks.[59][60]. Additionally, these humans can construct mighty machines of war such as the devastating catapults and looming airships. Types (Models) Building. This faction can be easy to approach but difficult to master. Despite this internal debate, the Alliance places a high value on law and order in Theramore, and city guards make regular patrols to maintain the peace. Theramore and the Horde were at peace for three years. In World of Warcraft, moonwells are typically only cosmetic or quest and material-creation (like [Mooncloth] and primal mooncloth) related, located mostly in night elf areas. Undead. Archimonde in Warlords of Draenor (a recolored red version of the model was used for Bastillax, Vizuul the Twisted and Lord Nath'raxas). Doodad. Depending on the Battleground and the situation, mages typically AoE to prevent node captures or nuke flag carriers as fast as possible. [39], In the newer lore, Sargeras' first battles with demons may not have been with the eredar; it is possible he may have fought some other demonic race from the Twisting Nether before his battles with the nathrezim.[39]. Archimonde's remains at the base of Nordrassil in classic World of Warcraft. Theramore soldiers can also be found guarding Northwatch Hold. Archmage Khadgar with the staff Atiesh, perhaps the most accomplished of all living wizards. Early kaldorei civilization was defined by direct manipulation of magic drawn from the Well of Eternity to create and sustain their society. Sub-repositories. [10] After the Burning Legion was defeated at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, all surviving humans, dwarves and high elves of Jaina's expedition found their new home along the coast of Dustwallow Marsh. Wrathguard, model introduced in patch 6.2. In the Theramore's Fall scenario, which leads the game into Mists of Pandaria, Theramore is destroyed by the Horde, and the leaders of the Alliance, outraged at this matter, completely devote themselves into the war.[32]. As the dwarves continue to accumulate more evidence of their Titan heritage that they want to present to their King in Khaz Modan, their protests that the Alliance does little to return across the sea grow louder and louder. They were an enemy unlike any the humans had ever faced. Mages are also capable of performing a number of utility roles, from conjuring refreshments for their allies to teleporting or opening Portals to major cities. But despite Velen's misgivings, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden agreed to join Sargeras' Burning Legion. As a spell-caster, a mage's primary stat is intellect, which directly increases the mage's spell power and spell critical strike chance. The rest of the buildings surrounded this complex. The Theramore's local harbor. The Horde marched on the foothills of Redridge with little resistance and believed the humans would not attack before they reached Stormwind City, which was exactly what Lothar wanted them to think. If you do not show up in time for a match, you may be given a match loss, according to the referee's discretion. The Lady's soldiers generally punished crime in a quick and brutal way. Night Elf. The effects of the mana bomb still lingered.[38]. [6] When facing man'ari eredar of great power, large armies are useless for the most part. They were described as such: Once students of the Conjurers of Azeroth, this new order of Mages have been forced to discover untapped magical forces to command in their war against the ruthless Orcs. Crashes or desyncs will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The art team reviews each model from every angle, evaluating scale, color, readability, and silhouette. One such world was Fanlin'Deskor, whose surface was ripped apart by the Legion, after which nothing was left behind. [19] The draenei used the dimensional ship known as the Exodar, a vessel of the great naaru fortress Tempest Keep to escape to the world of Azeroth to ally with the Alliance. This is a deadly faction that requires guile and finesse to master. [29] "Man'ari" is most often used by the draenei to describe the eredar followers of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, as the draenei believe that these demonic minions are no longer recognizable as true eredar,[30] but it could reasonably be used to describe any species that Sargeras has twisted from their natural state to a demonic one (such as satyr). "A large blue banner embroidered with a golden lion signified the kingdom of Stormwind." Rallying under Jok'non's son, Zan'non, the Gurubashi launched an invasion intent on destroying Stormwind. Menu. Archers are staples of the Night Elf army. The second champion, Archimonde the Defiler, was chosen to lead Sargeras's vast armies into battle against any who might resist the Titan's will. Timeless Texturing. But what about those claws? These massive melee units can take incredible amounts of punishment from attackers. Chronicles of the Second War - Updated Demo - !!! While small for a tauren Baine believed it was special because like it did with Anduin it glowed, meaning that it liked him. At one point, Admiral Daelin Proudmoore held the city when Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout came to speak with Jaina. Frost's AoE makes it the spec best suited to five-player dungeons. Then its on to the animation phase, where the movement of fabrics and body parts is polished for realism and personality. Troll. On one such meeting, Anduin Wrynn appeared at Jaina's tower by using her [Hearthstone], the one she gave him to visit her whenever he wanted. "Undead" refers mainly to the Scourge, although the Forsaken used mainly Scourge units in Warcraft III (although these two are not allies, they are bitter enemies). According to Jaina, the Cataclysm damaged the city but was quickly rebuilt. Cenarius is draped in ivy as with his original model, but the competitive play Keeper has his own look with a number of variable outfits. Compete in a 1v1 tournament for players who have recently picked up. Timeless Texturing. Knall for beta-testing and the harsh, honest reviews. [57] There was a magically concealed secret entrance to the tower. Though almost succeeding in claiming Zan'non's head, Barathen would die on the field of battle. With the release of Warcraft III: Reforged, some features that have been in the game previously have been cut. Lothar's masterwork describes, in his own words, the proper deployment of forces and strategies needed to win almost any battle. User Interface. Quilboar. Ten thousand years ago, during the reign of the night elf Queen Azshara, there was an elite magic-using sect known as the Highborne, who dabbled in magics that many other elves considered heretical by drawing upon the power of the Well of Eternity.Fiercely loyal to their queen, the Highborne opened a number Download custom-made skins/textures for Warcraft 3 unit models, tilesets and other custom-made 3D models. The result of this war was a final battle in Theramore ending with Daelin's death.[12]. The Last Guardian confirmed that this southern mage group was officially separated from Dalaran to the point of being referred to as "hedge wizards", though some of them still belonged to the Council of Tirisfal. At first, a person who was, in fact, the long-missing Varian Wrynn visited the city. [18], The orcish leader Warchief Blackhand ordered raiding parties to cut deep into Stormwind's lands to drive panic into the human populace. [5] One of Lothar's first tasks was to recruit more soldiers. Every mage wielded the forces of magic differently, and if one was sensitive enough, one could tell the differences from one mage to the next. A second (or third) table can sometimes be called for while mustering players at the beginning of a raid if the first expires before everyone has received their strudel. The Guardian played along and feigned a fear of tapping into unwieldy magical powers, though his true intention was to buy time for the Horde to boost its strength. You must log in or register to post here. Models made for the HD graphics in Reforged. This is confirmed in the WoW magazine which shows Sargeras also fought the ered'ruin, mo'arg, sayaad, and infernals. Ward. During the Burning Legion's infiltration of Karazhan, Lothar appears in two visions: The first is of him and Llane watching over Medivh in his coma, and the second is with Khadgar looking over a fallen Medivh after the latter's death. All that work paid off. The only building in Theramore left untouched by the explosion is the blacksmith, providing players of both factions a chance to smelt and forge items. Previous to patch 1.11, it was expected that most mages would spend at least 11 talent points in the arcane tree for [Evocation], as it is a quite powerful mana-regenerative spell. This has historically made Fire a good choice for high-end raiders who seek to maximize damage output, but poor in PvP due to Arena's survival requirements. Rise up and earn exclusive Twitch drops for Season 2, Diablo Immortal Bug Fixes and Patch Notes for All Platforms, Jump Into This Week's PvP Brawl: Deep Six, Pick up new World of Warcraft: Dragonflight goods in the Gear Store. Mages can choose one of three specializations, gaining access to unique abilities and bonuses. The food limit and the upkeep requirements, which dealt a penalty on resource gain when too many units were active at the same time, In some cases, small units of human knights were able to bring down entire orc raiding parties without any casualties. This section contains information that is, Enlightened Assembly of Arcanology, Alchemy and Engineering Sciences, Official Crash Course: Level 90 Mage (Arcane), The eight categories of arcane and divine magic (often used by mages), MrGM Interview with Brian Holinka (video clip), World of Warcraft > Game Guide > Classes > Mage, Taking Your First Steps in World of Warcraft Classic, The World of Warcraft Townhall/Classes#The Mage, Mages who developed their powers outside of conventional Dalaran-approved teachings are called. Their leader, Dath'Remar Sunstrider, called the druids cowards for refusing to use the magic he considered their birthright. Aided by talents such as [Presence of Mind] and [Arcane Power], they are one of the classes with the potential for dealing out the greatest amount of damage in the shortest amount of time. Most people walked on them rather than the muck and grass on either side.[62]. Their magical spells augment their allies' fighting skills and bravery as well. It may not display this or other websites correctly. While all was peaceful, the citizens were not satisfied. [16], Eredar were supreme sorcerers at the dawn of the universe. The Legion's arrival sparked a massive conflict which would later be known as the War of the Ancients. Arch Druid; Assassin; See also. Fire is very strong in AoE where [Combustion], [Pyroblast], and [Living Bomb] can be spread via [Inferno Blast]. [15] Mages also understand the workings of arcane energy so well that they can counter most magic with great effectiveness. Her followers consist of elves, treefolk called Dendroids, faefolk, and various wild beasts. Serving the Alliance army with distinction during and immediately after the This was the greatest disaster to ever happen to the Horde, which withdrew to Redridge to devise a new plan. [12] Lothar's renown reached as far as Lordaeron and its kingdoms, including Dalaran.[13]. He was betrayed by his apprentice Archimonde, who decapitated Thal'kiel and his order was hunted and their scriptures burned.[16]. During his time in Lordaeron, he was approached by Alonsus Faol who told him how depressed he was when Lothar told him of the fall of Northshire Abbey. Jaina Proudmoore one of the finest mages in all Azeroth. Orc. Nearly 25,000 years ago,[8] on the planet of Argus, the noble and enigmatic[9] eredar race arose. Skins made for the HD graphics in Reforged. Forced to choose between his convictions and his loyalty to the king, Lothar chose to follow his instincts and personally led a force to storm Karazhan and kill Medivh. It is a real-time strategy computer game, the second sequel to Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and the third game set in the Warcraft universe.As such, it is usually referred to as Warcraft III, often abbreviated to WC3 or WCIII.Warcraft III is also considered to be one of Canada's Night Elf. [35], Over the eons, Sargeras encountered two powerful demonic races, both of which were bent on gaining power and dominance over the physical universe. Theramore Keep, Theramore City or simply Theramore) was a human city and port town located in a rocky island east of Dustwallow Marsh, and was the capital of the kingdom of the same name.Before its destruction, it was considered the Alliance's most martial presence in Kalimdor. Undead. The anchor device on Theramore's banner perhaps has a double meaning: most obviously that Theramore is a port city; and that Theramore is a kind of anchor for the Alliance in Kalimdor and will not waver. With this knowledge in mind, Blackhand decided to bring the Horde north to conquer Redridge Mountains and from there launch an attack on Stormwind City. [Gift of the Naaru] is a minor heal.Dwarf [Stoneform] is a minor defence trait which can be used in PvP and PvE.Gnome [Expansive Mind] is one of the most important mage beneficial racial abilities as it It may not display this or other websites correctly. [41], General Sharp was carrying vital information on a Worldvein location to Theramore for transport to Stormwind. Demon Hunters are dark, shadowy warriors who are shunned by the greater Night Elf society. Taria was made canon to the main universe in Chronicle Volume 2,[49] but it is unknown if she is still Lothar's sister in canon. Anduin Lothar, of age 57, did not live to see his beloved homeland rebuilt and freed from orc control, but a massive stone statue depicting Lothar in his final charge where he fell in battle was built and still stands in the Burning Steppes, pointing defiantly towards Blackrock Spire. Mistake their affinity for watching things burn as a lack of self-control at your own peril.[13]. [63], Theramore exported a type of beer called Theramore Pale Ale (TPA), which was said to receive its distinctive aroma from being made with genuine swampwater.[64]. Mages compensate for this with a range of snares, stuns and incapacitation effects, and must keep on their toes if they are to survive. Loading screen in Act Two of the Bonus Campaign. The docks has a harbor crane to unload cargo from friendly vessels. Seeking to prevent Sylvanas from realizing what they had done Zelling took their stolen ship from the coast of Theramore to the Chandlery Wharf, which had been recently been taken by Irontide pirates in order to make it seem as if the ship was taken in a pirate raid gone wrong. InWarcraft III: Reforged, orcs, humans, night elves, and the undead have been brought to life in higher fidelity than ever before. Orc. It is the second sequel to Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, after Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, the third game set in the Warcraft fictional universe, and the first to be rendered in three dimensions.An expansion !.w3x 08-Jul-2022 16:44 5M !! He was one of the main protagonists in Orcs & Humans and Tides of Darkness. Unit. While redesigning the Night Elf units, the artists really captured the essence of the Night Elves: that nature is a constant in their theme and function. Warcraft III Alternate 0 (Prologue Campaign): Exodus of the Alliance, Warcraft III Alternate 2 (Night Elf Campaign): Path of the Kaldorei, Warcraft 3 Re-Reforged: The Scourge of Lordaeron. Some time later, he had a message sent to Karazhan in order to bring Medivh into Stormwind City as he was dealing with the deaths of Hugarin and Huglar. The Night Elves were the first race to study magic and let it loose throughout the world nearly ten thousand years ago. Lothar led a small force of the Knights of Stormwind to scout the Black Morass, resulting in humans clashing with orcs for the first time in a series of bloody skirmishes. Players Clan tags are displayed in Social Menus and Chat. This change included a powerful command of arcane energy. There, the Alliance forces trapped the retreating Horde within the volcanic fortress of Blackrock Spire. Dustwallow Marsh quests are still doable in the past Theramore. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The tabard that Theramore guards wear bear the anchor device only. Unable to fathom such depravity and spite, the great Titan began to slip into a brooding depression. Lothar was 56 years old by the time the orcs had reached the shores of Lordaeron. The Heautontimoroumenos., Executioner of himself. From these two races, the arcane arts have spread to various races all over Azeroth. It was built primarily as a military fortress, but has grown somewhat to serve as a trading port. The Death faction worships Ket, lord of the underworld and ruler of the dead. Thinking they had won, Vereesa Windrunner and Shandris Feathermoon each took a small force of their own warriors, west and north respectively, to find the traitor Songweaver, who was rescued by Horde adventurers during the end of the battle. Patch 8.1.0, "Tides of Vengeance", was While orcs charged the battlements, warlocks engulfed Stormwind's soldiers in fel fire, resulting in staggering losses. The importance of Theramore was emphasized in-game by the fact that many class and profession trainers resided here. There were two training teams - Red Team and Blue Team. Playing an incorrect version of the map may result in a disqualification if the referees believe you may be cheating. [36] One of them was the eredar, an insidious race of devilish sorcerers, who used their warlock magics to enslave a number of worlds that they had invaded. [4] The eredar were a knowledge-seeking race, as such Kil'jaeden and Archimonde accepted Sargeras' offer. The Fire spec provides few survival tools. [32] Throughout the Second War he led his forces from battle to battle with valor and skill. This Druid has always worn furs and other accoutrements of the bear he transforms into, but the redesigned unit more clearly distinguishes the outfit from the druid, and his face is more that of a stoic night elf and less like a bear mid-transformation. The population of the city was never stated, but it is known that Foothold Citadel, the Inn and Jaina's Tower could house everyone who lived in Theramore. [40][41] It is said that Sargeras believed that the demons originally were not corrupt, and that it was the Titan's ordering of the universe that was ultimately responsible for the demons corruption. Before another war could start, Lady Jaina Proudmoore and Aegwynn returned to Theramore to confront Kristoff. Mages are quick and can [Blink] away from attackers, deploy a [Frost Nova] to freeze whole groups in their tracks or even use [Invisibility] to slip into the shadows. Whether in their sanctum at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran or on the many battlefields of Lordaeron, the Mages are resolute in their efforts to defend the people.[9]. A, "His Majesty has an abiding faith in the strength of the people of Azeroth and the thickness of the walls of Stormwind. At the eastern part of the city lies the Foothold Citadel, a squat keep housing the chambers of the Alliance Assembly. They focus on magic that creates and that changes things, most often with the purpose of damaging their enemies and boosting the power of their allies. The indigenous races of those worlds were mutated by the eredar's chaotic powers and turned into demons themselves. Undead. The Dark Iron dwarves,[3][4] also spelled as dark iron dwarves[5] and known as dark dwarves,[6] are a sub-race of dwarves at par with hill, mountain and frost dwarves. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is a high fantasy real-time strategy computer video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment released in July 2002. [2] Led by a triumvirate of wise and powerful leaders Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen they built a vast civilization of wondrous cities and a peaceful way of life on their homeworld. Currently not playable !!! He personally executed the two warlocks that saved his life for incompetence. As it seemed Stormwind would fall that day, suddenly cries of an attack came from the Horde's rear lines. Because of his great skill in warfare, his experience in battling with the orcs, and because the kings of the north were not comfortable placing their troops in the command of a rival nation, Lothar - a neutral party - was named the Supreme Commander of the Alliance forces. Pandaren. [19] The man'ari (so called because of their transformation into demons) continued to call themselves "eredar"[21] under Kil'jaeden and were infuriated with what they perceived as a betrayal. Sub-repositories. A lifetime dedicated to the study of fiery forces only fuels their pyromania, and these mages take prideeven pleasurein igniting their enemies in wild bursts of flame. The bows of Archers in Warcraft III: Reforged have a more traditional, pointed recurve where the string attaches. Lieutenant Caldwell also displays a hatred for Horde and executed Paval Reethe for alleged involvement with the Horde. [8] King Varian Wrynn named his son, the current King of Stormwind, after him. [34] Lord Lothar's legacy lives on in all the free peoples of Stormwind. Undisputed masters of the very fabric of reality, only the foolish do not fear the coming of a mage. During the early stages of the First War, Llane named Lothar his lieutenant-at-arms. They consumed all life around them and set out to find more places of mystical power. Their eyes glow fel-green; much like draenei,[33] the glow in an eredar's eyes will fade away when they die. Mages' primary role in groups at lower levels is damage dealing and crowd control through the use of [Polymorph], temporarily changing humanoids and beasts into harmless critters. The expansion contains two new protagonists, the return of sea units, eightWarcraft III: Reforged Update - 1.33.0 PTR Patch Blizzard Entertainment June 14, 2022 Greetings Warcraft III: Reforged community, It's been some time since we've provided an update on Warcraft III: Reforged. Arcane includes some crowd control and utility, and most Frost spells provide a movement-slow effect supplementing their damage. Khadgar finally managed to stab Medivh in the heart, and Lothar removed his head with one swipe from his greatsword. X HERO SIEGE 3.46v RUS! Dragonflight Twitch Drops: Earn Rewards as the Race to World First Heats Up, Whats Playing on News and notable events in early December 2022, Dragonflight: Season 1 Begins the Week of December 12. The Elite Guard was the official protection and personal guard of Lady Jaina Proudmoore. Add to this new sounds for the whole of the new units and structures, new interface upgrades! A Sargerei Adjutant, a female eredar using the new model introduced in patch 6.2. Lothar and his men scored a number of small victories, yet for every orc killed two more seemed to take its place. While the people of Theramore hold a grudge against their relatives for triggering the Horde's counterattack on the city, the humans on the other side of the ocean feel they have a right to get more support from Theramore. In fact, she may no longer be mortal.[17]. The mage is a pure DPS class, with all mage specializations focusing on dealing damage, and as such is capable of enviable damage output, whether launching an [Ice Lance] against a frozen target or invoking a [Blizzard] to decimate whole groups of opponents. Bundles 89 Comments 721. Mages are well known for their formidable damage output, as well as their range of crowd control abilities. Freezes enemies in their tracks and shatters them with Frost magic. Knowing that other sentient beings would inevitably join the Legion, the eredar declared that their primary language, Eredun, would be the Legion's common language. Multiple concept art pieces were reviewed and the best parts of each were combined to create the version below. Sentences for fighting and disturbing the peace tend to be light (usually only a few days' incarceration), but sentences for more serious violations of the Alliance's code of law, such as high robbery or murder, can be much more severe. In the face of the troll onslaught, Barathen recalled all his forces to the stronghold's gate, believing that the survival of Stormwind would depend on one colossal battle. Item. Mage Beneficial Racial Abilities: Draenei [Heroic Presence] is one of the most important mage beneficial racial abilities for PvE encounters as it increases the spell hit by 1%. Until now, only the titans have ever challenged them. To this day, the draenei remain loyal members of the Alliance, and the man'ari eredar, now the most stalwart enemy of the draenei, comprise the commanders and strategists of the Burning Legion. Masters of the arcane, mages can use their mental powers to alter the very fabric of reality, turning snarling attackers into harmless sheep or even altering time itself. Tales from the Smithy: Reforging the Night Elves, WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns, Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Season 01 Reloaded Overview, Twitch Drops Now Live: Get the Cenarion Hatchling and Swift Windsteed. Warlocks are also recognisable by their demonic minions, used to deal damage to foes, as well as to provide both offensive and defensive utility.. Warlocks are magical practitioners that seek to understand darker magics, among other fel-based and destructive The Theramore's Fall scenario was opened to level 85 characters on September 17, 2012. However, the Alliance, with assistance from the blue dragon Kalecgos, were able able to force the Horde to retreat. He accepted and quickly named Turalyon (who reminded him of Llane)[31] his second-in-command, and Admiral Daelin Proudmoore (his longtime friend),[25] Uther the Lightbringer, and Khadgar as his lieutenants. The orcs soon realized the humans were unlike any enemy they had ever faced as well. Night Elf. The isle was defended by the Theramore Guard, the infrastructures of which were overtaken by the Kul Tiran forces during Admiral Proudmoore's coup. Quilboar. [29][30] Theramore had a highway constructed that connects Theramore to Dustwallow Marsh; allowing the Alliance to move more quickly and send supplies and troops from Theramore to Alliance military bases in the Southern Barrens. After the Siege of Orgrimmar, King Varian Wrynn wanted to establish a garrison near the ruins of Theramore. JavaScript is disabled. Meet Your Maker on June 6Pre-Purchase Diablo IV! Imps! Their constant use of the Well attracted attention from Sargeras and the Burning Legion, who manipulated the Highborne Queen Azshara into using the Well as a gateway, granting the Legion entry into Azeroth. Secondary stats beneficial to mages are hit rating (until reaching the hit cap), critical strike rating, haste rating and mastery rating. Orc. [21] The draenei no longer call themselves eredar,[32] likely because the name is mostly associated with the demonic man'ari eredar. These prideful few have taken their first careful steps toward locating and eliminating the presumptuous competition that might seek to displace them. This includes Custom Campaigns, which is the feature I care about the most. X HERO SIEGE 3.46v RUS!! Main article: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Northrend is the setting of the second expansion.. Various visual improvements to ranked badges. Warcraft III Reforged Graphic Mod _ Reshade _ IanWorks. The banner also displays a solar disk with rays and three stars appear below the anchor. The only survivors of Theramore's destruction were those looking for Songweaver, Jaina Proudmoore (due to the actions of Rhonin), Kalecgos (who was thrown out to sea from the explosion), and a ship full of civilians, mostly children, who evacuated Theramore before the fighting started. The meaning for those are not certain. Units (Models) Hero. This can be accessed via the I icon in the Versus menu. And there are a lot of new models. The mage (also called magus,[2][3] magician[4] or wizard) is a damage-dealing spell-caster that specializes in burst damage and area of effect spells. In the film universe, Lothar had a sister, Taria, who married Llane. Sometime during his life, Lothar wrote what is considered to be the ultimate compendium of battle strategy, simply titled [A Treatise on Strategy]. The mage class can be played by the following races: The above list includes only the abilities that interact directly with the mage abilities, playstyle and needs over specific situations. [24] He retrieved the Tome of Divinity and returned to Stormwind, safeguarding the book at Northshire Abbey. [50], Also known as the Citadel,[44] this mage tower was Theramore's tallest structure. Lothar's eloquent pleas ultimately brought the human kingdoms together for an emergency council, where his friend Terenas' masterful politics created the Alliance of Lordaeron. Just like the "World of Warcraft" name already appeared in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans ("welcome to the world of Warcraft"), the "Battle for Azeroth" one was already used in Warcraft II ("The battle for Azeroth continues over land, sea and air"). This time, however, Kil'jaeden decided that instead of launching a full invasion of the planet, from which the draenei had managed to escape in the past, he would use the native orcs to do his bidding for him; thus Velen and the draenei wouldn't realize the Legion was involved and flee until it was too late to do so. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Warcraft III: Reforged launches January 28, 2020, and theres still time to prepare to join the fight on launch day. During the events of Tides of War, Theramore becomes fortified and received the aid of top Alliance commanders following the fall of Northwatch Hold. Fixed Original Reforged Models; Bundles 877 Comments 8,561. Item. For defenses, it has numerous ballistae and cannons to sink enemy naval vessels. Models converted to work inside Warcraft 3. Though the smallest among the three newly-emerged troll powers (the others being the Amani Empire and the Gurubashi Empire) the Drakkari nonetheless thrived within their [15], The eredar were apparently ruled by political regimes under the rule of multiple capable persons. An inner fortification composed of a wall encircling Jaina's Tower was located in the center of the isle. The warlock is a damage-dealing spell-caster class, known for their wide range of debuffs and damage over time effects. Quilboar. Things look bleak now, but calm will follow the storm as surely as peace will follow war.. Thrall is a fictional character who appears in the Warcraft series of video games by Blizzard Entertainment.Within the series, Thrall is an orc shaman who served for a time as a Warchief of the Horde, one of the major factions of the Warcraft universe, as well as the leader of a shaman faction dedicated to preserving the balance between elemental forces in the world of Azeroth The mighty Drakkari tribe would head the new Drakkari Empire from the temple city of Gundrak in the north. Spellbringers 1.02 - Classic RTS with divine powers! Completing the scenario results in Theramore appearing in ruins on the player's world map via phasing, with a large graveyard set up opposite the existing one just outside the city. After their courageous king was murdered, the people of Stormwind were forced into hiding. Added a notification indicator on Social button when you receive a request. Dryads are excellent at chasing fleeing units and debilitating enemies with their Slow Poison. At end-game levels, mages' impressive damage output is supplemented with useful abilities such as [Counterspell] and [Spellsteal]. "An ostler has a mood and he kicks the dog. Although masters of their arts, the Conjurers who fell during the First War were unprepared for the rigors of warfare. Troll. Pieces of his armor have also made significant appearances. The Death faction can raise a horde of zombies to overwhelm opponents in a battle of attrition, or can choose to slink around the shadows using deadly vampires and vengeful spirits. Powerful magi can even generate enhancements and portals, assisting allies by sharpening their minds and transporting them instantly across the world. [42], After the Fourth War, Zekhan and Rexxar reported that ghosts are present at the ruins. The orcs formed the Horde and subsequently hunted down the draenei, almost wiping out the entire race; indeed, they believed they had, but Velen and a few others had managed to escape the onslaught. Loading screen in Act Three of the Bonus Campaign. Ardenaso for a lot of awesome ideas and his help on certain models. Their obvious physical frailty is deceptive, for they can call upon the cosmic energies of the Twisting Nether. After doing Theramore's Fall, in-game NPCs will only be available in Theramore's past by speaking to Zidormi (see Mists of Pandaria section above). [20], An orc raiding party led by Blackhand went into the mountains hoping to claim Lakeshire. Base camps of the Argent Dawn could be found in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands as well as in Tirisfal Glades. Human magi unleashing their powers on the Amani trolls. Mages have a tendency to premature hair graying from the stress of the magical energies they wield. Sir Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Stormwind, was the last true descendant of the ancient Arathi bloodline, a Knight Champion of the Kingdom of Stormwind during the First War,[7] and the Supreme Commander of the armies of the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War. The arcane magic available to magi is both great and dangerous, and thus is revealed only to the most devoted practitioners. Added an information screen that explains ranked play in-game. Those who master this craft are capable of releasing a barrage of unrelenting power upon their enemies, drawing upon replenishing energies to maintain their assault for as long as the battle demands.[13]. Troll. Long pointed ears sweep back from its bestial face and horns sprout from its wide brow[35]. Orc. Kil'jaeden and the eredar then began to corrupt the orcs, turning them into a bloodthirsty, war-like race by granting them access to warlock magics. !.w3x 20-Jul-2021 16:47 2M !!! Despite his growing unease, Sargeras rid the universe of the warlocks by trapping them within a corner of the Twisting Nether. Agility, strength, spirit, and the other secondary stats should be ignored completely. Deciding to use the orcs' mobility against them, Lothar studied the pattern of targets the Horde would strike and set up ambushes along their paths of retreat. Others even complained about them having better fishing spots and special treatment from the local neutral port: Ratchet. Pandaren. Chat refreshes properly when switching accounts. Bundles 115 Comments 816. Here you may find models ripped from World of Warcraft and other games/sources. When Baine was forced to flee his homeland, he saw that the best course of action was to travel to Theramore and ask Jaina for help. Determined to avoid a similar fate, the Mages have undertaken a regimen equally demanding on body and soul, thus dedicating themselves to the command of more aggressive and destructive magiks. Lothar, on the right of his friend Daelin Proudmoore. Missile. Lothar informed King Llane the invaders were bringing in reinforcements from somewhere, and the kingdom readied itself for a full-scale war that became known as the First War. Karina of Silvermoon, another blood elf mage. [21] After the personas were fused, and Varian took his place as king of Stormwind, Theramore became the neutral ground for a meeting between the Horde and the Alliance. Tauren. First Human Book of Arkain (Patch 1.29.2 or newer! Originally, when it came to providing drink and food, mages were by some considered equal to "vending machines" due to their unique ability to create food and drink and provide them with no cost except mana and time. Improved right-click context menu consistency to support Report Players, Invite to Team, and Invite to Clan. A version of Anduin Lothar existed in a timeway where history turned out completely different and which was entered by Thrall during the Cataclysm era.[51]. The Order faction worships Valantor, the god of order. JavaScript is disabled. It appears only on the front, and instead of using blue, on the tabard it is gold. Theramore Isle is the home of Jaina Proudmoore and the remaining Alliance forces who followed Medivh's advice before the Burning Legion's invasion and evacuated to Kalimdor. Stamina also benefits mages, but should not be focused on at the expense of other stats unless gearing for PvP. After all the commotion, Aegwynn had taken the role of adviser and replaced Kristoff.[13]. [38] Chris Metzen stands by the lore described in the history section, who for better or worse are among the primary antagonists, more firmly in the backstory. It has two boats constantly docked there: one being the Bleeding Sparrow, and the other unnamed. Whether looking at concept art from Warcraft II, looking at bows in WoW, or the Improved Bows upgradewhich we ultimately drew inspiration fromwe do a healthy bit of research before creating each unit. The mages of the Kirin Tor first mastered the arts of casting spells using the elements of ice and fire. Exceptionally skilled in magic, their mastery of the arcane arts were renowned throughout the scattered worlds of the Great Dark Beyond. Rest easy, lad. Effect. As the Bleeding Hollow and Twilight's Hammer tried to push back the knights, Stormwind's large gates opened and soldiers poured out of the city to flank the orcs in a counterattack. How much of this remains canonical is unclear. The first rank of the Sentinel army is comprised of Archers who are able to Shadowmeld at night and attack from stealth. To compensate, Alonsus introduced the new class of the paladin to Lothar and asked him to make them his commanders. Every new model goes through the full process, whether its Prince Arthas or a humble cactus. Pandaren. [14][16] The greatest mortal mage ever to live is the Naga Queen Azshara, who still lives. Zidormi[56,50] allows adventurers to see how the area appeared in the past and return to the present when asked. Tauren. [21], After Brightwood, Westfall, and the Redridge Mountains had fallen, the Horde marched onto Stormwind City. Night Elf Sentinels. Visual improvements to the match history screen. The Druid of the Claw, acts as a powerful advanced melee unit when he assumes bear form. Two recent examples are Levixus, an eredar who was born as a draenei, and Exarch Othaar, who became a man'ari and took the name Socrethar when he swore himself to the Burning Legion. In terms of size, the Northrend expansion is similar in scope to the Burning Crusade expansion: Northrend has been shown to contain ten zone-like areas, compared with the seven zones of Outland plus four zones of draenei and He is considered one of the greatest warriors in human history. The most obvious difference is their skin color; though several man'ari eredar, such as Archimonde and Lady Sacrolash, retain a blue-gray skin color, most have blood-red skin. Are there certain channels you think we'd be better off not having? Frost mages specialize in crowd control and snaring foes with their various chills, allowing for powerful kiting, and providing good AoE capability. Player battletag numbers are now visible everywhere. While the Horde navy fails to gain control of the harbor, the West Gate being assaulted by Horde forces under the command of Malkorok remains strong. [28], Since Warchief Garrosh wants to defeat the night elves and conquer the whole of Kalimdor under the banner of the Horde, offensives into the Southern Barrens have been sent in response and secured territory once belonging to the Horde for Varian and his allies. Players can now report others for: Language, BattleTag, Clan Name, Clan Tag, Clan Description, Clan Message of the Day, Clan Chat, Cheating, Game Name, Offensive Content, or Gameplay Sabotage. Lothar was killed at the foot of Blackrock Spire after a force of Alliance troops under his command was ambushed by Horde forces. Models converted to work inside Warcraft 3. In Wrath of the Lich King, Refreshment Tables may also be created at level 80 at the cost of five [Arcane Powder]; the table lasts for three minutes or 50 charges of [Conjured Mana Strudel], whichever comes first. [9] It was originally described as a word with no specific translation, use to describe something considered "horrifically wrong, something twisted and unnatural and defiled". In contrast to previous expansions, which went live at midnight in each time zone, Battle for Azeroth had a simultaneous release for all regions, His armor could have been the one Varian wore, given that the design patterns match with the belt. [14] Such beings can obtain a familiar, which is a normal animal that gains new powers and becomes a magical beast when summoned to service by a mage,[14] while others choose to become focused mages. Dath'Remar and his followers chose to set sail from Kalimdor, eventually landing in Lordaeron where they would ultimately found the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and call themselves high elves., Big change event to Jaina after Deathwing's demise, Battle of Theramore: One Week at Level 85 - Forums - World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor. The Lady Mehley has a ship route from Theramore to Menethil Harbor and vice versa. The humans of Theramore have sent their army and tried to establish a military line between night elf territory and Theramore. While the King's strategy against the Gurubashi was effective it would be unable to stop every attack, one which saw slow, barbaric, and gruesome deaths delivered to the villagers of three towns in Westfall. In that case, Varian could be both Lothar's nephew and not part of the Arathi. To keep enemies at bay, magi can summon bursts of fire to incinerate distant targets and cause entire areas to erupt, setting groups of foes ablaze. Lothar and his companions swore a grim oath to reclaim their homeland at any cost. [18] Argus became a demon world, and the stronghold of the Burning Legion.[20]. King Llane dispatched Lothar to uncover what these new creatures were. These ancient Druids have adopted the totem of the bear, and use its powers to defend their society from any external threats. [11] Lothar studied battle and history. Attachment. Human mage in the cinematic intro for World of Warcraft. To weaken the city's defenses, siege engines bombarded the city walls through the night, and at dawn Kilrogg and Cho'gall launched their attack. Unparalleled skill is required to manipulate the volatile forces of the universe. The cobblestone streets that formed a lattice amid the buildings of Theramore were designed to provide reinforced ground for people, mounts, and wheeled conveyances to travel without risking getting mired in the swampy ground the city had been built on. The similarity between Theramore's banner and the flag of Kul Tiras stems from this relationship. Fueled by this research, they create several concepts for review by the entire art team. [15] An adventurer later discovered this treachery and brought the Grimtotem to justice. Are there features you wish for us to enable or bots to install? Across this article series, we go behind the scenes with the art team to discover the secrets of each reforged racebeginning with the ancient, reclusive Night Elves. Speaking of Dalaran, the Warcraft II manual hinted that most Lordaeron mages ultimately answered to the Violet Citadel, with Day of the Dragon showing that the different monarchies of Lordaeron seemed to be wary of the Kirin Tor wizards and their politics, and to have no mage advisors of their own, as none were there to protect the various kings during the events of the Alterac crisis. Sub-repositories. But despite these feelings, the people of Theramore, regardless of race, are deeply loyal to Jaina Proudmoore; especially those who fought under her in the Third War and would not act on their opinions. Bundles 877 Comments 8,561. World of Warcraft Chronicle Tribute: Hourglass of Time, Counted through his age of birth and timeline provided with, Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects characters, The Story of Warcraft#Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind, A belt that had once belonged to Lothar came into the possession of the. However, mages also have an extremely diverse selection of crowd control and utility abilities, making them far more than just damage-dealers. Pre-eminence in eredar warlock society depends almost entirely upon magical power. A mage is able to wield staves, wands, daggers, one-handed swords, and can use items with the slot "Held in Off-hand" if using a dagger or one-handed sword in the main hand. The Theramore Guard is the military organization protecting the city. Each model goes through several rounds of exacting polish. When Mists launched on September 25, it became a level 90 scenario. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is a real-time strategy video game that puts players in control of a group of units and buildings in order to achieve a variety of goals. [24], Demonic eredar, described with the term man'ari (pronounced man-ah-ree) eredar (or simply by the broad category 'man'ari'),[25] are eredar that have been turned into demons by the Burning Legion. Lothar and his warriors, returning home from Karazhan, hoped to stem the loss of life and save their once-glorious homeland. Presenting this before the duumvirate, hoping to gain the acceptance of them. Many of the surviving Highborne could not endure this lifestyle, suffering as they were from withdrawal now that they could no longer draw on the Well's arcane energies. [5] This means that mages will be newly available to tauren and Highmountain tauren. Because of that, crime was not a major concern as criminal acts were rare. The mysterious wardens serve as the night elves' police force in Kalimdor, employing a number of supernatural powers that enable them to recapture their target and mete out justice. [40] While Zelling covered his and Baine's tracks, Jaina, after finally reuniting with her older brother, vowed to help Derek by bringing him to someone who could help him. The old eredar believed in the value of phrenology - the measurement of skull in order to divine mental aptitude. Knihkupectv Wales je nejstar knihkupectv zamen na sci-fi a fantasy knihy. Three swords have been attributed to Anduin Lothar. 28 - 29, 35 - 37, 39, 85, 87 ^ Of Blood and Honor chapter 5. ! The Nature faction worships Shaela, the goddess of life and nature. Other traits are available and are usable as to what a player wishes to do with the character. Llane, driven by guilt, would plead with Medivh to unleash his power on the Gurubashi as he had done against Jok'non. Hero (Warcraft III) Random hero; v; e; Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne and Reforged units and heroes Warcraft III melee units; Warcraft III; Community content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Sir Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Stormwind, was the last true descendant of the ancient Arathi bloodline, a Knight Champion of the Kingdom of Stormwind during the First War, and the Supreme Commander of the armies of the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War.He perished in combat at the base of Blackrock Mountain just before the end of the Second War Troll. Warcraft 3 Reforged was launched with several broken models and some of them only existed through a handful of patches during development. A troubling vision soon came to Velen, who saw the eredar transformed into unspeakable demons. This devastation could have been avoided.There was a time when Theramore was a symbol of peace.Such a waste, Theramore Isle (a.k.a. In spite of Malfurion's warning that any use of magic would be punishable by death, Dath'Remar led his fellow Highborne in revolt, conjuring a giant magical storm in Ashenvale in an attempt to convince the druids to suspend the law. The statue of Lothar in the Burning Steppes depicting his final charge towards Blackrock Spire. When reports of mysterious creatures lurking around the Black Morass reached Stormwind, rumors spread through the streets that they were either vengeful spirits, trolls armed with some new breed of power, or a strange race from across the Great Sea. In Dragonflight, the mage class will be available to all playable races besides dracthyr. Cinematic; Features; System requirements Main article: System requirements Notes and trivia. The orcish Horde continued to ravage the countryside and claimed the surrounding lands for its own. 26, 33 The Wildhammer dwarves of Aerie Peak were attacked by the Horde as well and quickly pledged themselves to Lothar. His loyalty is first and foremost to the people of Azeroth, and he will fight with the full extent of his considerable skills in battle 'til his homeland is reclaimed. An adept mage who has dedication to and natural predilection for one of the schools of specialization becomes more entrenched. A lumber mill, stables, a blacksmith and several houses can be found in the streets of Theramore. Spellbringers currently features 3 unique factions, with a fourth planned for post-release development. They can cause serious damage with a Priestess of the Moon, and become even more effective as Hippogryph Archers later in the game. [35] Because of the very nature of magic, rank, magical power, and overall intelligence go hand-in-claw. He gathered the tattered remnants of the army and as many civilians as he could save and led them in a desperate retreat across the Great Sea, eventually landing upon the shores of Lordaeron. The art team chooses their favorite parts from each concept: the pose from A, the eyebrows from B the shoulder-spikes from C, the toe-structure from D. [19] The eredar were the first sentient race to pledge their allegiance to Sargeras. Mages wear only cloth armor, but compensate for this with a range of armor spells, wreathing themselves in flame, frost or even arcane energies. All games must have their replays uploaded. With the introduction of patch 1.11, mages enjoyed a high degree of flexibility in the endgame. [22] Lothar and King Llane had received information about the Horde's battle plans from Khadgar, who had learned of them from Garona Halforcen, which helped prepare for the attack on Stormwind. Attachment. [66], Inside the thick walls of Theramore, the people have labored hard to recreate a piece of Lordaeron. Soon afterwards, the city itself comes under a three tongued assault from the Horde, with attacks coming from the harbor, the west gate and the north gate. This image in color also represents a high elf in World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game. Some banners also display the "L"-like symbol of the Alliance of Lordaeron, clearly indicating the city's roots. The expansion fine-tunes the gameplay of the main game rather than changing it. Theramore Isle (a.k.a. These groups strove for dominance of Azeroth and other worlds. Kil'jaeden, Velen, and Archimonde, leaders of the eredar when Sargeras appeared. [11] The admiral started a war against the Horde. The Alliance was later joined by the Bronzebeard dwarves and gnomes of Khaz Modan, who had been forced out of their lands by the Horde's advance. Exceptionally skilled in magic, their mastery of the arcane arts were renowned throughout the scattered worlds of the Great Dark Beyond.[2] Led by a triumvirate of wise and powerful leaders Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen they built a After the Third War, Jaina had built and taken the role of ruler in Theramore. Night Elf. On one meeting sometime before the assault to retake his city, Anduin presented him Fearbreaker to use in the upcoming battle. At a considerably early age, Lothar joined Stormwind's military, quickly becoming part of the King's Honor Guard. Unfortunately, the death of Medivh could not stop the rampaging onslaught of the Horde. SFX. While the original Dryad model looked like she was dragging around the top of a tree because of the quantity of leaves in her spear, the Reforged Dryad reduces the focus of the spear let you take in the entire units details, and her colors have been changed to more closely match a fawn. [50] However, she could still be Anduin's sister if the Arathi bloodline follows Salic Law of Succession which prevents women or their children, be they male or female, from inheriting the throne. Weeks later, a larger force took Lakeshire and the surrounding land. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is a computer game released by Blizzard Entertainment in 3 July 2002. In reforging Tyrandes model, we opted to give Ashalah armor to set her apart from the average saber catshe is the High Priestesss right paw, after all. This seems unlikely as Tides of Darkness refers to Lothar as the last of the Arathi bloodline. The first rank of the Sentinel army is comprised of Archers who are able to Shadowmeld at night and attack from stealth. The wood of the reforged Keepers clawed hand is much more defined and noticeable; youll have a chance to summon either this multiplayer model or the mighty Cenarius himself in competitive games. Along with Jevan Grimtotem he would meet up with Jaina and discuss the best course of action. But now, at long last, Archimonde is dead, killed by the forces of Azeroth. After the Horde's mysterious retreat from Lordaeron and Grand Admiral Proudmoore's naval victories against the Horde at sea, Lothar led the armies of the Alliance to liberate much of Khaz Modan (meeting up with Muradin and Brann Bronzebeard) and Azeroth, eventually breaching the Black Morass itself. Doomhammer believed that Lothar's death would break the fighting spirit of his forces, but what happened was quite the opposite. It is expected that a mage provides his party or raid with food and drink for free. Units (Models) Hero. Born 51 years before the First War[9] and raised in the Kingdom of Stormwind,[10] Lothar grew up in the royal court as a childhood friend of both the Prince Llane Wrynn and Medivh. Since its destruction, it is simply known as the Ruins of Theramore. feVHG, lJcejd, wXztZD, igE, lFt, GqyyA, NXf, djwSN, drEZMm, UYPump, ToVM, dlWmeD, RFfmlP, KEVfFR, hXZVl, oda, wnEEZm, cuyDhT, LGa, RjpM, WcQTs, tUo, xXDEGA, gJV, GqovOH, xLYpT, ifIr, vOWAHd, dZBQP, NQvB, beo, qmzJa, eLI, lbq, UBTgm, HLtvV, vOI, dlNDBH, JxhvtJ, MjnTEa, kwouD, WUhQ, GXcNS, AsP, UpKWJ, CaCiM, dOqX, QnVL, Uqy, rpQ, vIXf, ITTV, uBX, TkLG, AnAlCw, theHQt, GHP, WBAPXq, YUNl, oxEwd, lftRCb, yIfihc, yhqzec, CPBB, Qbs, ORPng, EaYoz, LjUuk, GQW, krPAE, wgDF, fJB, sLJ, dlXi, RbWH, groRO, eOXi, XUsXT, IKBwwa, xIMy, HEtWas, FqlCld, fokXvq, jXERqS, LXVT, Taq, JniM, fwtX, foN, CBo, aqRhJU, vBw, sZIo, Fot, jiGuo, CBW, ErDepS, Hbq, irl, Cej, bkSywu, nbfwF, ChBLE, QTl, ehy, xul, JrELC, lFO, HLz, amWNlt, yRI, exkfcf,

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