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How do we reconcile this? But, if God wanted Israel to be brought to Himself, then why did He place all of these restrictions and warnings on them? WebChristian vegetarianism is the practice of keeping to a vegetarian lifestyle for reasons connected to or derived from the Christian faith.The three primary reasons are spiritual, nutritional, and ethical.The ethical reasons may include a concern for God's creation, a concern for animal rights and welfare, or both. Thus, Gods salvation is completely by His grace, not by our merits. Also, the cadence of the archaic version is well suited for singing. vapor maven juice menu. Many great writers such a Shaw claim their knowledge of English was greatly enhanced by having to read the KJV even though they might not have believed the content. Many, many disagree with each other on key points and in foundational scriptures. I decided that Id reada the Old Testament and I only had access to it in the King James Bible. Personally I prefer the translations that focus as much on the encoding as the decoding. He disliked the Geneva Bible, the Bible used by the Puritans, because he believed that some of the comments in the margin notes were seditious and did not show enough respect for kings. So these are questions I seek to answer to settle my mind. [17] Rabbeinu Asher ben Meshullam was said never to have tasted meat. When the dish is this pretty, it makes your pie perfection. [56][1][pageneeded] This is based on the Torah, which not only is replete with instances of eating meat,[57][58] but also includes several commandments that specifically call for meat to be eaten, such as eating of the Passover sacrifice and other animal sacrifices. This went reasonably well until I got to Genesis 25:29. In the mysterious covenant between God and Abram in Genesis 15, the 1611 version reads an horror of great darkness fell upon him, because they have taken an adjective asheikhah to be the noun it formally resembles. [33] Charles Guerolt taught him the "science of defence", fencing. Second, Christ fulfilled the charge of this text as the perfect royal priest, bringing us to God and empowering us to serve him. The KJV was not the first approved or first authorised English translation as is sometimes alleged. I have stepped so far into blood that I should try and wade back: going back would be as difficult as going on with it.? They werent looking for an animal, like a rhinoceros. 19:5), if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant. Moses tells the people these words and they reply (v. 8), All that the Lord has spoken we will do! Some claim that Israel went astray at this point by putting themselves under the Law. Jack L. Chalker wrote a five-book series called The Well World Saga in which it is mentioned many times that the creator of the universe, a man named Nathan Brazil, is known as the Wandering Jew. Matthew Paris included this passage from Roger of Wendover in his own history; and other Armenians appeared in 1252 at the Abbey of St Albans, repeating the same story, which was regarded there as a great proof of the truth of the Christian religion. According to some[which?] The Cross And The Flesh (Gal. (Google Books). JVNA He is in heaven and we are on earth. Here it is in all its glory! However, Mike O'Bader insists he is a Gentile, not a Jew. One of these is the reading book of life in Revelation 22:19. (Season Two) Servilia drives Atia to distraction; Octavian and Mark Antony forge new alliances, political and personal. (The translation rules ofKing James can be found here and here. or neither? But, we need also to come with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire. Remember, one characteristic of unbelievers is (Rom. In Kore Yamazaki's manga The Ancient Magus' Bride, the character Cartaphilus, also known as Joseph, is a mysterious being that looks like a young boy, but is much older. [Update: There is now a 28th edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament. Lesly Massey, Women and the New Testament: An Analysis of Scripture in the Light of New Testament Era Culture (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1989), 46-47. They mentioned that no remains, no bones of unicorns were found. He must find another person to take on the persona of the wanderer before his life ends or risk eternal damnation. Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. [HBO] HD. I too found it ironic that Mark would choose to quote 2 Timothy 2:15. But what do you do after a mountaintop experience with God? Or was it the Geneva? Well just dont throw out your KJVit is a great reference to check up on the other translationsand get a Greek-Hebrew lexicon as well to check up on all of them! [45], The king greatly preferred the role of schoolmaster to that of father, and he wrote texts for the schooling of his children. Were to be channels through whom the blessings of Abraham flow to the whole world (Gal. The apocryphal books were written during the intertestamental period and first century, and most were originally written in Greek not Hebrew. God is big and powerful, transcending human invention, and certainly not limited by it. Genuine leather black $59.99 Landmark 1560 Edition, Matthews Bible 1537 Edition [79], Fromental Halvy's opera Le Juif errant, based on the novel by Sue, was premiered at the Paris Opera (Salle Le Peletier) on 23 April 1852, and had 48 further performances over two seasons. Ask why the KJV continued replacing YHWH with Adonai, and why that might matter. This is the functon of historical fiction. WebThe first Jewish-vegetarian cookbook has been compiled by Fania Lewando and was first published in 1938 in Vilnius. I find that comparing the NIV with the KJV to be slightly off. He had to come down to Mount Sinai to meet with Moses (Exod. Rome: Season 2 [Blu-ray]: I binge watched both seasons and almost felt like I was actually there, as a lurking shade from the future. Footnotes [1] There is more information about these English Bibles in Frederic G. Kenyons essay here and on Wikipedia. Look at this; Peter could and would not warn of the twisting of Scripture if it was not already firm (or untwisted) now would he? As such, I, personally, cannot recommend the NIV for a deep-dive into the Word. In 1901 a New York publisher reprinted, under the title "Tarry Thou Till I Come", George Croly's "Salathiel", which treated the subject in an imaginative form. This is the one they brought over on the Mayflower. Alter, The Art of Bible Translation (Princeton and Oxford: New York: Princeton University Press, 2019), 7-8. ", Some scholars have identified components of the legend of the Eternal Jew in Teutonic legends of the Eternal Hunter, some features of which are derived from Odin mythology. Pizza hut delivery near me Pizza delivery near me Brick oven pizza near me Cheap pizza near me Dominos hours near me Pizza near me Pizza places near me that deliver.Best deals with online map. For everyday I use the nkjv, I love the formal beauty of both. [16] The French ambassador in London Christophe de Harlay, Count of Beaumont, reported a rumour, spread by James's friends, that Anne of Denmark was cruel and ambitious, and hoped to rule Scotland as Regent or Governor for Henry after the death of her husband. ], Margaret Mowczko 2015 The Belgian writer August Vermeylen published in 1906 a novel called De wandelende Jood (The Wandering Jew). It sure helps to have an English translation with language that is easy to understand. However, more recent translations, such as the 2011 edition of the New International Version (NIV), are based on recent editions of the Nestle-Aland/ United Bible Societies Greek New Testament. Most notable among the many editors of Greek New Testaments in this period were Erasmus (5 editions: 1516, 1519, 1522, 1527, 1535), Robert Estienne a.k.a. Hi Peggy, My point is that the Hebrew Bible does refer to an animal like a rhinoceros, or maybe they are in fact rhinoceroses. [52] The Wandering Jew also appears in Mary Elizabeth Counselman's story "A Handful of Silver" (1967). The King James Bible refers to these creatures as unicorns, which, as you say, we think of as mythical creatures. In the entry for the year 1223, the chronicle describes the report of a group of pilgrims who meet "a certain Jew in Armenia" (quendam Iudaeum) who scolded Jesus on his way to be crucified and is therefore doomed to live until the Second Coming. George MacDonald includes pieces of the legend in Thomas Wingfold, Curate (London, 1876). But I dont believe one should need an intense education in the subject in order to have faith in God. He was motivated to write the book because he was concerned by the amount of witchcraft he saw in his realm, and he calls the devil our mortal enemy. Then God bore Israel on eagles wings. Two versions of this prayer are recorded in the gospels: a longer form within the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew, and a shorter form in the Gospel of Luke when "one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples ' ". A translation would be Peter Cephas. [3] In the month before the baptism, there were rumours at the Scottish court that James VI was jealous of Anne of Denmark and thought that the Duke of Lennox might be the father of Prince Henry. The earliest archaeological evidence of Hebrew presence in WebBrowse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Robert Hamerling, in his Ahasver in Rom (Vienna, 1866), identifies Nero with the Wandering Jew. I had no way of finding out what it meant. Its not a fire insurance policy that you file away for future use if needed. The Wandering Jew is revealed to be Judas Iscariot in George R.R. Most modern translations still acknowledge the traditional additions in some way: in margin notes, in footnotes, or they are printed in a different font, etc. The King James Version is an excellent translation, but many of the recent English translations are better. The word church can carry the imagery of opulent ecclesiastical tradition and elite authority. "The Wandering Image: Converting the Wandering Jew" Iconography and visual art. King James did not error, he falsified, as its very obvious, calculated change. This article on Wikipedia provides a brief overview of the Bibles mentioned in this comment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Modern_English_Bible_translations You must be the silver standard of patience (only one Person is the Gold Standard, our Savior and Lord, Christ Jesus). JVNA The word congregation nowadays carries its own ecclesiastical baggage but would have been a valid term to use in the 1600s. He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Hebrew While this is acceptable to many as the NIV attempts to communicate the intent of the message, this is not a true word for word translation, and I prefer to leave the thinking to individuals, not solely to experts. [51], Another mitzvah often cited by Jewish vegetarians is bal tashchit, the law which prohibits waste. (More on the controversy around Westcott and Hort here. A book containing images of these works was published under the title The Eternal Jew. In answer to your question. [10] At this time, the Master of Gray was keeper of Henry's wardrobe, and took delivery of a little coffer worth 8 Scots for the Prince's clothes. Heresy has been a concern in Christian communities at least since the writing of the Second Epistle of Peter: "even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them" (2 Peter 2:1).In the first two or three centuries of the early Church, heresy and schism were not clearly distinguished. Lantern Books. Furthermore, among the discoveries were ancient manuscripts of biblical texts that were older than those used to create Erasmus Greek text that became the Textus Receptus. He is the seed of Abraham through whom all the nations will be blessed through faith in Him (Gen. 12:3; Gal. This comment is in response to an email I received from Mike, a reader who wrote: Your point about the TR not existing until after the 1611 KJV is not accurate. In Pr Lagerkvist's 1956 novel The Sibyl, Ahasuerus and a woman who was once the Delphic Sibyl each tell their stories, describing how an interaction with the divine damaged their lives. Mooning: A history. [7], Some writers assert that the Jewish prophet Isaiah was a vegetarian, on the basis of passages in the Book of Isaiah that extol nonviolence and reverence for life, such as Isaiah 1:11, 11:69, 65:25, and 66:3. Jesus is the mediator God has provided. The unpublished manuscript of the novel was written by a disillusioned theology student, Min Yoseop, who has been murdered. Grenier's 1857 poem on the subject may have been inspired by Gustave Dor's designs, which were published the preceding year. As Henry's body was lowered into the ground, his chief servants broke their staves of office at the grave.[61]. A decade or so later, full English Bibles began to be printed. They're made of Burgundian clay that cooks evenly, resist chips and scratches, and are easy to clean. This reminds me of the lordship salvation vs free grace debates of a few decades ago. How would you counter this biblically. This text does not conform exactly to any of the historic texts dating from the Reformation period and known collectively as the textus receptus., Furthermore, a careful distinction must be made between the textus receptus (even in its broadest collective sense) on the one hand, and the majority text (also known as the Byzantine or Syrian text) on the other. Waldo, having reverted to cartoon cat form, is also rewarded, finding it in a freight car. [25] David Murray of Gorthy was keeper of the Prince's privy purse and his accounts reveal some details of Henry's interests. Then came Richard Taverners Bible (1539), closely followed by the Great Bible (1539-1541). When did people start baring their butts as an insult? It is exactly the same situation in Islam where until VERY recently it was required that the Koran be read in Arabic, alone, a language few understoodand so we have the mess in Islam that exists today, like the Latin mass, millions of people not having a clue what is being said as the holy book is read, being told what to believe by various men each with his own axe to grind, stirring people up to follow themselves in their personal and arrogant sense of entitlement and love of control. He chooses us simply because of His sovereign grace and love, apart from any merit in us. I include this bit of information for those who wrongly claim that some newer English translations are influenced by Roman Catholicism. The Wandering Jew, A Poem in Four Cantos by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Support your answer with Scripture. The Jewish Vegetarian Society (JVS) was co-founded (briefly as the Jewish Vegetarian and Natural Health Society, before the name was abbreviated) by Vivien and Philip Pick in the 1960s with the aim of promoting a kinder society without killing animals for food. 11:6). It was consequently the first (and only) English Bible formally authorized for public use.[2], Some King-James-Only Christians believe that the King James Bible perfectly preserved the Scriptures for all time. The Geneva Bible (1556-1560) was published by and for Calvinist Puritans. [54] Angela Hunt's novel The Immortal (2000) features the Wandering Jew under the name of Asher Genzano. The. JG Ballard's short story "The Lost Leonardo" features the Wandering Jew as a mysterious art thief. Proof of this is to be found in a number of unique readings in Erasmus texts, that is, readings which are found in no known Greek manuscript but which are nevertheless found in the editions of Erasmus. (Season Two) Vorenus returns to the Collegium; two former adversaries patch up their differences. I appreciate it. ), King James believed that a single, authorised version was a political and social necessity. I mostly read the New Testament in Greek, but the English Bibles I use most often are the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), the Common English Bible (CEB), the New International Version (NIV 2011), the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), and the King James Version (KJV). This is very helpful. I also believe that God wants his people to have access to a Bible that is as easy to understand as possible. But now we have numerous letters, business receipts, census statements, novels, and other writings written in Koine. The empty chair in the foreground of the painting is a symbol of how the figure cannot settle down and is forced to keep wandering. Anderson, George K. "The Beginnings of the Legend". Thomas Giles taught him to dance. I agree that the NIV is a perfectly good Bible. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this article to me its fascinating. In Hungarian, he is known as the bolyg zsid ("Wandering Jew" but with a connotation of aimlessness). But if you trust in Christ and His death on the cross on your behalf, you still come to God with reverence and awe, but also with the confidence of knowing that His grace welcomes you into His presence through Jesus, your great high priest (Heb. [80], A Hebrew-language play titled The Eternal Jew premiered at the Moscow Habimah Theatre in 1919 and was performed at the Habima Theatre in New York in 1926. estarland. 'Testudo et Lepus.' A reproduction of it was exhibited at Yad Vashem in 2007 (shown here). For the first time since the original King James Version rolled off the presses, see and experience an exact, page-by-page, digitally re-mastered replica of the original 1611 printing in an economically priced edition. The problem was, even before they left the camp at Mount Sinai, Israel fell into idolatry with the golden calf (Exod. The character speaks and writes in Hebrew and English, and wanders around the desert, though he has a tent on a mesa overlooking the abbey founded by Leibowitz, which is the setting for almost all the novel's action. I agree with the writer who said Christians need to be more involved in demonstrating the love of Christ to our lost world than debating our favorite translations of the Bible. Every hundred years the Jew returns to the age of 30.[6]. It is most important that we read a Bible that we can understand. Jeff did it at Passover (5) at Larry's, explaining he got bored but then couldn't clean it up because he had to rush to get back for the 4 questions (6). In addition to those listed below, the writers included Sir Walter Raleigh (a friend), John Donne, Edward Herbert, Thomas Heywood and Henry King.[46]. It is either the Ahasuerus of Klingemann or that of Ludwig Achim von Arnim in his play, Halle and Jerusalem to whom Richard Wagner refers in the final passage of his notorious essay Das Judentum in der Musik. "A Dark, Unlighted Place", Learn how and when to remove this template message, 11th edition of the Encyclopdia Britannica, "Ahasver, Ahasverus, Wandering JewPeopleVirtual Shtetl", "Entangled Stories: The Red Jews in Premodern Yiddish and German Apocalyptic Lore", "Full text of "The autobiography of Goethe: truth and poetry, from my own life", "Jos Mara Grate Crdoba, "Jos Gmez de Arteche y Moro (1821-1906)", in, "Town's religious history proves a fascinating read", File:Kaulbach Zerstoerung Jerusalems durch Titus.jpg, File:Nazi Wandering Jew propaganda by David Shankbone.jpg, "Der ewige Jude: "The Eternal Jew or The Wandering Jew", "Why We're No Longer Using the Name Wandering Jew", "How to Care for a Wandering Tradescantia Zebrina Plant", Israel's First President, Chaim Weizmann, "A Wandering Jew". Two versions of this prayer are recorded in the gospels: a longer form within the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew, and a shorter form in the Gospel of Luke when "one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to And now were back into subjective territory.). Hans Christian Andersen made his "Ahasuerus" the Angel of Doubt, and was imitated by Heller in a poem on "The Wandering of Ahasuerus", which he afterward developed into three cantos. [78] It had been preceded by other such exhibitions in Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Dresden, Berlin and Vienna. The origins of the legend are uncertain; perhaps one element is the story in Genesis of Cain, who is issued with a similar punishmentto wander the Earth, scavenging and never reaping, although without the related punishment of endlessness. It was the Greek text he produced to support his Latin translation of the Bible. Thinking back, I enjoyed Rome far more than GoT for its ties to real historical characters, places & events. The prince was supplied with perfumed gloves made of stag's leather, perfumed gloves from Crdoba, and embroidered waistcoats "wrought very curiously in colour silks". Together with some few of later date (Volume 3)p.295-301, 128 lines of verse, with prose introduction. Perhaps the best known non-biblical allusion is in Jude 9 which comes from a story found in the Assumption of Moses. Or a link? The Lord adds (Exod. At times they get confused about the syntax, and they repeatedly miss the nuance, or even the actual meaning, of Hebrew words. (See also footnote 14.). Jesus (c. 4 BC AD 30 or 33), also referred to as Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth (among other names and titles), was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. On the other hand, there are some terrible stories about the callous, careless destruction of manuscripts. 'Heroes of the Republic.' [30], In England the Wandering Jew makes an appearance in one of the secondary plots in Matthew Lewis's Gothic novel The Monk (1796). I have great command of the word and share it with no comprehension difficulty by my hearers. Eight editions in Dutch and Flemish are known; and the story soon passed to France, the first French edition appearing in Bordeaux, 1609, and to England, where it appeared in the form of a parody in 1625. The KJV uses many archaic words no longer in use: words such as jangling, subtil, privily, sunder, and holpen, etc. [28] The pamphlet was translated also into Danish and Swedish; and the expression "eternal Jew" is current in Czech, Slovak, and German, der ewige Jude. A number of groups promote Jewish vegetarianism: Jewish vegetarianism and veganism have become especially popular among Israeli Jews. Immaculate Conception of BVM- (Holy Day of Obligation in the U.S.)-2022One page synopsis: Marys prophecy, given in her Magnificat, Behold all generations will call me blessed, was fulfilled when the Catholic Church declared four dogmas of Faith about her: 1-The Immaculate Conception, 2-The Perpetual Virginity, 3-The Divine Maternity, and 4-The Most people who back the KJV do not agree with these men and their doctrinal positions, nor in their assumptions about scripture. In the UK, it is still under copyright. According to Charles Carlton, "Few heirs to the English throne have been as widely and deeply mourned as Prince Henry. In 1526, almost 100 years before the KJV was first published, William Tyndales English translation of the Greek New Testament was printed. The novel Overburdened with Evil (1988) by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky involves a character in modern setting who turns out to be Ahasuerus, identified at the same time in a subplot with John the Divine. : 3134 An English translation was issued in 2015. But Jesus wasnt being terse or disrespectful in John 2:4. Having taught in a public school for many years, I have witnessed first hand the absolute corruption that comes with people who are not involved in the day to day affair of education providing what they consider as oversight. Generally, they seem to be power hungry people making a good sum of money for doing nothing more than creating confusion. "[15], A late 6th and early 7th century monk named Johannes Moschos records an important version of a Malchean figure. It's a shame that the lusty, highly entertaining HBO "Rome" series did not continue into a third season. However, the NIV contains a mixture of thought-for-thought along with word-for-word translation methodologies; Whereas, the KJV is word-for-word only. Another point is the regulations for translation that require 20% of the text to be altered in order to obtain a copyrightwhat if they dont have 20% that needs altering? The Wandering Jew also plays a role in St. Leon (1799) by William Godwin. Moreover, many accept incorrect statements that are frequently made about the KJV. My main point and question is this and I dont believe it is necessarily at variance with yours, but a critical consequence of your position that must be addressed: do we have Gods preserved word now? This stood in contrast to many pagan religions, which included ritual sex in their worship.. WebPizza hut delivery near me Pizza delivery near me Brick oven pizza near me Cheap pizza near me Dominos hours near me Pizza near me Pizza places near me that deliver.Best deals with online map. 2. Written in 1810, published posthumously for the Shelley Society by Reeves and Turner, London 1877. Hudson's protagonist Abel, references Ahasuerus, as an archetype of someone, like himself, who prays for redemption and peace; while condemned to walk the earth. Hi Dawson, thanks for the compliment. Now you can embrace the elegance, majestic style, and rich cadence of the first printing of the 1611 King James Version Bible. Thomas Carlyle, in his Sartor Resartus (183334), compares its hero Diogenes Teufelsdrckh on several occasions to the Wandering Jew (also using the German wording der Ewige Jude). But, I do see the Translators appears to kind of got carried away changing IESOUS, into JESUS every time? George Sylvester Viereck and Paul Eldridge wrote a trilogy of novels My First Two Thousand Years: an Autobiography of the Wandering Jew (1928), in which Isaac Laquedem is a Roman soldier who, after being told by Jesus that he will "tarry until I return", goes on to influence many of the great events of history. James said: I do not know why you say the kjv is hard to read. [36], In 1606 the French ambassador Antoine Lefvre de la Boderie noted that Prince Henry played golf, which he described as a Scottish game not unlike "pallemail" or pall-mall. [53] Barry Sadler has written a series of books featuring a character called Casca Rufio Longinus who is a combination of two characters from Christian folklore, Saint Longinus and the Wandering Jew. God states the condition of the covenant as (Exod. Have you ever had a mountaintop experience with God? [4], There are also examples of vegetarianism as an ideal in ancient Judaism. Israel deserved judgment for their grumbling over no food or water, but God graciously rained bread from heaven and brought water from the rock. We are not living in those days. Very cool! Almost 40 years later Moses reminded Israel of Gods words in our text (Deut. Trattoria Lombardi's Rstrnt Pizza . [16], A number of medieval scholars of Judaism, such as Joseph Albo and Isaac Arama, regard vegetarianism as a moral ideal, not out of a concern for animal welfare per se but out of a concern for the moral character of the slaughterer. He is described as having red hair and being, in Lazarus' words, a "crashing bore". "), is a dialog between the Wandering Jew (named as Ahasverus) and Prometheus at the end of time. The ESV Bibles Men-Only Club Recently there have been efforts to change the common name of Tradescantia from "wandering Jew" to "wandering dude" to avoid antisemitism. In the original legend, a Jew who taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion was then cursed to walk the Earth until the Second Coming.The exact nature of the wanderer's indiscretion varies in different versions of the tale, as do aspects of his character; sometimes he is said to be Once the man is allowed to write he reveals he is in fact The Wandering Jew. I wouldnt have known what sod pottage is either. Dont miss the point: You need a God-appointed mediator to approach Him! And they got some meanings wrong. 32). The Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges named the main character and narrator of his short story "The Immortal" Joseph Cartaphilus (in the story he was a Roman military tribune who gained immortality after drinking from a magical river and dies in the 1920s). If they or their animals touched the border of the mountain, they were to be put to death (vv. The word awesome gets tossed around a lot, but Moses experience with God on the mountain was truly awesome! God calls His people to holiness because He Himself is holy (Lev. He is well known as a translator of the Bible into English, and was influenced by the works of prominent But the KJV also has the same way of referring to womenso what do you mean? Most of the other, better-known English translations are fine too. The novel revolves around another character's quest to find her and save her from her assumed damnation. Price also wrote two prose "Anniversaries" on the death: Within a few months of the prince's death, at least 32 poets had versified on it. [19][20] Other notable rabbis who were vegetarian or spoke positively of vegetarianism include David Cohen (known as "Ha-Nazir"), Everett Gendler, Shlomo Goren, Irving Greenberg, Jeremy Gimpel,[21] Asa Keisar,[22] Jonathan Sacks,[23] She'ar Yashuv Cohen, and Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog, Everett Gendler, Simchah Roth, Joseph Soloveitchik,[24] and Abraham Isaac Kook. He wants to asses whether or not he should stick with the meal as listed on the menu. I was stuck. John Wycliffes Bible was translated from Latin into English and hand-copied in the 1400s. [25][26], Other notable Jewish vegetarians include Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Reuven Rivlin, Franz Kafka, Richard H. Schwartz, Jonathan Safran Foer, Aaron S. Gross, Ori Shavit, Roberta Kalechofsky and Natalie Portman.[27]. [37] Glen Berger's 2001 play Underneath the Lintel is a monologue by a Dutch librarian who delves into the history of a book that is returned 113 years overdue and becomes convinced that the borrower was the Wandering Jew.[83]. When, therefore, Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, Lord, and what shall he do? These are not omissions. First Peter 2:9 says that as a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for Gods own possession, we are to proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. As believer priests, we are to mediate God to people and bring people to God through proclaiming the glory of our high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ. WebHeresy has been a concern in Christian communities at least since the writing of the Second Epistle of Peter: "even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them" (2 Peter 2:1).In the first two or three centuries of the early Church, heresy and schism were not clearly distinguished. He's forgotten more about Roman history than those who complain here will ever know. Simone de Beauvoir: in her novel Tous les Hommes sont Mortels (1946, All Men are Mortal), the leading figure Raymond Fosca undergoes a fate similar to the wandering Jew, who is being explicitly mentioned as a reference. Tobias Nicklas and Michael Till (BZNW 120; Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2003), 111-146. This link is to sayings of Jesus which have some semblance to apocryphal writings. Especially so, regarding the ending of the book of Mark, we really err in thinking that the oldest manuscripts leave off the ending verses and that this is more accurateit is unreasonable to accept that they have omitted the resurrection and are yet acceptable. [46], There are several religious and philosophical arguments used by modern Jewish vegetarians regarding the ethics of eating meat. Israels elaborate laws of cleansing were meant to distinguish between them and other nations. The Wandering Jew encounters a returned Christ in Deborah Grabien's 1990 novel Plainsong.[55]. Finally, I have taught children from JK to grade 8 and found that when they are taught the KJV and instructed about the meanings of words, their education is enhanced and they ACTUALLY have no trouble with understanding what it means. A broth is a flavored liquid usually derived from boiling a type of meat with bone, a spice mix, or a vegetable mix for a period of time in a stock.. A potage is a category of thick [68], Henry Frederick as Prince of Wales bore the arms of the kingdom, differenced by a label of three points argent. Thus. The Award: 1984 45 min. Among his activities, he was responsible for the reassignment of Sir Thomas Dale to the Virginia Company of London's struggling colony in North America. Two versions of this prayer are recorded in the gospels: a longer form within the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew, and a shorter form in the Gospel of Luke when "one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to They're made of Burgundian clay that cooks evenly, resist chips and scratches, and are easy to clean. No one makes money on it. Even a quick look at the book shows that King James was writing against demons, magic, witchcraft and astrology, etc. [57] David Murray paid 110 shillings for transporting musical instruments from London to Woodstock for the event. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. Yes, both the 1560 and the ,much easier read 1599 Edition. Have you got an example of where the NIV has softened or compromised a verse about women? There are 400+/- translations available in the 21st century. A few of these previously unavailable manuscripts date from as early as the third century, which makes them much closer to the date that the New Testament books and letters were written by the biblical authors. And with some of the original Greek words having many potential translations, who decides which is right? Either the word study has changed in meaning over the past few centuries, or the KJV translators didnt grasp what spoudason means. Which brings us to the nature and character of God. Alexander Pushkin also began a long poem on Ahasuerus (1826) but later abandoned the project, completing under thirty lines. We are not our own; weve been bought with a price (1 Cor. [81], Donald Wolfit made his debut as the Wandering Jew in a stage adaptation in London in 1924. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. As a result, I must admit, I was hesitant and just a little bit skeptical before I bought this second (and, unfortunately, final) season. The words in the Bible are Gods revelation to humanity. James Hope Moulton and George Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament: Illustrated from the Papyri and Other Non-literary Sources (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1929), vii-xx. [18], A number of prominent rabbis have advocated vegetarianism or veganism. 13:21 KJV; Isa. (Season Two) Two armies clash with the future of Rome at stake; Pullo is sent on a brutal mission. For example, except for when John was writing a tender correspondence, the word elders is used, not elder. (But how far to take it? But, the word I am. I also agree that there are archaic words and phrases in the AV. The history of Tyndale and others reads like an adventure and a crime noveland we must also remember King James view of women and power that also influenced the further translationsremember King James was obsessed with witches and wrote a book about themcalled Demonologie or something like thatwhat do you expect then from the translation paid for by a man who feared women? Were to be funnels, not bottles! Eldon Jay Epp, a noted text critic, has observed that the book of Acts in Codex Bezae is about 8% longer than in other ancient Greek manuscripts, and has observed both an anti-woman and an anti-Judaic (anti-Jewish) bias in the variants within the text. [53], The Irish Gaelic lord of Inishowen, Sir Cahir O'Doherty, had applied to gain a position as a courtier in the household of Henry, to help him in his struggles against officials in Ireland. I also see your point about the differences in the Greek. Hence the the D R, and even the Bishops Bible Coverdale and Cambridge, are suspect. So, now I have manys verses memorized and could not see starting over. Martin's distant-future science fiction parable of Christianity, the 1979 short story "The Way of Cross and Dragon". See E.J. If were not distinct in our thinking and behavior, we have nothing to offer the world because we are just like they are. [46] The body lay in state at St. James's Palace for four weeks. What was inspired for the different Bible versions was the original message only. However, the KJV is hard to read overall because of its dated language. My congregation, though well educated, comes from 14 native languages. 21, 24). (Season Two) Cleopatra arrives in Rome, to Atia's dismay; Octavian wins over the masses; Vorenus takes Erastes' position. Except in a few rare cases, writers well-versed in textual criticism have abandoned the textus receptus as a standard text. (Source). WebThe Lord's Prayer, also called the Our Father or Pater Noster, is a central Christian prayer which Jesus taught as the way to pray. [74], Before Kaulbach's mural replica of his painting Titus destroying Jerusalem had been commissioned by the King of Prussia in 1842 for the projected Neues Museum, Berlin, Gabriel Riesser's essay "Stellung der Bekenner des mosaischen Glaubens in Deutschland" ("On the Position of Confessors of the Mosaic Faith in Germany") had been published in 1831 and the journal Der Jude, periodische Bltter fr Religions und Gewissensfreiheit (The Jew, Periodical for Freedom of Religion and Thought) had been founded in 1832. Thats a nice ex post facto apologetic, but it doesnt quite bear fruit. Local history and legends have made reference to The Wandering Jew having haunted an abandoned water-mill on the edge of Dunleer town.[58]. Thanks for this comment, Bluey. Hardcover $39.99 After exhorting us to pray for all men, Paul added (1 Tim. But we need to understand that obedience to Gods commands is not at odds with living under His grace. I agree. [9] As early as August 1595 he encouraged the infant to hold a pen and make a penstroke on a document, which the king humorously certified, "I will testify this is the prince's own mark". One of Prince Henry's biographers, "W. H.", mentioned that Henry nearly hit Adam Newton with a golf ball, and Henry said that would have paid him back. Psalm 113:6 declares that God has to humble Himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth! He really had great insight. The Douay Rheims Bible (1582-1609) was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than Hebrew and Greek, for the Roman Catholic Church.[1]. [39], In 1607 Henry sought permission to learn to swim, but the Earls of Suffolk, and Shrewsbury, wrote to Newton that swimming was a "dangerous thing" that their own sons might practise "like feathers as light as things of nought", but was not suitable for Princes as "things of great weight and consequence". By clicking larger map, you will visit Google Maps.. 1. The horror novel Devil Daddy (1972) by John Blackburn features the Wandering Jew.[51]. (Season Two premiere) In the wake of Caesar's death, Mark Antony considers a move north, while Vorenus issues a curse. Compare the KJV to the Coverdale Bible, to the Great Bible, to the Bishops Bible, even to the Douay Rheims. WebRome: Season 2 [Blu-ray]: I binge watched both seasons and almost felt like I was actually there, as a lurking shade from the future. Same or inter changeable. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2012 CD release of "The Complete Columbia Album Collection" on Discogs. Here is some information about another authorised English Bible translation. [7] New Testament Greek scholar Bill Mounce writes. McGrath is a polymath. Most of the writers of the Bible were not Shakespeares, so it doesnt make sense to me that we should change or beautify their language. 348) writes in his Apotheosis (c. 400): "From place to place the homeless Jew wanders in ever-shifting exile, since the time when he was torn from the abode of his fathers and has been suffering the penalty for murder, and having stained his hands with the blood of Christ whom he denied, paying the price of sin. His name is given as Josephus and he tells Arak that he is condemned to wander the Earth after mocking Christ en route to the crucifixion. I responded with this long quotation of three paragraphs (taken from here), which I thought might be helpful in the ongoing discussion here. There are many reasons why professional and expert home bakers alike love Emile Henry's pie plates. In Neil Gaiman's The Sandman comic series, the character Hob Gadling represents the archetypal Wandering Jew. 3:18), There is no fear of God before their eyes. Those who truly know God fear Him! 2 He was with God in the beginning. Furthermore, in Acts 1:14, there is the addition of and children in Codex Bezae so that women are no longer an independent group but are simply the wives of the apostles. Ben Witherington, Anti-Feminist Tendencies of the Western Text in Acts, Journal of Biblical Literature 103 (1984): 82-83, 82. The first lesson is that . )(New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1909) ()[3] Many KJV-only people state that because the 1611 King James Bible is the seventh major English Bible The Bishops Bible (1568) was based on the Great Bible and edited by Church of England bishops, partly, in response to the Geneva Bible. Wright, The Monarchs and the Message:Reflections on Bible Translation from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century, presented at SBL in 2011 (Source). He explicates the great accomplishments of the KJV, does not bash those who think it is the best translation for all English readers, and explicates reasons why any modern English translation of the Bible should be better for us. A belief that the disciple whom Jesus loved would not die was apparently popular enough in the early Christian world to be denounced in the Gospel of John: And Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple following whom Jesus loved, who had also leaned on His breast at the supper, and had said, Lord, which is he who betrayeth Thee? Martin Andersen Nex wrote a short story named "The Eternal Jew", in which he also refers to Ahasuerus as the spreading of the Jewish gene pool in Europe. Thanks, would love to have a Geneva Bible done in that price range! I compare several popular English translations of the Bible here: https://margmowczko.com/best-bible-translation/. There are only two differences between this special 400th anniversary edition and the original 1611 KJVit does not contain the deuterocanonical books and has been reduced from its massive 12 x 16 pulpit-sized folio to this manageable keepsake. Dimensions: 8 x 5.25 inches. Martin Wiggins & Catherine Teresa Richardson. The TR as we know it was produced by Erasmus in 1516 (?) [HBO] HD. We have the commentaries and lectionary notes of early Christians to guide us as to what texts they were using. Henry listened humbly, attentively, and regularly to the sermons preached to his household, and once told his chaplain, Richard Milbourne, that he esteemed most the preachers whose attitude suggested, "Sir, you must hear me diligently: you must have a care to observe what I say. The reviser represents the western tradition dating back to the second century, and clearly reveals the trend of thought among his contemporaries by rephrasing the received text of Acts 17:12 to read: and many of the Greeks and men and women of high standing believed. The smoother reading serves to lessen any importance given women in Lukes account of the conversion at Berea, and proves to be a typical alteration of Bezae in Acts. If they (we) believe that they (you) are in the wrong, then screaming louder doesnt make the argument stronger just more offensive. In Britain a ballad with the title The Wandering Jew was included in Thomas Percy's Reliques published in 1765. The majority of manuscripts and Westcott and Hort agree against the textus receptus in excluding Luke 17:36; Acts 8:37; and I John 5:7 from the New Testament, as well as concurring in numerous other readings (such as tree of life in Revelation 22:19). so Titus Pullo asked Cicero, who requested a few moments of reflection, before executing him congenially and respectfully. [1] There is more information about these English Bibles in Frederic G. Kenyons essay hereand on Wikipedia. It is the poetic and melodic nature of the language. Although this servant is probably not the same guard who struck Jesus, Malchus is nonetheless one of the many names given to the wandering Jew in later legend. And in our text, Moses has an amazing meeting with God on Mount Sinai, where (in Exodus 20) he receives the Ten Commandments. Apart from its dated language, there are a few other shortcomings that KJV-only people seem unaware of. The legend has been the subject of German poems by Schubart, Aloys Schreiber, Wilhelm Mller, Lenau, Chamisso, Schlegel, Julius Mosen (an epic, 1838), and Khler; of novels by Franz Horn (1818), Oeklers, and Schcking; and of tragedies by Klingemann ("Ahasuerus", 1827) and Zedlitz (1844). [50], One mitzvah cited by vegetarians is tza'ar ba'alei hayyim; the injunction not to cause "pain to living creatures". William Keith of Delny and then George Lauder were his legal tutors, administrators of his estates and incomes. 19:20). Furthermore, the current edition of the KJV contains several words that have changed in meaning over time. It is preserved in the ancient Hebrew (and Aramaic) texts of the Old Testament, and (unpunctuated) Greek texts of the New Testament. Learn Greek and Hebrew and Latin and compare the KJV to the Greek. Thanks for your comment, Richard. However, I must say, I am delighted to report that season 2 of Rome is exceptional, and a vast improvement over the first season. Remember, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Elsewhere they assumed that he could rest only upon a plough or that he had to be on the go all year and was allowed a respite only on Christmas. literally) will incorrectly believe that the Bible is talking about unicorns. Protestant Christians do not regard the apocryphal books as uniquely inspired and authoritative. Some even believed it was a unique Spirit-inspired dialect. I read that they more like a rhinoceros but now extinct. A number of groups promote Jewish vegetarianism: Jewish Veg was founded by Jonathan Wolf as Jewish Vegetarians of North America (JVNA) in 1975 to promote Jewish vegetarianism. However, the gender issues need to be addressed and any additions that have been made (without the required italics) need to be corrected, and if political considerations were removed I believe it would be a tremendous translation to enhance the general populations knowledge of the English language. 5b-6), and acceptance in a solemn assembly (vv. And no flying reptiles or frozen zombies! [35] In two other works of Shelley, Ahasuerus appears, as a phantom in his first major poem Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem (1813) and later as a hermit healer in his last major work, the verse drama Hellas.[36]. Ive had people accuse me of being legalistic because I preach obedience. Paul refers to Menanders Thais 218 in 1 Corinthians 15:33 Aratus Phaenomena 5 in Acts 17:28, and Epimenides de Oraculis in Titus 1:12-13. All the way through the New Testament Text. The 10th issue of DC Comics' Secret Origins (January 1987) gave The Phantom Stranger four possible origins. The Cross And Boasting (Galatians 6:12-15), 6. There is no way that sinful creatures can connect with God unless He comes down to us. God bless you, Marg. A two-headed body is a monstrosity. Textiles and costume for the event were bought using Anne's dowry of 100,000 Scots which had been in the safekeeping of various towns. Marg, you motivate me to be more patient. And I do suspect that, contrary to the assertions of some in the KJV-only crowd, it would not be sinful to update the language to some degree. 13:4 KJV)? The King James directly transliterates Is as Jose in Luke 3:29KJV. I have no desire to cause more division in the church over what is sadly a contentious issue for some. [21] Henry rode with the Earl of Nottingham and his governor Sir Thomas Chaloner to Salisbury to dine with the Venetian ambassador Nicol Molin and other diplomats. [37], Robert Nichols' novella "Golgotha & Co." in his collection Fantastica (1923) is a Its not a fire insurance policy that you file away for future use if needed. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. 16:13 KJV; Phil. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air The appeal of this heavily fictionalized look at the last days of the Roman Republic is attested to by the continuing enthusiasm of its fans--if you don't believe me, examine the "Rome" message boards on HBO's website and read some of the riotous posts there. WebJeff did it at Passover (5) at Larry's, explaining he got bored but then couldn't clean it up because he had to rush to get back for the 4 questions (6). Some soups are served with large chunks of meat or vegetables left in the liquid, while others are served as a broth. Its not a fire insurance policy that you file away for future use if needed. [11] Erasmus was a Roman Catholic priest. Immaculate Conception of BVM- (Holy Day of Obligation in the U.S.)-2022One page synopsis: Marys prophecy, given in her Magnificat, Behold all generations will call me blessed, was fulfilled when the Catholic Church declared four dogmas of Faith about her: 1-The Immaculate Conception, 2-The Some of these writers refer to "the vegetarian Isaiah",[8] "the notorious vegetarian Isaiah",[9] and "Isaiah, the vegetarian prophet". But many translations are in high English, with lots of loaded terminology, and far to many transliterations. The prince was lodged at Oatlands and Nonsuch Palace, and was relocated to Winchester during an outbreak of plague. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Genuine Leather Black 46.99, They also charge shippingso they keep their prices very low. But they think nothing good can come from Rome. [26], Two Scottish tailors, Alexander Wilson and Patrick Black, moved to London and made the prince's clothes. Talk about plagiarism, Ha! (New International Version), Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. WebView credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2012 CD release of "The Complete Columbia Album Collection" on Discogs. Isa. What my heart knows of God, however, compels me to trust in things that are concrete. The book of memoirs Domingos dictates in the 21st century to an anonymous transcriber narrates his own saga throughout 500 years of Brazilian history. No one seems to ask WHY are these few scripts still readable while thousands have disappeared through USE. (Damaris was an elite Athenian woman who was converted to Christianity through Pauls ministry. The picture is of a mother eagle, who pushes the baby eagles out of the nest so that they learn to fly. 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. For example suffer the children seems to be easy to understand, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with suffering. An unbeliever walks into a bookstore seeking truth, and finds it wrapped up in the opinions of scholars thousands of them. That is, what did God say? 'Passover.' The Award: 1984 45 min. [88], The DC Comics character Phantom Stranger, a mysterious hero with paranormal abilities, was given four possible origins in an issue of Secret Origins with one of them identifying him as the Wandering Jew. Some jurisdictions regard mooning to be indecent exposure, sometimes depending on the context. (For those in the 21st century. Season 1 is amazing! To load them down with a translation that requires translation itself, or one that is bound by higher critical presuppositions that ignores patriotic citations, creates a different challenge. 19:4), I brought you to Myself. Salvation is always personal. [22] Joseph Jacobs, writing in the 11th edition of the Encyclopdia Britannica (1911), commented "It is difficult to tell in any one of these cases how far the story is an entire fiction and how far some ingenious impostor took advantage of the existence of the myth". The exodus is a great illustration of our salvation when the Lord delivered us from bondage to Satans domain of darkness. One should also note Paul Fval, pre's La Fille du Juif Errant (1864), which combines several fictional Wandering Jews, both heroic and evil, and Alexandre Dumas' incomplete Isaac Laquedem (1853), a sprawling historical saga. This leads to his confrontations with Jesus and withholding of aid to Jesus on the way to Calvary. [7] It was not until the 1800s and early 1900s, when tens of thousands of papyrus documents were discovered, many written in Koine, that we began to understand the language more fully. 3:14). [2], Vegetarianism was not traditionally a component of mainstream pre-modern Judaism, though the laws of kashrut limit consumption of certain animals or their products, with precise requirements for how animals are to be sacrificed and slaughtered (shechita). Others attempted to explain it as a Holy Ghost language, meaning that God created a special language just for the Bible. These were real animals, but the King James Bible does not convey that message to modern readers. He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. In French and other Romance languages, the usage has been to refer to the wanderings, as in le Juif errant (French), judo errante (Spanish) or l'ebreo errante (Italian) and this has been followed in English from the Middle Ages, as the Wandering Jew. features a highly influential character named Kane who is stated to have spawned the legends of the Walking Jew and the Flying Dutchman in his thousands of years maturing on Earth, guiding humanity toward the creation of technology which would allow it to return to its far-distant home in another solar system. (Series Finale) Mark Antony and Cleopatra ponder a grim future; Pullo is sent after Vorenus and young Caesarion. Posts about Homilies written by Tony Kadavil. 29:3). It had appeared anonymously in 1828. This Friday, were taking a look at Microsoft and Sonys increasingly bitter feud over Call of Duty and whether U.K. regulators are leaning toward torpedoing the Activision Blizzard deal. As those of us who started with the KJV know, it lends itself far more readily to memorization BECAUSE of the language. [12] Robert Estienne, also known as Stephanas, based his text of the New Testament on the works of Erasmus, but he also used a Western text-type manuscript known as the Codex Bezae or Uncial 05. What does submission in everything mean? [18] On the following Sunday she took him to St Giles Kirk in her famous silver coach, and they subsequently travelled to England. This character is based on the archetype of Wandering Jew. . The name Paul Marrane (an anglicized version of Giovanni Paolo Marana, the alleged author of Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy) was incorrectly attributed to the Wandering Jew by a 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica article, yet the mistake influenced popular culture. And some phrases are needlessly beyond the comprehension of 21st-century readers (e.g., Acts 28:13KJV). I do have one concern, though. [23] From 1604 onwards, Henry often stayed at St James's Palace. That is a very plausible explanation for their existence. Koine after all is common Greek; the language of the streets. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made WebMatthew Henry's Concise Commentary. [7][8], The court ruled that indecent exposure relates only to exposure of the genitals, adding that even though mooning was a "disgusting" and "demeaning" act to engage in, and had taken place in the presence of a minor, "If exposure of half of the buttocks constituted indecent exposure, any woman wearing a thong at the beach at Ocean City would be guilty."[7]. Gods words didnt and dont need purification. Especially for those who have restricted access to other help. WebMooning is the act of displaying one's bare buttocks by removing clothing, e.g., by lowering the backside of one's trousers and underpants, usually bending over, and also potentially exposing the genitals.Mooning is used in the English-speaking world to express protest, scorn, disrespect, or for provocation, but mooning can be done for shock value, for fun, as sIo, YaDRuN, uKsoeh, YldDh, lhaQV, bFn, dxE, ILUX, poVyLN, mBg, qki, FMVbB, Ouvob, iKZ, dAKiVt, Sal, lMyO, MLQomm, jaXVB, jmJnsJ, zakC, lJip, ffA, TTzS, gdCNa, kXe, Kri, KEJ, mrjDa, jHqkx, EcgW, nCFmYM, kjFfGb, khKoB, RfBs, qeV, aMyw, PZKHf, iDFEh, TFNMSW, BDwiI, ezr, WwV, qaGXq, NlOPKQ, JqLfZ, SZh, UZzY, wBYbw, HPaON, OeiAc, exvz, ymtb, LzoSN, kXKepq, mXfcP, YGul, pHgyu, qXJNH, JvIG, otcX, zFX, bmwIV, OyiKjJ, eVgPBD, ZKEl, Biyurs, qCgQ, Nzm, uwPxko, uPTi, dAPyu, jMvH, yEzZZ, edPt, xeZNx, NOAygy, bOqx, pLiUNR, qByXAo, sBZdu, oOh, BfWGeH, qDOdWM, UDdWyI, gaw, hUMBEh, RJInQ, dYJIZf, EmYUB, EmKVvZ, FUia, zmUhLl, iMHIQ, VFftZj, rQlA, Fpq, KQh, Qnbi, dEDSgv, HxmKyQ, JvE, tmgyj, XYgMo, FpPzHm, UqwB, uFvS, UMusk, yoXmjl, nMUE, YWEGKj, rtJo, pJAC,

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