what does ms fatigue feel like

Why do you feel you have to explain to people? I could be lying on the couch and just trying to reach for the remote control can seem like a near-impossible task. I can relate and you have described this Ms fatigue better than I've ever heard it. They are all terrific questions!
And all of those things are simultaneously fighting against each other, making my mind and body feel like a complete wreck" We Need to Say the Above
YES, it is difficult to pick up a foot and then another just to go another step.
Limbs are heavy and there is a weight that is impossible to shift, even when doing the most menial of activities.
It occurs in 75 percent to 95 percent of patients with MS.
Some days I tell myself to suck it up because it cant be that bad, but the truth is, it isIts a constant battle for sure. What happened?" I feel like saying "I've had MS for 10years now, I am sure you can figure it out by now why I feel the way I do" and sometimes I lie. Tired now i slept well..oh dear..


Yep, I battle fatigue everyday. exercising during the day, but avoid doing so two hours before planning to go to bed. bladder problems 4.4 Early Signs of MS You Shouldn't Ignore Author: health.clevelandclinic.org Post date: 7 yesterday Rating: 3 (310 reviews) Highest rating: 3 Low rated: 3 Summary:
We have to be conscious of what we say. To care for, support, and listen to each other in a safe non judgemental atmosphere.

Ask your employer about working part of the week from home.
I know there are days i should use the cane I have, but think "they will think I'm trying to get attention " ("they" being family or friends) some friends if that's true I guess. Also Check: Can Low Blood Sugar Cause Fatigue. However, if fatigue continues to interfere with activities, medications may be useful. Keep on keeping on!


I do better when I wake up early as well.


I used to work long hours a day, I had so much energy. I am a writer by nature and would probably benefit from venting although i tend to see things cynically or humorously and not so sure i have a platform or where to find it. I went through extreme depression when I had to stop working back in December of this past year, but after a couple of med changes my outlook on life is much brighter. I try to do everything in my power to stay ahead of it, but one false move and it takes me down. I have not been officially diagnosed with MS but my doctor suspects it and Im waiting on my neurologist appointment next month. Describing how your fatigue makes you feel x physically, mentally and emotionally may help them better understand the often unavoidable role it plays in your life and how it may find its way into their lives, too. There are ways of managing it and your medical team will try to help you. What are the early signs of multiple sclerosis (MS)? While patients with fibromyalgia may feel as though their joints, muscles, tendons, and tissues are inflamed, measurable levels of inflammation in blood testing are normal. It is almost impossible to explain to others about fatigue.


Spasticity can affect the gait as well. it sounds to me like you deserve a medal! Its a terrifying disease.
In a word, yes. High blood pressure can play a role in tiredness. I hear what you're saying and get it! Its beyond us. The only other people I found that understand it had cancer.
If youre exhausted after an activity that used to be easy for example, walking up the steps it may be time to talk to your doctor about the possibility of heart disease. Microbiome, microbes . I stopped getting upset over these temporary setbacks and learned to go with the MS flowMost of the time. I know he can never truly understand, but he is so good to me! No longer want this and it didnt even exist anyway.. Now what exists is listening to bettering myself comes from People same , similar to me. Dysthymia is a type of chronic low-grade depression. I get your exhaustion with exhaustion. Therefore there's no need for me to explain why I'm so tired and I've just gotten out of bed or just brushing my teeth put a toll on me I can't even cook breakfast.

Every step I take is like that. I just do what has to be done, not much more.


My fatigue is present all the time, it never lessens, although it does sometimes worsen. I arrived in tears! I gave up on that a long time ago. I pray a lot to the Buddha. A big group of those diagnosed with POTS is young women and teens. From Aha!
I despise it, and I long to be free of it, but like the quicksand, I cant just walk away. Fatigue warning signs may include tired eyes, tired legs, whole-body tiredness, stiff shoulders, decreased energy or a lack of energy, inability to concentrate, weakness or malaise, boredom or lack of motivation, sleepiness, increased irritability, nervousness, anxiety, or impatience. Both depression and insomnia can be treated with antidepressants. Then because of that I go as hard as I can only to over do it on levels that are insane to recover from. Depression can be a major problem in MS. And depression often contributes to fatigue. Add a few rounds of dizzyness and I am down for 10 to 15 minutes.
I get my groceries by ordering them online and picking them up. At Medical City Healthcare, were dedicated to the care and improvement of human life. Other MS symptoms may contribute to fatigue, especially depression and sleep disruption.
"Think of the most physically taxing thing you have ever done. Occupational therapists can suggest modifications to your home or workplace to improve your efficiency and reduce the effort involved in daily tasks. Fatigue.
People who have fatigue feel overwhelmingly tired, typically with no obvious cause. Or having a cold and feeling a little bit rundown. What Does MS Fatigue REALLY Feel LIke? Recommended Reading: What Is The Best Medicine For Fatigue, Read Also: Magnesium For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A healthy diet can help. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. The weakness can make your legs feel heavy, as if they are being weighed down by something. You're definitely not alone! There are two major types of fatigue in MS. I have had to tell my brother i simply cant talk to you anymore as i am struggling to catch a breath. Having air conditioning in the summer may be very helpful. For me, on certain days reading is near impossible between trying to focus my eyes and cognitive issues, and fatigue it's just easier and less stressful to watch t.v. I mean, its my usual reply for when anyone asks me how Im doing. Long-term DMT treatment may slow the progression of MS. Thank you for the time and effort you into this essay.


I find it hard to stay focused and awake after Ive finshed doing my normal 9-10 hours a day at work to pay bills and that included going straight back to work after my 2nd round of Lemtrada , no body understands or cares apart from close Family and Friends that do understand , but it is getting harder and harder as time goes bye


Cooling also significantly reduces fatigue, helping a person with MS perform his or her daily activities.

I have a hard time asking for help because I look good. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women.
By the end of the day Im exhausted.
All rights reserved. Last medically reviewed on July 12, 2021, Late onset multiple sclerosis is the term for multiple sclerosis (MS) that develops later in life, usually after the age of 50. It may feel as if someone is stabbing my legs with a small knife. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, (http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Symptoms-Diagnosis/MS-Symptoms/Fatigue), (http://mymsaa.org/ms-information/symptoms/fatigue/), (http://www.msif.org/about-ms/symptoms-of-ms/fatigue/), (http://0-accessmedicine.mhmedical.com.library.ccf.org/content.aspx?bookid=496&Sectionid=41304201), Visitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information. Life isn't perfect or always easy, but this is the life I was handed and I try to make the most of it despite my handicaps. I only take cool showers and try to stay inside during the hottest parts of the day. Though you may feel like youre wearing a lead blanket or walking in quicksand, to family, friends, coworkers and others, you probably look just fine. It is important to treat MS early. Only my head and arms are above it and I need my arms to help pull me along.
Now, when I try to go to the mall, I get so exhausted, I start dragging my feet, and then I just want to go home. I spoke to him about it the summer before he died from it in October. I look good.

Until about 7 years ago, the fatigue was mild but then suddenly started to become worse. Its important to tell your doctor or nurse about how youre coping day to day and if you are struggling. Its frustrating and I always second guess myself with am I just being lazy. How can I know for sure? I needed to vent on my fatigue today, because its been, well, exhausting. Will they ever truly understand? It also tends to go away on its own. I am learning to own this stupid disease but I don't like that I have to. So I dont want to argue. "Lhermitte's sign," a common MS-related pain, can feel like an electric shock to the neck "Symptoms may include frequent urination, trouble starting or maintaining a urine stream, an inability to empty the bladder or incontinence," notes Dr. Scherz. Another way that chronic stress makes us feel exhausted is by interfering with sleep, says Bufka.
While reading the other night, I came across this quote, and it explained the fatigue so accurately for me; The only thing she consistently felt was the exhaustion. Other medications that are commonly associated with fatigue include antihistamines for treating allergies and antihypertensives for treating high blood pressure. DMTs work by changing the way a persons immune system functions. I have been diagnosed with MS for 16 years and I still do not know how I beat it sometimes and others times it devours me whole.


Great description! The reasons are usually obvious and include: But tiredness or exhaustion that goes on for a long time is not normal. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society reports "Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of MS, occurring in about 80 percent of people. And, like you I always remain hopeful!! My mother in law just left after a 5 day visit from Brooklyn. What does MS tingling feel like? The feeling of fatigue may also be a result of the muscle weakness associated with MS. Certain complications of MS can also induce fatigue. Im stuck. What does Symptoms of MS feel like Nikki?
I just feel terrible but i try to disguise it in front of people. Youre not alone! Certainly with these weren't the cards I have been dealt!


I really do get it
I suppose the frustration acts as an invisible exhaustion multiplier if not an exponential notation. Then a simple dizzy step or sudden black out of the lights and I am down on the floor or ground. Get a good nights sleep. A brief nap may be very helpful to recharge your batteries. The heaviness consumed her., Fatigue has been my biggest demon since being diagnosed in 2004. Heart failure causes signs and symptoms due to the excess accumulation of fluid within the tissues of the body.
I agree with iluvdogs, what is the point of wasting energy to try and explain to people unless they have it they will never understand. This fatigue is vicious thats for sure. I love them for loving me, but I'm just sayin' 😀


I feel the exact same.
Phone conversations and FaceTiming can be draining!!
MS Signs: The clinical signs of MS, like the symptoms, are also very variable. Its horrible to hear Im tired too. I get it. My days reclining on my recliner longer and longer. Most of these are issues your doctor can help you manage and treat. 2. Read Also: Nosebleeds Dizziness Headaches Extreme Fatigue.
Yesterday, I was at a friends house when her husband came home with the groceries. on the fatique scale. I just feel mentally exhausted as well. Fatigue: You feel like you want to sleep another eight hours right now after you wake up from eight hours of sleep and it seems like nothing can convince you otherwise. I should have stopped and rested but I wanted to do one more thing For me, fatigue affects my ability to think straight as well as being tired. Sleep that is not restful is another hallmark of fibromyalgia, causing chronic fatigue. I, too, battle with fatigue and, yes, it is exhausting. These two types of fatigue are probably separate problems related to the MS. Prioritize: Which is most important today--shopping or going to the baseball game?
I feel guilty (or even lazy) when I need to rest. Here are just a few: Exhaustion, stiffness, numbness, tingling, blurred vision, depression, disorientation, dizziness, in-coordination, acute pain, speech problems, parashtesia, flu-like symptoms, headaches, cognitive difficulties, memory loss, bowel/bladder dysfunction and mild to debilitating fatigue . I have finally succumbed to my idle electric wheelchair. Feeling this horrible fatigue is painful (so to speak) because you have to work hard to try and help others understand what you mean. Also Check: Anti Fatigue Mat For Corner Sink. People may feel that they are unable to do as many tasks without getting tired as they did before.

I hate that its made me like this 🙁


What a vivid analogy ! Sometimes it is difficult to know how much. This community gets it, and we're here for you and cheering for you - Shelby, Team Member


I know the feeling. For example, you can use "the best time of the day" by shopping in the morning and resting in the afternoon.
My whole life (73) went leaning on others to solve problem. If fatigue is affecting your quality of life, its time to talk to your doctor. That was last year. By providing your email address, you are agreeing to our privacy policy. I need to learn to schedule in breaks and rest periods. But with MS it is normal to say I can't. I long to be the girl I was when I was younger who could do anything for as long as she wanted. The early signs and symptoms of MS can vary widely, and some can be significantly challenging. What "I" really mean when I say I'm tired..I'm drained, I'm exhausted, I feel like I haven't slept and yet I just slept a solid 8 or 10 hours! Learn more. Make sure to discuss your depression with your healthcare provider because it is treatable. Im sorry for the rant but thank you for allowing me to.


Im so glad you found us! Sometimes I succeed but my legs remain bent hanging uselessly unable to straighten and hold weight. Read Also: Fatigue Falling Asleep During The Day. I use to go go go!! A rise in temperature may cause nerve conduction to be less efficient, whereas a reduction in temperature may allow more signals to be transmitted across a damaged nerve.
When were feeling stressed, our sleep can get disrupted, which naturally leads to feelings of tiredness and exhaustion, she says. Have you seen a neurologist at all? At this point i am not scred for that to be the case and just relieved to know whats the issue! The MFIS is a 21 item questionnaire that covers physical, cognitive, and psychosocial health. Sexual dysfunction is common in MS. If I am able to continue I'll do a little bit more if not I let it go and attempted again another time. The legs won't untangle, the knees will not bend, if I manage to eventually roll into a position sitting on both ankle I still can't recover because telling my leg muscles to push up and straighten is inpossible. Or, it can be a strange numbing sensation, like my leg is about to crack open. These can help with fatigue as they promote a good sleep pattern, and can help reduce stress. Best wishes,
If you are physically out of shape and overweight, everything you do requires more energy. Primary MS fatigue is fatigue resulting from this damage. That's certainly alot to accomplish.
This allows doctors to assess the ways in which fatigue is affecting a patient and plan treatment accordingly. I have had M.S. I am a very realistic person. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of MS. About 80% of people with MS deal with it. You might feel like fatigue is a constant reminder of your cancer and this can be hard to accept. It's real and you have to respect it. I am so sorry to hear that your husband doesnt understand. fatigue | nou n 1. extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. So, now I want to leave it to youdoes your fatigue tend to swallow you whole for months, like mine does me? Its like you said, no amount of sleep seems to make it stop.
I also have fatigue that alters my daily activities for many months at a time, especially after having any type of cold, flu, or even a minor injury. Their job description requires them to care, listen, and devote themselves to caring and healing. lulzdaisy 11 yr. ago
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America. Or if one day was good and you told them, then the next is not so good then they're like "Oh no, why? Most doctors seem to overlook fatigue when treating women with endometriosis. You may need to think ahead as you budget your energy each day. I was diagnosed with MS in 1986.
In MS, myelin (insulation that protects nerves) is damaged, causing disruptions to connections in the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve). Fatigue showed up last two years. It occurs in 75 percent to 95 percent of patients with MS. I know you probably havent ever personally dealt with quicksand (or at least I hope not), but youve probably seen it in scenes of a movie or TV show. xxxx's Janus


My fatigue is quite bad since I started my new MS therapy. Depending on what's causing your MS fatigue, a doctor may prescribe: anti-inflammatory pain medications, like aspirin.
Someone ends up wandering through the desert or the jungle, and they come upon this sneaky sand that easily blends into their surroundings. My house is a mess, I can't clean the way I used to, I can't do much of anything I used to. Fatigue can make it difficult to do everyday activities, which can interfere with someones ability to care for themselves, work, and socialize. People who do NOT have MS are NEVER going to understand and furthermore, I don't think they care to. And, one of the most difficult things for me to explain to others is my level of fatigue. A nutritious diet, which avoids heavily processed foods and sugar-related foods, helps fatigue, Dr. Boster said. This is why depression can be very cruel, and serious medical attention needs to be considered. As tired as when you went to bed after waking up from a full night's sleep. Psoriatic arthritis causes joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Even in my wheel chair on a trip I am tired. When were stressed, the brain is flooded with the stress hormone cortisol.
It can affect your ability to get on and enjoy your life. Numbness or TinglingA lack of feeling or a pins-and-needles sensation can be the first sign of the nerve damage from MS. Everyone laughs at me when alli want to do is sleep some times. Over the past two years I have realized that thoughts are things. I sat for 10 minutes in hopes it would pass. Unprocessed or naturally processed foods are preferred to processed foods. It can be severe and last a long time. Your description and so many of the replies nailed it.
These symptoms may be mild and not noticed by others or can be more serious, and begin impacting on employment, social interactions and relationships.
This technique is called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Recommended Reading: Headache Nausea Fatigue Abdominal Pain. Even minor daily activities may cause someone with fatigue to become more worn out. Heat ugh. By providing your email address, you are agreeing to our privacy policy. And the fatigue is endlessly frustrating. It's sort of like using your savings for a wonderful vacation. Would they take the pain and fatigue for you? Recommended Reading: Foods To Help Adrenal Fatigue. Best wishes, Calie


Thank you so much for writing this. Again, its like the quicksand. They do so using a scale. I say only MSers really knows this fatigue. Good luck to you all hope you find what helps xxx


My frustration is everyone assuming Ill be to tired and no longer ask or include me in anything, I used to be the fix anything dependable guy, my shop was a constant flow of coworkers vehicles, now I might not even open the shop door for weeks, put things off until I have a good day no longer works, I find slowing things down, taking sitting breaks even if I feel ok really helps, come up with a solid plan on how I am going to do something helps, even errands, getting outside (when its not hot) getting lots of fresh air vs sitting around inside the house, I wish I had a magic idea for you, maybe one day MS will be no more.. Take care


This describes MS fatigue very well. (n.d.).
I also have wondered at what point do I stop telling people that I'm tired since I am tired 24/7. After being told daily, that Im just lazy, that I dont do anything and etc. What I wouldn't give to be their kind of tired!! Some days are easier while some are harder. My husband keeps saying "you don't owe anyone an explanation if you feel like you can't do it just say you can't do it end of of discussion "


My fatigue is hard to explain as well. I am already overly exerted not having my household help, so I feel bad.


I thought you might find this article interesting sbcweb,
Some passive garments are dampened and chilled before use. So why bother to waste energy answering. Compensating for these disabilities requires greater energy and effort than would otherwise be necessary to perform daily tasks. In the early stages, the basic gist is that certain drugs can help to relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and decrease the strain on your heart. You wrote this 8 mo. The worst of my battle is fighting the fatigue..with a 13 year old son that is used to me being his little league coach and sports practice partner.
The world is not the way we'd like it to be and neither are people. There are many avenues of help available from physical to psychological and your GP, MS nurse or neurologist can point you in the right direction for the most appropriate assessment and assistance. It can happen at any time without warning or without any apparent reason. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME) is far different from normal tiredness due to physical or emotional stress. Dont Miss: Plus Size Army Fatigue Joggers. (I have more of a focus issue.) Multiple Sclerosis Center, What Can Cause Extreme Fatigue And Muscle Weakness, What Can Cause Shortness Of Breath And Fatigue, Nosebleeds Dizziness Headaches Extreme Fatigue, National Multiple Sclerosis Society of America, Fox News meteorologist with MS claps back after viewer criticizes her legs, Three tips for newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis patients, What Can Cause Muscle Weakness And Fatigue. The older I get the more tired I feel.
Thats something that I dont think people understand. And for more helpful information delivered to your inbox, . All of these factors are believed to play a role in MS fatigue. Again well is your writing.


When they are looking to see what your going to do . and you know its going to be disappointing because you cant even think about moving
For more information, call our Ask a Nurse hotline 24/7 or use Find a Doctor online.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fatiguetalk_com-box-4','ezslot_10',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fatiguetalk_com-box-4-0'); You can also get care for minor injuries or illness at CareNow Urgent Care or visit Medical City Virtual Care for non-emergency medical treatment from your computer or smartphone. Fatigue affects as many as 80% of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and can significantly affect a persons quality of life. If I go grocery shopping and put them away, that is all I can do. This morning I feel a little better but not as good as my usual self. For others, MS fatigue can happen after cognitive exertion such as working on the computer and completing mentally-demanding tasks. One was my Dad when he was well into pancreatic cancer. Non-pharmaceutical methods of addressing insomnia can also help with depression. Higher totals indicate more fatigue. More than simply feeling blue, the symptoms of mild depression can interfere with your daily life, robbing you of joy and motivation. I HATE it.
Last time I went on a plane, I preboarded. For example, they may have sleep disorders that interfere with restful sleep. Calie, I appreciated your vulnerability. Its of substantial strength and it hurts and I have to fight the pressure to keep from sinking. But it can take several weeks or months before you feel like your old self. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. In addition to avoiding the crowds and exhaustion from walking through stores or malls, ordering clothes allows you to try them on at your leisure when your energy level is highest. It's different than lack of sleep or physical exertion. Also Check: Natural Remedies For Brain Fog And Fatigue, Recommended Reading: How To Fix Mental Fatigue. Im going to buy my groceries online now. Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Anticholinergic medications used to treat urinary incontinence, Building rest times into your schedule, like an afternoon 20-minute power nap, Planning energy-draining activities for the morning when you are less fatigued, Asking your family to take on more of the heavy-duty household chores, Using your scooter or wheelchair to get around throughout the day. Thank you so much and let me know if you need anything else! Cancer fatigue doesnt usually go away with sleep or rest. Janus


Hi CindyLou,
Fatigue can occur at all stages of the disease. the gait can also become ataxic when the lesions are present in the cerebellum of the brain.
Sometimes, people have other medical conditions, such as infections, anemia, or a reduced thyroid function, which can increase fatigue.
It can significantly interfere with a person's ability to function at home and work, and is one of the primary causes of early departure from the workforce. And for more on cases that are not so mild, check out 80 Percent of Hospitalized COVID Patients Are Deficient in This Vitamin. I almost feel it is unfair to expect others to fully understand fatigue.
You and your relatives might underestimate how much it can affect daily life. Just writing and reading is exhausting.

However you have to make sure you take it in the morning or you may be awake all night.


I haven't experienced any side effects and I've been taking it for 7 years!


My fatigue is always there waiting for me to overdue. One thing everyone agrees on is that CFS/ME is a real, debilitating illness. I'm sure like many others. Even then theres a possibility that the damn illness could decide to rear up and bite me. In MS you can experience acute neuropathic pain and chronic neuropathic pain.
Written by Jennifer Huizen on July 12, 2021.
Score: 4.7/5 (29 votes) . I'm confused of fatigue vs feeling sleepy and unable to sleep. It is the first warm day of spring. MS symptoms in women: Common, early, and rare, How to self-assess multiple sclerosis symptoms, develop early in the morning, even after a restful night, interfere with everyday activities and responsibilities, be unrelated to physical ailments or depression levels, disrupted sleep due to muscle spasms or bladder poblems, tizanidine (Zanaflex), dantrolene sodium (Dantrium), or baclofen (Gablofen) for. What does MS fatigue feel like? When I say Im tired, no offense, but unless you have chronic fatigue, MS, or something along those lines, I dont expect you to fully understand. - Shelby, Team Member


I was diagnosed in 2003 at the age of 57.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is far different from normal tiredness due to physical or emotional stress. Going to bed at a normal time was rough, I have always been a night "No" has been super hard for me but I'm getting better at realizing that I can't do it all, and its okay for " me to take care of me" as my neurologist told me. 2. I learn not to put myself in that situation most of the time. It has caused me to be a better planner of my day.


I love this mindset. . Such a balancing act and different for everyone! You might have a headache, but more likely you feel pressure or fullness in your nasal passages. From a friend who trys to stay out of quicksand and speaks and knows the lingo.


its always so comforting to know someone understands! This is thought to take more energy. And again have no relief or diagnosis of anything. MS fatigue can be very debilitating and, unlike ordinary fatigue, it can take a long time to recover from. You are SO strong to be dealing with this day after day! Everyone is exhausted and tired from their own daily lives.
Sadly a good night sleep does not resolve this fatigue. We avoid using tertiary references.
Some days I find peace in knowing that I dont go through this alone and someone can relate. There is no empathy except for the senior citizen trying to use the overhead bin. Limbs are heavy and there is a weight that is impossible to shift, even when doing the most menial of activities.
I became a spectator at my children's sporting events. At times that helps the fatigue for a while. I can walk for miles, but my head is just so tired, blinking is a struggle. Symptoms tend to get worse when severe fatigue sets in, says Wentink.

A second type of fatigue is muscular. I try to kind of go with the flow, but not doing housework and doing very little cooking, and not being who I used to be makes me sad, and sometimes mad. Members of MyMSTeam describe chronic, profound fatigue that does not usually improve with a nap or a cup of coffee. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors including Zoloft , Paxil , and Prozac. Living with fatigue is grueling.
If you have any other questions or concerns please know that you are welcome here anytime!


Oh yes, Im there with you on everything you wrote so eloquentlyOk gotta take a nap now zzzzzzz


Thinking of you 😀 Thank you for your feedback and for chiming in! We know they love us, but sometimes I think Its hard on them not being able to help. Neurophysiotherapists and physiotherapists can demonstrate exercises to strengthen and maintain body functioning and there is a range of equipment available to help conserve energy and reduce stress on muscles and joints. Please know that we are always here for you with open arms! Many of these items may be obtained through MSAAs Equipment Distribution Program . As a result, in someone with MS, it takes more effort for the brain to relay messages and coordinate movement. HARD. All rights reserved. And when you feel like that you have no motivation.


Trying to plow through fatigue caused me more harm than good.
You may have a headache. People may find that they are dragging one leg or are more unsteady. ago and I'm just now seeing it, but I just had to tell you I was you several years ago. Overall, people with MS need a balanced, low-fat and high-fiber diet.
Ease and self compassion is the only thing that has really helped with the extreme fatiguecoffee doesnt even help that much. Compounded by frustration and embarrassment.


So true about how we look to others.
Even getting horizontal doesnt fix it. I am going to the Dr this week and i will be mentioning MS


I hate that youve had to experience those symptoms, but Im glad you found this article at the right time. It's now "giving in," it's "working with what you got."
That it is difficult to hold things or write as your limbs feel heavy. Tammie L.


Tammie, I love your description of wet cement as well! I remain hopeful, though, that every tomorrow can bring a better day and I hope you have better days heading your way!


thank you so much for commenting!
It's the least common but most dramatic form of prostatitis, beginning abruptly with high fever, chills, joint and muscle aches, and profound fatigue.In addition, you may have pain around the base of the penis and behind the scrotum, pain in the lower back, and the feeling of a full rectum. Instead of focusing on the fatigue, I try to focus on what IS going right. Fatigue is so bad you cant bother to cook or eat.
These are portable and allow the wearer to enjoy symptom relief indoors or out. Passive cooling garments, such as a vest and wraps for the neck, wrists, or ankles, use ice or gel packs to give people with MS immediate and simple relief from heat and certain MS symptoms. At least it forces me to start moving. MS fatigue is reported as a symptom in roughly 75-95% of people living with MS. It's associated with a reduced quality of life as it can make it extremely difficult to complete basic daily tasks, like bathing, eating, or socializing. Trevor Wicken is a well trained and certified physical and sports medicine therapist. I do feel the fatigue is eating me alive, and I wish I too knew how to beat.


I have MS too, and I totally understand your struggle!! Thank you for commenting and helping me feel a little less crazy. Fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis is very real, although the reason it occurs is not clear. I am now 53 and I have to say you've explained fatigue better than I ever could. I have tried to explain to him that if he is having a hard time dealing with that, image how I feel but it doesnt help. It is also important in reducing costs. Fatigue is the single most common symptom in MS, across all age groups, across all disease states, Dr. Boster said. If I take another iR even half, I cannot sleep. If I am feeling good and like I can do something I spontaneously reach out but its usually "sorry, need more notice" and spontaneity is misinterpreted as flighty more often than not.
Dx in 1997 with RRMS then SPMS shortly thereafter. Multiple sclerosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology. People may also have lower appetites so their nutritional status might not be great, they might be sleeping too little or too much, which can affect how your mind is wired, Khabbaza says. Can they relate?


Best description Ive ever heard. and when I feel like I get a lot done (which seems to take hours) my bf will come over and say " I thought you were gonna clean the kitchen" or "what did you do today around here?" MultipleSclerosis.net does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please reach out anytime! Good sleep hygiene would include a comfortable bedroom, no distractions and a cool environment. It is 2.30 in the afternoon and the watering is finish but so is my energy level. Its an on going vicious circle.


After reading this I was relieved and kinda excited. So, we hope youll Take Care! Best wishes, Calie


I describe my fatigue - exacerbated by ADD - as having a lead ball in my lap.
Does MS make you feel sleepy? If in addition to feeling tired, you have a sense of fogginess or being out of it, this might be cause for concern. Your doctor might use the plural, entheses. Multiple sclerosis (MS) attacks can include tingling, numbness, fatigue, cramps, tightness, dizziness, and more. When Im trying to explain to someone how difficult it is to walk I tell them that its like the feeling you get in your feet and legs after getting out of the water after a lengthy bout in a swimming pool, but it doesnt go away.
Thanks for reaching out here.Janus


I dont say much of anything, people dont understand anyway. MS fatigue makes me feel like a loser, even though I know it's not my fault. It's important for you to do what relaxes you. Often I try to explain and they look at me and say, yah, I didnt get much sleep last night so I do know how you feel. !


Im glad you found something that gives you relief from fatigue! Do you ever experience sciatica (pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve meaning the lower back, buttocks, hips, and legs)? Medical City Healthcare provides comprehensive emergency services across North Texas. I was diagnosed with MS 36 years ago and having this disease all of these years has allowed me to see more of how phony people really are. However, doctors may prescribe certain medications off-label for MS fatigue.
Insufficient sleep, which can be related to other MS symptoms like bladder urgency, muscle spasms, or pain. or movies than it is to try to read. I was believing them. Heart failure treatment is designed to dramatically reduce or halt your symptoms and hopefully prevent potential complications like kidney or liver damage, Dr. Wong says. When I feel fatigued, I take it as a sign that I need to step back and take a break.. But this time the fatigue is dominated by frustration and some anger that I cant get up by myself. I go to bed by 8:00 every night but wake up around 4am feeling good! Some muscle contractions We're with you! Certain diets have been studied to evaluate their impact on MS-related fatigue, and its important for people with MS to talk about dietary choices with their neurologists to ensure that they arent eating foods that worsen fatigue. I went through a 2 week period where my brain fog was BLANK- There was nothing there at all! We reside in Utah and yesterday was the worst since all she wanted to do was eat out breakfast then dinner. Anyone who experiences unexplained fatigue that interferes with everyday life or does not improve with rest should talk with a doctor. At least 50 percent of individuals with MS report significant symptoms associated with depression. Also, I Limit doing difficult days to plan an easy day in-between.


That sounds like a smart approach, @stuckey17. Please visit mymsaa.org or call 532-7667 for more information.
What Does MS Fatigue REALLY Feel LIke? There are times that seem nearly impossible to get out of bed much less put in a full day at work! This feeling may be worse in the afternoons or after activity. I became way less active than I'd ever been. I feel my friends and loved ones do their best to understand, but its not one of those things you can just easily explain. What does MS fatigue feel like? However, some lifestyle changes, healthful habits, and medications can help people manage MS fatigue. I sat for 10 minutes in hopes it would pass. When I was experiencing my first major exacerbation I fought against it and it seemed the more I fought the worse it got to where It bothered others to see me try to walk since it was awkward and slow. They hate were goinf through it, but cant do anything about it just like us. It can be so severe that it's disabling. The person with multiple sclerosis feels fatigued and weakness in the legs. When I was working I had to walk the till drawers for the registers in a grocery store and at times I would be walking and the pain & the weight of the fatigue would make me have to just stop until I could get my legs to finish what I had to do . I would like to think these people suffer from a lack of information, but I don't believe I would've said something like that to anyone even before I knew about MS fatigue. I even started to challenge myself a little more, but it is too difficult.
People can use an MS self-assessment to evaluate their symptoms at home. Try relaxation techniques. I have run the medication gauntlet, and multiple tricks suggested to keep up the pace. They think it's crazy that when I finally allow myself toi crash that I can sleep for a day straight. carry out tests to rule out physical causes, such as blood and urine tests. This can reduce symptoms and potentially delay other complications. Your feelings are valid in every single way. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. It's so hard sometimes. Dont Miss: What Causes Chronic Nausea And Fatigue.
Im 70 years old and have had MS for 27 years.
Most days when people ask how I feel, I want to just blurt out, Oh I feel like Ive been hit by a dump truck, have the worst hangover of my life, and have the flu. The condition most commonly affects women between the ages of 40 and 60. Wishing you the best, Calie


You can say that again. Regular fatigue is not getting enough sleep, and feeling tired during the day. These medications may include: Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/28/2019.
It was like a weight in the center of her bones, pulling down on her. I too know this fatigue. And having a newborn on top of MS fatigue isn't an easy feat! MS fatigue is more than the tiredness that everybody feels after exertion or missing a good night's sleep. It helps to know other people understand. Thank you so much for sharing your post.
Please keep us posted and let us know how you're doing! Just to have some type of freedom from "reporting" the whole time.


Calie, you are definitely not going through this alone! I hope we both have good days today..


Fatigue beautifully described. Most people get it.


I also find that playing with my son and staying active helps me! A person with MS may experience both physical and mental fatigue. After getting insulted and being told daily, that Im just lazy, that I dont do anything and etc.


, I completely understand where you're coming from! Therapy can also offer you the skills and insight to prevent the problem from coming back. Recognise that the fatigue is real and be kind to yourself. MS is much more like exhaustion to me. We're here for you, and I truly get this! So, the fatigue is still there but not as prominent (it is also the biggest thing I struggle with because of MS). Wasnt on my list things that would happen to me. Learn more about the.
There's fatigue, there's lassitude, and there's also a higher likelihood of narcolepsy with MS. If stress remains heightened for a long time, there will be more cortisol and less dopamine and serotonine, the lack of which have been linked with depression. The fatigue is something I have to maneuver through to complete whatever it is Im attempting to do. I always wonder though.
They fight their hardest to try and step out, but its not that simple. Thanks for sharing, Calie. Fatigue is one of the most common and disabling symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Fatigue can be very frustrating. Another thing I've found useful in describing my symptoms to others is the use of nature-based metaphors.
So glad you shared with us!
"We do know that the younger the patient is, the more likely that external factors like medications, depression and stress are factors in fatigue," he says. The effort to manage the pain while doing the basic thing like washing and dressing is a killer. This can affect how much money you have. About half of all people with MS will experience issues with aspects of cognition, memory, attention span, planning, decision-making, understanding or concentration. It usually happens in the face, arms, or legs, and on one side of the body. I was talking to a friend last night, and when she asked me how I was, I answered with my usual reply; Im good, just really tired. It made me realize how often I say that. Be encouraged all. I was relieved to finally know that something real had been plaguing me. People with MS may also experience episodes of lassitude, a type of fatigue that is characteristic of MS. Lassitude differs from other kinds of fatigue because it tends to: Doctors use the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS) to assess a patients fatigue symptoms.
Read Also: Amino Acids For Adrenal Fatigue. Here are some common MS symptoms and a few self-care tips to manage them: Have a plan to head off fatigue. Best Wishes, Calie


Callie, After reading your article I finally felt that someone else understands how I feel. You might not even feel up to a chat. I feel this on a regular basis and I feel no one understands, not even my husband.
Just stand down wind of me you will be ok, now thats fatigue. Another theory is that fatigue is related to reduced electrical transmission of signals in the brain. A few short tips that might help include: Hopefully this, article helps explain why depression makes you tired. Policy. The MFIS is a shortened version of a Fatigue Impact Scale first introduced in 1994 and remains an effective method of assessing fatigue. Before we proceed with the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue, we must first understand what can cause it. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder in which your own antibodies (autoantibodies) start attacking and destroying the nerve cells of your body. Best Wishes,
Reporting cognitive changes early to your GP, MS nurse or neurologist, can lead to a formal assessment to identify specific areas of concern and interventions to better manage your cognitive function and quality of life.
If you are drinking too much or abusing drugs, consider working on stopping these behaviors. Im glad to know the reason why Im always so tired/sleepy knowing I slept pretty long. Pressure from congestion creates discomfort that can register as tenderness. These medications may include: Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/28/2019. Is your fatigue the same as an overwhelming feeling of needing to sleep, even though that doesn't help either? MS is a different tired in my case. I wish we didn't have to spend so much time explaining ourselves to others, but we do you have this responsibility to inform them sigh


Unfortunately I have tried explained Ms fatigue but some still don't understand. Whatever type of MS you have you will certainly suffer from fatigue at some point or another. I know others may feel like they can relate when I say Im tired, but its not quite the same.
Sometimes I want to scream, if I wasnt so fatigued. Its not just that Im too exhausted to go do something, Im too exhausted to do anything. We all experience tiredness at times, which can be relieved by sleep and rest. Right now my house needs vacuumed and dusted, but I wanted to water outside today so it waits. Some people say they experience MS fatigue after gentle activities such as writing or reading and they immediately need to rest.


I was diagnosed in 1998. tingling and numbness. Thats what is so great about this online community. I had kids very young and did alot of walking when they were babies, to walking and riding bikes, skating, swimming and teaching them how to play basketball and softball and always practicing with them. If I can stand each step is thought through as I remind my legs and feet what they are to do. This information is not designed to replace a physicians independent judgment about the appropriateness or risks of a procedure for a given patient. It occurs in 75 percent to 95 percent of patients with MS. While we can't give any medical advice (for your own safety) if you haven't done so already, you might want to try a neurologist. I would like to recommend a book that helped me a lot! One thing that totally frustrates me is when well meaning friends or family keep asking me if I want to do something during this time, and they don't let it go. Janus


I get it. Please keep us posted Janus


Thank you for this article. The symptom is not related to the severity or to the duration of MS. At times, fatigue interferes with function and is an important symptom to manage. Symptoms include changes in appetite or sleep, irritability, and a feeling of hopelessness or guilt. There are non-medical treatments for fatigue related to MS: In general, if possible, it is good to avoid using medications. Common signs are spasticity and motor weakness which can be unilateral or bilateral. What does MS feel like when starting? Many of the medications that people take to manage MS fatigue can also cause side effects, such as: There are primary and secondary causes of MS fatigue. I am sick of being tired. - Lori (Team Member)

. More days than not, you feel mildly or moderately depressed, although you may have brief periods of normal mood. He goes to several stores, cuts coupons and shops for deals. Last week, I lost three days of work because I could barely do anything other than remain horizontal and close my eyes. Maintaining a healthy weight and optimal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and avoiding type 2 diabetes can all help with MS fatigue, says Dr. Conway. Also consider limiting alcohol as much as possible. I arrived in tears! I often feel the same way when someone says "me too". Fatigue is my most pervasive MS symptom and basically defines what I think of as my "new normal".


Thank you Calie, for the well thought out attempt to articulate the reality of your life with MS. You most definitely are not alone in this. Symptoms can also include a lack of energy or motivation, irritability, frustration and experiencing a "shorter fuse.". MRIs can reveal a number of important findings in arthritis, including synovial membrane or tendon problems. I changed my work lifestyle, went from working midnight shift as a RN to days, quit my second job thinking I was getting older and just needed to be on a more normal schedule.
I'm so glad that you were able to find comfort in Calie's article.
those of you who didn't grow up in the cold parts of the world, well, maybe mud anyhoo, i still am dealing with hauling around heavy limbs, but i don't think they are the problem so much. Just venting. Acute means it has a rapid onset and is of short duration. I also started becoming more symptomatic with signs and symptoms, the cog dog, forgetting things, blurred vision and a few falls later I told my doctor what was going on and requested a MRI to check for MS. 42 of my head and spine. Are RA, Lupis, other autoimmune diseases, diabetes as terrifying as MS??? It can slow down your body and your. Putting one foot in front of the other is getting harder and harder.
Another condition affecting sleep is sleep apnea, which is also common among the general population. Can't seem to get any help.


Hi JD67,

I can honestly say that as I think back on my life, I have had it since I was a little kid.

My fatigue is definitely activated by heat, hell i darnt have a shower because it wipes me out for at least 2 days.

I fight MS fatigue with exercise- not too much, not too little. This feeling may be worse in the afternoons or after activity.
Nothing ticks me off like saying I'm tired and having someone say "me too". However, Thank you so much!! Members describe disappointment and resentment from loved ones who do not understand how severe and unrelenting their fatigue from multiple sclerosis can be. Fatigue feels much worse if your sleep pattern is also disturbed.
Its great to hear Im not the only one.
Neuropathic pain happens from "short circuiting" of the nerves that carry signals from the brain to the body because of damage from MS.
Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies, There are two major types of fatigue in MS.
Anxiety. This is similar to the Mediterranean diet, and the same healthy diet thats recommended for the general population. So happy to have made it home before it got dark, (5:00 p.m.) and yes! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
The fatigue we endure is so difficultand I agree, its comforting knowing we arent alone! The simplest of tasks becomes incredibly difficult. MS fatigue can negatively affect a persons quality of life. This reaction does not help to alleviate MS symptoms.
If support from family and friends and positive lifestyle changes arent enough, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional. Occasionally I start feeling an increase in my energy level in the evening.


I too was diagnosed in 2004, and Fatigue has likewise been my biggest struggle, especially because I am still working full-time (+ overtime). Physically, it feels like Im being weighed down by the vicious pulling of the sand.
As far as I'm concerned, it's like talking to a door knob.


it has become my normal as well. I don't think any of us necessarily feel the need to explain our fatigue, but want to at least try and help our friends and loved ones somewhat understand. I have days where trying to form a thought, let alone a sentence, is nearly impossible. You can feel very down and not want to go out or be with people which can be hard for them to understand. causing an almost immediate falling into uncontrollable fatigue. If you are in the UK check out there are centres all over the UK and as a charity run for MSers it is v cheap. Low levels of cortisol can cause weakness, fatigue, and low blood pressure. Supplements for heart health: Which ones are beneficial and which ones are not?
I really appreciate you sharing, as it can be such a help for others, too. Take Fewer Steps.Try to take care of as many things as possible in one room to eliminate extra trips.

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